The One Who Got Away


Literotica Guru
Aug 22, 2008
The One Who Got Away (CLOSED for FloridaFun87)

Erika Smith was certain that she met the love of her life back in high school. She wasn't interested in finding a boyfriend at the time but she met him through a friend of a friend and she fell in love with him. He was in love with her too and even though they never spoke of it, she knew they would be together for a very long time. Those plans were shattered when her love at the time enrolled in the army and in a matter of months, he was called to duty. Watching him go was probably the hardest things she ever had to do.

Her life changed drastically since them. In college, she met a wonderful guy and now they were married. She did love him at one time but it wasn't the same sort of love she experienced with her first love. And now her marriage was shaky at best. Her husband worked long hours, took phone calls at all hours of the night. She knew her marriage was falling apart but what did she really expect....her heart never truly belonged to him.

When Erika got an invitation to her high school reunion, she almost immediately ripped it up and threw it in the trash. It brought back a lot of feelings she didn't want to feel. But despite her hesitance, she decided to go. If it turned out to be terrible, she could always drink a lot.

The night of the reunion came and she dressed up, wearing a dark purple dress that accentuated her curves. She had straightened out her typical wavy hair and applied some light makeup. She chatted with some people, her friends from high school and they were all catching up on each others' lives. She heard a voice from across the room, one she would recognize until the day she died.

She turned her around to see him there. She didn't think he'd come. He was never the type to attend these things. The love of her life was here. She didn't know she felt about that. She could feel her breath getting caught in her throat. She never thought she'd see him again.

OOC: Sample PM please.
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Jack Miller stood by the punch bowl, reminiscing with a few old football buddies. They traded stories of glorious touchdowns, and bad plays. Spoke of old teachers and former girlfriends. Never in his life did he expect to be standing at his high school reunion. Not after all he'd been through.

But Jack paid little attention to them, his eyes were busy scanning the dark room. When he first heard of the reunion, he was immediately transported back. The smell of fresh-cut grass filled his nose. The sounds of laughter and crickets filled the night. The sight of tears running down her face as he handed her his enlistment papers haunted his dreams.

And now, all these years later, there she was. Standing there, as beautiful as the day he last saw her.

He excused himself from the group of guys, and started walking towards her. As he got close, he called to her.


A smirk crossed his face as her name left his lips.

"Hello there, beautiful. It's been a while..."
She was almost frozen in time for a few moments. Many many years ago she was in love with him. He stole her heart and her life was never the same. She thought about him sometimes. But most importantly, she worried if he made it out of the war. Watching him go off to war all those years ago was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Her life was different now. She was married to someone she didn't love anymore. And it was obvious he didn't love her. He didn't spend time with her anymore. And when they did spend time together, he was always on his damn phone.

"Jack..." She whispered, her breath getting caught in her throat. He was her first love, probably her only love.

"It's been a really long time." She swallowed hard. She was still haunted by the day he left. It broke her heart into a million pieces.
He approached her swiftly, and took her into a lover's embrace. It had been many years, but his body knew just how to hold her.

"It's good to see you again... I can't tell you how many restless nights I was haunted by you. I never thought I'd get to see you again..."

Even as the words left his lips he could remember long, cold nights spent alone in a foxhole, embracing a photo of her. He had always regretted leaving her as he did.

But, now... Now he had a chance to have her back... And this was a fight he would not give up.
Before she could utter any words, he took her in his arms. She wrapped her arms tightly around him. She swore to herself that she wouldn't cry but she felt her eyes start to swell up with tears. She never thought she'd see him again but he was here and safe. Nothing else mattered to her in this moment. The day he went off to war, part of her heart died. And now that he was safe and alive, that was the only thing that mattered. She quickly brushed away a few stray tears, not wanting people to stare at her.

"I didn't think you'd ever come to one of these things." She said. "I thought about you all the time. It killed me because I didn't know if you were alive or dead or out there injured." She whispered.

She was married now but that didn't even matter. Jack was her first love and he showed her love that she never felt again. "I'm really glad you're okay." She said, softly pulling back from his embrace. So much had changed over the years.
He hesitated as she pulled away from him, not wanting to let go. He took a step back from her, looking her over. That's when he noticed her wedding band.

"I only came to this thing because I thought I might see you... After all these years I had no other way of finding you. I'm back now... I'm back for good..."

He smiled at her sheepishly.

"Every single night I wished upon the stars to see you again one day... And here we are..."

He wanted to ask her so many things, to tell her so many things. His mind was racing, and his heart pounding. He could feel a tremble in his hands.
"I never thought I'd see you again, Jack." She said softly. So much had changed for her. She was in a loveless marriage to a man who was probably cheating on her. She never thought Jack would reappear back in her life yet here he was. "So much has changed since I last saw you." She said. She knew she would have to tell him she was married. She knew she was going to hate telling him that.

"Let's get a drink." She said as they walked over to the bar area. It was more empty there. She didn't want people overhearing their conversation if they decided to talk about everything that has happened in these last few years. The bartender fixed her a drink, something strong, she surely needed her. Her first love was back in town after all these years and it made her feel so much because she never thought she'd see him again.
He followed her to the bar, his eyes wandering her body as they walked. He ordered a drink after her.

He held up his drink to her.

"To old flames that never die out, cheers."

He sipped from his drink and watched her, trying to figure out what was going through her head. His gaze casually drifted down to her hands, eyes locking upon the ring.

She took a sip of her drink, knowing she'd need it if she was going to get through telling him about her being married. She knew it was only a matter of time before he noticed her ring. "It's complicated." She sighed. She knew she owed him the truth given that they were in love a very long time ago.

"I met him in college. I was trying to find myself, trying to stop hurting over losing you." She explained softly. She remembered those years well. When Jack left, for the first few weeks, it physically pained her. Sometimes it was hard for her even to get up out of bed.

"And the rest is pretty much history. Granted, we're not doing so good anymore. He doesn't love me anymore and I'm not sure if he ever did, and the truth is, he never really owned my heart." She said. "I lost part of my heart the day you left."
He sipped on his drink as he listened to her speak. Her eyes were still as beautiful as he remembered. When she was finished talking, he smiled at her.

"I'm sorry that things haven't been too good for you since I left. I hope you understand why I had to go... I couldn't be the only guy who didn't go... My friends and my brother would never have forgave me. Not a day went by when I didn't think of you. The memories we shared are what got me through those awful times... But, I'm back now... And I'm not going to leave you again. I'll wait for you until the end of time..."

He brushed a few strands of her hair from her face and smiled at her.
She felt him brush strands of hair away from her face, softly touching the side of her face. His touch still made her shiver, it was like an electricity ran through her body. "Don't Jack, don't do that." She whispered. So much had changed since the day he left her but his touch brought back all the things she didn't want to feel.

She was married now, to a man who was probably cheating on her. And here was Jack, the man who capture her heart. Truth was he still owned her heart and she knew that would never change.

"We can't do this. You can't just show up here and think you can come back into my life. You're the one who left me, rememebr?" It was harsh but true. He shattered her heart the day he left.
His smile faded from his face, and he cast his gaze down to the ground.

"I know I left... And it killed me to do it. Things happened so fast. I had a letter written out to give to you. But when I stopped by your house that morning, you weren't there. I had to go, my train was leaving. I couldn't wait any longer. I wrote to you a few times, trying to explain what was going on inside my head. But I could never bring myself to send them. I honestly thought that I was going to die, that I'd never have to deal with any of this... I'm sorry for leaving you. I've never been able to move on from you. I never will."

He looked up to her face, and then back down to the ground.

"I know how hard it is for you. And I know that you'll need some time to think about everything. But, like I said, I'm here for you. And I'll be waiting... Until you're ready..."
This wasn't supposed to be how tonight turned out. Never in a million years did she dream that Jack would be here. He was her first love, the man she was sure she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with. And when he left, she lost a part of her soul. And now her life was a mess. She was marred to someone who she didn't love anymore and if she was being honest, she never truly did.

Jack's words got to her. Her heart was aching, almost as much as the day he left. As could feel tears about to come to her eyes. "I need a minute." She said before darting out of the hall, heading outside. Once she was outside, she felt silent tears slip down her cheek. She didn't care that it was probably almost freezing out. She just stood there and the memories of her and Jack hit her like a ton of bricks. She thought of the summers they spent together, the warm sun hitting their skin and being so completely in love with one another.
He let her leave without a word. He finished his drink and decided to get a second. This wasn't turning out the way he had planned. There seemed to be quite a few bumps ahead. But overall he was happy. He had missed her, and she still took his breath away. He contemplated going outside after her, but he didn't want to seem too pushy. And so, he waited.
She thought about getting in her car, leaving this terrible night behind her. This wasn't how tonight was supposed to turn out. It was supposed to be fun. Drinking, catching up with old friends and all that good stuff but it and it was turning out to be a disaster. If her life at home wasn't bad enough, this was. Jack was here and it was bringing up so many old memories for her. The day he left shattered her. A part of her heart died that day.

She wasn't ready to go back inside and see him, face him. Even though it was probably 30 something degrees outside, she just sat there. She was getting lost in her own thoughts. She thought of how in love they were, how he made her feel, and she never had that again. She knew she could never love anyone in the capacity that she loved him.
He grew restless, finishing yet another drink. How many had that been now? Four? He wasn't sure, and he didn't care. He approached the bar and ordered another. As he waited for his drink, he decided to go find her. He walked outside into the cold, and scanned the parking lot. He saw her pacing back and forth, talking to herself.

He watched her for a moment, and then made his way over to her.

"Hey... It's a bit cold to be standing out here."
She was lost in her own thoughts when he approached her so she didn't even hear him at first. Then she heard him. She was seriously contemplating getting into her car and driving away before he came out to her. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Jack was here and alive and that should be the most important thing right? And she was so grateful that he was safe but she never thought she'd see him again and have to deal with all these old feelings hitting her so hard.

"Maybe I'll freeze to death, who knows." She shrugged a little bit. She felt like she needed another drink. Hell, she just wanted to get drunk so she didn't have to feel anything. She didn't want to think about her crappy marriage to a man who no longer loved her but if she was being fair, she never gave her heart completely to him. Then there was Jack. The man who owned her heart.
He stepped closer to her, and could see her shivering slightly. He acted quickly, removing his jacket and placing it over her shoulders.

"Trust me, freezing to death is no fun. I spent plenty of nights outside in weather colder than this. Listen... I know it's probably a huge shock to see me after all this time. I don't even know where to begin apologizing. It's going to take some time for you to forgive me, and I understand that. That is, if you want to forgive me. If not, tell me now. I'll leave. This time forever. I'll do whatever you need me to do."

He stepped back from her, trying to judge her stance. He couldn't stand being apart from her any longer. He ached to take her into his embrace.
She watched him take off his jacket for her. She just smiled gently. He was still as romantic as ever. Some things never change. She listened to him and she knew she couldn't let him walk away from her forever. That would just about kill her. She stepped closer to him. He still took her breath away like he did all those years ago.

"You know I can't do that. I can't let you walk away, disappear again." She put her hand to his face, just needing to touch him. She had to be sure this was real, he was real, and this wasn't just some dream. Many nights she laid in bed, thinking about him, wondering where he was, if he was alive or dead.

"Why now...why come back here now? After all this time..." She let her voice trail off.
He placed his arms around her, and pulled her close.

"Because I told myself long ago that you were the one... That you -ARE- the one... After the war I needed to find myself. To deal with my demons. And during all that time I realized what I had been missing. It was you, Erika..."

He leaned his head forward, letting his forehead rest against the top of her head, and he held her tight against him.
She felt his arms go around her and she could have melted right there. She never thought she'd feel his arms around her again, hear his voice or be able to look into those charming eyes.

She felt his forehead pressed against hers, her eyes met his and she felt tears just slip down her face. She didn't want him to see her likes this. How much this affected her.

"I worried about you. I laid in bed, praying that you were okay. And I swore that I'd be okay with never seeing you again if you were safe...that's all that mattered to me." She whispered.
He smiled softly, staring into her very soul through her eyes.

"I could tell... Those nights you prayed for me... I could feel it..."

He wiped a lone tear from her cheek with his finger.

"And it must have worked, because here I am. Safe and sound."

He couldn't stand his lips being so close to her's and not making a move. So, without thinking, he kissed her. A quick, but loving, peck. Then he waited.
She closed her eyes, swallowing hard, feeling his finger move along her cheek, wiping away her tear.

"I thought about you all the time." She whispered. "The day you was the hardest day of my life."

She felt his lips brush against hers. It was quick but it felt like how it always used to feel. She pressed her forehead against his. She could hear him breathing. She leaned over and brushed her lips against his. She needed to feel his lips. It had been so long.....too long.