The New Isolated Blurt BDSM Thread

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I'm sure that whoever decides where and when to do roadworks must look at my diary - every time I go out these days, I get diversions, closed roads and ages sitting in stationery traffic..:rolleyes:
My husband finds it amusing that I simply cannot watch what he calls 'cartoon' violence onscreen. And I really can't. Any suggestion of physical attack and I shut my eyes tight while sticking my fingers in my ears, and if that's not enough to stop the sound, I'll start humming as well.

I know it's ridiculous but the images of horror and fear and pain stay with me for ages afterwards in a distressing way. I can still remember watching an old film version of Great Expectations on TV with my brother when I was four and being horrified by the scene where her dress catches fire.

I stopped watching Criminal Minds and Allegiance, I'm beginning to struggle with the Blacklist, and Dexter is completely out of the question.

He can't understand why 'someone like me' :rolleyes: gets so upset about pretend pain. I don't understand it either. I wish I could just grow up a bit.
Oh, ew, y'all, the neighbors and one of their creepy friends were on the front steps when I came in from Burger King just now, and creepy friend tried to hit on me. Ugh.

When I'm less skeeved out, I'm totally putting some of your song suggestions to good use, though. ;)
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My husband finds it amusing that I simply cannot watch what he calls 'cartoon' violence onscreen. And I really can't. Any suggestion of physical attack and I shut my eyes tight while sticking my fingers in my ears, and if that's not enough to stop the sound, I'll start humming as well.

I know it's ridiculous but the images of horror and fear and pain stay with me for ages afterwards in a distressing way. I can still remember watching an old film version of Great Expectations on TV with my brother when I was four and being horrified by the scene where her dress catches fire.

I stopped watching Criminal Minds and Allegiance, I'm beginning to struggle with the Blacklist, and Dexter is completely out of the question.

He can't understand why 'someone like me' :rolleyes: gets so upset about pretend pain. I don't understand it either. I wish I could just grow up a bit.

What they put on T.V. today and call family entertainment has no business being on any display. Imagine a child (or a parent) who just lost a loved one turning on a show showing an autopsy. Imagine some one already unbalanced watching someone on criminal minds slowly killing another person. Real men and women know what evil lurks in the world. Real people know what happens behind the scenes without putting children and fragile minds to the test. Just my opinion

what I am saying is You do not need to wish to grow up a bit. More of the world needs to grow to your level.
Oh, ew, y'all, the neighbors and one of their creepy friends were on the front steps when I came in from Burger King just now, and creepy friend tried to hit me. Ugh.

When I'm less skeeved out, I'm totally putting some of your song suggestions to good use, though. ;)

To be clear: he hit on you?
We seem to have a violence theme going on here. Lally and cartoons, BiBunny being hit and then hit on. :eek:

I don’t know if its odd or not, but I can’t stand to watch violence either, cartoon or otherwise. It used to just be of the physical kind, but these days it seems to be crossing over into verbal violence, like humiliation or cruelty. I end up covering my eyes or ear, or in extreme cases, covering my head with a blanket. :eek:

At some point I won’t be able to watch film at all.

And I have to say, from the sound of the neighbors, being hit by creepy friend might have been marginally less distasteful than being hit on. Yuck. :(
Just wanted to be sure. Because if he had actually tried to assault you, that would have been more than just skeevy.

No kidding!

I mean, do you know how hard it is to hang a body up over your front door to serve as a warning to others? :p

We seem to have a violence theme going on here. Lally and cartoons, BiBunny being hit and then hit on. :eek:

I don’t know if its odd or not, but I can’t stand to watch violence either, cartoon or otherwise. It used to just be of the physical kind, but these days it seems to be crossing over into verbal violence, like humiliation or cruelty. I end up covering my eyes or ear, or in extreme cases, covering my head with a blanket. :eek:

At some point I won’t be able to watch film at all.

I have this problem, too, though not quite to the same degree. Some things I can handle, like if it's played comedically or if it's just regular action movie violence, but anything beyond that? Nope. Makes me feel physically ill, so I never watch horror movies or anything that even hints at gratuitous violence.

You know what else is awful to me, like to the point of actually having to get up and leave the room? Vicarious embarrassment. I can't handle it when characters make asses of themselves, especially when it's supposed to be funny. That's not funny at all to me.

The only way I'll watch movies nowadays is to look up what happens online beforehand, so I'll know if I can deal with what I'm getting into. :eek: Better spoilers than being traumatized, IMO.

And I have to say, from the sound of the neighbors, being hit by creepy friend might have been marginally less distasteful than being hit on. Yuck. :(

You make an excellent point. :p
The only way I'll watch movies nowadays is to look up what happens online beforehand, so I'll know if I can deal with what I'm getting into. :eek: Better spoilers than being traumatized, IMO.


Thank God! And here I thought I was the only person on the planet that hit Wikipedia before agreeing to watch a movie. :eek:
I have this problem, too, though not quite to the same degree. Some things I can handle, like if it's played comedically or if it's just regular action movie violence, but anything beyond that? Nope. Makes me feel physically ill, so I never watch horror movies or anything that even hints at gratuitous violence.

You know what else is awful to me, like to the point of actually having to get up and leave the room? Vicarious embarrassment. I can't handle it when characters make asses of themselves, especially when it's supposed to be funny. That's not funny at all to me.

I'm with you. I don't mind a good action movie, but excessive/gratuitous gore is a no-way for me. I saw part of Texas Chainsaw Massacre when it first came out, and walked out on a date, it was just too much. Now, it seems almost campy compared to all the ick that's followed.

And that kind of embarrassment stuff? Since I was a kid I've tried to explain how it makes me feel 'squirmy' inside. Like Gomer Pyle and goofball stuff like that, even. (She said, utterly dating herself.) I've made a fool of myself often enough that watching it happen to someone else makes me horribly uncomfortable.
That moment when one of your out-of-league crush's from high school likes a post from some silly comment you make on an otherwise unknown but shared Facebook friends page and feeling that certain kind of smile warming your cheeks...

And then reading his response to the thread where he uses the word "your" instead of "you're" twice and you exhale with new found certainty that he wasn't really THAT cute.
And that kind of embarrassment stuff? Since I was a kid I've tried to explain how it makes me feel 'squirmy' inside. Like Gomer Pyle and goofball stuff like that, even. (She said, utterly dating herself.) I've made a fool of myself often enough that watching it happen to someone else makes me horribly uncomfortable.

I can very much relate to that kind of squirming.

There is a swedish play, that was made into a TV- movie called VD(CEO).
It's about a CEO who goes home to one of his workers univited and manipulates and humiliates the young man and his girlfriend.
I haven't been able to watch it without actually squirming and having to hide behind a pillow at times.
Well, I'm relieved it's not just me with the violent stuff - I feel reassured now!

And I'm with you on the embarrassment shows and movies. I've never understood the British idea of farce being funny - the 'almost being caught out' idea just makes me feel stressed, not amused. And it's the same with The Office - although I think Ricky Gervais is supremely clever, I just find it uncomfortable viewing rather than laugh out loud funny. In fact, I don't think I've ever got through a complete episode.
MassEffect3 always breaks my SOUL when I finish. No matter the character or the ending....some piece of me dies inside every time.
I'm still not sure how I feel about these jobs where I have to translate at court. It feels like the stakes are wayyyy up there. I know they aren't really, but I can't help but feel like if I screw up, I contribute to an innocent person going behind the bars or a guilty one walking out.
I want to be out. I HATE secrets. I want everything out in the open. I detest with a passion having to keep quiet about something so important to me.

I hate just as much when important people in my life keep secrets from me. :(
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