The New Isolated Blurt BDSM Thread

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late to the party, but coincidently I signed on to whinge about always being tired and sleeping like shit :p I had a cold early this week and got so much sleep...I felt AMAZING on thursday and Friday. And then promptly felt like shit this morning -_-

Lavender helps me the best, but it's not particularly potent. Still better than nothing.
I actually finally spoke to a doctor about it. did some blood testing (didn't include Magnesium, but I actually take a magnesium supplement anyway). turns out my iron levels are unusually HIGH xD so now they're testing me for genetic disorders. yay! at least it'd be an explanation (beyond my psych ones, anyway)

SJW is one of those herbs everyone says such great things about...but I have WAY WAY WAY a greater aversion to inadvertent pregnancy than tired-induced-misery. I'm also leery about any herb OR medication that interferes with so many other things.

Anyway, here's to pretending there's hope for us to sometimes sleep like normal people *toast*
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Bunny, don't make me pack my implements of pain and drive all the way down to your wretched weather to smack you around. You can fix this yourself.

If you're making house calls. . . ;)

So my busy weekend has decided to start at 4:19am this morning. :rolleyes:

I have a photo shoot at 2, homework, 4 Greek tragedies to read, a website to get up, posts to make to the blog and Facebook, cameos to photograph and post, and a skirt to make.

Tomorrow it's lunch with a burly girl, after I feel her up a bit... I mean measure her. Yeah, I have a tape measure, it's legit! She's agreed to model for me. I have a series that I want to do and she's going to be the first of 4.
If you're at the gym and there's a guy next to you running his ass off while baby-tears fucking stream down his face, mixing with the sweat, that's me.

Watching "Hoosiers" again on my iPhone.

Just nod. Don't tell anyone.
Soooo...I managed to sleep a zillion hours Thursday night and pretty much none last night. This is so much fun. :rolleyes:

I do thank everybody for their suggestions, though. I really appreciate them. :)
Must we? Man, I had not considered the pursuit of perfection to be the masochists sport. This explains a lot.

I learned something new. :)

The original masochist sport. Just last night I painted, painted over and then repainted the same line all in the pursuit of "perfection".
For the longest time, although we've played the same as usual (though occasionally less often) I haven't bruised as easily. Ironic since I'm on blood thinners and I'm reasonably sure he hasn't remotely held back. And if I whack myself on something I didn't notice (I was born with my moon in klutz), I'll bruise like crazy. :confused:

So imagine our delight when I woke up with lovely purple rings all over my breasts. Of course, the moment I discovered them I happily displayed them to him. He was so pleased he tried to make them more. LOL Love with a sadist!
Can we all just silently agree to ignore anything I say here after, say, 4 am Central time? Until, like, noon, maybe? I seem to lose the ability to know when to shut up after about 4 and semi-regularly wander into threads/discussions that I should know better than to post in. >.<
Can we all just silently agree to ignore anything I say here after, say, 4 am Central time? Until, like, noon, maybe? I seem to lose the ability to know when to shut up after about 4 and semi-regularly wander into threads/discussions that I should know better than to post in. >.<

Negative, Ghostrider! :D
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