The latest and greatest "model"!!!

You might try reading before you run your mouth.

I posted the exchange more than once.

It's not my reading comprehension.

You called me a lying sack of shit and I clearly proved that I was right.

That's okay though, everyone knows you're a liar and a coward.

I mean, why change now, amiright?
You act like Dems are getting rich off the shutdown.

No, I "act like" Democrats are gleeful about their very public plans to capitalize on politicizing a pandemic, to wit:

November will take care of this sad state of affairs. 25,000,000 or so unemployed should seal that deal.

Ironic that the very thing he pretended hardly existed will ensure that he’s soon just a really bad memory.

Democrats "act like" the economic damage can be unwound immediately by the unlikely elevation of perpetual losing presidential candidate, Slerpy Joe Biden.
No, I "act like" Democrats are gleeful about their very public plans to capitalize on politicizing a pandemic, to wit:

Democrats "act like" the economic damage can be unwound immediately by the unlikely elevation of perpetual losing presidential candidate, Slerpy Joe Biden.

Voting out a failed leader is not politicizing anything. It’s exercising our right as interested citizens. And that we shall do.
Your point is what?

Your idiotic team as per usual over-sold this. You did succeed in scaring the economy into a shutdown, so feel free to celebrate the economic disaster that follows, but after panicking everyone that Millions were going to die Trump's definitely going to look like a genius when Millions don't die. He also is a genius because he shut down flights from China when all of you idiots were saying that it was xenophobic to do so.

What happened to the experts saying that when it seems you’re doing too much, it turns out you did too little. I might have missed it in the general news, but I only recall trump talking about millions in his pressers.

As far as trump looking like a stable genius, only the maga true and blue are forgetting his weeks and weeks of doing nothing before imposing the measured and incremental Swiss cheese travel restrictions after the horse had already left the barn. But yeah, the xenophobic stuff was stupid...people should know by now to fact check the guy before reacting.

At least he’s acting like he’s taking it seriously now, though it would be nice if he was actually being a leader instead of taking credit and blaming others.
How do you explain him taking it seriously while Nancy Pelosi was still discounting it?

Was she just politically motivated to oppose in knee-jerk fashion?


Are you???

Was she too busy with impeachment to pay attention to a real threat?
Was she busy distracting Trump from his job?

Curious, no?
How do you explain him taking it seriously while Nancy Pelosi was still discounting it?

Was she just politically motivated to oppose in knee-jerk fashion?


Are you???

And of course, now there's a Select Committee to investigate the Government response to the CoronaVirus because Demmies all know that imposing travel restrictions is an impeachable offense...

Not to mention the part where a couple of State legislators now want to refer Trump to the Hague for "Crimes against Humanity" by saying that plaquinil might be useful to fight CV19.

I keep asking myself how the fuck do these idjits manage to get RE elected? Are people that fucking stupid?

And, of course, the answer is #OMB.
Well, they do treat us like we're that stupid.
What's funny is watching the Progressives here
try to pretend that their elected officials don't find them stupid too...

;) ;)
Well, they do treat us like we're that stupid.
What's funny is watching the Progressives here
try to pretend that their elected officials don't find them stupid too...

;) ;)

At some point Conservatives need to stop turning the other cheek.
“And while I’m not looking to Trump for any panacea, is it too much to ask for some sign that the dying has made an impression on him, that the crying has penetrated his carapace and that he’s thinking about something other than his ratings? I watch. I wait. I suspect I’ll be doing that forever.”

-Frank Bruni
I posted the exchange more than once.

It's not my reading comprehension.

You called me a lying sack of shit and I clearly proved that I was right.

That's okay though, everyone knows you're a liar and a coward.

I mean, why change now, amiright?

This merely illustrates that when you're wrong, you triple down on it.
At some point Conservatives need to stop turning the other cheek.

No, they just need to employ patience.
The Left's political attack-angle was formulated in the 60s
and has never undergone any evolutionary change from its revolutionary roots.
Eventually, when there are only two viable choices, they do manage to win elections
because people begin to assume that it is just rhetoric
(even as they evidently fall prey to the rhetoric)
and turn out conservatism and replace it with this new-age Liberalism, which,
once experienced and seen in action, has generally been quickly rejected
when the Progressive masks fall off and action matches rhetoric.
Sometimes, they have to win in order to lose.

;) ;)

The two parties used to be so similar as to act mostly as parity checks
against corruption, but now they have become completely divergent
in their base political philosophies, ie., the individual versus the mob.

Now, it is at this point that an Ayn Rand quote would be appropriate
so that you can see who trips all over themselves to ridicule it...
No, they just need to employ patience.
The Left's political attack-angle was formulated in the 60s
and has never undergone any evolutionary change from its revolutionary roots.
Eventually, when there are only two viable choices, they do manage to win elections
because people begin to assume that it is just rhetoric
(even as they evidently fall prey to the rhetoric)
and turn out conservatism and replace it with this new-age Liberalism, which,
once experienced and seen in action, has generally been quickly rejected
when the Progressive masks fall off and action matches rhetoric.
Sometimes, they have to win in order to lose.

;) ;)

The two parties used to be so similar as to act mostly as parity checks
against corruption, but now they have become completely divergent
in their base political philosophies, ie., the individual versus the mob.

Now, it is at this point that an Ayn Rand quote would be appropriate
so that you can see who trips all over themselves to ridicule it...

The problem with waiting is that the progressives have insinuated themselves into our educational system to the point that a majority of people now believe their propaganda.

Them - Free cake and candy for all!
Conservatives - Get your lazy ass back to work!!!

Who do you think wins that one? And why?

It's not the message, it's that the progressive agenda depends on exploiting our many inherent human weakness. When you enhance those weaknesses through generations of "education" without any repercussions, you can control the social proclivities of the people with near certain impunity.

Conservatives (and true liberals as well) need to stop letting them get away with it. It's not just voting, or peer pressure; the progressive agenda is criminal behavior and needs to be treated as such.
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Yes they have, but as that problem did not arise overnight
neither will, or can, it be solved overnight.
The assumption is that discourse cannot work,
and for those already set in their political leanings,
it is abundantly true and a driver of division and derision,
but with every generation, there is a tendency to rebel
and to question the prevailing winds of political culture.

The pendulum swings; the virulence in the reaction to it
informs you which polity is truly feeling threatened, not
that you should merely stoically bear outrageous fortune...
This, too, shall pass, so continue to attempt dialog. I do.
Yes they have, but as that problem did not arise overnight
neither will, or can, it be solved overnight.
The assumption is that discourse cannot work,
and for those already set in their political leanings,
it is abundantly true and a driver of division and derision,
but with every generation, there is a tendency to rebel
and to question the prevailing winds of political culture.

The pendulum swings; the virulence in the reaction to it
informs you which polity is truly feeling threatened, not
that you should merely stoically bear outrageous fortune...
This, too, shall pass, so continue to attempt dialog. I do.

It doesn't work that way. If it did, progressivism would have died in the 70's or 80's.

You have to find a way to counter the idea that people are entitled to something merely because they want it. That takes a mindset whereby the use of force or fraud to achieve those desired entitlements are punished.
No, it will work when the pie shrinks and the young people
begin to realize that the only thing they have left are pie crumbs.
No, it will work when the pie shrinks and the young people
begin to realize that the only thing they have left are pie crumbs.

Not even close.

Today's leadership is engaging in a sleight of hand whereby they drop dirty pie tins on the table and then say, "they ate the rest". At that point the hungry mob is going to storm the kitchen and get their pie one way or another.

Guess who's pie that is?

Guess who gets it in the end?

Guess what happens when it's gone. (Hint: It won't be more pie for "everyone".)
I guess location has something to do with the level of cynicism employed...


It's about facing facts and reality.

Until/unless such anti-social behavior is properly admonished, the progressives will continue. The reason it's not being punished is because the progressives control the narrative in the media and Conservatives are afraid that if they push back, they'll lose elections.

Fuck that.

There are several high profile people who NEED to be prosecuted. A conviction isn't required, only a showing that you cannot behave in a certain fashion with impunity.

If that results in electoral blowback, so be it. I'm willing to bet it won't and I'm also willing to live with the consequences if it does.
OAKLAND — California is loaning 500 ventilators to states like New York where the coronavirus is exacting a deeper toll, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday.

"California is stepping up to help our fellow Americans in New York and across the country who are being impacted the hardest right now by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Newsom said in a statement.

The act of generosity completes a bi-coastal aid package after both Washington and Oregon lent medical supplies to New York, which is battling the nation's worst outbreak. Ventilators from California will flow into the Strategic National Stockpile. Oregon announced Saturday it was sending 140 ventilators to New York, while Washington said Sunday it was returning more than 400 of the machines.

With this kind of thoughtful, informed leadership we just might be able to ignore the shitshow taking place in Washington every late afternoon. I hear the “ratings” are dropping fast.
OAKLAND — California is loaning 500 ventilators to states like New York where the coronavirus is exacting a deeper toll, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday.

"California is stepping up to help our fellow Americans in New York and across the country who are being impacted the hardest right now by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Newsom said in a statement.

The act of generosity completes a bi-coastal aid package after both Washington and Oregon lent medical supplies to New York, which is battling the nation's worst outbreak. Ventilators from California will flow into the Strategic National Stockpile. Oregon announced Saturday it was sending 140 ventilators to New York, while Washington said Sunday it was returning more than 400 of the machines.

With this kind of thoughtful, informed leadership we just might be able to ignore the shitshow taking place in Washington every late afternoon. I hear the “ratings” are dropping fast.

You need to read a little deeper than headlines.
At some point Conservatives need to stop turning the other cheek.

You partisan political pukes can't turn any "other cheek" because you authoriatarianly share it with your other sister and brother partisan political pukes.

Political Parties of any stripe, as Washington warned, are nothing but partisan collectives naturally detrimental to the American revolutionary political concept of INDEPENDENT self-government.

Socialists/Democrats/progressives and RINOs/Republicans/conservatives = different repugnantly partisan political labels, from the very same repugnantly partisan political bottle.

[cue renowned authoriatarian cuntbomb AJ entering stage wannabe with his now patented "Libertarian" bullshit, as if it's some miraculous special kind of COLLECTIVE political PARTY, entirely different than all the other COLLECTIVE political Parties - ROTFLMAO! Poor statist lemming AJ: INDEPENDENCE naturally unavailable to his unnatural, authoritarian political mindset, he must choose to belong to some herd, some COLLECTIVE, no matter what it's called.]

Btw, Her Arpless: don't let AJ read your pimping of judicial activism vs. constitutional originalism in that other thread: just like both your partisan pukes' pal Wrongguide, AJ will, too, have to remain quiet about an issue he'd otherwise rip one of his partisan puke brothers from the other partisan puke label for. Hey, what else are COLLECTIVE partisan political puke pals for if not to shut up and say nothing to repugnantly cover for their repugnant ilk.

I envy you such COLLECTIVE political PARTY puke pals...

You partisan political pukes can't turn any "other cheek" because you authoriatarianly share it with your other sister and brother partisan political pukes.

Political Parties of any stripe, as Washington warned, are nothing but partisan collectives naturally detrimental to the American revolutionary political concept of INDEPENDENT self-government.

Socialists/Democrats/progressives and RINOs/Republicans/conservatives = different repugnantly partisan political labels, from the very same repugnantly partisan political bottle.

[cue renowned authoriatarian cuntbomb AJ entering stage wannabe with his now patented "Libertarian" bullshit, as if it's some miraculous special kind of COLLECTIVE political PARTY, entirely different than all the other COLLECTIVE political Parties - ROTFLMAO! Poor statist lemming AJ: INDEPENDENCE naturally unavailable to his unnatural, authoritarian political mindset, he must choose to belong to some herd, some COLLECTIVE, no matter what it's called.]

Btw, Her Arpless: don't let AJ read your pimping of judicial activism vs. constitutional originalism in that other thread: just like both your partisan pukes' pal Wrongguide, AJ will, too, have to remain quiet about an issue he'd otherwise rip one of his partisan puke brothers from the other partisan puke label for. Hey, what else are COLLECTIVE partisan political puke pals for if not to shut up and say nothing to repugnantly cover for their repugnant ilk.

I envy you such COLLECTIVE political PARTY puke pals...



Oh look BREAKFAST!!!