The Joke's On You (Closed for JewelSkye)


Really Experienced
Nov 11, 2003
As fate would have it the time seemed to be appropriate for the professional asshole about to take the stage. Equally as ironic was the smell of this place that appeared to be littered with the stench of cigar smoke that illuminated the joint in coughing and future cancer issues. However, a light of the evening arrived as the distinguished guests made their rounds to the usual tables. A social club this was. With the lights so dim and the drinks so few the idea of having so many people in one placed was obviously idiotic and very poorly managed. HARK! That is to the naked eye. Nobody came here for the good food or the awesome alcohol. Who the hell would give a damn about that? It's like going to the grocery store and expecting that same homeless guy to do a different dance routine like a monkey to a music box to be entertaining. It just didn't work that way.

The night wasn't going to be smooth. At least not from certain stand points. The club itself had the horrible brand name of "Hellraiser." Oh how appropriate was that. This place was spawned for the idea of having insulting comedians perform. Those same jesters of sorts would say things that were totally insulting and would be indictative of the reason why even god would have to be pro-choice in wishing that they would've been aborted at birth. Totalitarian ideals would be great in these situations. Over fifty comedians who have been here have either been gang assaulted or killed because of their loud mouth nature. Of course this place was in Las Vegas, Nevada. Nothing seemed to be forbidden here. The sad part was that there were actually idiots who had the nerve to bring their children here amongst cigarette and cigar smoke, drunk idiots, poorly dressed women and the usual gang of wild animals that catalized themselves from the wood works. Oh what a wonderful inspiration to be here in such a dwelling spot where even the filthiest of dogs wouldn't come to in fear of being called something terrible.

"You're on in five TC. Damnit Terrance! I told you to be ready. Sheesh! Look at you! It's not enough that I allow you to keep your job because your jokes suck more than a two dollar hooker on fifty cent day. You have to show up looking like Alice Cooper's pet hamster with AIDs?" inquired the stage manager.

"Man shut what they call the fuck up. I'm goin', I'm goin'. And what the hell do you mean you ALLOWED me to keep my job? I'm the best you got. I mean, what the hell are you going to do if I leave? Do the jokes yourself? HA! I think having anal sex with a cactus is less torture than hearing about your pathetic life," responded the smart mouth comedian.

Terrance Covington was the new guy. Well, about as new as one can get around here. He seemed to be more trouble than he was worth. The stage manager was totally incorrect about him. The guy was good. Sure, he got a few drinks throw at him and got a few death threats for his normal routines but he got the job done when it came to drawing a crowd. He appeared to be one of those "bad boy" types that intrigued people. For example, for some odd reason, a bulk of women seemed to love the bad boys who'd say horrible things to them. Well, for Terrance or "TC" as most called him, it's the same case only it worked for both men and women.

"Just get your ass out there!" yelled the boss.

Terrance was on. Boy did he look like a damn fool. He was wearing a yellow and purple stripe suit with shiny purple shoes, a yellow tie and a yellow top hat. He looked like down syndromed Willy Wonka on cocaine but TC didn't care. His strange attire was apart of his act. Of course it didn't help that the stage lights were so bright. That would only bring more attention to his clothing more so than his jokes/insults. With him being an African American he definitely stood out wearing this type of garbage. TC was temporarily blinded for about five seconds when the heavenly lights hit. When he regained his vision he discovered that there was a full house. Most of the people who came here were here because of him. He didn't know that. Hell, he wouldn't even care for that matter.

Those eyes of his spotted the circular shaped tables lined up through the ballroom sized club. The drink bar was located to the back and the lights above were on a constant high beam. They'd only be on high beams if a comedian was about to perform versus them being so dim earlier.

The microphone got a man-handling grip from the twenty eight year old comedian. A sea of clapping erupted once the people got a clear view of just who it was on stage. "Las VEGAS! Woooo! How ya'll feeling?" he asked. TC didn't give anyone time to answer. "Who the fuck cares?" he quickly spat out.

"That's right Vegas. Ol' TC here is sick of shit. That's right. I'm sick. That's the focus for tonight. You see, nothing ever changes until you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. So, know what I'm sick and tired of...wait for it...wait for it...wait for it...WOMEN!" he shouted. The booing wasn't so nice coming from the female crowd. Of course the battle brigade of men did do their share of helping by clapping for the man.

"Women, I know this is going to seem really fucked up to say but ya'll have changed. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of you. Ya know, once upon a time, I used to look at gay guys and be like, 'why the fuck you gay?' See, women are the reason why I don't think gay guys really are born gay. Well, at least not a lot of them. Sure, there may be those exceptions but not every gay guy is born that way. And for the ones who aren't do you really think a man wakes up one morning and says, 'know what? For a reason that has nothing to do with women I'm gonna go suck me a cock today! NO! Women CAUSE that shit. Why do they do it? Because women have changed. Ya'll asses are ungrateful, ya whine too much, you want too much shit and women are about to drive my black ass crazy as shit," he said.

"Women have changed like a motherfucker. Once upon a time, a dozen of roses could get you laid. Now? You better bring that bitch a personal jet, a pet chihahua and a damn new car like Johnny from the Price is fucking Right if you want to get some pussy. I mean, SHIT! And you know what I really hate? Women who like to use your ass for money. Here, let me give you some reasons why I say this shit. Women, listen up carefully. Just because I take your ass out on a date doesn't mean that you can order whatever the fuck you wanna order," he projected. Boy did the men clap for that and holy shit did the women boo him.

"That's right bitch. If you know good and fucking well that you wouldn't be eating a damn lobster on the regular don't change your damn diet just because you met my ass. Don't order a damn soda; get water. Don't get damn desert because that's how the whole 'I get fat after I meet you but I already got your dick on a string so you're stuck with my ass' complex starts off. Don't argue with my ass to give the waiter a damn tip. I'll give his ass a tip. Don't put your dick in a meat grinder. It MAY hurt," he finished off with.

"Another thing I really hate about women is when they start talking about how fat they are. Bitch, shut your ass up. Only in America do people worry about that shit. You think an Ethiopian is like, 'oh shit I'm fat! I need to go on a diet!' NO! And then women come up to us men and ask something like this, 'honey, does this dress make me look fat?' No bitch, but your stomach could be the culprit," he so rudely shot out towards the crowd. Some of the women who weren't so skinny took a very serious issue with that.

"Enough about women though...Vegas, you know why I like you guys? You don't get into this religion shit too often. You got a lot of Atheists here just like me and I like that. Look, people ask me all the time about why I don't believe in god and shit. Alright, check this out's not that I hate god or don't want him to exist. I just have a problem with the idea of a man watching me 24/7. I mean, that's fucking creepy. Isn't that like free porn? Motherfucker, you got streets paved in fucking gold but you can't afford the Spice channel like everybody else?" he asked.

"Naw, naw, but it's not just Christians that get on my nerves. It's kinda like Scientology. Oh, I know everybody is gonna ask what the hell's wrong with Scientology. Think about it...every affiliation has a celebrity mascot. Like, Buddhism has Russell Simmons. Atheism has Christopher Hitchens. Christianity has George Bush and his dad. Personal god complexs have people like Marilyn Manson. But what the fuck does Scientology have? Tom Cruise? And you got the guy who played in damn Grease? And you want me to take you seriously?" he asked.

"On another note about that I tie in religion with race. I'm so sick of black people being Christian just because they're black. And another thing...I'm sick of the fucking race card. People, if you're black, get over that bullshit. You know, I heard two conversations that were kind of funny. I had a black guy come to me and say, 'so, you believe that we came from monkeys, do you? That means that you have a low self-esteem because you think we evolved from Grape Ape or something.' Know what I said to him? It went like this, 'turn with me in your bibles to the book of Genesis. It says there that god made us from dirt and spit. So, let me get this straight...I have a low self-esteem because I think we came from apes but you DON'T have a low self-esteem because you think that we came from the same surface that apes have been known to pee on; dirt.' And it gets worse. I had a black guy criticize someone for being a Satanist, and, more importantly, for not being a Christian. I was like, 'bitch, read up on your history. Black people are responsible for some the world's most unusual religions. What religious faith was Konta Kinta from Roots? He was fucking Muslim ya jackass in a box! To criticize someone for being something other than Christian is like pissing on the graves of YOUR ancestors.' But see, that's how it goes with black people. You'd think that as much as we whine and bitch and complain about how everybody treats us like shit because we're different we wouldn't criticize anyone else for being different. That's why I think when black people cry racism I automatically get skeptical. We're the most racist race there is," he said. The previous statements weren't meant to be jokes more so than a statement that he wanted to get off his chest.

"That's all the time I have for tonight. Thanks Vegas! Ya'll been great!" TC said. He over stepped his time just a bit. The booing didn't stop as he left the stage and headed towards the bar.
Catrin sighed, looking at herself in the mirror in the employee bathroom. He would be on soon. He always brought in a large crowd. He pissed her off.

She smoothed her hands over her loose fitting, short black skirt with a sigh. She didn't like how short it was, how much leg it showed off, but the boss insisted she wear it, as well as the four inch stilettos. Her feet always ached by the end of the night, but such was the price of her job.

It wasn't glamorous, but it payed the bills, and the tips were good from some of the slobs who came in. They got to droll over her pale cleavage and long legs, she got tips that were sometimes larger than their bills. It was a good arrangement, really. Sometimes they liked to think they could touch the merchandise, but she was usually quicker than them and managed to move out of the way in time to avoid their grimy hands on her.

Her torso was hugged tight by a corset-styled top, laced firmly around her already slender waist, showing off her curves, while the straps saw to it that the low cut front showed off plenty of cleavage without her spilling out of it. She had almost turned down the job when the owner had put that little number in front of her, but the bills were stacking up and she was running out of money. In short... she was desperate. Two steps away from trying to get a job at a strip joint, truth be known.

But her pride had kept her away from that particular walk of life. Adjusting the Celtic knot work pendant against her cleavage so that it dangled tantalizingly between the soft swells of her breasts, she slid out of the bathroom finally and grabbed a tray and pad of paper and a pen.

She broke out into the main room of the club just as the lights dropped and the flood lights on the stage lit on him. The sight of that god awful suit made her stomach churn. God, but that thing was hideous. If she didn't already hate him... she definitely had even less reason to look at him now!

He started in almost immediately on the women jokes and her blood boiled. That was why she hated him. He was degrading. Not just to women, admittedly, but still... she didn't like having to walk around with a smile on her face, pretending that it didn't bother her that he talked about women like that. That he talked about anyone like that! No one back home would have dared to be so blatantly disrespectful.

Plastering a charming smile on her face, she went around from table to table, taking drink orders and filling them during his set, and by the time he was done, she was headed back to the bar to get a rather hefty ordered filled by the bartender.

"Two G&Ts, One Bourbon, and three rum and cokes, Jimmy," she called, to which the bartender(who's skills were lackluster, in honesty, but he filled the orders quicker than most), nodded. She leaned against the bar, catching her breath, looking up in time to see him waltzing up to the bar as if he owned the club. God she hated him...

Suppressing a shudder of disgust, she rolled her eyes and looked away from him, patting the silky red curls that spilled from her high ponytail atop her head, turning her back to him, her front to the bar as she leaned on her elbows on it. "C'mon Jimmy, they're going to get impatient!"
That woman. That's all she would be referred to as. Oh wait, TC also called her, "the bitch whose name in which I shall not speak" in honor of M. Night Shamalyn the famous movie making guy. He didn't seem to be all that happy to see her either. With all the booing going on he didn't need to make yet another enemy. However, enemies never looked so beautiful. Sure, he wouldn't piss on fire to put her out if she were on fire and then when the fireman came to ask him why he didn't do so he'd just respond, "I'm racist and I don't like yellow people." Yeah, the hatred for her was that powerful in him. Yet he couldn't deny that he was suffering from jungle fever.

"Shit!" TC said to himself.

That woman always made him a bit horny. That rhino horn that he called a penis suddenly decided to jump and say HELLO WORLD! Terrance used his right forearm to cover up his crotch. He made a mad dash for the back stage area while people stared and wondered what the hell was going on. It's not bad when a small sized male suffers from popsicle stick syndrome. However, this guy wasn't exactly the smallest sausage in the meat freezer. So, if he got hard everybody would know it.

Well, they wouldn't know it now. He changed his clothing. Terrance had to put on something tight fitting and position his shaft downwardly in his pants so that even if he got hard it'd be easy to cover up. To make sure it wasn't seen he'd wear a large jacket. Upon making his re-entry to the fray TC looked a little more presentable. He sported a black wool jacket with a black turtle neck shirt under it, a pair of carpenter jeans and black Chuck Taylors. A sigh of relief escaped his lips. That was a hell of a lot better. People barely recognized him without his Willy Wonka get-up.

His approach to the same bar was made with that woman's back still turned. Damn her. She always had a way of cursing him out without even saying one swear. "What? You gonna just stand around? You ain't decoration sweet heart. You know the drill. You got ten seconds to get me my scotch soda minus the five seconds that I took to say this," TC so rudely gestured to the woman. "I mean, shit, what the hell do they pay you fuckers for? To stand around? Do nothing? You people are more useless than a condom in Japan," he said. What a racist joke. He's trying to say that the Japanese don't use condoms which isn't true at all. He's generalizing. That's just Terrance. He doesn't believe that generalizing is wrong as long as one has a non-factual statement to support the thing that he called a fact. It's very strange that he thought this way. However, it made sense to him.

Terrance was in an especially bad mood tonight. He didn't know that woman was working tonight. Catrin and him never got along and never seemed to hit it off well. TC hated her because he liked her. Strange combination of emotions. In depth, he hated her because he could never be with her even though he wanted to be. Even if he wanted to just fuck her he could never do that because of his occupation and how he performed his occupation.
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Catrin clenched her jaw, going around the bar and fixing his drink, before walking back around to him, holding it out. "Here ya go..." and she held it up over his head, turning it upside down, dumping the liquid along with the ice over his head, "...asshole."

Without missing a beat, she set down the glass and gave the bartender a chipper thank you as he put the last of the drinks on her tray and she scooped it up, turning and waltzing back out onto the floor. Even as she moved, her hips had a tantalizing sway to them, her red curls bounced around her head, and her skirt flounced itself around the tops of her thighs.

She knew she'd probably get yelled at later by the boss, but it was worth it... and Don couldn't afford to fire her, she was the best waitress he had and the only one who could work the shifts he needed her for. She was good looking, and it had be argued more than once that her good looks pulled in just as many repeat customers as TC's performances did.

"Here you go gentlemen, sorry for the wait," she said in her chipper voice, making sure to bend at the waist, leaning down as she placed their drinks in front of them, giving them a shameless view of her curvy body. She flashed them all her bright smile one last time. "Be sure to let me know if there's anything else you need."

Standing straight again, her smile only faltered for the time it took her to cross to her next table, checking to be sure that they were all alright. She took her time, flirting with one table, taking an order at another, serving yet another, before finally making her way to the back room that served as a break room and sitting down for a moment, slipping her heels off her tiny feet and wiggling her sore toes with a groan.

The door swung open, and she sighed as she saw Don walk in, looking more than a little annoyed. "Just what did you think you were doing, pulling that little stunt out there?" he raged at her, to which he got nothing but a raised eyebrow and an apathetic tone of voice. "He deserved a lot worse, Don. You should be glad all you lost was some ice and that god-awful drink of his and not something more valuable, like him as a whole, because I was ready to put him in the hospital."

Back home, she'd never had an attitude like this... Granted... back home, people didn't ask for it quite so blatantly as TC did. She sighed and slid her shoes back on as Don stood there fuming, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly as if trying to find a response. He knew she was right, and she could tell by the semi defeated look in his eyes as he threw up his hands and stormed back out of the room. He'd go an apologize to TC, assure him that she'd been read the riot act, and then he'd go back to his office for the rest of the evening. That's just how things were meant to be around here, it would seem.

He couldn't afford to have either her or TC truly pissed off, so he just did his best play mediator when their fights got to be too bad.
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"Oh you dirty, worthless, piece of god's humor collection!" he shouted. That girl didn't even seem to pay any attention to him. Well, she wasn't a bitch for doing what she did. If TC was honest with himself he deserved every bit of what he got. But he isn't honest so he thought that she stepped over the line there. There was an urge to do something back to her but the comedian kept smart about things and left the scene. He traveled into the restroom to clean himself up. There were people laughing at him after viewing what just happened.

"Hey buddy! Having lady troubles?" shouted out a random customer who turned out to be a guy laughing his ass off.

"Hey buddy! You wanna have anal sex with a cactus?" replied Terrance. He quickly entered the restroom before he could hear anything else.

"Monica I-no, I don't mean it like that. Monica, baby, please, not now. Not tonight. Anytime but now. Baby I can't do that! You know how much I hate your parents and they hate me. Your mother is a bitchzilla with a baseball bat and your father is king kong who ironically has a period even though he's a male! I can't stand those fuckers! All they do is try to tell me and you how to live our lives. Then, when they don't succeed in doing so they'll just start talking about how much you shouldn't have been with me. How the hell can you stand them?!" TC shouted into his cell phone.

By now, he was all cleaned up. Fortunately for him, there was such a thing as a restroom. Of course, the distinct aroma of a strong alcohol elixir could still be smelled on his being. The "bitch whose name he doesn't speak of" was to blame. Of course he'd hear the usual drill from Don aka "Mr. I believe in pretty rainbows because I'm a hippie...and I probably smoke weed.." Don was always the pacifist even though he said more swear words than TC did. It was strange how people considered the boss to be less confrontational and yet this owner of the club got into more fights and arguments than anybody else did. However, the only reason why Don got into that many conflicts was because of both Catrin and Terrance. Those two caused trouble and yet Catrin normally doesn't mean to do it. Terrance on the other hand rather enjoyed being an asshole.

For now, Terrance has a bit of a problem. His girlfriend, Monica, wanted him to go and meet up with her parents for a double date. However, he doesn't want to do such a thing. Her parents hated him with a passion that only the most legendary of warriors from every walk of history would possess. He's the cat and they're dogs. He's the rain and they're the people who didn't bring an umbrella. He's the fart in a room full of people with super sensitive noses. The blotch spot on Monica's record he was. That guy was a horrible influence on his girlfriend. He always talked her into sex and always talked her into doing other things that were either illegal or should've been illegal. Not to mention that Monica's parents were both super duper Christians. Hell, her dad was a freakin' pastor for crying out loud. How the hell could a man of the cloth deal with a daughter who wanted to date someone who doesn't even believe in a higher power? Terrrance drove Monica's father crazy.

The break room didn't seem like an obvious place to continue this conversation. TC's fellow employees hated him enough without him airing his dirty laundry out for everybody to hear about. But for the time being he didn't have any other place left to go. He damn sure wasn't about to go back into the main club area because Don would surely be lurking about like a ninja in the night. The backstage area was a no-go. There's far too many annoying people back there who liked to gossip. That restroom contained too many customers and it'd just be beyond rude to talk about that sort of thing around the people that paid Terrance. The break room, at that point, was a last resort that had to be taken.

His shirt was still wet along with a small portion of his crotch where the alcoholic beverage trailed to. Some parts of his shoes were even wet because that's just how much liquid was in the glass that got poured on him. It traveled all the way down to his feet. So, when he walked into the room, there was a squeaky nose sounding because of the wetness under his Chuck Taylors. He was still on the phone. He tried his best to reason with his girlfriend but, alas, it was too late.

"What do mean it's over? Monica, are you throwing everything we worked so hard to establish just because of I don't want to meet those bags of douches that you call parents? I can't believe this. I-I...this isn't happening! This just isn't happening!" he said over and over again.

Like a super "emo" person TC made his way over to a far side corner of the room, slouched down against the wall, reached a sitting position, hugged his knees and began rocking back and forth. His black Motorola laid on the floor. He dropped it. There was no need to talk anymore because Monica hung up on him. Just like that a four year relationship was over and just when Terrance was considering on trying to move to the next level with a proposal. A sea of tears marching two by two formed a battalion of moist spots all over his face. His expression got buried into his knees. He wept. The guy really did love Monica but he just didn't see the need in talking to her parents when he already knew that they hated him. That was just Terrance. There was just no need in talking to people who didn't even want to talk to him. Catrin was an exception though. He didn't have a choice but to talk to her. She's an employee of this place just like he was. Co-workers that don't talk to each other obviously won't be too useful in a lot of scenarios.

TC was so depressed at the moment. He didn't even notice that his nemesis was in the room.
Catrin had just been about to walk out of the break room when the door swung open again. Expecting Don, she sighed and sat back down on the edge of the table, ready to deal with whatever rant he was going to throw at her this time. Much to her surprise-and chagrin-however, it was TC, talking on the cell phone and looking on the verge of tears.

At first she could only watch him in wide-eyed wonder, unsure if she was really seeing TC, or if this was just some impostor. It was like a train wreck... she just couldn't look away. So the bastard had a heart, did he? And apparently, that heart had just been broken, by the tail end of the conversation she'd managed to catch.

Still standing there, she chewed her lower lip, trying to decide what to do. Did she just leave him here to wallow in his self pity, or did she swallow her pride and offer him a shoulder to cry on?

Cursing her soft heart, she rolled her eyes with a sigh and moved toward him, stopping only long enough to bend and pick up his phone. Anyone looking at her from behind would have had a lovely view of her backside, and probably would have been praying her skirt were just a little bit shorter. He, meanwhile, if he bothered to look up, would have gotten an eyeful of pale white cleavage.

Once the phone was in her hand, she moved over and slid down to sit beside him, resting the phone in front of him. She didn't touch him, just sat there. "If she left you, she wasn't the right one for you," she said softly, looking down. Studying her hands seemed like the only thing she could really do with her eyes, to keep from looking at him and the pathetic display he was making.

Finally though, she lifted her hand and gave him a soft, reassuring, if not awkward pat on the back. She couldn't believe she was talking to him... let alone willingly touching him. It made her skin want to crawl, but part of her couldn't help but feel bad. It was never a pleasant thing to loose someone you loved...

She'd honestly only ever dated a few guys, and had only slept with one of them... once. He had been awful. It had hurt, he had been clumsy, and it just generally wasn't a pleasant experience, so she'd opted not to get into another relationship that ever went to a sexual level. She couldn't quite understand exactly what he was going through, but she felt like she should provide him some sort of comfort, however small it may be.
A cold touch isn't something that could help him with a cold heart or at least not the one that just dropped him. Those hands of Catrin's were freezing. This was probably because she was working around a lot of cold beverages all day. It was understandable. Yet, TC didn't take it all that well. He scissored his shoulders from left to right to force her to remove her hand even though it didn't work. After that, he made a rather rude and rash adjustment by grabbing her hand and moving it away from him. A touch from her was neither wanted or needed. He knew who it was that had put their hands on him. That voice was unmistakable.

"I don't need your pity. I don't need your words. In fact, I don't even need you. Get lost. I've had enough of women without more of you going around and ruining things for me even more," he said with a low and defeated sounding voice.

Terrance's woman problems wasn't a secret. The honest truth was that he was horrible with women. The reason for this was because of his separationalist personality that would prompt him to be an asshole whenever possible. TC had some personal issues that he had to seriously work on. Though, most of those issues weren't his fault. He's just a victim of circumstance and a horrible personal past that has shaped him into the perfect antagonist. His story has no female knight with a broad sword. There was no toad princess to kiss. No Snow White or even one dwarf to retreat into the forest to. There was no magic carpet to ride away from his life. Definitely no rabbit to show him how far that rabbit hole he called an existence could go. In truth, Terrance was a trapped animal who only acted like a jerk to simply keep people from hurting him.

So, Catrin wanted to know why he had to be an asshole all the time? Now would be her perfect chance. TC stood up and folded his arms like he meant business. "You're just another woman. That's right. You're nothing to me. You'll never be anything to me. You're just like mom, my aunt, grandma, Monica and all the rest of the rat bastards that females should be really be referred to as. I'm sorry, not everybody has had your wonderful perfect life ya know. Oh, you're going to say, 'hey buddy! Shut up! Your life couldn't be that bad.' Wow, that's about as unlikely as finding a virgin in fucking Japan!" he shouted.

"You want to know WHY I treat you like shit? Well, the truth is that you remind me of my mother. In fact, you look just like her. My real mom died when I was seven years old and my dad remarried a white woman. She was a pure bitch. Oh, how much of a bitch was she? You see, I got molested by my aunt twice when I was just a kid. Why didn't I just tell my parents? I didn't want to tell my dad because it was his fucking sister for crying out loud. That would've crushed him. So, what did I do? I go to the bitch named my step-mother. She didn't believe me. She said that men didn't get raped or molested. So, know what had to happen? My aunt had to do it again, the second time, for my step mom to finally believe me because she caught my aunt in the act. WOW! Interesting story isn't it? Ain't it funny how no matter what I do I always get fucked by a woman!" he said.

TC's arms were unfolded now and he cried even more. He never told anyone this story but his step mother. His father, 'till this very day, still doesn't know about it. "Oh I hate women! All they've ever given me was hell in a hand basket and even the basket was made in fucking China so it's toxic! You're all the same! Every rot bastard of you is the same! Same ol' periods which is bullshit. Hell, if I EVER hear another woman bitch and whine about a period I'll stick my foot so far up that bitch's ass to the point where my toes and her tongue could play footsies! How the hell does a woman expect to be treated just like a man in this society when they want a 'get out of jail free' card just because of a period? It's bullshit. Then all you wanna do is whine and bitch about everything. Hell, when men argue we like to make some fucking sense every now and then. When women argue you just do it to irritate the fuck out of us!" he rambled on in a very loud voice.

"You all just...GRRRRRRROOOAR! You make me wanna stab a hamster with a steak knife and throw a bear cub down a well! Why the fuck do you vagina bleeders gotta be so fucking stupid and bitchy all the time? That's a mystery that's similar to the Tootsie Pop mystery; the world may never know!" he went on to say.

Terrance couldn't help himself. What was being displayed to Catrin was years of pinning all of this aggression and emotion inside. So, when he finally released it all...boy did he release it...and it wasn't a pretty sight. TC finally calmed down after he vented it all out. A surprising and surely unexpected move came out of him. With aggression that could only come from a man in peril the comedian gathered up Catrin's body and pulled her into a tight embrace. Sure, he might've been sucking air from her a bit. However, it appeared that he was reaching out to her in the form of a confidant. It's strange of him to do that. He normally would've hated every part of this bartender. Yet, tonight was different. He needed a friend even though he just insulted that possible friend's gender to the highest degree. "I'm sorry. I normally don't get that crazy. I just don't know what to do. It's like all my problems come from females. I mean, shit, what the hell am I supposed to think. Huh? What am I supposed to think?" he inquired over and over again to Catrin.
Catrin stood slowly, shortly after he did, listening to his barrage of insults. She'd gotten rather used to it, really, even if he was more harsh than normal. In fact, she heard the hurt in his voice and a part of her softened to him. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all... When he talked about being molested as a child, part of her hurt for him, and she had to fight not to gather him in close and rock him like she would have when he was a boy, like she would have had he just come to her and told her this horrible secret of his aunt molesting him....

She couldn't imagine any mother, even a step mother, accusing a child of lieing about something like that. Despite her want to comfort him, she held back, waiting for him to finish berating her, insulting her, treating her like filth. It sounded like it was just something he needed to get out...

Better out now, than to force him to bottle it all up again until he exploded and the only way for him to express all that anger and hurt was through physical means. When he dropped his arms, she expected him to yell more, to scream at her to go, and part of her was ready to do so.

What she did not expect, however, was the pain of almost desperate arms that pulled her close. She stood shell shocked for a moment, but finally slid her arms around him, cradling him against her, one hand stroking his head while the other rubbed his lower back gently, moving back and forth in a soothing motion.

"Shhh..." she soothed, holding him tight. "You can let it out with me, its alright. I wont tell anyone," she whispered, and part of her found herself fighting back her own tears, though hers were more just because being around him in this state made her sad. She'd always grown to expect... to depend on him being an asshole. She'd never prepared for the guy to have a heart. And she certainly hadn't prepared for him to hug her, to break down and cry on her.
The touching appeared to be milking a strange reaction out of him. A projection of what would probably sound like a moan slithered out of his lips. TC was a kitten of sorts. He loved to be rubbed and stroked no matter what part of his body was getting that sort of attention. His chest being pressed against her breasts didn't deload the possible arousal either. The thoughts that were running wild in this man's mind would be insanity to some and logical to others, possibly even, a combination of the two to some other people. He didn't care. The moment that this bartender showed him even the smallest degree of care Terrance instantly felt a connection with her. Of course, her touching him added to this emotion of affection.

If there was one thing Monica would say about this guy she'd say that he was one hell of a tease when it came to him being turned on. Not to mention that he could flirt like no other or at least in her opinion. The problem now was that TC had to prove that. So, with a slow but focused motion his head moved down in a South Eastern position like a fast motioned moon circling on its orbit to allow the sun to rise. With such emotion and aggression his lips were applied to the side of her neck. He resembled a vampire. That pink snake of a tongue escaped from his mouth ever so slowly. The very tip of it, to embody the idea of a knife's point, connected with her skin.

An artist to a canvas he was. The tip of his tongue started moving in an alphabetical pattern. The letter "F" was placed on her first. Bits of his own moist tongue helped to leave a mark on her that would dry rather quickly. The letters "U", "C" and "K" followed suit of the first letter. That tongue, like a typewriter, moved down even move into a centered position under the first word he spelled me. "M" and "E" plus an exclamation mark of "!" was also created. Was he...telling her to fuck him? That seemed to be the message that he was sending. To people like TC, sex was like ice cream for the depressed person. Fucking was his ice cream. He'd need it to, in a sense, help him to get over whatever was getting him down in the dumps.

If she, at any point, would enjoy something like this then the onslaught of sexual arousal wouldn't end. The guy turned himself into an executioner of sensual touches with a small hint of "fuck her brains out" deep within the corridors of his mind. To physically produce this point he reached down with the very same hand that smelled of Scotch Soda thanks to Catrin. Those digits of his, combined with a palm, gripped her right ass cheek so hard to the point where his finger tips turned white. When that happened it wouldn't have been hard for Catrin to notice the reaction that thing in his pants was getting from this. Thick wasn't even the word for it. What the hell did he do? Steal a taser gun and store it in his boxers? Some said that black guys were "huge" if one can understand the idea. Terrance, to a lot of girls, lived up to that often untrue stereotype.

This was, to him, payback for everytime a woman has brought him to suffering. He didn't give a damn if this woman didn't like what he was doing. It was one thing to tell her about how women have wronged him before. It was a completely different situation when he physically showed her. The way he saw it was that women always metaphorically fucked him. So, he'd literally fuck a woman just to get some retribution rather she wanted it or not...
The softly uttered moan should have been her first clue that something was up, but Catrin, the naive soul that she was, just brushed it off as a groan, a sound he made while crying. In her mind, the sound was one of pain, not pleasure, and it just made her hold him all the tighter, wishing her embrace could make all his pain go away.

She felt his head move, brushing his lips and nose over her in almost felt like a nuzzle. Again though, she brushed it away, blaming his actions on the close quarters they were in. He couldn't help that his lips brushed so lightly over her skin it gave her goosebumps... could he? Of course not. That was just silly. As soon as he was over this flood of tears, he'd be right back to hating her and calling her a bitch and other various, more creative names.

She was sure of it.

And then something else hit the delicate, alabaster skin of the side of her neck. It was warm and wet and... moving. She stiffened as his tongue moved over her skin, making odd patterns she couldn't quite make out. Shivers ran through her from the feel, and she found herself unable to push him away.

Unable to move, that is, until his hand found her ass cheek through her skirt. She gave a soft cry at his hard grip, sure she'd have bruises from it by the next day, and her hands planted against his chest, pushing against him. "What are you doing?! Stop it, TC! Stop!" she insisted, whimpering, squirming, trying to get away.

His grip was just too strong, and Catrin's petite body too easy to keep hold of. She whimpered, pushing harder, her palms flat against his chest as she pushed with all the strength she could get as such an awkward angle. "Let me go!" she whimpered, trying to turn her head to look at him, to get his lips... those lips with that amazingly dexterous tongue, as far from her delicate, sensitive skin as possible.
"What? I'm about to do you a favor. I'm going to do to you what you always wanted me to. Oh, don't pretend like you don't want it you slut. I could've seduced you even without the aide of that poison that you so happily sell; alcohol. You see, let me explain how I'm helping you. The reason why you'd allow me to destroy every bit of you is because of your pussy. It's evil. I plan to punish it for you. Aren't you glad someone is going to make it suffer so that it'll be taught a lesson? You allow your body to control you too often and you can't seem to think beyond your horny urges. You poor girl. Don't worry. I'm here now. I'll end your suffering," he said. However untrue his statements might've been Terrance had no intention of stopping what he had already started.

His eyes narrowed. They resembled that of a skilled and deadly intentioned lion who only wanted the newborn prey. Yes, Catrin was a newborn. For a newborn was the most vulnerable. In fact, she's a herbivore that's injured and could be picked off easily. The factors into this was TC's size, muscle mass and power. Those arms of his didn't let go. In fact, an anaconda grip was established which eventually turned into a bear hug. "What's the matter bitch? You scared? You should be. I'm gonna make it where you don't walk again so you can't go running to the cops unless your arms are flailing off the side of a wheelchair!" he announced.

Those eyes spotted a dark chocolate colored couch that the employees would normally lounge on. Catrin was one of those people who normally sat on thing. How appropriate was it that she, seemingly, was going to get her brains fucked out on it? That strength was something that could've only come from pure hatred and emotion. He chugged Catrin's fair body into couch with the impact of her landing illuminating the room in sound. TC dashed to the floor, picked up his cell phone and pocketed it quickly. A Superman styled dive was made and he landed on his target with picture perfect accuracy. Upon landing on her and mounting himself on top of her the insanity driven comedian immediately delivered a hard and stinging slap to the right side of his face with his right and dominant hand. He hoped she would draw blood from this aggressive offense. It'd teach her who was the stick and who was the watering hole. He assumed that she'd be fearful now but he didn't care if she was. All he wanted out of her was the realization that he's the dominant one now and she's beneath him, a lower being and nothing more than a fuck toy.

That bastard slammed that same hand that slapped her so harshly into her throat to briefly choke her. He pressured his upper body down onto her to choke her even more. His eyes darted towards the ground to spot Catrin's purse. A sick smile glided across his face. He reached down and after a few seconds of ransacking he pulled out the victim's cell phone. That same phone was laid on Catrin's chest. The bouncing of her breasts swayed the phone from side to side. He reached into his pocket to pull out the same phone that allowed him to be heart broken. Just the sight of it made him not reconsider what he was about to do which had to be one of the most unique foreplay ideas that Terrance had ever come up with. The shape of the super slick and smooth looking phone, though still rectangular in shape, was the prelude to what was to come.

"Wanna know what kinda phone it is? It came from a German sex toy website. It's a vibrator phone. You see, this is how it works...while you can use ringtones on it like any other phone it's specialty is vibration. This thing vibrates seven to ten times harder than any other vibration setting on any other phone. It's useless for phone sex because a girl could use it as a dildo while, at the same time, use the speakerphone to talk to the person. So, I'll make you a deal. If you don't moan, whimper or even ask me to simply fuck you then I won't do it. However, show me any sign that you like whatever I'm doing to you and you can kiss the idea of your pussy never being sore goodbye," he proposed.

That asshole did just what he was said he was going to do but added more physical stipulations as he went along. Her throat was released but his hand found a retirement on her chest. He leaned his entire body weight on top of her while reaching under his body to place the phone in-between her legs. The pressure from their bodies being sandwiched together held the phone in place. He used Catrin's phone to dial his number. Once the seventh digit was pressed and the call button was dialed the gates of sexual hell was unleashed. Seven to ten times the vibrations of any other phone? YEAH RIGHT! It was more like fifteen times that of what he said added on. If she had any urge to like the horrible tremors it would've made an utter mockery of her clitoris and her pleasure hole.
Catrin whimpered, tears building in her eyes as she pushed at him, trying to get him to let her go. All his talk about punishing her pussy frightened her. Pushing at his chest, she shook her head side to side. "No, please no... just let me go!" she begged, looking up at him. The look in his eyes was frightening, sending chills up and down her spine. She let out a whimper of fear, then a soft scream as he hugged her tight, nearly crushing her petite body with his all too strong arms.

Tears slid down her cheeks as he looked down at her, only to throw her onto the couch. She went flying, unable to catch herself before she fell into the cushions with a loud thud. He was on her before she had time to react, delivering a harsh slap to her face that made her head snap to the side and drew blood from the corner of her mouth. Tears spilled from her eyes as she looked up at him. She'd always known he was an asshole, but she'd never thought him capable of anything like this. Never thought him inhuman enough to rape and abuse someone, especially after they just offered him a shoulder to cry on.

His hand came crashing down on the delicate pillar of the throat and she let out a choked cry, her hands at his wrist, pushing desperately at it, trying to get him off of her so she could breathe. Her fists pounded at his chest, fear gripping her. When he set her cell phone on her chest, it was like he was teasing her. Rubbing it in her face that there was a lifeline there and she couldn't take hold of it.

And then he held up his own phone, explaining to her just what it could be used for. Her eyes went wide at the thought... she'd never heard of such a thing! But there it was, and it definitely wasn't like any phone she'd ever seen before. The stipulations he was putting on her made her cry a bit harder than before. Not out of pain, not out of discomfort... but out of fear.

His body came crashing down on her, pushing the air out of her legs and forcing a cry to leave her lips as he shoved the phone between her legs so that it was resting against her hairless sex through the crotch of her panties. "No... please, no..." and then he was dialing a number from her phone, and the vibration started between her legs. As soon as the hard vibration started, it seemed to focus on her clit, making her squirm, gasping, trying hard to push him off.

Fresh tears welled in her eyes. The sensation was intense, and she didn't want to admit it, but she could feel herself growing warm down there... could feel moisture building up inside her panties. That phone was wreaking havoc on her poor body. Not that it helped that it had been a couple years since she'd been with the one and only person she'd ever slept with. Her poor body's natural needs had all but been ignored, as Catrin had convinced herself that masturbation even, was a waste of time and energy for something that couldn't ever feel good.

And now here she was, pinned beneath a man who, if she so much as showed an ounce of pleasure, would have no problem raping her whether she truly wanted it or not. "Please let me go... please don't... don't do this..." Her breathing was a bit heavier, and growing more so by the second. She had to make him stop, or else she'd be doomed.
The calculation of his movements were the key here. That damn phone of hers was what was causing all of this reaction from her. That fiend used her technology to create a tidal wave that crashed into her. A mind flurried he was. A terrible thought went through his brain. If she'd nearly give into him and he wasn't even touching her skin directly then of course if he did so she'd probably lose it. So, with that intention in mind, the rapist wedged his hand in-between their bodies and gripped onto the phone. He dragged it downward until it slipped under her skirt. He smirked. There could a falsehood in his idea of her opening the flood gates downtown. Either way, the second he pushed that phone into the seapings of her pussy lips through her underwear there was no doubt that he absolutely rocked her lower regions even though she might not be turned on by this. The vibrations themselves got stronger once they hit a more solid object. The mid-section of chair even suffered from minor tremors.

This douche bag had to go further than that. He let go of her chest and leaned up. But she wasn't about to get any relief just yet. A reaching into the pocket and the pulling out of the said hand that did the reaching would reveal a pocket knife. It was held in a sort of offensive gesture. "Wouldn't want my number one slut to get loose? Oh, what's the matter? You crying bitch? You might want to save those tears. You'll need them later..." he said in a coarse voice. "Now, let's see here..." he said. He reached under her skirt. Just what the hell was he planning on doing? He had no grip on her now and she could escape. Although, the moment she tried to move he'd just slash her vagina with the knife to make sure that she has some permanent damage. "Ever had a knife for a dildo before? I hear it's quite painful," the cruel man suggested.

He had no intention of cutting her unless she did try to get away. Oh, but he would cut something. He pulled on the strap lining of her underwear where the vibrating phone was still on the attack. The knife started cutting away the vertical part of her underwear and once it was severed clean off it gave him direct access to her sex. So unfair did he turned out to be. He knew that if the vibrator caused her to almost give into him, he knew from the look in her eyes, then goodness knows what it'd do to her if it directly touched her pussy. But he didn't even have mercy in that setting. Instead of just heading for the spot that was causing all of her leakage he jammed the phone into her clitoris which, by all standards, was one of the most sensitive areas of a woman's body. To put an exclamation mark on his sexual mishappenings he moved his hand from side to side just to dig in the phone even more and cause the worst type of stimulation.

The knife was hurled across the room. "Maybe, just maybe, if you open your legs a little wider I might keep my hand steady. Don't do it and I'll put it inside of you," he proposed. Now she had a choice to make. Either allow him to bully her clit or he'd put inside of her and goodness knows what kind of internal sensations that would cause. His logic was to force her to choose between being made into a whore or being into an even BIGGER whore. "And if you're a really good girl I might lick you to clean you up a bit. There isn't any towels around here and I'm sure you need one right about now. They say tongues can be like sponges. So, unless you want to be all wet and have all the evidence of what happened to be going down your legs then you might want to consider some things," he added.

Just a brief inch of that phone left her clitoris that was, by all standards of how she reacted earlier, going insane, and promptly found itself being squeezed tightly by her pussy walls upon him putting it into her. The vibrations were so powerful to the point where even her pubic area, after he placed a free hand upon it, was having a chain reaction of shaking from the recoil.
She let out a harsh sob as he moved the phone beneath her skirt. "No! Please no!" She wanted to scream, but was afraid to do so, afraid he'd hit her again, or worse. The second that phone pressed against her through even her panties, she squirmed hard, holding back a cry. It was far too intense, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.

When he leaned up off of her, she was just about to make a break for it, to try to push him away and run, but then she saw the shine coming off the pocket knife as he pulled it out, flicking the blade into an open position. His words about a knife inside of her made her whimper in fear, and she made it a point to lay very, very still. His knife was slid beneath her skirt, and she could feel him pulling it against the waistband of her panties, slicing them and pulling another sob from her.

Why was he doing this to her? What had she done to him that was so horrible? Honestly... he'd always been more cruel to her than she ever had to him. Was this payback for the drink being dumped over his head? Honestly, she couldn't say, and as she lay there wondering, he was pushing her panties out of the way, moving the phone to press it against her clit. He pushed it hard against her, and she couldn't hold back any longer. A high pitched cry left her lips as he dug it in hard against her sensitive nub, sobs following shortly thereafter as he looked up at him. Would he take that sound as one of pleasure? God she hoped not...

And then he was telling her that if she didn't spread her legs for him, he'd put it inside her. But that hurt! But she didn't want to do something so lewd for him... She didn't want him licking her! But she didn't want the evidence of what he was doing to her to be on display either.

Giving a sob of defeat, she lowered her eyes, spreading her shapely thighs a bit wider for him, giving him better access to her smooth, hairless pussy. Her lips were quivering, her clit throbbing, and her juices were flowing enough to lubricate her incredibly well were he to want to insert something inside of her virgin tight walls.
"Damn girl..." whispered TC. Amazingly, the phone was made to withstand any kind of overexposure to moisture to keep it from shorting out. Well, it appeared that Catrin was so wet and leaked so much onto the electronic surface to the point where the phone suffered from water damage and instantly shut off. The vibrations started to die off. That spelled her doom right there. Now Terrance had to find something else to stick into her and that something else might've brought on something more, what TC would call, minor reactions. Little was known about TC's love of My Chemical Romance as most would've just thought he was the typical black rap fan. Well, it turned out that he loved make up upon a man's face, a marching band uniform and overly dark lyrics.

"So we gave 'em blood, blood, gallons of the stuff, give them all that you can drink and it'll never be enough. So give 'em blood, blood, BLOOOOOD! Grab a bucket 'cause there's gonna be a flood," he sang. Was that bastard trying to suggest that he was going to make her bleed with whatever was going to crush her next. To be even more of an asshole he pulled the phone out from under her skirt and rubbed its surface all over her lips in an attempt to make her taste herself. Unless she wiped her mouth off she'd taste it eventually and even then there'd be bits and fragments left for later. A shower would be needed later and maybe some Listerine would be desired as well or something similar. That phone got tossed to the left and landed with a loud clacking sound.

The familiar sound of a zipper dropping reached its full volume. She was about to see the head of the beast. Those red boxers of his was exposed which a long opening in the middle of them to allow him to push out his manhood without having to remove his underwear to do it. Without even touching it the thing poked out as it was lightning rod hard by now. That had to be a troublesome sight for her. The damn thing wasn't even that long. It wasn't meant to be. However, what it lacked in length it made up for in overall thickness. She could barely take the phone in without having herself being plugged like a planet sized sphere to a gopher hole. Just how the hell did he expect that thing to fit into her? He didn't. He thought it'd rip her open. Perhaps he was underestimating Catrin's pussy just a bit. Still, this wasn't going to be a very pleasant experience for her unless she wanted it in some ways.

He didn't remove his pants. No, that would require too much time and would also call for him to ignore her submissive position long enough for her to make a possible escape. To make sure that she didn't get away his arms moved under her spread legs. The back of her calves were hoisted up onto his shoulders. TC's body leaned down while at the same time he placed his hands to the left and right sides of her shoulders with her back being planted on the couch. This was more of a push-up position than anything. Most men would have to grab their penises to insert it into a hole rather it be the vaginal or anal area. Not this time. He had special plans on how to get it into her.

With him being so hard and thick he simply rubbed the head of his intruder against her entrance just by using the muscles in his hips and in the penis itself. Something strange happened. Her vagina, by natural instinct, performed somewhat of a sucking motion the second he dropped his hips down into her like a guillotine which only jammed about three inches of the nine that she'd have to deal with. It was the same concept as a spaceship being sucked it by a blackhole. He allowed her to suck him into her to punish herself. Her deep abyss had inner walls that, because of their constricting maneuvers, was in turn not blocking him but sucking him in. He only allowed her body to do some of the work. Their bodies made a hell of a contact when he slammed his pubic area into hers and he even managed to smack the upper attachment of his body directly into her clitoris to cause even more damage.

"You like that bitch?" he asked.
The sound of his zipper lowering made Catrin's throat restrict in fear, her heart skipping a beat. Despite that, however, her pussy seemed to welcome the sound, giving a quiver of anticipation as her clit throbbed all the harder, eager for attention. Was this some subconcious direction given by her brain, telling her sex to prepare for penetration?

Whimpering, she looked down as his cock made it's appearance, eyes going wide at the site. He was too big... way way too big! He'd split her in half. "No... No please no..." she begged, squirming, trying to get away as panic took her. Her struggle was not to succeed, however, as he grabbed her legs and hoisted them up, draping them over his shoulders, practically folding her in half, her soft, slick pink pussy on display, in the perfect position for him to force himself inside of her.

"Please don't, TC... please... I wont tell anyone if you don't..." And then he stopped just rubbing against her, instead thrusting the first few inches of him into her hard, ripping a scream of pain from her as he stretched her suddenly around him. Tears sprang to her eyes, pain pulsing through her as he began to thrust into her again and again, until he finally sank all nine inches of his massive member into her tight walls.

She sobbed beneath him, her hands smacking at him, nails clawing, trying to get him off of her. When he asked her if she liked it, she just cried, shaking her head back and forth quickly. "It hurts!" she sobbed softly, pushing at him, trying to get him off of her. "Stop... please stop... too big... too big!" she cried beneath him, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

The pain was intense... far more than the little bit of pleasure she may have received from being penetrated normally. He hadn't taken his time, instead he'd just thrust into her, and she was sure he was ripping her open, her delicate white sex at the mercy of his massive black rod. Infact, she wouldn't have been surprised had she bled.
Now it was time to wreck her from the inside out. His dick wanted to tag team with him apparently. Some men didn't curve out right away and TC was one of those guys. So, while being inside of her, the full stint of his erection occured as his member curved to the right even further. It had trouble doing that. Her body put the male extension of a break in artist into an anaconda choke hold. Those defenses of hers made it hard for him to take what he wanted out of her. That didn't meant that she'd be out of hot water or would stop producing her own version of hot water. Abusing her was easy but continuing it would be the tricky part. That's where the verbal communication would come in handy.

TC leaned his head down towards her ear to whisper thoughts into her mind. Those legs of hers were pushed back while being up on his shoulders. Her knees almost touched her chest. The son of a bitch didn't say a single word for a second or two and rushing his body into her like a human sewing machine with his needle being thicker than the tiny metal ones. He wanted her to hurt for a moment before he started saying things to her. It was mind games. He figured that she wanted him, at this point since she already knew it'd probably be a long night for her, to talk to reassure her that it wasn't going to be as bad as she thought. That, of course, would be a highly incorrect thought on her part if she did have it. His voice was her reward. He wasn't about to allow her to hear him unless it was a grunt from him pounding her like a piece of fresh meat.

He stringed his words together in-between breaths. "You know, they say that even if you're tearing a girl apart she'll still cum but it's against her will. Now, I could fuck you harder and make you climax a bit faster so this'll be all over. But if you want I'll make it slow and painful. Just so you know, I'm not stopping until I get "mine" too. As I said, I could go faster and this'll be all over. But if you want me to go slow then you can sit there, scream, shout, beg for mercy, call on your god if you want and even moan like the whore you are. Tell me to fuck you harder and I'll have mercy on you," he proposed. That was his all along. He was forcing her to like this rather she wanted to or not.

For the sake of being even more cruel he didn't even give her a chance to answer. Like a scrub board turned upside down her body jerked violently as he started to get a bit rougher. Unfortunately for Catrin the guy could do a shit load of push-up repetitions without stopping. His back straightened and he dropped into her. "You like that bitch? HUH? DO YA?!" he shouted in question to her. But then the fucking got totally unfair. It was too hard. Just entering her made her feel like he was going to rip her from the seams. Now, his skin around his pubic area, despite him wearing pants, was getting red and swollen from being smashed down into her so hard.

Slowing down probably would've given her some temporary relief. "What's it gonna be whore? Ask me to fuck you harder like that so you can get closer. Or I could take it slow and make this as long as possible but then you'd just piss me off and make you fuck you in SORTS of positions. Do what I want you to and be a good little toy," he commanded. "You might even want to rub that nice little clit of yours and grab on those breasts to make this go a little faster," he added. In the back of TC's mind this wasn't over by a long shot.
She was screaming beneath him, arching and writhing, pushing against him, trying desperately to free herself. But it would seem that the more she fought to get free, the more pleasure he took in seeing to it that he hurt her more. She was sobbing and whimpering in a mixture of pleasure and pain beneath him by the time he began to actually talk to her. His words made her cry harder, but it didn't really matter... he didn't give her time to answer. Instead, he just went back to slamming into her, probably hard enough to bruise her poor thighs.

Her clit was throbbing... but with pain or pleasure, she couldn't tell anymore. Her nails gripped onto his arms, drawing blood, holding onto him as if looking for some sort of anchor to the real world, something to keep her from spinning off into oblivion because of what he was doing to her body.

Her head tossed from side to side, pants leaving her as she whimpered and cried out beneath him. She continually looked at the door, praying someone would walk in and catch him raping her, but she knew it wouldn't happen. The club was all but empty by now, probably completely empty, as this was a week night. They closed early on weekdays. She was alone... completely alone and at his mercy.

Looking up at him, she whimpered. "Please TC... you're hurting me... I'll give you whatever you want, just please... please stop hurting me..." she sobbed. She knew it would never feel good... but deep down she was sure he was trying to make this painful. Fast or slow, it didn't matter... she just wanted him to stop hurting her this way.

"I'll give you anything!" she cried again, whimpering and looking up at him as a soft sob left her. "Just please... please stop..."
Penetration of skin had been reached. Only someone with a completely twisted mind would think that her clawing at his body while damn near screaming bloody murder would be a signal for him to do other things to her that was just as worse or worse than this. He figured she liked this. The sick freak kept on thinking that she actually craved being treated like nothing but an object. She wanted him to stop doing what he was doing? Maybe that wasn't the best of suggestions. That would only prompt him to do something different to her. "Oh yes, you're right! Who wants to get fucked missionary all the time? It's a generic and boring position! Good idea! Thanks for the help!" he exclaimed. It seemed like the more she talked the worst she'd make it for herself.

Her body was slumped over the couch right after he pulled himself out of her. He ripped his arms away from her hands while being pretty sure that she probably got a small piece of blood and flesh under her finger nails. That'd be a nice parting gift for her to have unless she washed it off immediately. Her body landed with her back pointed upwardly to the ceiling. That wasn't a good sign. She was in a perfect position. The sex starved man moved from the couch and onto his knees on the floor. He pulled her body up to force her into a kneeling position which she could just as easily move herself out of but it wouldn't do her much good. Getting a woman's back could land a man with all the power in the world.

A hard hand smacked the back of her neck before gripping it and shoving her face into the floor. "I wonder what would happen if I fucked you all doggy style. Would you like that? Oh, all whores like that. It's a very ideal sex position. So, should I go hard or soft? Oh, I think I'll go hard. I like it when you moan in pain," he admitted. That other hand was the executioner. Her ass was arched up into the air and seemingly ready for him to do whatever he damn well pleased with her. The hand slapped her left ass cheek to unleash a loud sound that copied the sound of a tennis racket hitting a tennis ball. A large, red hand print was left on the surface of her skin. He rubbed the inflicted wound to make it hurt a little more.

TC grabbed the abusive man-pipe that already bullied her pussy before and inserted it yet again but this time with a hand which was a symbol that perhaps sweet relief was on the way. Perhaps he was slowly becoming satisfied. Maybe he just briefly lost a miniscule part of his erection from not being inside of her. With Terrance, one would never know. Escaping? There was no escape. To be sure of this, the sexual thief took his hand off the back of Catrin's neck and, with both arms, hooked both her arms into a full nelson hold. There was nowhere to run. The fucking was what had to stop. He had the mind to literally try to leave his imprint on the inside of her.

Her shirt was soaked in sweat by now and partially because of the sweat from his shirt. Stinging liquids leaked down his forehead which prompted him to close his eyes along and coupled with the fact that her tightened well of lust felt really good. He breathed on the top of her back as a form of exhaust fumes that could've let her know that he was getting just a bit of fatigue. A small sign of mercy made itself known. Terrance thought of his favorite rap song and began to deviate from his hard fucking into a grinding motion that simulated the beat of the rap song. At least he did show a bit of himself that wanted her to like this.
Catrin's eyes went wide when he decided that instead of stopping all together, instead of letting her go, he would just switch up positions. A cry of despair left her as he pulled from her, ripping his arms from her hands, leaving blood and skin beneath her nails. She hardly had the chance to notice such, however, as he grabbed her and flipped her over, bending her over the couch.

As soon as he let go to change his own position, however, she made to scramble away. A scream left her as he grabbed her by the back of the neck, forcing her cheek to the floor and her ass up into the air. She sobbed as he spoke, not even answering anymore.

He thrust into her hard, pulling a scream from her. A moment later, his arms found her own, pulling her at an awkward motion as he pounded into her. She was just beginning to think there'd be no relief, sure he'd kill her before he'd finish, when he stopped thrusting and settled into a grinding motion against her, his hips grinding into her supple, soft ass.

A whimper left her, but her cries died down significantly. In fact, looking past the lingering pain from the abuse he'd shown her... it almost felt good. He was pressing against a spot deep within her that send shocks through her body. Closing her eyes tight, she let out a low groan that was half pain, half pleasure, her breathing growing slightly heavier.
Those arms left hers and allowed her some relief from the submission hold. It was a sign that TC didn't believe that she wanted to run anymore. Sure, she wouldn't walk for a day or two without feeling some pain from it. However, he got the distinct feeling that she needed this more than she was letting on. Otherwise, why did her body betray her so easily? Was she always wanting this and just never said anything? Terrance realized that there were those types of women who didn't want sex unless it was rough, kinky and even, in some cases, seemingly of the non-consent type. But at that point one couldn't rape the willing. The ever opportunist went to whispering into her ear again. "Say my name. Tell me you want me to fuck you. I bet you wanna cum baby. Don't you? Tell me you love being my little slut. I bet you love the way I treat you. I bet you don't even want me to stop," he whispered.

He wanted to allow her to prop herself up if she wanted or keep her head low if she, in fact, didn't want to even have a possibility of him ever seeing her face if she really hated this. A touch to that same mistreated clitoris was made with a single index finger stroking it in a circular repetition while the other hand was placed firmly on the small of her back. Those touches were made to make her like this. A slow and steady rhythm of forward driving and backward retreating was made. She was a little more loose now as if her body was betraying her even more to allow him to continue. He spoke a little louder as he didn't want her to misunderstand him. "I let you go. Yeah, if you run, I'd probably stop you. Of course you could even run right now. But I bet you won't. I bet you'll stay on your knees and let me do whatever the hell I want to you. It's official. You're my whore. You'll obey whatever command I give you because I broke you in properly. Yeah, you won't run away. Good dick is hard to come by for you, isn't it?" he inquired. TC kind of figured that it had been a while since someone made her scream like this.

Finally, those neglected breasts got some attention. Both of his hands left their previous positions and moved their way under her back and onto her nice and naturals. The average woman liked to have their breasts touched depending on who was doing the touching and that was true even for women who wasn't that well endowed. However, the nerves in those said breasts would be higher depending on their size. In Catrin's case, she was probably swarmed with them. Those poor things hadn't been shown their proper due in a while. TC could tell. Her nipples hardened through that shirt so quickly as if to say that they needed it more than she was letting on. It was hard to get a hold of them. They jiggled around, pushing themselves forward and backward, to make amends with the drill that wasn't too far behind them.

"It's okay baby. I won't tell anyone. Just tell me that you like it. Tell me what you want me to do to you," he said to try to reassure her. It wasn't a secret anymore. Catrin liked this. Her verbal responses weren't by accident. The girl clearly needed someone to come along and just take her because otherwise, given her normal personality, she wouldn't have just given it up without a fight.
Catrin's eyes closed, tears slipping down her pale cheeks as a sense of shame washed over her. She couldn't believe what her body was doing, the way all of her was responding to him despite the fact that she knew she didn't want this. Did she? No... sex hurt. Didn't it? Well... it hurt with him, she knew that. But it felt good too. Maybe... maybe it didn't have to hurt all the time.

What was she thinking?! A soft sob left her as she hung her head, flame colored curls of silk spilling around her from her pony tail. His words were not doing anything to make her feel any better about the situation. She wasn't supposed to like this! Wasn't supposed to enjoy the way he touched her. He'd even grown gentle the past few minutes, his finger being tender with her abused clit, and now he was caressing and stroking her breasts through her corset-like top.

When he got off her, allowing her to sit up if she wanted to, she lifted up onto elbows, not completely up, but not down either. One of her hands moved slowly to his own as it fondled her breasts, her fingers caressing over his hand. "I... I've only..." she managed to stammer between the breaths she was taking with his thrusts, soft whimpers leaving her between her words. "I've only ever done this once..." she admitted, and he would soon see a deep blush crawling along her neck and the delicate lobes of her tiny ears.

"Please... I wont run... just... don't hurt me anymore?" she asked softly, her hips moving gently back against his own, meeting one of his thrusts with her own. She turned her head, looking back at him through her jewel green eyes, pleading with him silently in that look.

In truth... his words were making her wetter. Could she really get to enjoy being with him? Being his personal slut? The thought made another wave of shame wash over her, but at the same time her nipples grew harder than ever and her clit throbbed, begging for attention. Well... she would see.
He'd continue to hurt her but perhaps he was being a bit too rough. There was still no sympathy for her pain. Of course, with him, there woudn't be much sympathy for anything at all. A hand gripped at her hair and forced her body, with that hair grip, to assume a forty five degree angle. It was probably showing that he wasn't going to listen to her yet he forced her head to turn so that he could kiss her. A kiss? Out of Terrance? Even with just a lip embrace the pressure was on. He nearly drew blood in the form of a cut from her bottom row of teeth hitting his mouth with a roughness that only comes from a greedy man.

That meeting of the faces didn't last long. Soon his head roamed her neck with a gathering of kisses meeting her skin. A hard bite mark was placed on the side of her neck. She was his slut. This marking was a sign of placing claim on his territory. Every sex slave needed a collar and that would've been her own collar. He could barely talk from his lips still being so close to her body even after separating them just to talk. "You tell me not to hurt you? Oh, you don't get how this works, do you? You're the slut and I'm the master. You're supposed to please ME; not the other way around. I do to you and with you whatever I want. Isn't that right?" he asked. One hard and long thrust was put into her and he held it in to stop for a brief moment. The pain spike driven into her was to remind of her of just who had the whip and who had the sore back. "Isn't that right? Answer me whore!"

She seemed to have enraged him. This was partially because of his peak. TC was a super fucker, with all factors considered, but he wouldn't be able to keep this up forever. Still, he had a lot left in him to hold back just for the sake of showing her that no matter what she did from now on this horrible memory, or, possibly, wonderful thought would always be in her mind. Talon-like finger nails gripped into her shoulders. He wasn't only fucking her just to hurt her. He was fucking her to force her to release. "Who is your fucking master?!" he questioned aloud. "Scream it bitch!" he shouted down at her.
Catrin was not met with the gentleness she'd hoped for when she'd agreed to give him whatever he wanted. Indeed, no, he only seemed to grow more forceful, more angry with her for things she honestly didn't remember ever doing wrong. She cried out as he pulled her body to that awkward angle, and whimpered in pain against his lips as he kissed her.

When his lips found her neck, she shivered, hoping against hope that now he would lighten up. Instead, however, his teeth sank into the delicate skin of her neck, ripping a scream from her, and as soon as his teeth let go, she was struggling to get away... to no avail.

He was talking again, calling her the slut, saying she had to please him and her own pleasure didn't matter. She couldn't hold back the sobs any longer, any hope she had had of making it through this without too much more pain gone. When he slammed into her and yelled at her to answer him, a scream was ripped from her throat, along with the answer: "You are!".

She sobbed, whimpering. "Oh god TC please... please stop. I'm begging you... I'll be whatever you want me to be, just please stop hurting me. I'll do whatever you want, I swear!" she begged, pleading with him, shoving her pride to the side in an effort to end the pain.