The Rich Wives and the Bold Young Man (reserved)


First Time Wanderer
Feb 23, 2024
Samuel Freeman had what most boys his age will be jealous of. He was a senior at the local college, the captain and the quarterback of the varsity football team, he had his own swanky car that he drove around and he never had a problem getting his shaft shiny wet - no matter the woman or girl in question. He did work hard for it but he can't deny the genes that has been passed down. He was black, six foot three young man, with light brown eyes, short dark hair, and a lean but jacked swimmers body. He knows he draws the attention of a lot of women eye. Especially in the rich neighbourhood he lived in, where he was the only young black man showing off. He always thought he has worked hard for the body, why won't he show it off for the lovely white women.

The other reason for his confidence - well he wasn't afraid to show that off too. You just had to look lower to see that. Samuel had noticed that about when he hit middle school and was taking showers in the locker room that he was quite a bit bigger. In fact he was lot bigger and thicker then most of the other guys. When he was naive, he almost thought something was wrong with him down there. But very soon, he knew he almost had something of a superpower. Atleast other boys would have called it superpower. By the time he started having sex, there was a various amount of responses he got from girls. Some were visibly shook, some had even went out with him just to see if the outrageous rumours were true, and hell there was a minority of them that were just plain frightened by the thought of the enormous rod of meat, intimidated by the fact that it would stretch them out, but the girls who received the massive black sausage never really acted the same anymore. The rumours got so ridiculous that some college sluts would only agree to give Samuel a hand job, not even attempting to take a ride on his freakish asset because it might ruin their lifestyle and get them addicted to just one guy. Samuel had quickly moved on from the girls' his age to women who would be teaching him, mothers who had kids, wives who had husbands. He was convinced most wives were living a dull life devoid of fun. They could love their husbands all they want, but it was never enough to make them not buy lifeless dildos and vibrators.

Samuel lived with his parents in a really nice (and rich) neighbourhood. It was full with rich people and Samuel loved living there as the wives were really hot, some acting snobby, others acting all prim and proper. Most of them didn't work and spent their husbands money on shopping and on themselves. The classic trophy wives. Something Samuel never complained about. The more trophy wives, the better.


On this particular afternoon, I decided to go for a run around the lovely neighborhood. The sun was out, but it wasn't too sunny. It felt just right for a nice little run. It was also the time most husbands were out at work. So, it was the prime time if I wanted to go after a particular doll. I had my basketball shorts on - no underwear of course and nothing on top either. I made sure I was showing my massive bulge (even while soft) and my rock hard chest along with the firm six pack abs to everyone watching me. I left my house and started jogging down the lane, looking around, checking out sexy housewives that were out and about, seeing if there were new faces in the neighborhood, and most importantly letting them see me, drink in the image of the black hunk who will their replace their dildos and will fuck their brains out - because their husbands were most certainly useless.
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Isabelle Renee' Anderson- blonde trophy wife, young married to an older wealthy gentleman. They live in a safe upperclass gated community in a classic huge five bedroom house with a pool, jacuzzi and gym.

Recently a black family had moved into our all white neighborhood causing quite a stir. Residents were saying racist things 'like there goes the neighorhood along with the property values' or 'the crime rate just went up'. amongest other things. My own husband, Carl had already started a petition to prevent them from joining our exclusive country club. On one hand I could understand some of their concerns but I really didn't twice about it. Most of us never had any black people in our inner circle before and things were changing. More and more marriages were mixed and you saw alot of black men with white women these days.

I just was coming home from taking my beloved poodle, 'Baxter' to the vet when I noticed this young,big muscular black man jogging down the street. He was shirtless and sweating and I couldn't help but notice those buns of steel in his running shorts atop of those muscular thighs. I must admit I lifted up my sunglasses and continued to check him out in my rear view mirror. A few houses down I pulled into my circular driveway and opened my door without putting the lease on Baxter first and he just happened to jump out of the car. The jogger just happened to be passing my residence and Baxter started chasing him, barking his fool head off !

" Baxter...get back here this minute ! naughty dog !!! " I shouted, giving chase in my high heels. I didn't think my usually well disciplined and behaved poodle would bite him...
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As I jogged down the lane, I noticed a woman - young relative to most women in this neighbourhood - driving her bright red sedan, pull up in her driveway. She also had a dog. A tiny cute dog. Good. Dog can be annoying but it seems like this one won't be too bad to manage.

I kept passing by several houses until I got to the house where this platinum blondie had just pulled over. Wanting to get a good view of her trophy ass, I started to slow down my running speed and just leer at her straight. That's when the door on the other side opened and the poodle jumped out. It didn't have a lease and it started darting right at me.

I did scare me for a millisecond. But as the age old saying goes, don't run around when a dog is around, it will chase you. So I came to a stop from my already slow running and the dog simply ran over to me and started to smell me.

I guess I did get sweaty while taking a jog in the afternoon. While the dog was focused on running and jumping around at my feet, I saw the gorgeous doll run behind this lost dog trying to scold it for not hearing order.

"Haha, it seems like you have not trained your dog very well?" I saw as I fold my knees to sit down and pet the white poodle. Then notice the name on the collar "Baxter. Nice. Good boy!" I told as focused on the dog for a little while, occasionally taking a good look at your legs and the sexy high heels.
" You are such a bad boy, Baxter ! " I scolded him, totally embarrassed by his bad behavior. Thank God he didn't bite this black stranger. " I am so sorry, he usually is very well behaved " I apologized. The stranger just smiled, showing off a row of fine white teeth, while petting my dog and then he stood up. He was very tall, the perfect example of dark, tall and handsome...such broad powerful shoulders and big biceps ! I could tell that he liked to work out and keep in shape!

" Pleased to meet you, my name is Isabelle Jennings and you must have just moved in. Welcome to the neighborhood. " I introduced myself. He didn't say anything at first but I couldn't help but notice his bold dark eyes undressing my body. I suddenly felt naked...the fact that I was a married woman and wearing my wedding ring didn't seem to bother him in the least. And then I noticed the very large bulge in his shorts. I blushed and quickly adverted my eyes, not wanting to stare...
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As I slowly stand up, I take a very look at you, at your delicious bod, starting from your white legs completely bare going up and hiding under the little expensive dress that you will be wearing - just long enough to cover those lickable thighs - not too long but not too short either, then comes the wide child bearing hips urging any man to grab them for their use. The ass looking just as equally inviting. Continuing on, that waist just accentuating the wideness of those hips that I want to crush in my big black hands. The tits, just popping out of the polka dotted dress, the subtle cleavage going deep.

And finally the face, the pretty white face, the big blue eyes which were looking and following at what I have been leering at for the past couple of seconds, possibly waiting for some kind of reply. She has turned a bit red from my close examination it seems. Cute.

I smile and confidently say "Sorry about that. I mean, there are a lot of beautiful women in the area, but my eyes couldn't help but enjoy the woman that stands before me. Thanks to this naughty dog Baxter, I get to know you now." I present my big hand forward, "Samuel, nice to meet you too, Isabella. And yes, our family just moved into this beautiful neighborhood. And look how soon I have come across this cute untrained doll...ahem, dog" My eyes looking straight into your eyes with a confident cockiness that only the right people can look and say that I do not have innocent plans.

Being the afternoon, I feel the stuffiness and sweat in my pants at the same time so with my other hand, I adjust my pants right before you, trying to ventilate my crotch by moving my pushed out bulge from over the pants for a quick second enough to make the size extra obvious for anyone looking, making sure you were looking.
I barely heard a word this bold young stud said, being so distracted by the huge outline of his cock in his shorts. It was common knowledge that most black males were hung like a horse and Samuel was no exception. I had a feeling that he was going to be very popular with the wives in our upscale neighborhood ! Samuel complimented me and offered his hand and I was overwhelmed by how big he was...just like the rest of him. He simply made my husband pale in comparison...

" Would you like to come in and have a drink of water ? " I offered, taking my bad puppy back, " It's so hot out today..."
"Yes, it is very hot. I am feeling very thirsty. I will have that drink, thank you very much Mrs Jennings." I say while you are lifting up your little puppers in your arms. As soon as you lift up Baxter, I reach out to pet the him on his head, making cute sounds that everyone universally makes while playing with the pets, rub his underbelly. But to your sudden surprise you feel my strong hand also cope a feel of those married tits that I had been eyeing for some time now. The entire thing happens too fast, a moment you will be seeing my hand rubbing Baxter's belly and suddenly you get my giant hand absolutely grope and sink my fat fingers into your bouncy flesh before immediately going back to Baxter.

My eyes look back to you again "Sorry Mrs Jennings, it is so cute, I couldn't help myself playing with it a little. I mean your dog." And beam you a big smile. I step closer to you and ask again, making sure to not give you time to think and process the situation, "That is not a problem, right Mrs Jennings? I love how welcoming you are to me. I have heard of rumours of otherwise. They don't seem true to me though now that I have talked to a few lovely women in the block. By the way, before we go in, Is Mr Jennings home?"

I was enjoying putting you on the spot and tempting you like that. Clearly a submissive doll.
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I couldn't believe this stranger was so bold as to touch my breast, even for just an instant...and I didn't think it was accidental. Alarm bells went off inside my head, warning me that is was a very 'dangerous' kind of man to be around. The exact sort of aggressive alpha male that no husband would want his wife to alone with. Just the brief contact with my nipple had made it stiffen, combined with that knowing confident smile...

" the way, before we go in, is Mr. Jennings home ? "

" No, he is playing golf with his buddies. " I answered, with a hint of resentment in my voice. Not only did my husband spend long hours at the office all week but he liked to golf on Saturday at the country club. I was beginning to feel very neglected lately. " So, do you still want to come in and have a cold bottle of water ? "

Samuel nodded and followed me inside. I had the feeling he was taking the opportunity to check out my ass as I walked ahead of him. Once inside our home I went to the refrigerator and got a chilled bottle of Avian water and handed it to him. " You should remember to always hydrate yourself when you work out and I can tell you like to work out alot ! "

I really couldn't help but to admire his chiseled torso and powerful biceps as I tried not to look down at that enticing bulge in his shorts...
As Isabelle tells me about her husband always being away, I reply "Ah. I was hoping to shake my hand with him. Atleast I get to meet his gorgeous wife. Honestly Mrs Jennings, with a wife like you, I wouldn't ever leave you alone." I, of course, continued to check out her magnificent bubble butt as she walked in front me in a sway. It was almost like she was tempting me to give it a good groping but I curbed my desire to do so because I was feeling there will be a better opportunity soon.

If she was worried, she definitely did not show it instead continuing to blush a little as I stopped and waited in the living room, looking around - marking all the nice places to fuck in the house while she brough in the fresh chilled spring water.

" You should remember to always hydrate yourself when you work out and I can tell you like to work out a lot ! "

I promptly break the seal and take a big gulp out of it before replying to her when I notice from the corner of my eye that she was intently staring at my toned muscles and abs. So I stop from finishing the bottle in one go and replied "I mean, you look pretty good too, Mrs Jennings, in such a perfect shape. Do you also work out?"

And she tells me about the gym that they have built into their massive manor of a house. I smile and ask the most obvious thing next "Can I see the gym then, Mrs Jennings? I am sure Mr Jennings must love building his muscles too." The thoughts in my head starting to get my blood rushing between by legs just enough to twitch if some was really looking for it.

She probably know where this is going and I keep talking about your husband in an...interesting tone. I know what most husbands are like in this posh neighbourhood. I know exactly what her husband is like, which she pretty much confirmed. Golf? Pfft. Sports for retired losers.

We enter into the home-gym which had surprisingly minimalist setup. The good ol' pelotons for the rich housewives to keep their legs and butts in shape. A mirror where they can take their Instapictures. A treadmill and yoga mats for yoga. Very feminine is the word I would use. There were small dumbbells, but clearly no larger weights that someone like me would use.

I can immediately picture myself in the gym, making Isabelle work like a sweaty little bitch in front of the clean mirror and, like it has its own mind, my bulge starts to swell up significantly. This time I can't stop myself from walking right behind her and without any hesitation, my hand swings and lands on her ass with an audible SMACKKK, my fist full of her bubble butt - groping it savagely, and pressing my swelling bulge against the outer thigh. She hears me speak "So this is where you work on this juicy ass, Mrs Jennings?" The mirror will be reflecting the nasty act, all in real time.


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I couldn't believe this stranger was actually touching my ass within minutes of inviting him in to my dare he boldly take advantage of me when my husband wasn't home ! Here was an arrogant man who just took whatever he wanted...the fact that I was a married woman didn't seem to matter to him !

" Oh please young shouldn't be doing this ! " I protested, " What if my husband comes home ? "

The last thing I needed was Carl to come home and discover me with a black man !

Samuel just snickered and continued to fondle my ass before lifting my dress up above my hips and exposing my ass. The next thing I knew he pulled the zipper on the back of my dress down and it fell to the floor around my heels, leaving me exposed in only my push up bra and a pair of sheer panties. Never in my life had I experienced anything like this happening to me before...
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The moment I laid my eyes on this platinum blondie in her driveway, I knew I wanted her. And nothing could stop me from making this naive married wife turn into my personal cockslut. And her protest were least of my concern, for she wasn't even trying to flail her hands at my attempts to strip her down. I was enjoying it all too much as I sniggered to her weak verbal resistance after I have already manhandled her more times than her own pathetic husband must have held her all year.

Within seconds, I have went from kneading her ripe ass to exposing it as I yank her dress up her hips in a practiced motion, revealing that exclusive white ass that is waiting to be claimed. And what better way to celebrate it than to spank it immediately, my strong hand landing squarely on her baby smooth white skin making her yelp out. The goosebumps she was getting from me just having my way with her was just adding fuel to my lust frenzied takeover of her little body.

I hear her say about the consequences if her loser husband found her with a black man to which I just laugh and turn her to face the wall mirror in her gym and at the same time find the zipper at the back of the dress to quickly pull it down. And, viola! Just like magic, she sees her whole pale body revealed as the curtains fall, with a young muscular black man standing right behind her like a tower, smiling like a devil. Just her push up bra and her lacey panties cover her modesty now.

One of my hand, drag up along her back, making her feel my rough manly hands; my other hand reaching around to the front to cup my big hand over one of her tits, start fondling them, pinching those hard nipples, making them more pointy. I can feel those sticking out even more. We can see everything happening in the mirror and I am especially loving the contrast I see between the color of my hand and her snow white skin. The hand dragging up her back reaches the nape of her neck and suddenly she feels a firm jerk on her head as I pull her hair back.

Isabelle hears me growl beside her ear, like a beast who has his prey pinned. "Do you think your husband will like it when he sees his dainty little wife with this black shaft in her?" I thrust my hips forward, and bury my huge trunk of a meat right between her bubble butt and start grinding her ass against it.
My hand on her tits have pulled down her - admittedly - very sexy pushup bra, and is busy kneading both the tits under my rough palm, pushing them up, rolling them around, sinking my fingers deep into the juicy tits. "Stop thinking about your useless husband, Mrs Jennings. Just accept your life as my personal cockslut now."

With those words, I turn her head just enough to press my dark lips against her very pink lips, her mouth was already parted from your heavy breathing, making it easy for me to push press my lips and dart my tongue into her married mouth, locking with her lips tightly as I suck give her the most sloppy lewd french kiss she has ever experienced, letting my tongue rub and dance around hers between our locked lips. Meanwhile, the hand holding her hair actually lets it go to drop down to her delicate lacey panties. My hand expertly presses the palm right above the mound and presses in, smoothly moves down between the legs to feel the wetness of that married cunt absolutely begging to be spread open. And that's what it gets, as two of my coarse fingers slide into her. The needy cunt immediately clenches around the finger as Isabelle moans right into my kissing mouth. She had lost the battle completely. She was not just an ordinary married white wife anymore. She had become a married white blondie that was dripping for a black monster that didnt care for what she wanted.
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...a fantasy come true

I couldn't believe I was actually being manhandled by this big black stud in front of a mirror. It was like if he knew that my husband was too busy with his career and buddies and neglected me alot. And even when we did make love it was over in five minutes or less, absent any foreplay. Dressing in bikinis and sexy lingerie didn't really seem to excite Carl many times did I fantasize about a strong, alpha male dominating me and taking total control ! And now it was happening, unfolding before my very own eyes in my gym room...

Not to mention, his big black cock was more than twice the size of my poor hubby's ! Yes I had a secret weakness for black males like him, ever since my senior year in high school, when one night I discovered the pleasure of a big cock. What made it even more exciting was that I was forbidden by my daddy to be around any black guys. Thank God he didn't find out about it because Daddy would have probably disowned me ! Now my body and mind was betraying my dear hubby, responding like this to a black stranger. My nipples were stiff and my married pussy was getting all wet. Samuel was making me cream my little ol' panties, and I felt so submissive. I was simply helpless at his touch and he wasn't exactly gentle like Carl was. My husband would never dream of spanking me or be so demanding.

After he ripped of my drenched panties I thought he was going to impale me on his cock. " Do you always just take what you want ? " I asked, already knowing the answer.

Samuel smiled and pushed me down on my knees. My face was mere inches away from the huge magnificent bulge in his shorts. I knew what he wanted me to do but I waited for him to tell me.

" Take them off. " The big stud demanded.

I wasted little time pulling them down and off. His big hard cock sprang up in my face and I took it in my hand, admiring it's size and girth. I looked up at Samuel with my adoring blue eyes before using my tongue to please him. His fingers entangled in my long blonde hair and he used it to his own advantage by forcing my head forward. I struggled just to fit the huge head in my helpless but more than willing mouth...

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The proud cocky grin doesn't leave my face as I know exactly how another one is soon going to be begging for me.

She, in a futile show of unwillingness, asks "if I always take what I want". She already knows the answer. But I just tell her the truth "No, I just give cunts like you what you ACTUALLY want." And with that I grab her shoulders to turn her around to face me, and shove her down to her knees. Her eyes focuses on my massive throbbing bulge thats packed in my shorts, the precum starting wet the spot near my fat dickhead. The smell of the precum will be undeniably strong.

"Take them off." I order while looking down at her face showing a mixture of lust, need, arousal as she gets ordered by me. And as soon as she peels my pants off, my constrained dick just bounces out into her pretty white face, smacking her on her chin, and growing some more from finally getting free space. Every beat of my heart making my dick twitch, precum oozing out from the tip. Her hand hypnotically reaches to grab onto my girth, trying to wrap all of her hand around it but failing as she grips it firmly.

"Good girl" I tell her, as I reach for her platinum blonde hair, running my fingers through it before gripping her hair like I own that little head under my BBC. I pull her face completely under my cock, thats now wet from the oozing precum dripping down along my shaft. She can see how my veiny cock shines under her gym light before I press my shaft right on her face, smothering the hard flesh all over her face. The face that she protects from all kind of dirty, nasty wind and what not. The face that she treats with 25 beauty product every night before sleep. Is not having a dirty sweaty cock rubbed all over it, forcing her to smell this big dominating man's crotch.

That is not enough though. To give these sluts a sense of scale and power, you just grab the cock and smack it hard on their cheeks. Between their eyes. Right on their baffled lips. And that's what I did. I smack her white face audibly. And she just takes it like the doll she is. She understands what she has become at that moment. And finally I rest my massive cock on her face, her lips at the base of my dick, kissing it while my twitching shaft extended way before her line of sight into her hair, pushing out the precum into her hair. After grinding her lips on my bigger than average balls, I pull my dickhead back to her lips and press it right under her nose.

"This is what you will be worshipping from now on." And she is looking up at me with those blue eyes. Her tongue starting to flick my cock and move along my length slowly, I drag her lips back to my fat darkred dickhead and press between her lips. Her mouth opens up eagerly, as wide as she could while I tried pull her head in.

"Fuck, even this facehole is tight." I say and thrust my dick at her face forcing her to go past my dickhead. "FUCK" I feel my dick squeeze her tongue as I shove my dick in. I can feel her trying to wiggle it as she tries to get accustomed to my largeness.

To give her a chance, I just stop moving and start to roll her head by her hair, letting my dick feel all corners and those perfect teeth in her mouth, feeling her jaw quickly start to get better at staying open. Suddenly I feel mouth start to suck, and I dont give her a second more before I pull her head back by her hair and just slam it jaw onto my dick again, this time going slightly more deeper. But she is just past the half way mark, and my dick can already feel her tonsil.

I tilt her face up enough to look at me and start using her face is a rhythm now, make her mouth make lewd sloppy noise as I move her head like a toy to facefuck her. I groan and grunt out loudly in her empty house almost like I am the man of that house now while I say inbetween "Fuck, whore this face tight....FUCK UNGH. This is tighter than a virgin cunt. Suck it harder cunt! Take it deeper!"

And that is when, I couldnt control myself and straddle her face while tilting her head all the way back.

I start pumping my rod down her throat in abandon. Her tilted head making it easier to go deeper, her frothy spit running up her as she take it, her nails digging into my hard asscheeks as I dominate her face until my balls trip and I start shooting thick strands of young cum straight from my balls deep into her tight little throat as I bury myself as deep as I can, making her choke and struggle in the process while I continue just releasing some of my built up cum into my newest cumdump.
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I see her eyes tearing up, as I make sure she guzzles down every drop of my load that I shoot into her, making sure she remembers the very moment of how I became her master. Her struggling hands had slowed down its movement from not getting enough air for more than 30 seconds now so I groaned loudly, while pulling my dick out of that tight white throat I had buried my cock so deep inside.

The pretty dainty white wife that I have seen outside just 15 minutes ago was no more. Kneeled before me was a filthy cockwhore now, who just took her biggest cock like a brave little doll, and drank all the baby juice I had to offer. She kneeled there coughing out her lungs, sucking in air that I had choked out of her as I went full primal on her. But I don't give her too much time to herself as I pull her by her hair again and realign her face under my drool/spit/cum coated cock.

I look into her eyes thats still focused on the dick and order "Say who owns you." And smack my still rock hard cock on her panting lips, and see strand of sticky spit/cum mixture connect my throbbing wet dickhead with her hungry lips.
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" Say who owns you. "

By now I am totally helpless and at this black bull's mercy. My own husband, if he was even here, could never prevent what was happening to me. I am nothing but an obediant white slut, existing only to please my new black master. How did this happen to me ? Only an hour before I was a loving faithful wife to the man I married and now I was being turned into a fuck toy !

" Oh God own me. I am your property ! "

" Say it bitch ! " Samuel snarls, pulling my long blonde hair.

" You are my black master now ! " I told him what he wanted to hear. Meanwhile I couldn't resist slipping my finger inside my panties and touching my wet cunt...
A sly grin breaks out on my face as I hear you admit it. This woman looks submissive from the very beginning, it seems like she has been waiting for this all her life.

I can see how turned on she is with her nipples looking so erect and how her hand has found its way into her panties now, her hips starting to wiggle immediately as she started to touch her own dripping lips. Clearly, it was something she has done millions of times probably because her pathetic husband's white cock is too tiny and too quick to even get her wet.

I let go of her hair and grab her throat, and say in a deeper growly voice, "Good doll. You will call me Master, and you will be my..." I pull her onto her feet just by her throat as her finger continued rubbing her needy cunt. I lean forward to stop right besides one side of her head and let my words ring in your lust filled brain, "...FUCK DOLL. The first in this lovely rich neighborhood." As a little reward, I open my mouth and bite down on top of her shoulder. Not too hard, but enough to leave a temporary mark of her master.

Satisfied, I stop biting down on her and let go of her throat and take a step back to admire this fuckdoll, panting before me, once again for a brief moment before I say "Drop on your all four and crawl like a filthy bitch behind me. Wonder what Baxter will think about this new bitch in the house." I laugh at your situation as I see you drop to your hands and knees. "And no touching yourself. I think I gave you enough time to have fun with your fingers. Let's go."

And I started walking to the living room directly like its no big deal with you following behind, looking at my flexing ass as I walk with a cocky aggressiveness.
No man has ever dared make me crawl like his little pet behind him before and my husband would never treat me this way. My new black master was definately in control of the situation and he knew it. I was nothing but his blonde married barbie fuck doll. This young stud was taking whatever he wanted and noboby could stop him. He acted like he owned the place and I couldn't help but wonder what my husband would do if he came home and discovered me with this big black bull. I don't think Carl would dare confront this powerful young brute since he was so much smaller than him.

Samuel took me by the hair and placed me on the big leather couch on my back and demanded that I spread my legs for him like a good little white slut. Of course I obeyed, and immediately displayed my pussy for him, revealing how wet I was, having creamed my sheer see thru panty. Mister Sam took hold of my ankles and pushed my knees back and admired the view for a moment...
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A evil smile on my face while I look down at the barbie, who was breathing hard and waiting in anticipation, for the inevitable - to have her tight dripping cunt impaled and blacked by me. She will never be the cute ol' Isabelle anymore. She had already changed. She believed that sex was not the biggest deal for her as long as she lived comfortably, but will she be able to live without a black hunk treating her like a cocksleeve?

She certainly couldn't at that moment as she finally utters out "Please Master, own me. Please pound my white cunt with your fat black cock. I can't wait anymore, Master! Destroy me." I laugh hearing her beg that desperately and point my dick right at her dripping wet fuckhole. My hand just grabs her useless little thong, pulling it out of the way and thrust my hips with all my strength.

My dickhead just spears through her tight but slippery wet cunt all the way, like a hot knife going through a butter. Her inside stretch out trying to accommodate the giant piece of meat that has suddenly been shoved into it. She feels like her insides will be destroyed as her cunt gets invaded without any preparation but even more than that she feels the heavy thud of her cervix getting absolutely hammered by my fat dickhead ramming up against it. It was so insanely deep within her, it felt like he was reaching her tight belly.

Isabelle has managed to take almost all of my length, although there is still some more she could perhaps take. I wait for just a few second to enjoy the look on that completely overwhelmed face as her whole life, her idea of sex, and her cunt changes to accept her master's claim. She will never be able to go back to normal cocks. Shivers and twitches wracked her little body, her toe stretching out while her ankles remained captive in the brute's powerful hands. She was experiencing mini orgasms just by having a young bull force his way into her, and just then, she feels her master start moving again. She could only repeat "oh my god..oh my god" as she helplessly waited for more

I start to pull out again. All the way. Until on my throbbing dickhead was left in her. It was a slow withdrawal, letting her tight cunt squeeze back down trying to regain it shape before. SMACK! My hips slam against her bubble butt again in an equally powerful thrust again. I can feel Isabelle's whole body convulse, vibration reaching her very womb as my BBC forces her open once again and rams the end of her cunt. Her eyes look so unfocused as she experiences pleasure wracking through out her body. Her petite tits jiggling from the pumping.

I grunt out loud loving the tightness of the white cunt and pull out all the way just like before and push her ankles, folding her more, pushing her legs over her head. Her cunt aligned to be dicked straight down. And that's what I do, making her experience her first real sex as I start ravaging her pussy like an animal, grunting out everytime as I bury into her squelching sloppy fuckhole as much as possible, breaking through her cervix slowly but surely. Turning that cunt into a sheath only for my cock. "Fuck yes, you rich filthy whore! How does it finally be fucked by a real cock...FUCK...Having that little blondie brain fucked...Do you still wish I stop, dumbcunt!"

My hand lets go of one of her trembling ankles and swing my arm to land a loud spank right on your white ass. "Whores like you.." I continue ramming your squeezing cunt, " pretend to be rich and fancy." My hand lands another loud spank and then I bend forward to grab that little white throat of her, completely burying her in her well cushioned leather couch, and choking her with my grip. My other hand leaves her ankle as well to sink my fingers on her tight C cups, kneading them under my palm like a dough.

My tempo for fucking switches to more shallow but rapid pummeling of her inside, feeling myself reaching even deeper now. My face hanging right over hers. Her mouth keeps spewing out unintelligible, broken and choked out words. I cant help but spit on her stupid face "In the end, you are all holes for my pleasure. To serve the alpha."

"Say out loud what you are and what is your purpose as you cum, dumbcunt." I growl at you as feel my dick getting close to cumming once again, my veins in my dick straining at my dick threatens to burst right up your womb. It just makes me fuck your creamy frothing cunt even faster, making sure all my baby juices are shot up your womb directly. Completely raw. Bareback black cock shooting right up your milking married cunt. I order again, "SAY IT SLUT. WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE!" this time my hand shifting from your throat to your jaw, forcing you to look up at my hungry dominating eyes.
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Never before in my entire life have I been manhandled like this before. This big black brute was doing whatever he wanted with me, regardless that I was a married woman.

And I was loving every minute of it !

I couldn't remember how many times I cummed all over that big black cock as he fucked me silly. My own poor hubby could barely make me orgasm with his little pathetic dick and often had to resort to giving me one with his tongue. It felt so good to be brutalized by this big black stud, finally giving me what I needed and wanted so bad !


" To be dominated by you Master...oh please fuck me with your big black cock ! " I begged in answer to your question, not wanting you to stop !
As soon as I hear her pleadingly say that, desperate for me to fuck her brains out, massive amount of thick sticky load start pumping out of my eager balls. I could feel it in that microsecond, almost like it was in slow motion. Feeling the cum travel through my shaft, making my dick even bigger for a short moment as I grunt out loudly, waiting for the first wave of cum blow out of my dickhead and splatter her well hammered sanctuary, finalizing her place.

I make one last effort as I quickly pull back my dick slightly and plow her cunt extra hard, this time almost bottoming out my whole cock, the impact making a loud carnal noise of sweaty flesh coming together, a wave of impact spreading around her buttcheeks. My dickhead is pressed right against that cervix as the tip of my cock start spewing out stream of virile hot cum - one shot after another, nonstop. My hands completely keeping her pinned on her couch, as I ride out one of my own biggest orgasm. My hips automatically start working again mid-way wanting to drain everything from my balls, still pumping out cum even after ten shot before I actually pull my completely soaked cock and grab it in one hand, aiming it at her folded body, shoot out some of the final shots on her face, her messed up hair and those petite tits. All the while who knows how many fucks might have been chanted.

As I "cum" down from my high, I let the left over dribbling cum rubbed on her engorged clit. I am slightly out of breath after that massive orgasm, but I am not done yet. I let go of her legs, which immediately collapse down on the floor on either side of me. They clearly had no energy left in them. I smile as I look down at the sprawled blondie, completely messed up, her torso, thighs and crotch wet from the multiple orgasms that had wrecked her body. Her eyes looked unfocused as her body still twitched from the unworldly sensation she has had this afternoon.

I grab her arm and pull to make her sit up. "Get up cunt. I am not over with you." My dick had become semi-hard, but it needed little encouragement when a doll like her was ready to use her dumb white holes. I lightly slap her face and order. "You are now going to ride that pretty white ass on my black cock, and you will make me cum again. Inside you."

With that declaration, I slump into the luxurious couch, finally getting some rest for my legs. The afternoon was indeed, very hot. This time, I don't pull or push her, waiting to see how she willingly listens to orders. "Don't make me wait too long. I want this up your ass." I grab my rapidly hardening cock in one hand, stroking it and my other hand reaches over to push under her and crush her asscheeks in my fist, and then let one of my big fingers creep up to her asshole, and just force an inch or two of my digit in with no warning, her tight sphincter unable to stop the invasion.
" Oh God, please...what are you doing to me ? " I plead, feeling that massive shaft enter my tight little anus. No man has ever dared to do this to me before, including my own husband, but I am helpless to stop him. This big black brute was doing whatever he wanted with me and making me his slut. I knew it was hopeless to resist him, Samuel was much too dominant so I tried to relax. Thankfully his cock was wet from the cream of my pussy and he was rather gentle and eased it in slowl, letting me get used to it. Before long I am obeying my master and riding his big black dong like the white bitch that I am, although he is not even halfway inside me !

" Oh's so fucking big...oh yes, daddy please...make me your little fucktoy ! " I can't help begging...
Isabelle was looking down at my shiny wet cock while my hand stroked it to keep it at its full length. She didn't expect a finger to penetrate her so she almost jumped off the couch, but she was still recovering from the barrages of orgasm and thrusting she had faced couple of minutes ago. She tries to wiggle uncomfortably as my middle finger just smoothly spreads open her puckered hole, and thanks to all the juices her cunt had spilled during her orgasm, some had inadvertently reached her butthole and thus, was ready to be spread open.

I dont push my finger in too deep, just a couple of inches and wiggle the finger inside her, feeling her tight ass clench around it. Isabelle's face shows discomfort but her lips let out a moan as she cooed to me to not take her ass. That she wont be able to fit in my monster cock. I just continue wiggling my finger, making her opening acclimate to the inevitable penetration and tell her, "Listen, doll, if you don't stand up now and straddle me at once, I am going to be merciless. Do you want me to ruin your pretty tight ass like I plowed your dumbcunt?"

She visibly got goosebumps, likely from thinking about being brutally fucked in her ass - but I knew better, I know my dick is too large for her to take so suddenly, so I am giving her a chance. And it seems like she understood what was good for her, because she starts to stand up, my finger popping out of her tight butt, making Isabelle breathe out audibly, feeling the sensation. But she slowly, unsure of what she was going to do, stood before me, her hand nervously holding the front of her thighs tightly before she takes in a deep breath and start to straddle me, putting her knees on either side of me and resting her soft ass on my thighs.

Her eyes are looking down at the massive meat that's throbbing and eagerly waiting to get back into her again already, despite having cummed only minutes ago. My hands immediately reach for her petite tits and hold her very stubby nipples between my fingers to start tweaking and rubbing on them. Isabelle can't help but moan out as her sensitive nipples are played with as she closes her eyes. I compliment her, "Good girl. See that big cock, how far it going to reach." The cock was able to reach her navel when it was pointed up straight against her smooth white body. "Come on now, let's now waste time, start lifting up your ass." I start guiding her, by her nipples no less, pulling them up to "subtly" guide her what she needs to do.

Isabelle starts lifting the small frame up from my thighs. I continue telling her, "Go on, grab my shaft, that your cunt has lubbed up so nicely, align it for your ass." Isabelle was helpless. She was scared, but she was also turned the fuck on. She had never felt anything like this in her entire life. So dominated, so submissive, so much like a literal doll for a brute's pleasure. She felt like a toy in the hands of the black man that she met not even an hour ago. Her hands have grabbed the massive meat once again, immediately feeling her cunt twitch from all the events that has happened that afternoon. Her hands involuntarily moved up and down the cock stroking it, feeling the slippery juices she had coated all over it. That massive thing was inside her. It was hard to believe when it was outside like that. But she had slowly aligned her ass over the cock.

"Good. I wish you have a great ride." I start pulling her nipple downwards signalling what to do next and she obliges feeling my head push through between her asscrack and press right on her butthole. Instincts kick in, and her butt clutches. Her yoga must have done some good for her, right? Too bad, it was her master knocking her backdoor.

She only had one option and that was to push her body down. Make my dick spread her open. My sleeked up dickhead made things easier as her body pressing down started to open her very tight little anus.

Isabelle's forehead furrows as she can't believe the massive shaft slowly spreading up her asshole. She starts pleading like a bitch in heat.

"Oh God, please...Oh God...what are you doing to me?"

Her voice trailing off into gasps and drawn out moans as she felt my cock turn her asshole into a hole worth fucking. It seemed like it was her first time. It was good that I went in slow. She still had control. My hands have switched from playing with her nipple to kneading her tits. Her own hands has also moved away from my cock and pressing her palms down on my tight abs while she slowly balanced herself to ease down on my cock. I groan as I feel the muscles in her ass spasm in clench everytime she reacted to my penetrating length. Slowly she has slightly over half of my length in her.

"You look like such a whore right now straddling on me and panting like a bitch." I tell her as I squeeze her tits together. "Start bouncing whore. Ride that fat black cock, lets hear you enjoy it like the whore you are."

I think she liked hearing it, because she starts immediately responds by pulling herself up from my cock all the way to until I feel my fat glans hit her tight opening, and she quickly slides down moaning out more openly. Her bouncing starts out careful and measured but as her body got used to it, she started going faster. Her moaning increasing in tandem as lets her slut takeover. The more force she puts into riding my cock, the deeper I slide in.

Only a couple of inches left outside now when she screams out,

"Fuck...oh's so fucking big. Its going so fucking deep. You are spreading my insides daddy. Yes yes yes. Daddy please, fuck me, make me your fucktoy!"

I can't help but slap her stupid desperate face while her ass goes up and down like a machine on auto. I grab her throat, and start choking her and order,

"Faster, dumbcunt." And she obeys.

She starts putting real effort into riding my cock as she slowly runs out of breath. Her mouth is open, trying to suck in as much air as she can while she slams her ass down in reckless abandon, completely throwing her concern out of the window as she shoves my whole BBC up her anus. She suddenly freezes up, feeling the new depth the cock inside her reach. Her inside completely squeeze down around me as I groan out a loud fuck and her body is completely taken over by an orgasm. She starts trembling while she is struggling for air and her cunt starts to make a mess over my abs as her cunt spews out her juices.

At some point I actually let go of her throat to let her breath as her orgasm slowly subsides. She completely slumps down on my hard chest muscle, trying to breathe in, with her butt still filled up.

Both my hand naturally slide down her shapely body to grasp her wonderful tight ass, and spread her asscheeks. "Slut, you dont think we are done yet, do you?" I whisper in her ears. Not sure she is listening though. I start moving my hips now, preparing to thrust my hips up. The cushioning on the couch will immensely help with bouncing up so I take my position by pulling all the way back.

"Let's fuck".

With those words, I start thrusting up at her asshole, my thighs loudly smacking against her ass, filling up the living room with sound of very hardcore fucking, the smell of our juices spreading all over her large expansive living room.
Her asshole doesn't put up much resistance anymore as my whole cock just disappears up her new fuckhole in an instant before coming back out. My balls flopping loudly as it meets her ass everytime I lodge myself deep within her.
The pain soon subsided after I relaxed and my anus adjusted around his massive girth and I had another mind shattering orgasm. Never had I climaxed more than once in a day, if even that. Most of my orgasms were from my husband eatting my pussy, his average cock just not able to measure up. If only Carl knew how many times I faked I was acting like a total white slut, hungary for big black cock and loving every minute of it. I never wanted it to end, not even if my husband came home and discovered us. Sooner or later Carl would just have to learn that he was a cuckold now, besides I knew my husband often watched interracial porn on his computer involving black males and white females ! And my new black stud seemed in no hurry to stop fucking my little tight asshole !

" Oh God, please don't have no idea how long I have been waited to be dominated ! " I insisted...
Isabelle had completely accepted her fate now, she had surrendered and submitted to me. She didn't feel at odds with what her body wanted anymore. She understood submitting to me only meant one thing - her screaming out non-stop as her holes get reshaped and dumped with copious amount of cum.

I was having too much fun with the slut who had completely changed her tune in a matter of 30 minutes, and I have been destroying her holes for who knows how long. I had completely forgotten in my lust that this woman was supposed to be wife whose husband had actually open a petition about black family living in the white clean neighbourhood. The tight insides of this pretty princess was just keeping my dick hard even after filling her holes 3 times already. Not sure how many times her cunt had already quivered and creamed. She was clearly a woman who was high on her multitude of climaxes for she was just as unconcerned about her husband as me.

At some point, I had pulled her up in my arm, my massive cock dug deep in her dripping cunt, and took her into her bedroom - the only room she didn't show me during her house tour. No worries, I think I am more than welcome now.

I lay down on the bed again, made her straddle me, and started to pound her cunt again. The very bedroom where she made "love" with her husband was getting filled with the sluts ass smacking down on my thighs as we fucked like bunnies. My hands move all over her body, crushing and slamming her jiggling ass down, fondling her milky white tits - sucking on them as they hang over my face, my hand reaching down to finger her asshole as her hips desperately slam her cunt down over and over like she cant help it. She needs it.

And while all this is happening, a car has arrived the Jennings' residence. Isabelle sure is screaming in abandon. It wont be too hard for anyone to hear what was going on if they just stepped into the large house. What's more, the bedroom door was wide open as well.
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I was so engaged in the most incredible experience of my life that I didn't hear the doorbell ring or my sister in law enter our house. When I didn't answer Tasha just came in since my car was in the driveway and the front door was wide open. To be honest I had forgotten that we were supposed to meet our husbands at the country club after their golf game for a drink at the bar. Usually on the weekends we would sunbathe beside the pool while our husbands played a round of golf and meet them later for a drink and dinner ! So you can imagine her shock when she came upstairs and discovered me impaled and riding a big black cock for all it was worth. Being from an extreme racist family like her brother, Tasha had to be mortified at what she saw !

" Oh my God ...Isabelle, what are you doing ? How could you ? " she gasped upon seeing us !

At that point, I really didn't care what she thought. Besides it was too late to doing anything about it except enjoy every thrust from the new black neighborhood stud...

Tasha continued to stand in the doorway and watch me being fucked by the biggest cock she had ever seen with her mouth hanging open in awe. Samuel only smirked at this intrusion at first and didn't miss a beat.

" Oh please don't stop..." I pleaded, almost ready to have another intense mind shattering orgasm. And then it happened...I could only scream in pleasure while I gushed all over my black studs hard and big beautiful cock !

Damn the consequences, I thought to myself after I collapsed on top of him, it was worth every minute of it...