The Debate Thread

I wanted to hear from the architect who got stiffed for the design of the golf clubhouse.

Trump talks like ruby slippers work. If you say it three times, it must be true. As long as you say it "strongly" enough.

Stop and frisk, people! Yo!
Phelia and Hogan you stole my thunder as I was the earliest to post tonight a debate thread tonight. I take this as an act of aggression and we are now mortal enemies. It is obviously a lit clique thing meant to keep me down. :D

Since I lost I'm posting to this thread.

I hate both these candidates and I was really hoping one might present a vision to get behind. They both got in their planned jabs and were vague otherwise. Meh.

I'll gladly pass the mantle on to you for debate #2. Phelia is too tough for me! ;)
Well we now know where the liberal troll talking points come from on the internet.

Hillary was basically a real life internet liberal troll. The EXACT same things you folks say on internet boards flowed out of her mouth verbatim.

And they say there's no "party line" since the end of Communism. Pffft
It was a poor performance from Trump, but the few people I've talked to already don't think she was likable either. Condescending, nasty, mean, that didn't come from Trump tonight. On the other hand, not much else did either.

Almost complete failure to attack anything she said, besides that ridiculous thing about the Howard Stern interview. Hopefully that's put to bed once and for all, he opposed the Iraq War, to say otherwise is ridiculous.

All in all, completely lost opportunity to after the Clinton Crime Machine. I think he can still bounce back, but there will be a poll dip. We'll see how bad.
You think maybe we should reconsider and move into that trailer park with Eyer? :(:(

I bet he has serious bedbugs. I mean, dude washes his dishes in recycled toilet water hooked up to some tank on the side of his trailer or some shit like that. :D
What's most disturbing is the establishment Democrats agreement with the establishment Republicans on interventionism and US domination of the world, NATO, etc.

The US and the world are better off when there is a balance of power in a multi-polar world. Also, better off when more countries have nuclear deterrents which prevent smaller ground wars.

How do you articulate that better without sounding anti-American or weak on foreign policy? Emphasize the benefits to the US and the world of a less interventionist less domineering US overseas? Ron Paul could explain it much better than Trump.
'We have so many things we have to do better, and certainly cyber is one of them...'

Quote of the night/contact me if you agree...
It was a poor performance from Trump, but the few people I've talked to already don't think she was likable either. Condescending, nasty, mean, that didn't come from Trump tonight. On the other hand, not much else did either.

Almost complete failure to attack anything she said, besides that ridiculous thing about the Howard Stern interview. Hopefully that's put to bed once and for all, he opposed the Iraq War, to say otherwise is ridiculous.

All in all, completely lost opportunity to after the Clinton Crime Machine. I think he can still bounce back, but there will be a poll dip. We'll see how bad.

This is what Trump doesn't understand. He thinks that simply because his opponent is a congenital liar that everyone knows it and he doesn't have to do anything.

The fact is, everyone DOES know it, but in a political campaign they expect and demand that he use HER RECORD to PROVE IT repeatedly.

This woman is going to end up being the first female president simply because Mr. "Fart-ON-The-Deal" doesn't know how to shoot fish in a barrel.
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I've not read the 6 pages. Did anyone point out the irony of Trump trumpeting about people not paying their fair share after he said not paying his "makes him smart"?
I wanted to hear from the architect who got stiffed for the design of the golf clubhouse.

Trump talks like ruby slippers work. If you say it three times, it must be true. As long as you say it "strongly" enough.

Stop and frisk, people! Yo!

Pretty sure he said he had one heck of a crappy clubhouse. :D
I've not read the 6 pages. Did anyone point out the irony of Trump trumpeting about people not paying their fair share after he said not paying his "makes him smart"?

Yeah, I don't think he gets how that works

I think he knows exactly how it works, but he sure as shit doesn't know how to say it! According to Congress, deductions and exemptions are what makes one's fair share "fair." But you don't fucking GLOAT about your write offs if you're running for president.

Seriously, the man is dumber than half the people posting on this forum, and that's pretty sad.
It sounds like things would go better if the moderator had control over the mics so when one spoke, the other could not interrupt.
It sounds like things would go better if the moderator had control over the mics so when one spoke, the other could not interrupt.

Oh, shit, if anything would draw blood in the octagon it would be that. No, no. That would never fly.
You think maybe we should reconsider and move into that trailer park with Eyer? :(:(


California might make me a noble still. It would be nice to finally become part of the upper crust cool kids club with some super exclusive licencing. It likely won't though, so even though I have to see this effort through to the end I'm still planning the great escape.

I'm thinking some where with a nice climate, good cheap drugs and whores.

So south pacific...asian or american, not really sure which. Maybe both.

I might forgo all of it for the middle of nowhere, so far off the grid none of the dumbass shit matters Alaskan adventure too.

Choices.....tough tough choices.
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I think he knows exactly how it works, but he sure as shit doesn't know how to say it! According to Congress, deductions and exemptions are what makes one's fair share "fair." But you don't fucking GLOAT about your write offs if you're running for president.

Seriously, the man is dumber than half the people posting on this forum, and that's pretty sad.

That's precisely the point. The same can be said about trade agreements.
I've not read the 6 pages. Did anyone point out the irony of Trump trumpeting about people not paying their fair share after he said not paying his "makes him smart"?
It means that there are lots of smart NATO members.
It sounds like things would go better if the moderator had control over the mics so when one spoke, the other could not interrupt.

I have a real problem with a moderator controlling the mikes or fact checking. It is up to the candidates to make their views known or challenge their opponents statements. After all when they are president there will be no moderator in the room to help them. I would prefer no moderator at all. We should get to see how they act on their own terms.

Can one shut down the other? Can one take control of the debate? In real life that is what any President of any country has to do all the time.

No place for shrinking violets.
I thought it was boring. I was on a date. Halfway through I stopped paying attention to the tv and back to my date. Some decrepit old man came over to complain that I was "practically screaming" while he trying to watch tv. I told him I was sorry he picked the wrong establishment tonight and now much choose hearing me between me or going elsewhere.