The Debate Thread

I don't think it will matter, except maybe a couple more Bernie people will vote for Hillary after they see what we will have if Trump wins.
Trump supports don't care what he says, Clinton supporters already will vote for Hillary.

Just a bit jaded here. :rolleyes:
No independent watching that could have thought Trump was a viable candidate for president.
No independent watching that could have thought Trump was a viable candidate for president.

And if these dumb fuck unwashed hippies would stfu about Johnson and Stein Hillary would be ahead by a mile.

I hate them.
I dont care what you say either Ivanka is gorgeous, classy and has a voice to die for.
Two more debates with that windbag.

Hoooo boy. Don't know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe both. :(

Glad I didn't go out tonight to watch this at a spot like I originally planned. The drinking games woulda killed me by now! :D
I don't think it will matter, except maybe a couple more Bernie people will vote for Hillary after they see what we will have if Trump wins.
Trump supports don't care what he says, Clinton supporters already will vote for Hillary.

Just a bit jaded here. :rolleyes:

And that is all that is needed- A few Bernie Bros vote for Hill
I don't think it will matter, except maybe a couple more Bernie people will vote for Hillary after they see what we will have if Trump wins.
Trump supports don't care what he says, Clinton supporters already will vote for Hillary.

Just a bit jaded here. :rolleyes:

I sort of agree. There's a big chunk of Trump's people who are going to like what they saw. I don't believe most people want an asshole for a president, but a lot of his supporters do.

The damage is going to be among those who are honestly undecided, and those who were leaning Trump because they were worried Hillary is gonna die. Seriously, do people really want a president who thinks picking fights with Rosie O'Donnell is a proper use of his time?
One more thing: I've believed all along that the poll numbers for Johnson and Stein will finally begin to slip once the debates begin and they're not in them, and once it becomes clear that the race is too close to dick around with one's vote. I've been wrong a lot this year so this may not happen, but this would be the place where you might see it start to happen.
Young Cersei Lannister was disappointed with the fortune teling witch.

"They said that you were terrifying, with cats' teeth and three eyes."

I am disappointed with the debate.

Hillary Clinton did not wither away,
as if she were a vampire exposed to sunlight.

Donald Trump's face did not melt.

Trump did not spontaneously combust and explode.

I have been misled!
Phelia and Hogan you stole my thunder as I was the earliest to post tonight a debate thread tonight. I take this as an act of aggression and we are now mortal enemies. It is obviously a lit clique thing meant to keep me down. :D

Since I lost I'm posting to this thread.

I hate both these candidates and I was really hoping one might present a vision to get behind. They both got in their planned jabs and were vague otherwise. Meh.