The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room

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I am a couple and utter snow bunny. Once the temp goes over 69 degrees Fahrenheit I am miserable.

I can layer up in the winter, can only layer down so far in the summer. Sadly, too hot, sticky and uncomfortable to take advantage of slave_ layering down.

Hey, I suggested you take a shower hours ago to cool down that adorable body of yours. But NOOOOOO! ;)


Today broke 90 degrees where I am. I'm parked in my dark office, nude with a fan blasting on me, writing while slave_ is in the other room napping to escape the heat.

Okay, I've whined enough.

Peace, love and happiness everyone regardless of your temperature! :D

Happy writing

I manged to fall asleep for a little bit. Still, IT'S TOO FUCKING HOT!!!

Oh... I LOVE YOU!!! :kiss::heart:
Hey, I suggested you take a shower hours ago to cool down that adorable body of yours. But NOOOOOO! ;)

I know, I have a bad habit of not listening to you - you'd think I'd learn by now :rolleyes:

I manged to fall asleep for a little bit. Still, IT'S TOO FUCKING HOT!!!

Oh... I LOVE YOU!!! :kiss::heart:

Kitten!!!! :heart::heart: :D
I thought 'mimosa' was some sort of flower in sunnier climes.
And what sort of shower head is in a 'bridal shower' ?
[or is it a ritual cleansing prior to nuptials ?]

Mimosa in this circumstance is champagne and fruit juice.

We shower the bride to be with gifts.
I think I am sinking into the shitty place that us bipolars go at times. Since I cut everyone out of my life, I have no one to pull me out of it.

It it time to see your doctor? Cutting your friends and family out of your life is a bad thing--but you know that.
Been having a shitty week since I got home. Nothing is working out right and it's coming to a point where I think I need to decide if I want to continue life how it is or change it in someway.
I took step one and cut everyone out of my life, so we'll see how that goes.
Step #2 is...not sure yet.
I have coffee here, but it's the pot I made yesterday...
I think I am sinking into the shitty place that us bipolars go at times. Since I cut everyone out of my life, I have no one to pull me out of it.

:rose: I have a couple dear friends who are bipolar. As with my thyroid, it is important to not get too cut off and stay on top of med need changes. I'm a willing ear, if you need one.
Originally Posted by CoffeeWithMonkeys
Been having a shitty week since I got home. Nothing is working out right and it's coming to a point where I think I need to decide if I want to continue life how it is or change it in someway.
I took step one and cut everyone out of my life, so we'll see how that goes.
Step #2 is...not sure yet.
I have coffee here, but it's the pot I made yesterday...
I think I am sinking into the shitty place that us bipolars go at times. Since I cut everyone out of my life, I have no one to pull me out of it.

I'm bipolar. And I always have time to help.
Mimosa in this circumstance is champagne and fruit juice.
We shower the bride to be with gifts.

Ah, nearly a "Buck's Fizz" (Champaign & Orange juice, 2:1) then. Thank you.
Are these shower gifts separate from any 'wedding presents' (ie', slightly jokey things presented to a girl by her [female] friends ?

Originally Posted by CoffeeWithMonkeys
"Been having a shitty week since I got home. Nothing is working out right and it's coming to a point where I think I need to decide if I want to continue life how it is or change it in some way.
I took step one and cut everyone out of my life, so we'll see how that goes.
Step #2 is...not sure yet.
I have coffee here, but it's the pot I made yesterday...
I think I am sinking into the shitty place that us bipolars go at times. Since I cut everyone out of my life, I have no one to pull me out of it.

We've all been there.
Remember that you have friends round here..
Ah, nearly a "Buck's Fizz" (Champaign & Orange juice, 2:1) then. Thank you.
Are these shower gifts separate from any 'wedding presents' (ie', slightly jokey things presented to a girl by her [female] friends ?
They can be jokey or things for the home or couple.
How very confusing (unless you of that age. . . .)
Meanwhile, we got wind, cloud and not a lot else.
Time, I think, for a nice coffee.

Just had my coffee. I'm off to the auction to review my sale entries this week.

As for weddings? Being a guest can be very expensive - the outfit(s); the travel; the presents etc.

I'm pleased that I'm normally past the stage of being invited to weddings. The last one wasn't too expensive - a long term friend's daughter marrying her partner of many years. They had most domestic durables and their present list was reasonably priced. The service was at a church in a London suburb. We could park at my wife's cousin's house, change into our finery (and have coffee) there, and walk around the corner to the church.

The reception was about two miles from the church with ample parking. We could leave before the noisy pop group started playing and be home before midnight.

The previous wedding to that had cost us over £700 in travel and accommodation before buying the presents.

Some local wedding invitations have had statements that the Bride's family expected the presents to exceed the cost of the reception i.e. a minimum present spend of £150 or more per person attending, and for most of the items on the present list the prices were far higher than that. If I had such an invitation? I'd decline.
Just had my coffee. I'm off to the auction to review my sale entries this week.

Some local wedding invitations have had statements that the Bride's family expected the presents to exceed the cost of the reception i.e. a minimum present spend of £150 or more per person attending, and for most of the items on the present list the prices were far higher than that. If I had such an invitation? I'd decline.

What a discrete description, Ogg. "I'd decline".
One of the advantages of being and old git like me is that there are a myriad excuses not to go ("Oh, me twingeing screws. . ."
Some local wedding invitations have had statements that the Bride's family expected the presents to exceed the cost of the reception i.e. a minimum present spend of £150 or more per person attending, and for most of the items on the present list the prices were far higher than that. If I had such an invitation? I'd decline.

Bloody rude, is what I'd call it. You invite people to your wedding because you want them there, not for the gifts.

Snuck off to get some writing in, wish me luck, forgot my ear plugs. At least they're playing decent music.
Just had my coffee. I'm off to the auction to review my sale entries this week.

As for weddings? Being a guest can be very expensive - the outfit(s); the travel; the presents etc.

I'm pleased that I'm normally past the stage of being invited to weddings. The last one wasn't too expensive - a long term friend's daughter marrying her partner of many years. They had most domestic durables and their present list was reasonably priced. The service was at a church in a London suburb. We could park at my wife's cousin's house, change into our finery (and have coffee) there, and walk around the corner to the church.

The reception was about two miles from the church with ample parking. We could leave before the noisy pop group started playing and be home before midnight.

The previous wedding to that had cost us over £700 in travel and accommodation before buying the presents.

Some local wedding invitations have had statements that the Bride's family expected the presents to exceed the cost of the reception i.e. a minimum present spend of £150 or more per person attending, and for most of the items on the present list the prices were far higher than that. If I had such an invitation? I'd decline.

The bride's family can go and eff themselves! No one but the bride tells my wife what can and cannot be a gift, has been since we attended our first wedding together. Each and every wedding gift has been either from her registry or something my wife knows the bride liked or wanted.

The family? Snooty much?
VERY warm in my city, 94 currently.

Walked home from work through the park. Only half the amount of sunbathers out today. Found most of them in the market loading up on water, ice, and sunscreen.

Just getting to writing currently.
Bloody rude, is what I'd call it. You invite people to your wedding because you want them there, not for the gifts.


Some weddings are just ridiculous, organised by bridezillas and pushy mothers, encouraged by 'wedding planners' and magazines aimed at brides.

Why not have a Hawaiian-themed beach wedding? In Hawaii? The guests can travel on our block-booked wedding package holiday and be stuck in Hawaii for a week - at their own expense, of course. But first the guests have to attend the Hen Night in Venice or the Stag Night in Prague - again at their own expense.

Our impoverished friends are planning a wedding after years together - local Register office with their children and four adult friends attending followed by a meal in a local chain restaurant. Total cost about £250 (about $300 US). It could be slightly cheaper than that.
The bride's family can go and eff themselves! No one but the bride tells my wife what can and cannot be a gift, has been since we attended our first wedding together. Each and every wedding gift has been either from her registry or something my wife knows the bride liked or wanted.

The family? Snooty much?

That sort of behaviour is becoming more common, and if there is a list of wanted presents they are from an expensive store with a high minimum item cost.

My youngest daughter had a wedding invitation from a university friend a year ago. The cheapest item on the list was £150. Daughter pleaded work commitments and sent a £50 voucher. Her travel and hotel costs would have been twice that.

Another friend's daughter married her long term partner. Their invitation stated "No presents. All we want is for you to be there to celebrate with us."
That sort of behaviour is becoming more common, and if there is a list of wanted presents they are from an expensive store with a high minimum item cost.

My youngest daughter had a wedding invitation from a university friend a year ago. The cheapest item on the list was £150. Daughter pleaded work commitments and sent a £50 voucher. Her travel and hotel costs would have been twice that.

Another friend's daughter married her long term partner. Their invitation stated "No presents. All we want is for you to be there to celebrate with us."

The most expensive things on one bride's registry were all claimed before we arrived. We were forced to purchase dishes and cookware. I mean, tough for us LOL

We were lucky with the registries: No one was out of control.

My cousin married her long time "Friend" in 2011. They apologized to us, for having to suffer with TWO caterers for the reception. Neither were going to back down on what they wanted: Cousin, a former Marine, wanted "Summer Picnic" Theme, while her finacee/spouse-to-be, former Navy, wanted "Southern Gentile" buffet. We had both, plus loads of beer, soft drinks, music. The party lasted two days, even county deputies came to "Break it up" had some food LOL
Back to coffee.

Yesterday I had a coffee in a Wimpy restaurant. I haven't been in one for years.

The coffee was better than Starbucks or Costa - and cheaper.
Back to coffee.

Yesterday I had a coffee in a Wimpy restaurant. I haven't been in one for years.

The coffee was better than Starbucks or Costa - and cheaper.

I like an independent cafe, they'll take three shots of espresso and put it in a medium sugar free hot chocolate, let it seep for a few minutes, then add it to sugar free chocolate milk and ice for me.

About 32 Oz of caffeinated chocolate goodness for $4, $3 if I get a pastry. Problem is: can't get a seat near a power outlet. The snobby rich kids attending the Liberal Arts and STEM college take them
Back to coffee.

Yesterday I had a coffee in a Wimpy restaurant. I haven't been in one for years.

The coffee was better than Starbucks or Costa - and cheaper.

Ido hope that the example of the Costa coffee (more like costa-fortune at the motorway service station) I had was not too typical; it was ghastly - too bitter and too cool (and the bloke behind the 'bar' did not seem to understand English as in "coffee please", but muttered all manner of gibberish.

I've not been in a Wimpy bar for ages. Good stuff, before McD got stuck in.

I like an independent cafe, they'll take three shots of espresso and put it in a medium sugar free hot chocolate, let it seep for a few minutes, then add it to sugar free chocolate milk and ice for me.

About 32 Oz of caffeinated chocolate goodness for $4, $3 if I get a pastry. Problem is: can't get a seat near a power outlet. The snobby rich kids attending the Liberal Arts and STEM college take them

I'm having trouble with the concept of ice, coffee & choccolate in the same pot.
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