Team building with a twist (closed to bankbabe13)


Really Experienced
Mar 16, 2021
Roland squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, trying to lock out the glaring flapping roar of the rotor blades. It sometimes worked, his experience had taught him, unlike listening or trying to converse with the clients seated on the cushioned benches at the far side of the cabin from Becca Valencia, or Becca V as she was called, given the amount of Rebeccas in the office, and himself. He looked over at her by his side. She was looking absentmindedly at the row of clients, then out through windows to the blue seas far below. Becca V was bored, as he was. Roland knew this because they’d been talking about it, many times. Becca V and Roland were team-building coaches for Vantages, a company that catered to rich and famous entrepreneurs and businesses, providing them a novel way to expand their culture, as the website bragged, a unique and unparalleled adventure to bring the individuals together in novel ways, giving new meaning and perspective of interpersonal business relations in the organization. It was all a lot of corporate blah-blah bullshit, and for two years now, the pair had taken groups to Vantages’ private tropical island, which contained a luxury resort, as well as several not-so-luxury locations around island, designed for team building challenges and efforts. It had all been very exciting in the beginning, but having seen all the types of attendants, and gone through all the tasks several tenfold times, it’d been reduced to chores, and waiting to be done.

Flipping on his iPad, Roland opened the assignment papers in the employee app. This afternoon was set off for checking in and getting organized, a meal, then retreat to individual quarters. As always, though, the evening came with a twist. The attendants were to be gathered on short notice and shipped in two groups to different tent sites in the hill behind the resort. Once there came a hard night of work, where they would have to relocate camp, and while doing so learn both how to pack all the equipment, locate the correct new camping site, then rebuild the tent and equipment as specified. From the program for the day, Roland flipped over to the attendant profiles. He looked over at them across the cabin. Some were trying to talk, others leant forward and looked out the windows, all looked enthusiastic and engaged. They had no idea what they had coming, which was a part of the point of the week, and like all groups there was an excess of excitement and anticipation hanging in the air.

In camp 1 were the guys: First it was Marc, the innovator and entrepreneur, the one who had had the idea in his basement, and that had run with it, turning the company to a billion-dollar business, and who was still leading it with a powerful vision, or so the profile said. Then there Dimitry, the creative developer, technical but visionary, it read, all the products of the company was solidified by Dimitry’s brilliance, Roland read, before flipping to the last of them; Arnold, who managed finance and investment. There was little text about Arnold, but a long list of previous engagements, that included some of the world’s biggest banks, and a comment that he liked to work out. He sure looked like it, too.

In camp 2 were the girls: One was Melissa. Creative director, it said, and her profile was very visual. There were schematics of products, websites and services, there were paintings and photos, all intertwined with short texts about her inspirations, coming from arts, food, nature, architecture, literature, and popular culture. Then there was Julia, the head of PR and marketing, who’d chosen to present herself in an Instagram-style manner, through a smartly edited set of posts showcasing herself as a diverse and interesting individual with many friends that visited exotic places and had interests like horse riding, swimming, and embroidery-art. The last of the girls was project manager Miranda. Her profile was a list, pure and simple, and while it seemed highly structured, Roland couldn’t make sense of what she was trying to tell him with it. Roland looked up from the screen and at Miranda, seated by the window, opposite from himself. Her head turned at the same time, and their eyes met. He smiled, she smiled, he gave her a nod, and she returned one, accompanied by two thumbs up.

Flipping back to the program for the day, then looked over at Becca V by his side, catching her attention, and pointing down to the iPad on his lap, to draw her eyes to it. Becca V nodded, and leant in looking down, so she could see what he was going to point out to her. With a tap of a finger on the activity text, which read ‘stress test; move camp at night’, he deleted it and brought up the keyboard to edit it. Instead of what had been there, he wrote ‘stay in camp overnight, learn to know each other intimately’, and he saved. Then he flipped up the camp member list for the two camps, selected Miranda, pulled her over the other camp, intersecting with Dimitri’s name, then let go. The two participants swapped cams, it was now Mark with Arnold and Miranda, and Melissa with Julia and Dimitry.

They’d been talking about this wild idea. It might cost them their jobs, they realized, but it was still very tempting. It was to ditch the program for one of the weeks, preferably in a week of even gender distribution of the group and make them go intimate between and among each other. They’d laughed when they’d talked about it, imagined how far the group would go, all believing it was all part of the program. This week could be the one, Roland was thinking. And now he was looking back at Becca V to see if she was in or out on the dare.
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OOC Becca V 30, 5'6 120 shoulder length black hair 34B chest typical girly girl princess type.

As you talked about all the details I've heard a thousand times I drift off into a daydream of sorts .

As we arrived at the hotel I am dressed as I currently am in the following..

I always liked to dress feminine and as "coach " I am usually the one teaching not doing anything. First session I head to one of the conference rooms where you follow. I expect a mix and am shocked when only men enter. You tell me before we begin you have an introduction "lesson" in trust to build team morale. I then hear you tell them to come up and strip me. I look over T you're its a perverted joke as I snobbish roll my eyes as I never took part in these team exercises as a coach.
Two come up and one pins my arms behind my back as the other begins to unbutton my blouse!
"Not funny stop this" I say looking to you but wanting to show good "team" leadership i don't scream just half hearted protest.
I am even more shocked when another comes up and finds the zipper on my little skirt and undoes it and the clasp as my skirt slides down my silky nylon clad legs.revealing my skimpy lace link thong under my pantyhose. I then grow wide eyed as I hear RRIIP as he tore a hole in the crotch of them just as they finish I doing my blouse. You tell them why working as a team is important as you say.....
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In the blaring helicopter, Roland mused at the distant look in Becca V’s eyes as she looked back at him when he tried to show her his program edits on the iPad screen. She was looking at him, yes, but she certainly wasn’t receiving anything. Knowing her for quite some time now, Roland knew this look from previous experience. Becca V got caught up in daydreaming, or recollection. It reminded him of the time when they’d first talked about making an erotic theme to one of the team-building sessions. They’d been quite drunk.

Becca V had opened up about an out-of-the-ordinary experience she’d had at one of her first experiences with the company. She’d been a teacher not a full coach, and she’d followed one of her superiors to an initial briefing with a group of attendants to the conference room at the resort. The group had turned out to be all male this time, some action sport outfit, real macho men as it turned out, and Becca V had had no idea about this. In the room with the door closed, her superior had invited the men to share them, and whether this had been prearranged or not, they had eagerly complied. Resisting in surprise at first while her cure outfit had been quite forcefully removed, leaving her only in her torn-open stockings. Then she’d succumbed to them, and, as she told him, quite enjoyed it, as one of the men had started licking her tits, biting down and sucking in her nipples, another had held her from behind, first sliding two strong fingers up into her and rolling them around to open her wide, make her juices flow, then pressing his shaft deep into her, fucking her hard and bending her over to receive two big cocks to her lips. Becca V had been sucking back and forth on them, jerking one while swallowing the other while being fucked hard from behind, and the men had taken turns, moved around. Her superior had only watched with a grin, and by the end of the briefing, Becca V had been covered in warm cum, as the men had ejaculated on her kneeling between them, sperm shooting all over her face and tits.

Perhaps Becca V was thinking about this now. Or perhaps she was considering doing the same with Marc, Dimitry, and Arnold. Or maybe she fancied a sexual encounter with Melissa, Julia, or Miranda, or all three. It made Roland consider his own opportunities here, and it made him start to grow hard. Whatever was on her mind, here, now, on the helicopter, Roland snapped his fingers to her to get her attention, “Hey!” His lips formed the word even if she couldn’t hear him, and when she came back to attention, he pointed to the screen on his lap, “What do you think?”, forming the words thoroughly so she could maybe read them on his lips.
I snap back to reality, blushing a bit from the thoughts I seemed to be having hoping I said nothing aloud. I nod acknowledging the itinerary you came up with, although I had in reality only heard Bout half of what you had said.
" I think for the first night once we arrive we keep it guys and girls in separate meetings, with the exception of us ofcourse, being the teachers/trainers you know something different from what we've done in years past what do you think?"
My plan to get separate initial meeting for the guys and girls was intended to get their thoughts on activities and whats on their minds to make it personal for them and a better overall experience. We arrive at the hotel, stretching after the trip as I await your reply to me wanting to change things up a bit.
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Roland had already swapped the groups back to all guys and all girls for the nights outing by the time they gathered for the initial briefing, who, unbeknownst to the participants, would turn out to be the offset for the night at the camps. He smiled as he saw Becca V there, in her camping gear, ready to go. She was way less dressed up than usual, though, looking groomed. It was apparent that she had ideas for the night in her head. Maybe not unlike the experience she’d had, Roland thought.

He scanned the room as the participants arrived, eager to get a grasp of their stay. All noticed Becca V, of course, not so much him, he was more normally dressed in hiking gear. However, he did see that the girls’ eyes were drawn to him, something which he appreciated.

The séance was over quickly, as it was supposed to, and soon, the participants were sent off to jeeps, all the guys in one, the girls in the other, to the camps for the night, all dressed as they were, with no equipment. Admittedly, the camps were great! And, unlike normal, they’d have no discomfort, since they were now going to stay, and not run around working all night… Or maybe they were? Roland was curious to what his colleague had in mind.

“So, you go to the guys’ camp, and I go to the girls?” He smiled at Becca V as they were alone in the room again, crocking his head at her, “What do you plan to do with them? They way you’re all dressed up, I bet you can make them do just about anything!”
My camping "gear" is the following..

Not very practical but I always like being fasionista type. I tw you "no you are the other coach silly first the guys camp then the girls camp to get them excited for this weekend you know these things can be boring and we have to make this a good experience for them right?" You and I go tonthe guys camp first where we talk about importance of working together as a team.
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I smiled back at you, “Importance of working as a team, huh?” my grin widened, “And in accordance with our plan, you intend to have them working on you, maybe? – That’s fine.”

And so it was, the girls were a bit bewildered that they were to be left alone in the woods for hours, but I slipped off to their site while they all got ready and set it all up for them. I was back just in time for us to head off, and you and I left with the guys.

We where there in minutes, the camp wasn’t far. In a clearing with a cliff at one side, deep woods surrounding the others. I watched as you showed them how to set camp, swaying your ass more than necessary, which certainly got attention from the guys, who were all eying you as we sat down around the fire an hour later.

I leant forward, looked at them, then at you, then spoke to them, “Becca V here is a master in collaboration and teamwork,” I said, “And I believe she has something for you to work on.” I looked at them, sincerely. “Boys, your task right now is to seduce her, and for that, you need to build each other up, because Becca V here isn’t interested in a single man.”
Two guys approached Becca V and gave her their best pick up lines. Another approached her and gave her tight little ass a squeeze which caused her to jump. She tried to encourage their moves although she was a bit reluctant but did mention working together in groups was important. "Easy guys lets not be hasty now" she said but didn't really protest as she secretly liked the attention and, after all they were working togethe. Then one hooked Becca V 's arms behind her back as he groped her perky little boobs, she allowed it as it was over the clothes. Then she heard a zipper, it was the zipper on her little shorts as a guy said his hand inside as they continued to smooth talk her.
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