Take a break and play the name game !


Really Experienced
Aug 28, 2012
Keep this going just for fun. I will start giving the first and last name of a famous person. It can be movie stars, politicians, musicians, caroons etc. Just so long as more than 2 people can cosign. The next poster will have to post a name beginning with the first letter of the last name of the poster above them.

For example, if i said Jackie Robinson, the next poster would post a name beginning with R, for example Robinhood. In cases like this where no last name is present, use the last Letter of the name. So the next poster would start with D.

If you are playing this with friends in say a long car ride and a person drops a double letter name, for example: Sylvester Stallone. That is an S to the next person but it reverses to the person who gave it to them. In this case since it is online, that person should post a pic or something about themself, IE a hobby etc. Get to know the community better :)
