

Oh, if only. Oh to be a person who didn't rely on a keyboard for a living. I'd sit around all day and look at them.
Don't know if anybody listens to Caustic Soda podcast, but it's smart and entertaining. Three Canadian guy hosts that pick a topic and come up with how to make it entertaining. High points for funny, interesting history, gross out ability and research.

These guys decided to do an episode on feminism and they got three women to do it, not as guests, but as the hosts. That's how you do it guys.

Here's there website:

"Caustic Soda is a weekly podcast about science, horrible news and humor hosted by Toren Atkinson, Kevin Leeson and Joe Fulgham. Each episode of Caustic Soda takes a gruesome, gory or otherwise horrible topic, such as shark attacks, parasites and radiation, and breaks it down into an easily-digestible bubbling paste of funny! The hosts discuss the topic’s origins, recent news and pop culture.

It’s hard science by soft people!"
Math Attitude:

ugh I hate calculus… why did I sin up for this

You should have signed up for spelling classes instead

you’re right haha this isn’t a pun or anything!

pun or not, you spelled sine wrong. There is literally no place where it is written “sin”


that is for trig… not calc…


get rekt bitch
I think the absolute best is David Tennant because he gets in teen angst, youth, silence, pacing and he reminds you that Hamlet is a freaked out teenager. I adore actors who use silence so well.

We are of course not going to discuss Mel Gibson.

i've watched this clip before, many times - that man gives great face.and knows how to use silence! i've never seen anyone perform that as well as he does :cool:
i've watched this clip before, many times - that man gives great face.and knows how to use silence! i've never seen anyone perform that as well as he does :cool:

Here is where I admit I adore David Tennant but I don't like Dr. Who.

As a nerd I know that's a huge strike, but I try and I try...
How To Tell If You Are In A High Fantasy Novel

•The Elders would like a word with you.
•The Ritual is about to begin.
•Something that has not happened in a thousand years is happening.
•You are going to the City. There is only one City. It is only said with a capital C. No one needs to bother saying the name of the City. It is the City.
•Certain members of the Council are displeased with your family’s recent actions.
•A bard is providing occasional comic relief; no one hired or invited him and his method of earning a living is unclear.
•The High Priest is not to be trusted.
•Someone is eating an apple mockingly.
•There is one body of water. It is called the Sea. The Great Sea, if you are feeling fancy.
•You live in a region with no major exports, no centralized government, no banking system, a mysteriously maintained network of roads, and little to no job training for anyone who is not a farmer.
•You have red hair. You wear it in a braid. Your father was a simple man, and you don’t remember much about him – he died when you were so young – but you remember his strong hands, as he fished or carpentered or whatever it was that he used to do with them.
•You’re going to have to hurry, or you’re going to miss the Fair – and you never miss the Fair.
•There is trouble at the Citadel.
•Your full name has at least one apostrophe in it.
•It is the first page, and you are already late for something. Your mother affectionately chides you as you gulp down a few spoonfuls of porridge; she will be dead by page forty-two.
•There are two religions in your entire universe. One is a thinly veiled version of Islam. It is only practiced by villains. The other is “being a Viking.” You are a Viking.
•There are new ways in the land that threaten the Old Way. Your grandmother secretly practices the Old Way, as do all of the people of the hills.
•The real trouble began the day you arrived at court. Every last nobleman hides a viper in his smile. How you long for the purity of life in your village, which is currently on fire or something.

The bolded one is my favorite. How often do I watch a movie, read a book, play a game where someone is absolutely charming, adored, finding hope and providing inspiration, and they're going to just DIE, I know it.
How To Tell If You Are In A High Fantasy Novel

•Something that has not happened in a thousand years is happening.
•You live in a region with no major exports, no centralized government, no banking system, a mysteriously maintained network of roads, and little to no job training for anyone who is not a farmer.
•You’re going to have to hurry, or you’re going to miss the Fair – and you never miss the Fair.
•Your full name has at least one apostrophe in it.
•It is the first page, and you are already late for something. Your mother affectionately chides you as you gulp down a few spoonfuls of porridge; she will be dead by page forty-two.

Hah. Yes to all of these.


•Life in your village -- situated in a Vale or a Haven or Something-Else-That-Is-Not-Quite-a-Shire -- is peaceful and idyllic and you can't imagine it ever changing. Until one day, twenty-five pages later, when a Mysterious Stranger arrives to turn your world upside down by telling you of your Mysterious Destiny which was Prophesied.
•Go ahead and tell that Mysterious Stranger to go away. We dare you. Pay no attention to the posse of Somethings-That-Are-Not-Orcs sure to be on his or her heels. Just see how that works for you.
•Your Mysterious Destiny involves leaving home to seek out a MacGuffin. Usually a sword or a gemstone. Not often a ring, for some reason...
•When you're ready to set out, your Mysterious Stranger will suddenly discover they have pressing business elsewhere, but not to worry: you're in good hands with their old friend, the [roguish/grizzled and taciturn] FighterGuy.
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Hah. Yes to all of these.


•Life in your village -- situated in a Vale or a Haven or Something-Else-That-Is-Not-Quite-a-Shire -- is peaceful and idyllic and you can't imagine it ever changing. Until one day, twenty-five pages later, when a Mysterious Stranger arrives to turn your world upside down by telling you of your Mysterious Destiny which was Prophesied.
•Go ahead and tell that Mysterious Stranger to go away. We dare you. Pay no attention to the posse of Somethings-That-Are-Not-Orcs sure to be on his or her heels. Just see how that works for you.

And another:

"Who am I? I don't remember...why is everything on fire? I have a mysterious power..." (Fable, Knights of the Old Republic, Bioshock Infinite to name just a few)

"The Bard's Tale" reboot was a great game that made fun of gaming tropes - going into the cellar to kill a rat. A giant...on fire...rat.

I also liked that there was a town that continually told every new visitor that they were the chosen one, resulting in a string of horrific deaths.
•Your Mysterious Destiny involves leaving home to seek out a MacGuffin. Usually a sword or a gemstone. Not often a ring, for some reason...
•When you're ready to set out, your Mysterious Stranger will suddenly discover they have pressing business elsewhere, but not to worry: you're in good hands with their old friend, the [roguish/grizzled and taciturn] FighterGuy.

You added a few!

I was so very proud of my son, who writes stories. We talk about writing a lot, and one day he said "I need very clear reasons to do something, I'm not going to MacGuffin it." AAAAAH! Love you! You found the word! Proud mom moment.

There was also an episode of "Castle" that had a dog named MacGuffin. "The dog's important." "Why?" "Just take my word for it."
Recidiva said:
"Who am I? I don't remember...why is everything on fire? I have a mysterious power..."

Love this one. "How did I get here? And where is here?"

. . . one day he said "I need very clear reasons to do something, I'm not going to MacGuffin it." AAAAAH! Love you! You found the word! Proud mom moment.

Awesome. :D

There was also an episode of "Castle" that had a dog named MacGuffin. "The dog's important." "Why?" "Just take my word for it."

I must not have seen that one... fond of that show, though.
Love this one. "How did I get here? And where is here?"

Awesome. :D

I must not have seen that one... fond of that show, though.

The amnesia start point is truly and officially played out. Nobody else is allowed to use it, ever. Unfortunately nobody's going to listen to me.

I was in luck, the dog WAS important. I like Castle a lot, the writers are very writery. They have good fun, and I only lose interest when they try to get serious. This is not what you guys are really good at doing...more vampires, please.
Ireland approves gay marriage.

First country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote. Measure passed by 61%.


Dublin, Ireland (CNN)—Same-sex couples will soon be able to walk down the aisle in the Emerald Isle.

Voters in Ireland overwhelmingly chose to change their nation's constitution Friday, becoming the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote.

The official results were announced Saturday at a Dublin Castle press conference: 1,201,607 voted in favor of the landmark referendum, while 734,300 voted against it, said Ríona Ní Fhlanghaile, an elections official.

Voter turnout in the majority Catholic nation was more than 60%, according to Fhlanghaile.

Despite speculation in the run-up that opposition to the measure might have been understated because people were too shy to tell pollsters that they planned to vote "no" -- the outcome was lopsided, with the measure passing by just over 61% of the total vote cast.

Once the votes began to be tallied, the result was never in doubt.

Only one of the country's 43 parliamentary constituencies failed to pass it.


p.s., the name Ríona Ní Fhlanghaile is fabulous