Being autistic and random stuff

I'm still in the phase where I keep coming across "oh this is related too!* She has helped with many of those.
After a lifetime of accepting other people's version of normality, the joy and validation of hearing the views of someone like you is a real buzz. I'd simply accepted that everyone felt and thought the same as me, but no one else thought to talk about it.
I'm glad you're still enjoying the process :rose:
After a lifetime of accepting other people's version of normality, the joy and validation of hearing the views of someone like you is a real buzz. I'd simply accepted that everyone felt and thought the same as me, but no one else thought to talk about it.
I'm glad you're still enjoying the process :rose:

I've also had a lot of this classic "so you mean other people don't do this???"
And that ⬆️ is why having at least some part special interest in your job is a very good idea.
And that ⬆️ is why having at least some part special interest in your job is a very good idea.
Definitely. I love teaching early modern history and a couple of theology courses which key into my special interests, though I think it is more sharing what I have discovered that I enjoy than teaching. I now have enough seniority that I don't have to teach the courses which leave me an unmotivated mess. I used to cop for a couple of American history courses that bored the living shit out of me I found uninteresting.

BFOTS/Crush is trying to turn her special talent into a business but periodically has to go and work retail when there is a cash crunch. She is so happy when she can ditch the retail for a while and go back to concentrating on what really fires her up.
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I had to go away for a week to take care of some family stuff, so now I am having difficulty adjusting back to 'home.' Being on my own in a fairly tidy environment where I could follow my routine, go hiking when I needed to de-stress, and not have to worry about unscheduled interruptions was pure bliss. Jetlag has left me tired, and that just makes my NT wife's 'randomness' harder to cope with because I am trying to cling to routine while I recover from the trip. I am probably driving her up the walls as much as she is driving me.

The other thing that is disturbing my tranquility is that although I picked that she is very judgmental/Miss Suburbia 1968 about folks who are on the Spectrum a long time ago, it has begun to bother me quite a lot recently mainly because I am picking up on it more than I used to.

Update 6/9/24: Finally over the jet lag and starting to cope. Been a rough 'reentry' this time.
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