Straight guys who like gay sex

I'm more than a little confused. How can one be straight and like gay sex, that makes you bi at a minimum. I've been a sissy all by life, and I'm married to a wonderful woman, but being married to a woman doesn't make me straight.
Trust me, plenty of straight guys enjoy a little gay sex.
They aren't necessarily attracted to men, but they know pussybois like myself give amazing head, and will take it in the ass. We will literally do anything they want, whenever they want.
I've had more "straight" dick then gay dick. I put on my panties and fishnets and I'm close enough.
(this is my first post on LGBTQIA+ forum)

There is such a thing as heterosexual people who can enjoy homosexual activity. I've been strongly heterosexual my entire life, but I have also shared BJ, HJ, and even anal intercourse with other guys, and enjoyed it (sometimes). I say "strongly" heterosexual because ever since I was a child, from before I even knew what sex was, girls made me feel a certain way. When I was young, I got nervous and tongue tied. They seemed like a magically fascinating, magnetically attractive, other species. Boys seemed unremarkable, like simply the same species. As I got older, I felt soul-wrenching emotional pull towards women, in addition to raging physical desire. Holding a woman in my arms can feel like "being whole." I never have, and never could, feel anything remotely like that towards a male.

But some years ago I started j/o to porn with a friend. At first we just got naked, watched (straight) porn, and masturbated. But eventually we started sharing BJs. It was easy to immediately enjoy the feeling of slowly kissing and licking a hard cock. It took a bit longer to get accustomed to cum, but eventually I loved that too. I can definitely get turned on by feeling cum shooting into my mouth, or all over my face, or splashing on my body. Also, I have many times experienced frotting, with him and others. That is my favorite MM activity. It's so sexy masturbating with another guy, with a bit of massage oil and our cocks rubbing together. It's an absolutely amazing feeling, just breathtaking. It makes me hard as a rock feeling another warm, erect, oiled cock slipping and sliding against mine. And it is so delicious cumming that way, and seeing and feeling another cock throbbing and squirting all over mine and his. I've also penetrated another guy a handful of times, and had OK-to-excellent orgasms that way. I've also felt a guy cum inside me, but didn't get much sexual feeling from that. But sex with another man, no matter how great, feels like masturbation. It doesn't feel like making love, and never could for me.

I hesitate to call that "bisexual" because "bi" implies some kind of equivalence. To me, they are not remotely similar. One is an emotional, spiritual attraction, with many dimensions. The other is like an enjoyable sex toy, with one dimension. I love it and sometimes crave it, but it's still one-dimensional. I don't know the proper word for this orientation, or if there even is one.

There are some who deny that this is even a thing. But it is. And I'm not sure how to respond when I try to explain my sexuality, and somebody who isn't me, and doesn't have my orientation, tells me I am incorrect. What does that even mean? I'm telling them firsthand my experience, and they're telling me my experience doesn't exist? It defies logic, I just give up.
I find language fascinating. It goes beyond what we call things but affects how we feel. OP begins with descriptions of his feelings of attraction to girls. His description is on par with how I felt growing up, madly in love with a beautiful blond 4th grader before I knew what was happening downstairs. The point is we are talking about emotions. Sexuality is an emotional/sexual affair. 'Homosexual' "Heterosexual" indicates what sex a person is sexually attracted to and doesn't bring the emotional to the table. There is also "Solosexual", where a person is alone masturbating. This can be done with objects. People can be considered objects. I think this is what 'straight' guys getting blowjobs are doing. We also run into words like 'Love' which is another quagmire, that I love to contemplate about.
The fundamental problem is everybody thinks in one dimension, as though sexuality can be described by a position in a 1D line. For example the famous "Kinsey Scale" assigns degrees from 0 = straight to 6 = gay. Many posts on this forum refer to "the spectrum", "the line" or "the curve." All these are one dimensional concepts. But sexuality seems to not be a single characteristic that can be describe by one measure.

To illustrate by example, consider a box that is 6 feet by 6 feet by 1 inch. Is that a big box or a small box? It can't fit in my car, so it doesn't seem like a small box. But it can't even hold a Big Mac, so it can't be a big box either. There is no clearly correct answer, because a box has 3 dimensions. We can talk indivudually about "width", "length", and "depth" very precisely. But if you try to collapse that into a one dimension, and talk about "small" or "big, you just get confusion and nonsense.

Similarly, we could say sexuality has multiple independent dimensions. Just for example (not suggesting these are the right "dimensions"): (1) what makes you fall in love; (2) what visual images turn you on; (3) what tactile sensations turn you on. These dimensions could be unrelated. A lot of disagreement on this topic seems to be differing interpretations of how to map 3 dimensions into 1. Some say "you're not straight unless you are straight in all dimensions." Or equally one might assert "you're not gay unless you're gay in all dimensions." Or one might say "love" is the primary dimension, and so straightness/gayness should be defined by that, and everything else is just sexual practices that aren't your basic sexuality. None of these are really wrong, but none are really right either, because describing 3 dimensions with a 1 dimensional quantity is inherently nonsense in the first place.

I would like to see a serious academic attempt to define independent dimensions or axis of sexuality. If anyone is aware of any such academic work, please point it out.
For me, I can only fall in love (and make love) with a woman. But I can enjoy using a cock as a sex toy. And I seem to not be alone in having those two characteristics. I don't know what to call it, and find it a little nonsensical to even debate what 1D measure applies. They are two different, unrelated things.
The fundamental problem is everybody thinks in one dimension, as though sexuality can be described by a position in a 1D line. For example the famous "Kinsey Scale" assigns degrees from 0 = straight to 6 = gay. Many posts on this forum refer to "the spectrum", "the line" or "the curve." All these are one dimensional concepts. But sexuality seems to not be a single characteristic that can be describe by one measure.

To illustrate by example, consider a box that is 6 feet by 6 feet by 1 inch. Is that a big box or a small box? It can't fit in my car, so it doesn't seem like a small box. But it can't even hold a Big Mac, so it can't be a big box either. There is no clearly correct answer, because a box has 3 dimensions. We can talk indivudually about "width", "length", and "depth" very precisely. But if you try to collapse that into a one dimension, and talk about "small" or "big, you just get confusion and nonsense.

Similarly, we could say sexuality has multiple independent dimensions. Just for example (not suggesting these are the right "dimensions"): (1) what makes you fall in love; (2) what visual images turn you on; (3) what tactile sensations turn you on. These dimensions could be unrelated. A lot of disagreement on this topic seems to be differing interpretations of how to map 3 dimensions into 1. Some say "you're not straight unless you are straight in all dimensions." Or equally one might assert "you're not gay unless you're gay in all dimensions." Or one might say "love" is the primary dimension, and so straightness/gayness should be defined by that, and everything else is just sexual practices that aren't your basic sexuality. None of these are really wrong, but none are really right either, because describing 3 dimensions with a 1 dimensional quantity is inherently nonsense in the first place.

I would like to see a serious academic attempt to define independent dimensions or axis of sexuality. If anyone is aware of any such academic work, please point it out.
For me, I can only fall in love (and make love) with a woman. But I can enjoy using a cock as a sex toy. And I seem to not be alone in having those two characteristics. I don't know what to call it, and find it a little nonsensical to even debate what 1D measure applies. They are two different, unrelated things.
You couldn't be more spot on. Discriminative intelligence and critical thinking a sparse in these here parts. Enlightened perspectives haven't been the bulwarks of a history of men addicted to ejaculation. Have you studied the works of Korzybski? He nailed the premise of abstract thought and how it has kind of 'booby-trap' that interferes with rational thought and behavior. Thank you so much for your post... it turns me on...
This may have already been said, but society is too hung up on labeling everything. If you enjoy sex no matter with who, why does it have to be labeled?
I don't think you got the memo. Our society loves to use labels so we can be divided into "us" and "them". The Christian Taliban now rule America and all the people who are "them" will be rounded up and put into special camps.
I'm more than a little confused. How can one be straight and like gay sex, that makes you bi at a minimum. I've been a sissy all by life, and I'm married to a wonderful woman, but being married to a woman doesn't make me straight.
I’m with you sis. I slept with a guy that just kept saying “ you know I’m not gay right?” “ I know honey. Lol.
Trust me, plenty of straight guys enjoy a little gay sex.
They aren't necessarily attracted to men, but they know pussybois like myself give amazing head, and will take it in the ass. We will literally do anything they want, whenever they want.
I've had more "straight" dick then gay dick. I put on my panties and fishnets and I'm close enough.
Then they are bisexual at a minimum, not straight.
(this is my first post on LGBTQIA+ forum)

There is such a thing as heterosexual people who can enjoy homosexual activity. I've been strongly heterosexual my entire life, but I have also shared BJ, HJ, and even anal intercourse with other guys, and enjoyed it (sometimes). I say "strongly" heterosexual because ever since I was a child, from before I even knew what sex was, girls made me feel a certain way. When I was young, I got nervous and tongue tied. They seemed like a magically fascinating, magnetically attractive, other species. Boys seemed unremarkable, like simply the same species. As I got older, I felt soul-wrenching emotional pull towards women, in addition to raging physical desire. Holding a woman in my arms can feel like "being whole." I never have, and never could, feel anything remotely like that towards a male.

But some years ago I started j/o to porn with a friend. At first we just got naked, watched (straight) porn, and masturbated. But eventually we started sharing BJs. It was easy to immediately enjoy the feeling of slowly kissing and licking a hard cock. It took a bit longer to get accustomed to cum, but eventually I loved that too. I can definitely get turned on by feeling cum shooting into my mouth, or all over my face, or splashing on my body. Also, I have many times experienced frotting, with him and others. That is my favorite MM activity. It's so sexy masturbating with another guy, with a bit of massage oil and our cocks rubbing together. It's an absolutely amazing feeling, just breathtaking. It makes me hard as a rock feeling another warm, erect, oiled cock slipping and sliding against mine. And it is so delicious cumming that way, and seeing and feeling another cock throbbing and squirting all over mine and his. I've also penetrated another guy a handful of times, and had OK-to-excellent orgasms that way. I've also felt a guy cum inside me, but didn't get much sexual feeling from that. But sex with another man, no matter how great, feels like masturbation. It doesn't feel like making love, and never could for me.

I hesitate to call that "bisexual" because "bi" implies some kind of equivalence. To me, they are not remotely similar. One is an emotional, spiritual attraction, with many dimensions. The other is like an enjoyable sex toy, with one dimension. I love it and sometimes crave it, but it's still one-dimensional. I don't know the proper word for this orientation, or if there even is one.

There are some who deny that this is even a thing. But it is. And I'm not sure how to respond when I try to explain my sexuality, and somebody who isn't me, and doesn't have my orientation, tells me I am incorrect. What does that even mean? I'm telling them firsthand my experience, and they're telling me my experience doesn't exist? It defies logic, I just give up.
I completely feel the same way. I don’t have much experience with men, maybe 3-4, but only Jo, bj, and swallow. I consider myself heteroflexible cause Recently, my tastes have been updated tew where I have added feminine lads, Twinks, n trans women (under 26) in addition tew lasses that I find attractive n desire to play with. I don’t find men attractive, but on occasion, a nice sized cock is a beautiful thing.
Bloody labels. Just revel in the pleasure and excitement. There does not have to be any kind of dissonance.
Then they are bisexual at a minimum, not straight.
They aren't attracted to men at all. They want someone who looks as feminine as possible, and they don't want to see a dick.
The same goes for gay men, most gay men don't mess with crossdressers, because that isn't attractive to them.
A bisexual man is attracted to men and women. If he is attracted to males who look like women, then they are more than likely straight.
Male on male sex happens frequently in situations where women are non existent. Such as prison.
Those men probably aren't gay, and when they are free, will probably go back to pussy. But, they do what they have to do....
Male on male sex happens frequently in situations where women are non existent. Such as prison.
Those men probably aren't gay, and when they are free, will probably go back to pussy. But, they do what they have to do....
From what I have heard, once a guy tries cock, he's hooked for life. I know for a fact I have been.
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The fundamental problem is everybody thinks in one dimension, as though sexuality can be described by a position in a 1D line. For example the famous "Kinsey Scale" assigns degrees from 0 = straight to 6 = gay. Many posts on this forum refer to "the spectrum", "the line" or "the curve." All these are one dimensional concepts. But sexuality seems to not be a single characteristic that can be describe by one measure.

To illustrate by example, consider a box that is 6 feet by 6 feet by 1 inch. Is that a big box or a small box? It can't fit in my car, so it doesn't seem like a small box. But it can't even hold a Big Mac, so it can't be a big box either. There is no clearly correct answer, because a box has 3 dimensions. We can talk indivudually about "width", "length", and "depth" very precisely. But if you try to collapse that into a one dimension, and talk about "small" or "big, you just get confusion and nonsense.

Similarly, we could say sexuality has multiple independent dimensions. Just for example (not suggesting these are the right "dimensions"): (1) what makes you fall in love; (2) what visual images turn you on; (3) what tactile sensations turn you on. These dimensions could be unrelated. A lot of disagreement on this topic seems to be differing interpretations of how to map 3 dimensions into 1. Some say "you're not straight unless you are straight in all dimensions." Or equally one might assert "you're not gay unless you're gay in all dimensions." Or one might say "love" is the primary dimension, and so straightness/gayness should be defined by that, and everything else is just sexual practices that aren't your basic sexuality. None of these are really wrong, but none are really right either, because describing 3 dimensions with a 1 dimensional quantity is inherently nonsense in the first place.

I would like to see a serious academic attempt to define independent dimensions or axis of sexuality. If anyone is aware of any such academic work, please point it out.
For me, I can only fall in love (and make love) with a woman. But I can enjoy using a cock as a sex toy. And I seem to not be alone in having those two characteristics. I don't know what to call it, and find it a little nonsensical to even debate what 1D measure applies. They are two different, unrelated things.
Wow that's a pretty interesting thought you have there, I wish there was a way to put it to conception1
Such a mid searching thread with many interesting viewpoints. I too try to rationalise in my old age and end up going round in ever expanding circles. I always considered myself "straight" although I secretly enjoyed wearing lingerie for solo pleasure. In my mind that just made me weird.

In latter years whilst still enjoying M-F sex I started to yearn for partial sex with other dressers and had a few very limited dressing experiences. By partial I mean BJ, JO relationships so I suppose that made me bisexual. However I have never had any wish for anal play either giving or receiving and I cannot decide if that precludes me from being gay or homosexual.

I now have no idea what I am label wise but as I age I really couldn't care less either way and neither should others be bothered by their own feelings. Just do what you enjoy and feels right for you, obviously within the confines of legality.
It's all getting a bit deep, unnecessarily so IMHO.

What's so wrong with labels anyway?

If it lives in a kennel and barks it's usually a dog.
(this is my first post on LGBTQIA+ forum)

There is such a thing as heterosexual people who can enjoy homosexual activity. I've been strongly heterosexual my entire life, but I have also shared BJ, HJ, and even anal intercourse with other guys, and enjoyed it (sometimes). I say "strongly" heterosexual because ever since I was a child, from before I even knew what sex was, girls made me feel a certain way. When I was young, I got nervous and tongue tied. They seemed like a magically fascinating, magnetically attractive, other species. Boys seemed unremarkable, like simply the same species. As I got older, I felt soul-wrenching emotional pull towards women, in addition to raging physical desire. Holding a woman in my arms can feel like "being whole." I never have, and never could, feel anything remotely like that towards a male.

But some years ago I started j/o to porn with a friend. At first we just got naked, watched (straight) porn, and masturbated. But eventually we started sharing BJs. It was easy to immediately enjoy the feeling of slowly kissing and licking a hard cock. It took a bit longer to get accustomed to cum, but eventually I loved that too. I can definitely get turned on by feeling cum shooting into my mouth, or all over my face, or splashing on my body. Also, I have many times experienced frotting, with him and others. That is my favorite MM activity. It's so sexy masturbating with another guy, with a bit of massage oil and our cocks rubbing together. It's an absolutely amazing feeling, just breathtaking. It makes me hard as a rock feeling another warm, erect, oiled cock slipping and sliding against mine. And it is so delicious cumming that way, and seeing and feeling another cock throbbing and squirting all over mine and his. I've also penetrated another guy a handful of times, and had OK-to-excellent orgasms that way. I've also felt a guy cum inside me, but didn't get much sexual feeling from that. But sex with another man, no matter how great, feels like masturbation. It doesn't feel like making love, and never could for me.

I hesitate to call that "bisexual" because "bi" implies some kind of equivalence. To me, they are not remotely similar. One is an emotional, spiritual attraction, with many dimensions. The other is like an enjoyable sex toy, with one dimension. I love it and sometimes crave it, but it's still one-dimensional. I don't know the proper word for this orientation, or if there even is one.

There are some who deny that this is even a thing. But it is. And I'm not sure how to respond when I try to explain my sexuality, and somebody who isn't me, and doesn't have my orientation, tells me I am incorrect. What does that even mean? I'm telling them firsthand my experience, and they're telling me my experience doesn't exist? It defies logic, I just give up.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have to say you are definitely not alone in your view of things. I’ve never been emotionally connected to a man but have really enjoyed my few dalliances with men sexually. Frotting is indeed a spectacularly sensual and sexy experience.