Straight guys meeting women in gay bars/clubs..


Dec 25, 2002
We were talking about meeting women in my earlier thread and this idea came up. Are there any straight guys out there who have successfully hooked up with a woman at a gay bar? Did you purposefully go to a gay bar knowing that all the other guys are gay and that you'd have all the "straight" women to yourself? Come on spill it. Lit wants to know!
Never Happen!

I Go So I Can Dance And Take My Top Off With All The Bent Dudes Who Really Don't Care!

Every Time I See A Pickup Artist In The Bent Club I Just Ignore His Ass.
I've been to gay bar a few times with mates. I saw a lot of lesbians.

Maybe they just pretended to be one fr me. :rolleyes:
i've friends try, but with no luck. claimed all the women were lesbians.
There's this club here in San Diego that I sometimes go to with my friends. It's a gay club, but on Thursday night it's "Straight Night" so all the straight people go, but there are some drag queens, ravers and tons of lesbians who go. It makes for fun people watching, plus the music is good. I've met some cool bisexual women there, but I've never hooked up with anyone.
A guy walks into a bar...

What kind of woman is he likely to hook up with? One who goes to bars in order to find a man.

What kind of man is this woman likely to hook up with? One who picks up women in bars.

If a woman is looking for that kind of man, she won't go to a gay bar.
phrodeau said:
A guy walks into a bar...

What kind of woman is he likely to hook up with? One who goes to bars in order to find a man.

What kind of man is this woman likely to hook up with? One who picks up women in bars.

If a woman is looking for that kind of man, she won't go to a gay bar.

Now there's some logic :D
April said:
I feel deprived. I've never been to a gay bar.

I've been to a bar where the University's GLB association happened to be, but never to a gay club, thank god.
Starblayde said:
I've been to a bar where the University's GLB association happened to be, but never to a gay club, thank god.

What a visual.

You wouldn't be able to take two steps inside the door without that smile attracting quite a few pairs of eyes.;)
juicylips said:
What a visual.

You wouldn't be able to take two steps inside the door without that smile attracting quite a few pairs of eyes.;)

Hey! Watch it you! I don't want 'people' who want to fuck me... I want 'women' who want to fuck me :D
Cleo32 said:
Me either April. I bet they play the greatest music. *sigh*

If you're ever in my neck of the woods, I'll take you. I hope you like to dance because the music is awesome.
Starblayde said:
Hey! Watch it you! I don't want 'people' who want to fuck me... I want 'women' who want to fuck me :D

lol. I'm totally straight, but I go to gay clubs with my friends. I'm secure with myself to go to a gay club and if I ever run into any "trouble," I'll just grab a female friend's hand and say she's my gifrlfriend.
Shingen said:
lol. I'm totally straight, but I go to gay clubs with my friends. I'm secure with myself to go to a gay club and if I ever run into any "trouble," I'll just grab a female friend's hand and say she's my gifrlfriend.

There's the other reason I don't go to gay clubs :D
Starblayde said:
Hey! Watch it you! I don't want 'people' who want to fuck me... I want 'women' who want to fuck me :D

But..but...but...what about our MMF?:D
Shingen said:
If you're ever in my neck of the woods, I'll take you. I hope you like to dance because the music is awesome.

To say I like to dance is an understatement. And I'll take you up on that Shingen.

Bwaaahaaahaaa...oops. Meant to say that when I was alone. :D
Cleo32 said:
To say I like to dance is an understatement. And I'll take you up on that Shingen.

Bwaaahaaahaaa...oops. Meant to say that when I was alone. :D

Oh I forgot....did you want to sign up for my day spa? hmmmm?
Shingen said:
Would you settle for a FMF? I'll provide the other F.

If I ever did a FFM...I'd provide the other female.

I've always wanted to do a MMF....first.;)