So when is this "Honest" discussion regarding race relations goint to occur?

It does look like that on the surface but if you dig a little deeper into how other races, ethnicities, nationalities integrated into the local populous it took about 5 years... In the case of the African American it took nearly 300 years. Not only that, but during that time, many never knew their home country or customs as they were literally beaten out of them. Now you have an alien people with no real identity.

Some of the bigger problems were the promises that were made and broken after the American Revolution and Civil War. Once blacks were "freed" they were pretty much forced to keep doing what they did while they were slaves by working share cropping fields for their former masters. This happened because reintegration of the South back into the Union never really occurred and the responsibility or integrating blacks into the communities were delegated to the individual states as "punishment" for their rebellion. Of course, they took advantage of this situation and oppressed the shit out of the race. This really didn't change until the race movements in the 60's and 70's.

So, the problems are, slaves had been here since colonial times and didn't really get wide spread freedom until over 300 years later. That's a damned long time to be enslaved and oppressed. Top that with poverty, exploitation and the "sexification" of criminal behavior throughout the times, there's going to be a problem. I hate to sound like this because it sounds really really fucking liberal, but when you start to look at the inner workings and happenings of the history, you can kind of get a clearer picture. That, and it's a little harder to say, "niggers being niggers" (pardon my language but just trying to make the point of close minded assholes).
Exactly. You can't be passed high school and not know this.
It does look like that on the surface but if you dig a little deeper into how other races, ethnicities, nationalities integrated into the local populous it took about 5 years... In the case of the African American it took nearly 300 years. Not only that, but during that time, many never knew their home country or customs as they were literally beaten out of them. Now you have an alien people with no real identity.

Some of the bigger problems were the promises that were made and broken after the American Revolution and Civil War. Once blacks were "freed" they were pretty much forced to keep doing what they did while they were slaves by working share cropping fields for their former masters. This happened because reintegration of the South back into the Union never really occurred and the responsibility or integrating blacks into the communities were delegated to the individual states as "punishment" for their rebellion. Of course, they took advantage of this situation and oppressed the shit out of the race. This really didn't change until the race movements in the 60's and 70's.

So, the problems are, slaves had been here since colonial times and didn't really get wide spread freedom until over 300 years later. That's a damned long time to be enslaved and oppressed. Top that with poverty, exploitation and the "sexification" of criminal behavior throughout the times, there's going to be a problem. I hate to sound like this because it sounds really really fucking liberal, but when you start to look at the inner workings and happenings of the history, you can kind of get a clearer picture. That, and it's a little harder to say, "niggers being niggers" (pardon my language but just trying to make the point of close minded assholes).

Exactly my point. It would be one thing if blacks were self segregating into black communities instead of just being poor and all the poor people living together. The stagnation is a real problem as well.

I agree that there was a lack of heritage. It is not a problem now. There is a defined history. In some cases they have traced their roots back to Africa. In others to the first that set foot on this soil. Now it's time to move ahead. Stagnation is definitely not any communities friend. No matter what your race!
I must say it much nicer to have this discussion than the fuck you... no fuck you fest... This is interesting! Thank you all for the honest and polite responses.

That's why I initially got involved in the conversation... Some redneck assholes regressing to racism and propaganda bullshit against Kitty. I'm not big on seeing people stack up on others.
And I can not confirm nor deny I was at least partly responsible for the "Fuck You Fest" that occurred, but in my defense, I am from Jersey and it's kind of like saying hello Hahaha

But real, human conversations, seeing things from different points of view and perspective are what breed ideas and solutions. Thank you for bringing in a new voice...

Oh, and I think some people were doing this so I'll add mine, but I'm a white male lol
I agree that there was a lack of heritage. It is not a problem now. There is a defined history. In some cases they have traced their roots back to Africa. In others to the first that set foot on this soil. Now it's time to move ahead. Stagnation is definitely not any communities friend. No matter what your race!

Except that's not really true at all. At least not in the same way it is for most of the other races. Black heritage is mostly something that occured around us as for tracing our roots back to Africa, unless you're Obama that's kinda pointless. Sure someone in my family way back when was put on a boat and brought over here but that culture is long gone and has very little to do with who we are today.
It will never be a perfect world. Niggas always going to be niggas. And other races always going to be other races. No matter how you slice the cake, it's still going to be a cake.
Except that's not really true at all. At least not in the same way it is for most of the other races. Black heritage is mostly something that occured around us as for tracing our roots back to Africa, unless you're Obama that's kinda pointless. Sure someone in my family way back when was put on a boat and brought over here but that culture is long gone and has very little to do with who we are today.

Don't say we. We don't claim your kind.
Except that's not really true at all. At least not in the same way it is for most of the other races. Black heritage is mostly something that occured around us as for tracing our roots back to Africa, unless you're Obama that's kinda pointless. Sure someone in my family way back when was put on a boat and brought over here but that culture is long gone and has very little to do with who we are today.

Good point... It's one thing to have grown up with a certain culture and set of traditions and a totally different one to see it then adopt it. I'm German and lived in Germany for 6 years... Really immersed myself in the culture. Even though my family came from there over a hundred years ago, it always seemed alien to me. Some of the things I experienced, I kept. But I still celebrate things more "American" than anything else.
That's why I initially got involved in the conversation... Some redneck assholes regressing to racism and propaganda bullshit against Kitty. I'm not big on seeing people stack up on others.
And I can not confirm nor deny I was at least partly responsible for the "Fuck You Fest" that occurred, but in my defense, I am from Jersey and it's kind of like saying hello Hahaha

But real, human conversations, seeing things from different points of view and perspective are what breed ideas and solutions. Thank you for bringing in a new voice...

Oh, and I think some people were doing this so I'll add mine, but I'm a white male lol

We can see your picture (lol) and thank you for being so respectful. This is not an easy conversation to have due to bigotry and fear. I am glad we all are having it.
I grew up the only black kid in a all white community. I saw people move out because we moved in. I heard the slurs and negative talk. I went to private school my whole life and was treated as odd man out by my own race. But I also grew up in a totally integrated extended family. I was taught that a person character was worth more than the color of their skin or the size of their house.

I think the biggest wall we as a society face is lack of character or valuing it.
It's not where you come from but who you are. Once we start valuing that again the whole race issue will stat to fade away.
We can see your picture (lol) and thank you for being so respectful. This is not an easy conversation to have due to bigotry and fear. I am glad we all are having it.
I grew up the only black kid in a all white community. I saw people move out because we moved in. I heard the slurs and negative talk. I went to private school my whole life and was treated as odd man out by my own race. But I also grew up in a totally integrated extended family. I was taught that a person character was worth more than the color of their skin or the size of their house.

I think the biggest wall we as a society face is lack of character or valuing it.
It's not where you come from but who you are. Once we start valuing that again the whole race issue will stat to fade away.

Totally agree. I wasn't used to it being from a multicultural city but finished up my last couple of years in high school in redneck central :rolleyes: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...except polio. :)
First you were talking about 'violent crime'.

Now, you're talking about 'major felonies'...

Which is it?

This is the FBI website I assume you're referring to:

There's nothing on that website that supports your claim.

The breakdown of 'violent crime' by race doesn't agree with your 'facts'.

The breakdown of arrests for 'violent crime' doesn't agree with your 'facts'.

Would you care to site a SPECIFIC source? Perhaps one that DOES agree with your so called 'facts'?

These, according to the FBI website, are the facts:

Statistics for violent crime for which someone is indicted, do not include a breakdown by race.

Statistics for arrests are broken down by race and your numbers are way off.

Again, would you care to site a specific source?

Or should I just continue ignoring everything posted on the GB?

I think I just answered my own question...

Most certainly does. In each and every crime category but rape.

Except that's not really true at all. At least not in the same way it is for most of the other races. Black heritage is mostly something that occured around us as for tracing our roots back to Africa, unless you're Obama that's kinda pointless. Sure someone in my family way back when was put on a boat and brought over here but that culture is long gone and has very little to do with who we are today.

That is the part a lot of folks forget....get their futures hung up in the past. IDK how many times I've told my dad/grandparents "I DON'T live in Korea and I'm not Korean guys...I'm an American, born and raised. If you wanted me to be Korean you should have thought about that before you immigrated here and had me with a white hippie girl on the west coast. "

It will never be a perfect world. Niggas always going to be niggas. And other races always going to be other races. No matter how you slice the cake, it's still going to be a cake.

That's that hood mentality...

1 more time because it's good for everyone....
Most certainly does. In each and every crime category but rape.


That's nice info and all, But it is not helping to start, Continue or further a discussion or solution to the issues presented here.

So can we move on to something useful.
Your first example isn't self segregation. That's just people living where they can afford to live. I've never even heard of a black community that's intentionally black in the same way that Little Tokyo or Haiti or any other ethnic group set up very intentionally like that.

The interracial thing is just gonna take another generation to die out and there's not much point in worrying about it. However there is some merit to the root of the argument which is that often times we move "out" of the black community because we think we're better than that.

Race is a man made construct but so are many things, it doesn't make it any less real.

Not everyone in the black community (or any other grouping that are demographically consistent) self-segregate. A lot do. South of Broadway, Hispanic, North of Broadway, Black. If I still held a Real Estate Licence it is illegal for me to know that. The residents sure do.

No difference in age or quality of home or price. Has nothing to do with affordability. I could have and did find people homes in "white" neighborhoods because there is no such thing as a white neighborhood. There are Black neighborhoods, Asian neighborhoods, Hispanic neighborhoods and "all of the above." My area of focus was starter homes. Back then you could get an $85,000 home for about $650 a month because the rates were not as low as today. Not at all out of the range of anyone.

There are some enclaves that tend to be white because they tend to be expensive. No one says a thing to discourage them when a black family can afford an $800,000 home. Even if you do have a pocket of expensive homes there are always pockets of affordable ones nearby. City zoning insists on it.
One thing I could say about my people, is we don't discriminate. What we will do to your kind we will do to our own, and vice versa. I seen a video where a black kid asked a white woman for change for the bus. She told him she didn't have any change. So the black kid left. Couple of minutes later a white kid asked the white lady for change, and she gave it to him. Race will always be a issues, when my kind is looked upon as animals. And until that changes, we will always be downgraded.
Let's dig in here. Yes, you are absolutely correct that whites kill whites, and etc. The important statistic is 13% of the population responsible for 50% of the crime. That's the big one.


Now, I wonder how that statistic correlates with a majority of black people's SES...

Which brings us back to the discussion of poverty being the culprit, not race.
*throws head back* Can't we about if Beyonce is pregnant again?
Now, I wonder how that statistic correlates with a majority of black people's SES...

Which brings us back to the discussion of poverty being the culprit, not race.

Of course poverty is a huge causal factor of crime. But according to Ishmael, blacks are the only ones who resort to crime while being in poverty. Why he's been entertained after making such an ignorant statement is beyond me.

Has he no education of slums in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia, Nepal, Taiwan, Native American country, Central America, Scotland the murder capital of Europe? How dare he say blacks are the only ones who commit crime while in poverty and then denounce poverty as a factor in the same breath? :rolleyes:
Good point... It's one thing to have grown up with a certain culture and set of traditions and a totally different one to see it then adopt it. I'm German and lived in Germany for 6 years... Really immersed myself in the culture. Even though my family came from there over a hundred years ago, it always seemed alien to me. Some of the things I experienced, I kept. But I still celebrate things more "American" than anything else.

You should make this....

Your profile pic.
Now, I wonder how that statistic correlates with a majority of black people's SES...

Which brings us back to the discussion of poverty being the culprit, not race.

There are more white people in real numbers (not as a percentage) in poverty than there are black people total.

If poverty was the main driver (obviously it is a factor) you would see the same percentages of violent felons and poor-on-poor crime. But you do not.

Pick a number. Lets say a child growing up in poverty is twice as likely to end up in prison for a violent crime. The percentage of blacks in prison for violent crimes is far in excess of that.

The most reliable driver is likely no male role model in the home. White statistics on that are fast approaching the rate of single-parent households. When that is at parity, I suspect you will see higher crime than now in those populations.
Probably so, but it's the truth. Poverty would always exist in black areas. So crime will always exist in black areas.

Do you know why? Crime is a horrible answer to systematic conditions, but it is an inevitable answer no matter where you're from, as evidence so readily shows.
Their are other races besides Black and White. Please expand your discussion parameters.
You should make this....

Your profile pic.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dude! That's fucked up... Only because we had a debate in one of my sociology courses a few weeks ago. I played the role of the Politian. My professor told me she could imagine flags and eagles every time I talked Hahahahahaha! But seriously, that's an awesome fucking action figure Hahaha

Poverty, historically, has bred crime. Going back to the oldest civilizations. And that fear of bigotry and racism is exactly what's holding this entire thing back. One of my soldiers called my master, I always told he did horrible nigger work. He's a great man and we would defend each other no matter how slight the argument. We completely broke down the race wall with each other. I'm not saying that should be common place, but it was just a really great feeling that we weren't uncomfortable. Especially, I won't lie, coming up pretty fucking close minded and racist myself.

And Kitty... Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger... Except for the Infantry... Infantry will kill you hahaha