So when is this "Honest" discussion regarding race relations goint to occur?


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
So when is this "Honest" discussion regarding race relations goint to occur?

Seriously, when? Obama promised an honest discussion during his 2008 run for the presidency. And Holder reiterated that sentiment during his nomination hearings. But has there been any open and honest discussions, not to my knowledge.

And by discussion I mean give and take, not a lecture by one side to the other. Not name calling when disagreements occur, and they will. Not shouting down the other side under the concept that over-talking and being loud carries the day.

I'll start;

The facts are that blacks are approx. 13% of the population but they commit close to 50% of all violent crimes and property crimes. The sole exception is rape in which their statistics are in line with their representation of the population. Over 93% of all black victims of murder were murdered by fellow blacks. And that victimization profile is true for all other violent crimes (except the aforementioned Rape). Bottom line is that overwhelmingly blacks are the victims of crime and those crimes were committed by fellow blacks.

The police know where the crime is taking place. Little push pins in maps on the wall have been replaced by GIS computer graphics, but they know. And they assign their resources accordingly. Is it any wonder that the police have a higher representation in black communities than in others? And it should go without saying that the higher the police presence, the higher the arrest rates.

And that begs the question, "Are the police victimizing the black community or are they protecting the victims of criminals?"

The police cannot fix the problems in the black communities, that fix has to come from within the community itself. The community can blame 'whitey' all they want but 'whitey' isn't forcing the black criminals to victimize their own. And poverty is no excuse for criminal behavior. There are far to many poverty stricken of all races and cultures that don't resort to criminal activity just because they're poor.

There is plenty of wrongs being perpetrated by the police out there and their victims come in all creeds and colors. Picking bogus causes and behaving in a criminal manner is not swaying popular opinion to anyone's cause. Make sure you have a real issue before you take to the streets.

OK, your turn.

When white people cede all politics to non-white people.

Then, there will be honest discussion as "we" decide how much you "owe" us.

;) White people have a lot of money just laying around...
Here our local newspaper excites the Usual Suspects to violence then buys up the destroyed properties, to bundle and re-sell to the government for a sweet profit.
If broodmare moms, in the inner city, financed by the government, weren't raising one uneducated barbarian generation after another, there might have been some progress in the black community in the last 50 years.

If this kid wasn't a fucking bully raised to think he could take what he wanted, that the world owed him a living, ignorant enough to try and jack up an armed police officer, he wouldn't have been shot.

but you're not a racist. not you.
October 2014 Unemployment:

White: 4.8%
White men 20 and over: 4.2%
White women 20 and over: 4.6%
White Teenager (16-19): 16.3%

Black: 10.9%
Black men 20 and over: 10.7%
Black women 20 and over: 9.4%
Black Teenager (16-19): 32.6%

Asian (all): 5.0%

Now start studying 'White Flight" and its effect on the opportunity for black people across America. Take a look at Segregation (yes, America is still segregated) and then look at unemployment in South Chicago (100% non-white) compared to any 100% white area. White flight takes not only the people, but the businesses and the opportunity as well.

If you are Black Teenager, 16-19 and living in South Chicago - your opportunity for employment that will advance you out of the ghetto is just slightly above zero, but if you sell some dope -you can have status, money and a considerably shortened life expectancy because another 16-19 Black Teenager might want what you've got and has even less opportunity if you already are selling on that corner.

It isn't the rich white kid in the 320i who goes to prison for buying heroin, it is the black teenager 16-19 who the white kid drops the dime on when he gets caught. The white kid gets, "Treatment Center, while black gets 3-5 years and becomes a 'crime statistic".

Your OP started and ended with the effect, but completely brushed by the causes and reasons - because they're ugly and don't present the face of American Exceptionalism that you want to present to the world.
October 2014 Unemployment:

White: 4.8%
White men 20 and over: 4.2%
White women 20 and over: 4.6%
White Teenager (16-19): 16.3%

Black: 10.9%
Black men 20 and over: 10.7%
Black women 20 and over: 9.4%
Black Teenager (16-19): 32.6%

Asian (all): 5.0%

Now start studying 'White Flight" and its effect on the opportunity for black people across America. Take a look at Segregation (yes, America is still segregated) and then look at unemployment in South Chicago (100% non-white) compared to any 100% white area. White flight takes not only the people, but the businesses and the opportunity as well.

If you are Black Teenager, 16-19 and living in South Chicago - your opportunity for employment that will advance you out of the ghetto is just slightly above zero, but if you sell some dope -you can have status, money and a considerably shortened life expectancy because another 16-19 Black Teenager might want what you've got and has even less opportunity if you already are selling on that corner.

It isn't the rich white kid in the 320i who goes to prison for buying heroin, it is the black teenager 16-19 who the white kid drops the dime on when he gets caught. The white kid gets, "Treatment Center, while black gets 3-5 years and becomes a 'crime statistic".

Your OP started and ended with the effect, but completely brushed by the causes and reasons - because they're ugly and don't present the face of American Exceptionalism that you want to present to the world.
what is THIS supposed to mean?

that there is UNEVEN result?

who argues that?

that there is UNEVEN opportunity or access?

The fault is ONE SIDED.....

and while THIS may very well be true, It isn't the rich white kid in the 320i who goes to prison for buying heroin, it is the black teenager 16-19 who the white kid drops the dime on when he gets caught. The white kid gets, "Treatment Center, while black gets 3-5 years and becomes a 'crime statistic"....also remember the WHITE kid will have LESS propensity to engage in violent crime and be a danger to society then the black kid

We don't need an honest discussion

What we need is for some people to get the CHIP off their shoulder and STOP acting the victim

What we need, is an HONEST discussion how the DUMZ keep the BLACKS on the plantation and how the BLACKS willingly stay there
we need to stop with the HONEST DISCUSSION BULLSHIT and STOP making every fucking issue BLACK vs WHITE
If broodmare moms, in the inner city, financed by the government, weren't raising one uneducated barbarian generation after another, there might have been some progress in the black community in the last 50 years.

If this kid wasn't a fucking bully raised to think he could take what he wanted, that the world owed him a living, ignorant enough to try and jack up an armed police officer, he wouldn't have been shot.

I'm not going to talk about race relations in the US for obvious reasons but I wanted to address this point. I've always been amazed by how large american families are. People have so many kids and it's not just the poor. That strikes me as something from the past where higher child mortality rates meant that people preferred to have many children to ensure their lineage. In this day and age I find it irresponsible for people to have more children than they can provide adequately for (including a decent education).

I still remember public service ads from my childhood where the 'hum do, humare do' (basically saying that we're a couple and we have a couple of children) changed to the 'lal trikon' (2 parents and one child). I know it made a huge impact on my generation. Most people (no matter the background) think twice before having a second child. The only people who I don't see giving a damn are street dwellers who use their kids as a source of income (as people are more likely to give alms to children than adults).
STFU, with the YOU ARE A RACIST accusations...that is reserved for narrow minded are better then that

I'm sorry, but the post he made could only come from someone steeped in racial prejudice and who no longer feels the need for pretense.

You want to explain exactly what he means by "Broodmare Moms" and "Barbarians" then? Just euphemism for "Bad People" in general? strange he'd choose a thread about an "honest discussion of race" for those terms.
We've been discussing race for over 50 years. The government has enslaved multiple generations through the welfare state. Until they get out of the equation nothing will change.
I'm sorry, but the post he made could only come from someone steeped in racial prejudice and who no longer feels the need for pretense.

You want to explain exactly what he means by "Broodmare Moms" and "Barbarians" then? Just euphemism for "Bad People" in general? strange he'd choose a thread about an "honest discussion of race" for those terms.

Those are code words he uses so he can say, "I never said that word!!! You are a damned liar!!! Show me a quote of me using that word!!!"

He's the kind of old school racist that has learned only to use certain words in the privacy of like-minded thinkers.
But it is white America who produced a lot of damaged liberal thinkers who thought a multitude of ways to keep black American imprisoned in a state of intellectual entitlement for political gain.

What exactly is "intellectual entitlement"?
It isn't white America that denies education to the black community. It isn't white America raising felons on every block in the black community. It isn't white America killing 99% of black children and young men. But it is white America who produced a lot of damaged liberal thinkers who thought a multitude of ways to keep black American imprisoned in a state of intellectual entitlement for political gain. It was the white liberal who decided that black people were too stupid to fend for themselves and strove mightily to keep them in a state of ignorance. ....

Oh really? Check out South Carolina sometime. Our school funding formula has adversely hurt poor (i.e. predominantly black) school districts for generations. It's taken a recent state Supreme Court decision to force a change to be made.

And it ain't "liberal thinkers" behind that problem here.

America as a whole shares responsibility for the "problem". Liberals and conservatives.
October 2014 Unemployment:

White: 4.8%
White men 20 and over: 4.2%
White women 20 and over: 4.6%
White Teenager (16-19): 16.3%

Black: 10.9%
Black men 20 and over: 10.7%
Black women 20 and over: 9.4%
Black Teenager (16-19): 32.6%

Asian (all): 5.0%

Now start studying 'White Flight" and its effect on the opportunity for black people across America. Take a look at Segregation (yes, America is still segregated) and then look at unemployment in South Chicago (100% non-white) compared to any 100% white area. White flight takes not only the people, but the businesses and the opportunity as well.

If you are Black Teenager, 16-19 and living in South Chicago - your opportunity for employment that will advance you out of the ghetto is just slightly above zero, but if you sell some dope -you can have status, money and a considerably shortened life expectancy because another 16-19 Black Teenager might want what you've got and has even less opportunity if you already are selling on that corner.

It isn't the rich white kid in the 320i who goes to prison for buying heroin, it is the black teenager 16-19 who the white kid drops the dime on when he gets caught. The white kid gets, "Treatment Center, while black gets 3-5 years and becomes a 'crime statistic".

Your OP started and ended with the effect, but completely brushed by the causes and reasons - because they're ugly and don't present the face of American Exceptionalism that you want to present to the world.

Go to any black neighborhood and two things are common to every black neighborhood: the kids are out on the street until midnite or later, and the kids live with great grandma because ma and grandma are addicts whoring on Main Street. Baby Daddy is in jail or prison, and great grandma supports all with the AFDC chex.