So I have a D/s relationship now....


Not pussy-footin' around!
Oct 5, 2002
5,008 very first!

Well, really he is domming me in the bedroom only! :D I do have questions....about anal. As he was the one that introduced me to it, and will be the only one I allow to do it to me....I am wondering: Am I the only one who needs a smallish dildo to be "primed" before a cock is inserted? Also, why is it more pleasureable for me to stand up and bend over, then to be on my belly while receiving it? I do not understand how it can feel pleasureable in the only me. When things get going fast and hard, then the vibrations or momentum seem to shake my labia (hence my clit)...but that is the only pleasure I detect. Is there something wrong with me?
Some do prefer to be readied with a toy.

You may find more enjoyment from anal sex if you lie on your back with him raising your bottom to his cock. Then, you can feel the friction of his body on your clit, or you or he can play with it.

It also provides room for double penetration with a toy.

Another thought, if he is behind you, perhaps if he angles him self to press himself downward when entering, his cock may provide some friction to your vagina, and hopefully the g spot through the vaginal walls.

I am not sure, but it is worth a try!
