Should I


Really Really Experienced
Jun 21, 2002
Ok heres the deal i work with this girl and shes just totaly awsome shes adorable, nice and sweet, But the problem is i work with her and am hesitant to ask her out on a date, and im not sure if she sees me that way at all i am horable at reading the signals. We talk every chance we get and are constintly asking eachother what the other has plans for the weekend. any sugestions on weather or not i should pursue
date, fuck...

I never date or have a fuck buddy from the places I have worked at. Just totally against my rules.

Too much shit if there are problems later.

Don't do it!!!!!!
maybe, mabe not

I think she is sending you the signals that say she wants to pursue the relationship.
Think about it though people dont have cliches for nothing.
"Never piss in your own pool".
If things go wrong it could get real ugly. Also are you peers or at different levels. Ther may be sexual harassment issues to deal with. One more point check you company's handbook and see if there are any rules against intercompany dating. No use losing your job over this woman unless it is love at first sight
Congratulations on becoming experienced!
Shoot, I've been sitting here for ten minutes trying to figure out how to type what I want to say. I give up.
Best of luck to you!
I met my husband when we worked at the smae place...he asked me was great. yeah it could bomb...but on the other hand it could be great!
There are a lot af variables here, but, I would say that unless you are working for a very small company, go for it. Nobody can say anything about you and a co-worker getting together for dinner, a movie, a play or whatever. And, unless it gets serious, that is all anyone ever needs to know.

Are work relationships problematic? Of course. Enough to give up a chance at love? Hell no.