Shocked and appalled by some of the stories I've read at Literotica

Shit tons, mate, all sorts. The Yanks used to be afraid, but no longer. We're quite content to stay on our island with a bloody big moat. Tasmania is doubly protected ;).

And Americans are afraid of drop bears and other Australian wildlife - like rampaging Sheilas.
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Shit tons, mate, all sorts. The Yanks used to be afraid, but no longer. We're quite content to stay on our island with a bloody big moat. Tasmania is doubly protected ;).

and yet, Canadians have invaded your universities.
Nah, yeah, there’s a shit load of us. We threaten the Yanks and Poms with Vegemite and Fosters dregs and they stay mostly in line.

All Ockers and Kiwis are gladly welcomed here as long as they adhere to a few basic rules:

The polite way to ask for a drink at Tex's place is not "oi, gissa fuckin' tinnie, ya wazza!"

Shoes, shirts, and underpants must be worn at all times (Rusty, nota bene...)

Noting "Christ yer ugly, what's yer mother look like?" is not allowed on the premises,

It is not polite to proposition the women with "Hey Sheila, fancy a shag? No? Mind laying back while I have one?"

and finally,

Under no circumstances leave booze, turpentine, or paint thinners where Russ can get at them, not after the regrettable incident last year.
Oh dear, Isabel. You have my total sympathy. When I was much younger, I had a similar reaction to Brussels sprouts. Just the thought of them made me feel queasy. But then a dear friend suggested that, rather than running from them, I should embrace them. I can tell you, it was not easy. But, gradually, with each Lilliputian cabbage I consumed, my revulsion lessened. And, in the end - well, not the end as such, but after a year or so anyway - I was eating the little perishers for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Perhaps if you were to start by just reading a few paragraphs, building up over a period of several weeks? And then, perhaps when you can read a whole story, you might even try reading a story while not wearing any knickers? It's just a thought. Oh, and perhaps a dab of lube might make the whole thing easier. Good luck.

A masterpiece !

All Ockers and Kiwis are gladly welcomed here as long as they adhere to a few basic rules:
and finally,

Under no circumstances leave booze, turpentine, or paint thinners where Russ can get at them, not after the regrettable incident last year.

Now come one, Lori; you promised you would never mention that. :rose:
I have to assume that anyone who professes to be "shocked and appalled" by the content of Literotica stories yet has published stories with the following titles:

She Made Me Eat My Husband's Cum Out of Her Pussy

My Husband Doesn't Know I Was Creampied By Two Strangers

I Forced My Brother to Fuck Me and I'm Not Sorry

. . . is being sarcastic and/or ironic.

But it's hard to tell these days.

I think the point of the thread went over your head.
I think the point of the thread went over your head.

No, I got it, but I was trying to make my own ironic comment and I don't think it came across quite right.

My point, perhaps not well stated, was that no matter how ridiculous and outrageous the statements people make in social media, it seems to be harder and harder to tell whether they're meant as parody or are sincere. The real world is converging with The Onion world.
All Ockers and Kiwis are gladly welcomed here as long as they adhere to a few basic rules:

The polite way to ask for a drink at Tex's place is not "oi, gissa fuckin' tinnie, ya wazza!"

Shoes, shirts, and underpants must be worn at all times (Rusty, nota bene...)

Not a problem. Some of mine are very worn indeed.
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No, I got it, but I was trying to make my own ironic comment and I don't think it came across quite right.

My point, perhaps not well stated, was that no matter how ridiculous and outrageous the statements people make in social media, it seems to be harder and harder to tell whether they're meant as parody or are sincere. The real world is converging with The Onion world.

My turn of mind always has me think parody before considering its real 'outrage'

Maybe its because I sympathize with the OP when it comes to things being mislabeled No loving wives in loving wives, and don't get me started about the last time I went into BJ's. That place is totally false advertising.
I think the biggest insult you can ever give a Canadian is to even remotely suggest they're an American. Yanks is Yanks, Canucks live further north, eh?

Then should I take it as a compliment that when I moved from Maine to Florida in grade school other kids thought Maine was part of Canada? Or should I just weep for the American educational system?
All Ockers and Kiwis are gladly welcomed here as long as they adhere to a few basic rules:

The polite way to ask for a drink at Tex's place is not "oi, gissa fuckin' tinnie, ya wazza!"

Shoes, shirts, and underpants must be worn at all times (Rusty, nota bene...)

Noting "Christ yer ugly, what's yer mother look like?" is not allowed on the premises,

It is not polite to proposition the women with "Hey Sheila, fancy a shag? No? Mind laying back while I have one?"

and finally,

Under no circumstances leave booze, turpentine, or paint thinners where Russ can get at them, not after the regrettable incident last year.

Sorry, just been outback checking on the pet dropbear. He’s suffering a bit since the last cruise ship of Yanks turned up at the beginning of the year, and no one since. Living off a diet of Jack Russell terriers isn’t the same...

Bloody hell Lori, back to Aussie lingo 101. Being on the turps is not the same as drinking it. Just because I bought it in Bunnings is totally beside the point...

And shoes? Really? Thongs are the go today. :D
Sorry, just been outback checking on the pet dropbear. He’s suffering a bit since the last cruise ship of Yanks turned up at the beginning of the year, and no one since. Living off a diet of Jack Russell terriers isn’t the same...

Bloody hell Lori, back to Aussie lingo 101. Being on the turps is not the same as drinking it. Just because I bought it in Bunnings is totally beside the point...

And shoes? Really? Thongs are the go today. :D

I notice you specifically made no mention of underpants; really, Russ, do we have to go through this again? There's a courtesy pair under the counter, hardly worn at all, ignore the faint map of Africa on the front, accidents happen...
I think the biggest insult you can ever give a Canadian is to even remotely suggest they're an American. Yanks is Yanks, Canucks live further north, eh?

Yanks means different things to different people. All foreigners call Americans Yanks.

To Americans, Yanks are North of the Mason Dixon line.

To Northerners Yankees are from the North East (New York, New Jerseey and those Canadian states further up.:D)

To someone from the NE Yanks are in the New England States

To New Englanders a Yankee is someone that still uses an outhouse.