Sexuality and Spirituality


Mother Earth Seduced
Jun 29, 2002
Most of western humanity’s sexual history has been heavily influenced by the teachings of patriarchal, fundamentalist style religions. Many forbid the enjoyment of sex independently of reproduction, in effect, regressing humanity to a pre human stage of evolution.

With the exception of some ascetics, eastern philosophies are more inclined to embrace the integration of our sexual and spiritual natures, seeing the two as mutually enhancing to each other. Indeed, the vital energy created during intercourse and at the time of orgasm is a powerful creature.

I know most people here are open and honest about their sexuality and mostly it falls into the light, casual column. Many of you will say you are not guilty or shameful, tis the nature of the beast on Lit. But the fact still is, because of society’s specs, many of us don’t use real picture AV’s, share this with their S/O, friends or family, etc... WE may not be ashamed but most of society would still consider this site evil. That’s not what I’m getting at here…

Question/Poll -
Does your spiritual philosophy hold sexuality as a divine rite and expression of union? One that can be used to propel one’s evolution?
Or do you consider sex a hindrance to enlightenment?
Image said:
Question/Poll -
Does your spiritual philosophy hold sexuality as a divine rite and expression of union? One that can be used to propel one’s evolution?
Or do you consider sex a hindrance to enlightenment?

A divine rite? No, I don't think of sex as a rite. It's a gift from the divine, perhaps, but not divine in and of itself. I'm too busy during sex to bother with nirvana. I mean, how much better could nirvana be anyway?

I don't see it as a tool for my personal evolution either. I don't chant mantras when I have sex. Usually my mouth is too full. ;)

On the other hand, I don't see it as a hindrance to enlightenment either. Sex is physical. Sprituality is metaphysical. I don't see the connection between the two in either a positive or a negative way. They're just two parts of me.

I tap sprituality through meditation. I can't attain the same complete detachment through sex.