Sexual orientation of subs in BDSM


Literotica Guru
May 25, 2004
I've been gone a while from here, mainly because FetLife is my new playground. Over there, I encountered a remarkable lady. A butch lesbian who likes....male domination. She likes to be dominated by a man, only it's not sexual. She doesn't allow him to have sex with her, or penetrate her, either with fingers, toys, or his dick, but she will let him to anything else. I would never think that a woman who lets a guy tie a collar around her neck and makes her walk naked in the snow, happily licks a toilet seat, lets a guy piss on her face, allows herself to get whipped while hanging naked AND upside 100 PERCENT LESBIAN.

Are there gay men who submit to dominant women in BDSM ?

Or heterosexual men who submit to gay male masters ?

Or straight women with gay female dominants ?

These questions boggle my mind.