Lesbian Preferences Discussion (pls no men)


Oct 17, 2023
Guys, please leave this thread alone.

Virtually every thread in LGBTQIA+ is gay/male-bi oriented or “lesbian” picture threads which I suspect please many male viewers (though they tend to be quite attractive). Let’s try letting the female contingent have some undisturbed space here.

Okay, I wanted to get some help from my sisters here (sorry, sissies not you this time). I am a married woman who participates in a variety of sexual games and lifestyles with my husband. One of the biggest is adopting an arrangement where I can be with whomever I want sexually as long as I don’t fall in love with them (not a trivial requirement but we love each other and want to give each other what the other needs). I’ll skip the details though you could read more in my “so that happened” thread.

Long introduction to get to my question. I’ve begun a lesbian sexual relationship with a friend of mine. She has always known she is lesbian and has no experiences with men. She is also rather shy and tends to go along with what I suggest and I can’t tell if she really wants to or not. I want us to use strapons with nice big cock dildos because I want to feel “her” inside me, fucking me and I want to be inside her, fucking her.

I guess I’m asking the female “hive mind” here… is asking a lesbian to strapon a male cock for f-f sex offensive? I just find the penis shaped dildos to be more stimulating over the various odd dildo shapes… physically and mentally.
Not necessarily, Sweetie. There are women here who tend to be shy about posting for a variety of reasons and to be honest this is the first time I saw your post. Patience. 😊

… is asking a lesbian to strapon a male cock for f-f sex offensive?

I don’t feel it’s offensive and why should it be? If I may put my engineer’s hat on, it’s what the vagina was designed for regardless of what it is and who’s on the other end. Whether I’m being fucked with a realistic dildo or a cucumber it feels good and if my girlfriend is doing it to me then it’s a pleasurous moment we both are sharing.

Communicate, Sweetie. Talk to each other about your desires and what new things you want to try. Were you sparked by something one of the girls in the office brought up in conversation or did you see it in a porn vid? If either of you says no then it’s end of discussion and no feelings are hurt. But, you might also be opening doors to some new and wonderful experiences and feelings. 😊

You say she is shy, I certainly understand and can relate to that. So go slow when trying to introduce new things to her. What do you think about this or did you like that? There’s nothing wrong with asking her to be honest with you either, or even asking her if there’s something she wants to try. Sex should be a shared and enjoyable experience for both. For me if it’s not pleasurable for her then I don’t want to do it with her.

It also feels good that you know your partner trusts you and is comfortable opening up to you about their deepest, and perhaps darkest, desires. ❤️😊
I guess I’m asking the female “hive mind” here… is asking a lesbian to strapon a male cock for f-f sex offensive?
Why would it be offensive? Technically, a strap on dick is not "male" either since it doesn't come from an actual man.

I just find the penis shaped dildos to be more stimulating over the various odd dildo shapes… physically and mentally.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Not necessarily, Sweetie. There are women here who tend to be shy about posting for a variety of reasons and to be honest this is the first time I saw your post. Patience. 😊

I don’t feel it’s offensive and why should it be? If I may put my engineer’s hat on, it’s what the vagina was designed for regardless of what it is and who’s on the other end. Whether I’m being fucked with a realistic dildo or a cucumber it feels good and if my girlfriend is doing it to me then it’s a pleasurous moment we both are sharing.

Communicate, Sweetie. Talk to each other about your desires and what new things you want to try. Were you sparked by something one of the girls in the office brought up in conversation or did you see it in a porn vid? If either of you says no then it’s end of discussion and no feelings are hurt. But, you might also be opening doors to some new and wonderful experiences and feelings. 😊

You say she is shy, I certainly understand and can relate to that. So go slow when trying to introduce new things to her. What do you think about this or did you like that? There’s nothing wrong with asking her to be honest with you either, or even asking her if there’s something she wants to try. Sex should be a shared and enjoyable experience for both. For me if it’s not pleasurable for her then I don’t want to do it with her.

It also feels good that you know your partner trusts you and is comfortable opening up to you about their deepest, and perhaps darkest, desires. ❤️😊
Thank you. Our bedroom communication has been more limited than it should. I’ll talk to her more.
What @Lorelei907 said. Communication is key. I can understand your hesitation since she has always been lesbian. I have known lesbians who either had no interest in that kind of fun or were just flat out afraid of it. But they always understood that i was bi and I very much liked it and why I liked it. So most were either happy to use one on me, to at least try it once with me, or very understanding and polite in turning it down. As long as there is mutual respect and understanding on both sides, you have nothing to fear.
Thank you. I guess I shouldn’t be worried and just bring my fave cock dildo (Goliath) over for our next date. :)
Goliath? Now I’m intrigued! 🤭😊
Thank you. Our bedroom communication has been more limited than it should. I’ll talk to her more.

I am fortunate in that my girlfriend is as adventurous as I am and we love to explore our sexuality. Lit has really helped with that, too. 😊 We have great communication and have always had an unspoken policy that any question can be asked. We’ve had a lot of fun and we both know what our limits are.

Explore and have fun! ❤️😊
Guys, please leave this thread alone.

Virtually every thread in LGBTQIA+ is gay/male-bi oriented or “lesbian” picture threads which I suspect please many male viewers (though they tend to be quite attractive). Let’s try letting the female contingent have some undisturbed space here.

Okay, I wanted to get some help from my sisters here (sorry, sissies not you this time). I am a married woman who participates in a variety of sexual games and lifestyles with my husband. One of the biggest is adopting an arrangement where I can be with whomever I want sexually as long as I don’t fall in love with them (not a trivial requirement but we love each other and want to give each other what the other needs). I’ll skip the details though you could read more in my “so that happened” thread.

Long introduction to get to my question. I’ve begun a lesbian sexual relationship with a friend of mine. She has always known she is lesbian and has no experiences with men. She is also rather shy and tends to go along with what I suggest and I can’t tell if she really wants to or not. I want us to use strapons with nice big cock dildos because I want to feel “her” inside me, fucking me and I want to be inside her, fucking her.

I guess I’m asking the female “hive mind” here… is asking a lesbian to strapon a male cock for f-f sex offensive? I just find the penis shaped dildos to be more stimulating over the various odd dildo shapes… physically and mentally.
Hello MeganFachs,

Just thought I would give you my insight on this subject. I really think comunication is the key, I don't think it should be ofensive but just keep in mind that all women are different and because you enjoy penetration, doesn't mean she enjoys it, some women prefer clitoral stimulation. Just speak with her and try whatever you both enjoy the most.
Big hug💋.
Hello MeganFachs,

Just thought I would give you my insight on this subject. I really think comunication is the key, I don't think it should be ofensive but just keep in mind that all women are different and because you enjoy penetration, doesn't mean she enjoys it, some women prefer clitoral stimulation. Just speak with her and try whatever you both enjoy the most.
Big hug💋.
Thanks, sweetie. Hugs!!
I would say it isn't based on my experience with lesbian women. Me and my husband have our fun too. I would not consider myself bi as I do not have an innate sexual desire for other women, but I also do not shy away from play time.

But along the years we have had several lesbians joining in, and they have always suggested strapons, both to use on me, and usually to use on them too. So I figure in general not an issue.

That being said, we all know misandrists (rightfully so or not) that would take offense, so always good to have a chat before hand and when in doubt be cautios and safe
I would probably find it a bit... idk... offputting? if you told me the part about wanting a dildo that actually looks like a cock because you find that more mentally stimulating.
Guys, please leave this thread alone.

Virtually every thread in LGBTQIA+ is gay/male-bi oriented or “lesbian” picture threads which I suspect please many male viewers (though they tend to be quite attractive). Let’s try letting the female contingent have some undisturbed space here.

Okay, I wanted to get some help from my sisters here (sorry, sissies not you this time). I am a married woman who participates in a variety of sexual games and lifestyles with my husband. One of the biggest is adopting an arrangement where I can be with whomever I want sexually as long as I don’t fall in love with them (not a trivial requirement but we love each other and want to give each other what the other needs). I’ll skip the details though you could read more in my “so that happened” thread.

Long introduction to get to my question. I’ve begun a lesbian sexual relationship with a friend of mine. She has always known she is lesbian and has no experiences with men. She is also rather shy and tends to go along with what I suggest and I can’t tell if she really wants to or not. I want us to use strapons with nice big cock dildos because I want to feel “her” inside me, fucking me and I want to be inside her, fucking her.

I guess I’m asking the female “hive mind” here… is asking a lesbian to strapon a male cock for f-f sex offensive? I just find the penis shaped dildos to be more stimulating over the various odd dildo shapes… physically and mentally.
Communication communication! Ask her
how she feels about the idea.
Guys, please leave this thread alone.

Virtually every thread in LGBTQIA+ is gay/male-bi oriented or “lesbian” picture threads which I suspect please many male viewers (though they tend to be quite attractive). Let’s try letting the female contingent have some undisturbed space here.

Okay, I wanted to get some help from my sisters here (sorry, sissies not you this time). I am a married woman who participates in a variety of sexual games and lifestyles with my husband. One of the biggest is adopting an arrangement where I can be with whomever I want sexually as long as I don’t fall in love with them (not a trivial requirement but we love each other and want to give each other what the other needs). I’ll skip the details though you could read more in my “so that happened” thread.

Long introduction to get to my question. I’ve begun a lesbian sexual relationship with a friend of mine. She has always known she is lesbian and has no experiences with men. She is also rather shy and tends to go along with what I suggest and I can’t tell if she really wants to or not. I want us to use strapons with nice big cock dildos because I want to feel “her” inside me, fucking me and I want to be inside her, fucking her.

I guess I’m asking the female “hive mind” here… is asking a lesbian to strapon a male cock for f-f sex offensive? I just find the penis shaped dildos to be more stimulating over the various odd dildo shapes… physically and mentally.
I prefer realistic strapons simply because they're curved and are textured
Baseline: I’m fine with that. I’m lesbian and use realistic ones sometimes.
There have been women who made that request that was a yellow flag for me. Primarily indicating they were in bed with me to get by until a guy came into their life. Which is fine, but I like to know. So I can decide if I want to be there.
But overall, being open and honest about what you want is the way to go.