sex and religion

Re: Re: Re: Re: chicks

entitled said:
Not peach. Too... pastel. *nods* A dark rose undertone with cream sponged over the top, especially near the light. Kind of fading out to the darker color as it nears the edges of the room. Yeah... And that dark paneling has GOT to go...

I think I love you :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: chicks

James G 5 said:
I think I love you :D
Awww... How sweet... *snif snif* Now, would You love me more if i decided on the huge flowery wallpaper or gauzy hanging fabric kind of draped over that ugly panelling? The fabric muffles sounds better. Less chance the neighbors will wake up. :devil: :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: chicks

entitled said:
Awww... How sweet... *snif snif* Now, would You love me more if i decided on the huge flowery wallpaper or gauzy hanging fabric kind of draped over that ugly panelling? The fabric muffles sounds better. Less chance the neighbors will wake up. :devil: :D

As long as you don't cover the hooks so I still have something to string you up by.......:p
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: chicks

James G 5 said:
As long as you don't cover the hooks so I still have something to string you up by.......:p
What??? And take half the fun out of having the dang things? You're crazy! :D
Whenever I've come to a new town, one of the first things I've always done is to look for a church to get into. Hitherto, it had been one of the best ways for me to get to sing, so I've always joined the choir and other musical groups. Things have happened in my present church that have sort of come between me and that, but that's another issue. A church is a good way to enter into the community and it helps to bring order into your life. I've been in the church I'm in now for almost seven years. However, it's come to bother me somewhat that nobody in my church really knows who I am. Nor can they, when it is abundantly obvious from the sermons that I hear and the things that many of my church friends and acquaintances say, that if they knew what I write they would say that I was committing this terrible sin. I've spun erotic stories in my head ever since I was old enough to be interested in sex but it didn't bother me as long as I never published any of them. Now I am published, even though it's not in a place where anybody's paying me, so I feel that I truly identify myself as an erotic writer. It's not just a thing I do, it's a thing that I am. Some would think it was a matter of asking for God's forgiveness and then not doing it anymore, but the truth is, I don't want to not do it anymore; it's something I think I do well, and does any human on this earth have the right to condemn me for what I am? It sometimes makes me feel a little crazy.

Zurich said:
Anglican but fail to understand what difference this makes. By the way Sn'P, I've never had to discuss religion and fucking with the women I enjoy. Is this a matter of class and taste? Food for thought maybe.

there something distateful about sex? or just discussing it? If you think that sex and religion don't mix (at least tastefully) then that IS a religious impact on your sex life.

That is what the question is, and its not such a dumb one. From your posts, and i'm sorry but this is the way you come accross, you think of "fucking" as something vulger, low and mearly physical, and religion as something lofty, pristine and purely spiritual. There's nothing exactly wrong with that, but I would say that it does mean that your religion colors your outlook on sex. That is the question. Do you think of certain sexual acts as "sinful"? Do you do them anyway? Do you not do certain things because it is "sinful" (ie, homosexual acts or group sex)? These are the questions we are discussing; men and women.

You also have to understand, 'religion' does not mean the same thing to everyone. Not everyone thinks of religion as this lofty pristine ideal unsullied by physical needs and everyday conserns. For some people, all of that is religion too. For some, maybe even the women that you've been with, sex is an extremely spiritual experience. I know that I have had "spiritual' sex once in my life. I don't know if it was spiritual to him or if he even knew that i experienced it that way, but that doesn't make it any less spiritual to me. sorry if that offends you in some way, but we don't all have the same ideas about sex, love, god, pleasure, ecstasy, and sin. That is why we have conviened on this board. To talk about these differences.

I don't believe that sex is seperate from everything else. See my quote benieth location on my av. I don't think its distasteful, and I don't think talking religion with a lover is in the least bit dis-tasteful.
SlickTony said:
Whenever I've come to a new town, one of the first things I've always done is to look for a church to get into. Hitherto, it had been one of the best ways for me to get to sing, so I've always joined the choir and other musical groups. Things have happened in my present church that have sort of come between me and that, but that's another issue. A church is a good way to enter into the community and it helps to bring order into your life. I've been in the church I'm in now for almost seven years. However, it's come to bother me somewhat that nobody in my church really knows who I am. Nor can they, when it is abundantly obvious from the sermons that I hear and the things that many of my church friends and acquaintances say, that if they knew what I write they would say that I was committing this terrible sin. I've spun erotic stories in my head ever since I was old enough to be interested in sex but it didn't bother me as long as I never published any of them. Now I am published, even though it's not in a place where anybody's paying me, so I feel that I truly identify myself as an erotic writer. It's not just a thing I do, it's a thing that I am. Some would think it was a matter of asking for God's forgiveness and then not doing it anymore, but the truth is, I don't want to not do it anymore; it's something I think I do well, and does any human on this earth have the right to condemn me for what I am? It sometimes makes me feel a little crazy.

this is an excellent wonderful response. Thank you.

I think that sex may have been one of the biggest reasons why I left the church. I got pregnant at 17, my youth paster wanted me to get married, all the other teens in the youth group expected me to be the sex-expert, and all he (youth paster) wanted me to say was that it was wrong, and whatever else fit into his sermon.

This wasn't really the big thing, but my church fell apart over some scandal involving the pastor, and I joined with some church friends in a bible study group they put together. I was supposed to be the group secretary until someone in the group thought that I shouldn't be an officer because my boyfriend and i lived together and wherent married. I just couldn't bring myself to go after that.

the bible says the wages of all sin are death, yet the church teaches that sexual sin is the worst. Why is that? I suppose because the church (not god) wants to control our bodys- particularly woman's bodys. And our sins show. When our bellys get big and round, everyone knows that we had =whisper here= sex. Men's sex lives never really show. Once a baby is born, we stop thinking sex, cause baby's and sex don't mix. Then if the baby looks just like the man, he's a daddy, not a sinful pregnant woman.

Our sin also shows (not as obviosly) in our menses. Red blood from our most private parts, a testament to the sinfulness of our natures. Even when men are the 'sinners' boys will be boys, yet girls are sluts, or easy, or if there not, they're a tease. can't win for loosin. We tempt them, its our fault when they sin! (Sexually and in the garden of eden, when sin began- that fruit is just a metaphore people, eve tempted adam! eve is the cause for the fall of man, for all of man's downfalls. Man is closer to god, and woman is closer to the devil. Men would be so GOOD and so GODLY if it wherent' for us women just tripping them up, cutting their hair, offering them our fruit!)

Ok, I'm preaching now! sorry if I got carried away, I think I forgot my original point. I think the church has really hijacked sex, turining it into something sinful and dirty. I heard in some religions, a married couple cuts a whole in the sheet when they have sex. I'm all for sex being dirty- its more fun that way- but a sin?

I used to think sex before marriage was a sin. But then I realized that I don't want to get married- ever. But I like sex, and I don't plan to stop. So I either had to come to terms with being a sinner, or find a new way to look at it. The church is not going to hold my sexuality hostage, and on top of that, tell me that masterbation is a sin too. Mariage was never originaly inteded to be a partnership, it was intended to be ownership. Prostitutes where "sinful" because they where the first truly independant women. They didn't belong to anyone, they had jobs and they kept there own money.

If the church wants to insist that any sexual act outside of marriage is a 'sin' it is my oppinion that it is because they want to keep the original meaning of marriage alive and well. The man is the head of the family. The wife is subserviant, if not property, then what? And they shame us into the arangement by holding our hormones for ransam. The only "approved way" to get our sexual needs met is to become somebodys property.

For a long time I had no religion. Now I say I believe in god, just not everything I was tought about him. I think we all have to find god for ourselves. and I dont' think god gives a fig if we masterbate or write dirty stories or use birthcontrol or have kinky sexual relations with consenting adults. I just think God has more pressing conserns. God wants us to be happy, to use our tallents and to be good to each other.
Anglican but fail to understand what difference this makes. By the way Sn'P, I've never had to discuss religion and fucking with the women I enjoy.


I'm not entirely familiar with that dinomination, is that the one where they where the white robes and are fairly close to catholic as protostants go?

You say "with the woman I enjoy" you talk as if they are passive objects to be acted upon. I also wonder if you have any type of discussion with them at all. Have you been in any actual relationships beyond sex? do you consern yourself with her enjoyment? do you think of her as a person at all? I just dont' see anything in any of your posts that indicates any of the above.
Fortunately, my church at least does not go in for the women-as-property thing. Our pastor would be in a bad way if it did. HIs wife is a Captain in the Navy Reserve.
‘This Synod affirms that the biblical and traditional teaching on chastity and fidelity in personal relationships is a response to, and expression of, God’s love for each one of us, and in particular affirms:

that sexual intercourse is an act of total commitment which belongs properly within a permanent married relationship;

that fornication and adultery are sins against this ideal, and are to be met by a call to repentance and the exercise of compassion;

that homosexual genital acts also fall short of this ideal, and are likewise to be met by a call to repentance and the exercise of compassion;

that all Christians are called to be exemplary in all spheres of morality, including sexual morality, and that holiness of life is particularly required of Christian leaders.’

from the church of england website:
SlickTony said:
Fortunately, my church at least does not go in for the women-as-property thing. Our pastor would be in a bad way if it did. HIs wife is a Captain in the Navy Reserve.

thats good! I know I got a little carried away, and not all churches are like that, but I think its where it stems from even when they dont' realize it. I believe that morals and values begin for practical reasons (usualy servival) but once we attach 'good' and 'evil' to them, they become fixed in our way of thinking. for instance a culture where life is violent and dangerous might value ruthlessness and cruelty and devalue mercy and compation, because those characteristics would mean death to them all. so mercy is considered "evil" and when circumstances change where mercy won't cost them there lives, its still hard for them to accept it as anything but bad.

In a less extreme example, my stepdad's father will not hug him. Because in the cultere that he was raised, a grown man did not hug another grown man. Period. Even though its acceptable now, its not to him.

YOu know, there are probably lots of people in your church with all kinds of sexual kinks, practices and desires. Some of them would never want to talk about them, would probably outright deny them, some of them probably are ashamed. Maybe there are a few that, like you are just prudent. Of course I have no idea how you would find out out who is who, but it might help you to know that your probably not alone:)

You wrote YOUR thoughts into my posts. Thinking sex is vile is not my thought at all. Like most men I wish women wouldn't have to think sex is something that needs to be reconciled with their religion. I'll say I'm much better at writing technical reports and recommendations which is what I do all day. By the way, the women I've had sex with like the way I say "fucking". My apology for the misunderstanding here.
I wish women wouldn't have to think sex is something that needs to be reconciled with their religion.

You honestly think this is unique to women?
Re: S'nP

Zurich said:
You wrote YOUR thoughts into my posts. Thinking sex is vile is not my thought at all. Like most men I wish women wouldn't have to think sex is something that needs to be reconciled with their religion. I'll say I'm much better at writing technical reports and recommendations which is what I do all day. By the way, the women I've had sex with like the way I say "fucking". My apology for the misunderstanding here.

No appology necesary for using the word "fucking" i dont' mind that at all. Also, vile and vulger are not the same thing. I meant vulger in the sence of "common, carnal, non-spiritual" with maybe a little of the sence of "vile" mixed in- not discusting but vulger, low. I don't know if that makes sense- sometimes when your typing your just not sure how you'll be read.

anyway, what I really meant when I started this thread wan't "does your religion lead you to feel that sex is bad" but "does your religion lead you to feel that certain sexual practices that others enjoy are out of bounds."

Yes women have religios hang-ups, but so do men. Sometimes they have them about women. Some men crave really kinky sex but would never ask there wives to do those things, and would feel negativley about her if she did. Some men will sleep with a girl on the first date, but feel that she is a slut. Why they don't think they are a slut too, I'll never understand.

Anyway, since where on nice terms with each other, would you consider giving a shot at some of the previous questions I asked conserning the impact your religion has on what you will or won't do sexually and how you feel about those who do? that would be right on topic, and we can all be friends:)
This sounds fair enough.

I'd say my ideas about what is or is not acceptable during sex is a matter of my psychological well-being or cultural upbringing. I'm entirely satisfied with sexual relationships with women. I've never had any problems with this. I've never had time to dwell on "kinks"; don't find this necessary I would never want to do anything that causes pain or humiliation during sex. Hope this answers your question.

Forgive me for going off topic, but i'm curious about the signature. Is it from Camus's L'etranger? for this thread, it's a noteworthy godless reference, but i don't recall any sex comments from the book. Maybe i'm way out to lunch on this one.
Anyhow, i certainly dig your comments regardless.
As for sex and the christianity bit, i know a number of devout christians who feel no need to abide by every dogmatic idea of the organized religion or the bible.
SlickTony said:
You honestly think this is unique to women?

If you'll look at my post I said "Like most men I wish women wouldn't have to think sex is something that needs to be reconciled with their religion. " Theologically, historically the concept of woman's "orginal sin" and chastity, etc. has been beaten to death. And NO, sex and religion isn't a topic I normally discuss. Do you?
Re: Is

sweetnpetite said:

You also have to understand, 'religion' does not mean the same thing to everyone. Not everyone thinks of religion as this lofty pristine ideal unsullied by physical needs and everyday conserns. For some people, all of that is religion too. For some, maybe even the women that you've been with, sex is an extremely spiritual experience. I know that I have had "spiritual' sex once in my life. I don't know if it was spiritual to him or if he even knew that i experienced it that way, but that doesn't make it any less spiritual to me. sorry if that offends you in some way, but we don't all have the same ideas about sex, love, god, pleasure, ecstasy, and sin. That is why we have conviened on this board. To talk about these differences.

It's spiritual for me :D
My form of paganism stresses that sex, especially in ritual, can be a powerful & magickal thing
I don't have a religion per se but if I did it would encompass the fact that it's a part of life, not seperate from & above it
And I'm enjoying discussing our differences :D
Re: This sounds fair enough.

Zurich said:
I'd say my ideas about what is or is not acceptable during sex is a matter of my psychological well-being or cultural upbringing. I'm entirely satisfied with sexual relationships with women. I've never had any problems with this. I've never had time to dwell on "kinks"; don't find this necessary I would never want to do anything that causes pain or humiliation during sex. Hope this answers your question.

What if you meet someone who ENJOYS pain or humiliation???
And that "cultural upbringing" is almost certainly rooted in a bevy of religious ideals.....
Zurich said:
If you'll look at my post I said "Like most men I wish women wouldn't have to think sex is something that needs to be reconciled with their religion. " Theologically, historically the concept of woman's "orginal sin" and chastity, etc. has been beaten to death. And NO, sex and religion isn't a topic I normally discuss. Do you?

Yes, I do :D
Zurich said:
If you'll look at my post I said "Like most men I wish women wouldn't have to think sex is something that needs to be reconciled with their religion. " Theologically, historically the concept of woman's "orginal sin" and chastity, etc. has been beaten to death. And NO, sex and religion isn't a topic I normally discuss. Do you?

hmmmm, most men I have been with, thankfully, don't have a hang up about sex and religion (although I prefer spirituality instead since I practice no accepted "religion"). And again, if I need to reconcile it with my spiritual beliefs, it is something within me entirely, has nothing to do with a need to discuss it with him. So I find it odd that you think that this is something we women put upon men.

And yes, sex and spirituality is a topic that I find comes up often with my friends and has been discussed with lovers, although not something I am going to mention in the middle of an orgasm :)
LOL and now sitting here laughing to myself....hearing that scene played out in my head....

omg I am so close....going to cum....

don't stop...keep going....oh wait, I am not sure this orgasm is easily reconcilable with my spiritual beliefs....oh god, don't stop....
no wait, can we discuss whether what you are doing right now is a sin?

LOL! so sorry, just had to share and get it out of my head :)
Mysticcal said:
LOL and now sitting here laughing to myself....hearing that scene played out in my head....

omg I am so close....going to cum....

don't stop...keep going....oh wait, I am not sure this orgasm is easily reconcilable with my spiritual beliefs....oh god, don't stop....
no wait, can we discuss whether what you are doing right now is a sin?

LOL! so sorry, just had to share and get it out of my head :)

I'm dying here
not just the laughing but the soda out my nose :D
Re: SnP

statusq said:
Forgive me for going off topic, but i'm curious about the signature. Is it from Camus's L'etranger? for this thread, it's a noteworthy godless reference, but i don't recall any sex comments from the book. Maybe i'm way out to lunch on this one.
Anyhow, i certainly dig your comments regardless.
As for sex and the christianity bit, i know a number of devout christians who feel no need to abide by every dogmatic idea of the organized religion or the bible.

oh, no! Its a quote from my story "the stranger" and a link to the story and me. just a shamless pug to hook people iinto the story and want to read the rest. :)
Well, I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in God and karma (consequences for your actions). I believe that the main objective is to live in harmony with the universe; that is, be kind to other people & nature, be generous not selfish, don't deliberately harm ppl or take a life, etc. I feel that I uphold most of these goals. As long as my BDSM lifestyle involves consenting adults and causes no harm, then I don't feel too guilty.