Seriously...what are men REALLY looking for?


Literotica Guru
Jan 18, 2003
I am quite puzzled. Just when you think you have them figured out they go and change the rules. What are you men really looking for? brains vs. boobs - passion vs. passive - madonna vs. whore

What is it?:confused:
what i'm lookin for

confidence enough to show me how smart she is and how she's not afraid to show off her boobs...

i love women who are able to show their person from the inside and the out...i want a strong woman, who's not afraid to put me in my place, but can allow me to do the same sometime, in life and in the bedroom...

i want a woman to be able to compliment me, do the things i don't do well, and let me fill in where they have shortcomings...

that's a start...hopefully i don't piss anyone off with that, but it was the first thing i thought of...

we are looking for a smart women with big boobs, a thin waist, and nice curvy hips,that will romance us and do as she is told all at the same time.Oh yeah and whores are out we dont like to pay. lol
We are looking for a really smart girl with big boobs that knows when she should act stupid. She needs to passionate about being passive unless we say otherwise. And well....I think Madonna can be classified as a whore but in a really good way.

We want everthing you mentioned, just not all at the same time.
I agree with cuffed, for me, it is a woman who is smart but sexy, the body is just an extention of the mind. I want a woman who knows what she wants, (in life and in the bed) that is what I find attractive.;)
what men want

You must start by looking at what you want and you have to be
honest with yourself. then hook up with someone who likes the same. I want a really good lookin gal with big hooters,big butt
loves to fuck and cook.
I don't a man I'm looking for someone who is enthusiastic in bed, and intellectually stimulating out of bed.
lady*laura said:
I am quite puzzled. Just when you think you have them figured out they go and change the rules. What are you men really looking for? brains vs. boobs - passion vs. passive - madonna vs. whore

What is it?:confused:


What I found, was a person who became my best friend.
I don't know about all men, I can only speak for myself.

Short term relationship? Maybe boobs, whore.

Long term? Initially I would look for someone easy to talk to and who would take the time to develope a well rounded relationship before expecting a lifetime committment.

I love when a woman appreciates me for who I am and appreciates the things that I do for her. I want a playmate and a soulmate. Someone serious with a sense of humor. Sexually I like some quality time and mostly "regular" sex but open to anything once and at least occasional "novelty."

I like brains and boobs, passion and passive, madonna and a whore. I like to be teased and thought about.

I'm not too picky am I?
i think men looking..for?

i think really looking for brains and have that body that he can use to you and anyway what is the "use of the beauty with/out brains" even if she is sexy but she is so dammned i would never sleep with her she is that dammed anyway im going to answer ur question man looking for large boobs and men really looking for the dammed women so they can fuck her... do u get what i mea its so sad that men arethe worst dammed atall =/:confused:
lady*laura said:
I am quite puzzled. Just when you think you have them figured out they go and change the rules. What are you men really looking for? brains vs. boobs - passion vs. passive - madonna vs. whore

What is it?:confused:

first off, hellohello, lady*laura! Welcome to Lit.

Men don't make sense to us, because just when you htink they're thinking, their dumbstick takes over. We don't make sense to them because our emotions make us unpredictable. We're not supposed to understand each other.. that would null and void any attraction! :)
Intellectually stimulating in public, but their own personal whore in the bedroom...

aka... someone that has a mind of her own, that they find stimulating... someone in the bedroom that is willing to experiment through the years.... :)
lady*laura said:
I am quite puzzled. Just when you think you have them figured out they go and change the rules. What are you men really looking for? brains vs. boobs - passion vs. passive - madonna vs. whore

What is it?:confused:

That's easy actually........ all of the above and a woman who knows when to be which.........

Not that different from a woman's wish list for men, or how it should be applied from what I have been able to gather?! :)
It depends entirely on the man. Some don't care about looks, some don't care about personality, and some don't care about intelligence. Some have extremely high standards, others have none.

You can't make a list and accurately label it "What men want," because it's entirely possible (nay, likely) that two similar men want opposite things.
Brains: A woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind, but isn't so wrapped up in her own opinion that she hears nothing else. She doesn't get mad because the world doesn't agree with her.

Passion: A woman who is passionate about life, and passionate about love.

Sexiness: A woman who utilizes what she has to be as sexy as she can be. (when appropriate)

Empathy: A woman who can accept that not everything in life is how she wants it to be.

Consideration: A woman who doesn't point the finger for the same things she does. She also accepts that sometimes a man wants to hang out with the boys just as much as she likes to hang out with the girls.

Tolerance: see empathy.

Acceptance: A woman who lets the relationship develop instead of forcing it. And if it doesn't move fast enough for her, the strength to be honest without being condescending.

Boobs: A woman has to have two when I meet her. Bigger for me is better, but not neccessary.

Aggressive: A woman who isn't afraid to have sex her way as much as I do.

Compliance: A woman who will be passive sexually as much as she expects me to be.

Risky: A woman who isn't afraid of trying new things both in and out of the bedroom without forming a preconcieved notion.

In essence: My wife....I love you for all that you are, and all you will be.
Good question! I've been asking myself that question for a long time.

I can live without a woman, but I'm looking for a woman I can't live without...

She smiles at everything and finds joy in the smallest thing.
She has intelligence beyond academics and reeks of sensuality.
She's beautiful without knowing she is beautiful.
She's a hopeless romantic, but isn't a girly girl who cries at the drop of a hat.
She's open-minded and tries anything once.
She's confident in herself and accepts me for being me.
She appreciates the fine arts, but is equally comfortable watching a footbal game.
She loves nature and travel.
She's funny, ambitious and spunky.
She's physically and mentally fit.

But most of all she's beautiful in my eyes...

Hopefully someday I'll meet her!
Brains are a necessity, boobs are a nice bonus;
Passionate is better than passive, but a happy median is best;
To avoid confusion, replace Madonna with angel--an angel when visiting my parents and a whore for me only.

She should also be cute, love spending afternoons in bookstores, imaginative, at least tolerant of being dragged to an occassional baseball game, love giving as well as receiving massages, and love kissing for hours.

How's that?
In my experience, they all want to be fed. that old saying, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? totally true.