SCOTUS Rules Texas Can Arrest Illegals

Lets make sure we're clear on this. Oklahoma just made it illegal to be Mexican. This some papers please bullshit and I will have zero pity when something stupid goes off. Lets be 100% honest. You see Michael Jordon, Taylor Swift and Ricki Martin who are you going to check for proof they are here legally? Unless you're driving you're under no obligation to carry ID on you. Maybe if you're drinking do it in the backyard not the back of your truck. Though if you're not raising a ruckus the cops are NOT going to randomly pull over and ask for ID unless you look 15. Or their old lady won't give them head and thus they were pissed of before they saw you. You were just a chewtoy.
If they step foot on US soil and claim credible fear, their crossing is not illegal.

So many people don't understand that simple thing and believe stupid shit.

The asylum law does not allow multiple crossings and if recognized, they are immediately deported.
If they step foot on US soil and claim credible fear, their crossing is not illegal.

So many people don't understand that simple thing and believe stupid shit.

The asylum law does not allow multiple crossings and if recognized, they are immediately deported.

I know that and I hate to kinda side with conservatives I don't really care. Olkahoma isn't exactly a border state. So what would make you suspect they were illegal? Speaking Spanish? Brown skin? Cus as I pointed out not having your ID on you is not illegal but I would fear for any of my Mexican friends if they were in one of those states and had to do so much as tell the police what they saw at a crime scene.
Ride any Texas freeway north and you get there...

Really none of the Texas North freeways are on the other side? Not that it matters. That by definition makes it NOT A BORDER STATE. I swear to go why don't conservatives know what words mean?
Really none of the Texas North freeways are on the other side? Not that it matters. That by definition makes it NOT A BORDER STATE. I swear to go why don't conservatives know what words mean?
He knew exactly what he said and exactly what it meant. With transport the way it is, and with the government moving illegals all over the country, border state or not, the problems created by the illegals is exactly the same in every state as in a border state. Just for once try to not be so damn obtuse.
He knew exactly what he said and exactly what it meant. With transport the way it is, and with the government moving illegals all over the country, border state or not, the problems created by the illegals is exactly the same in every state as in a border state. Just for once try to not be so damn obtuse.
Yep. Anyone close to the border faces the same problem.
That still doesn't exactly answer how the fuck you are going to identify an illegal. I notice you guys aren't given an answer. Probably for the exact same reason Jan Brewer all those years back did the exact same thing. "You need ID" *What counts* "You need ID" *Does Military ID count?* " You need Id"

ITs impossible to deal with because you can keep running us in circles, give zero solid answers because the real answer is you hate minorities.
Easy enough, ask for ID. Not all illegals are Hispanic anymore and some appear whitish.
Texas is not a stop and ID state. Without RAS, the only time you need to ID is if you're driving, carrying a firearm or if they arrest you.
That can easily change.
Really? Well maybe it will change, but in the mean time it’s illegal and police forces that try will end up going to court. Pretty sure the ACLU lawyers will have a field day with it....*chuckles*
Texas is not a stop and ID state. Without RAS, the only time you need to ID is if you're driving, carrying a firearm or if they arrest you.
Governor Greg "Hotwheels Hitler" Abbott is working tirelessly to transform Texas to a state where nonwhites must carry ID at all times and show to public officials on demand. It's the exact same legislation declared unconstitutional in Arizona back in 2012. In theory, the courts should reject it due to Supreme Court precedent, but anything goes with this Supreme Court.

MAGA in Texas is reveling in the chaos this legislation causes. If you are Hispanic and are required to take daily medications, this is a virtual death sentence as Texas corrections facilities seldom if ever give out daily medications to detainees.
Governor Greg "Hotwheels Hitler" Abbott is working tirelessly to transform Texas to a state where nonwhites must carry ID at all times and show to public officials on demand. It's the exact same legislation declared unconstitutional in Arizona back in 2012. In theory, the courts should reject it due to Supreme Court precedent, but anything goes with this Supreme Court.

MAGA in Texas is reveling in the chaos this legislation causes. If you are Hispanic and are required to take daily medications, this is a virtual death sentence as Texas corrections facilities seldom if ever give out daily medications to detainees.
Doesn’t that kind of give the Hispanic/Black voters a bit of a reason to not vote republican this time around?
The entire argument is that Texas should be able to break the law and that the feds should break the law.

Congress hasn't made changes to asylum laws and therefore a person who sets foot on US soil and claims credible fear is, by law, not illegal and immediately moves into the asylum process.

People who support authoritarianism want the President to unilaterally declare the asylum claims null and void without any due process as the law requires
The entire argument is that Texas should be able to break the law and that the feds should break the law.

Congress hasn't made changes to asylum laws and therefore a person who sets foot on US soil and claims credible fear is, by law, not illegal and immediately moves into the asylum process.

People who support authoritarianism want the President to unilaterally declare the asylum claims null and void without any due process as the law requires
Funny most MAGA’s support Trump using the law to the fullest in his defence, but then moan and whine when asylum claimants do the same. Why?
Funny most MAGA’s support Trump using the law to the fullest in his defence, but then moan and whine when asylum claimants do the same. Why?
Before Covid, 45 was faced with the same issues as 46. The difference is that there was a lull in migrations due to political changes. During Covid, he has leverage based on the pandemic to make emergency changes.
If you need entry to any government building and most corporate facilities, you will need one. Not to mention buying booze.
So how does one get into a government building to get ID without already having government issued ID?

No one has to buy booze.