Schumer and the 2 state solution ELI5

And where pray do tell is Palestine???
Originally the entire area between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea, between Egypt and Lebanon, with the settler colonial state of Israel that was formed through terrorist activities in 1948, infringing on the agreed 1967 borders.

But you are listed as being in Israel, so it’s unsurprising that you would deny the existence of Palestine. Doesn’t fit in with your genocidal views.

Amazing how the racists feel emboldened when it’s Israel involved.
Palestine is an observer state at the United States, is recognised by the vast majority of the planet as a sovereign nation, and has been a recognisable sovereign entity under occupation for nearly double the length of time Israel has existed. So your claim is just - fucking nuts.

Like you couldn’t come across as more of a racist illiterate.

Don’t know where to begin, so I won’t bother. Funny how the countries taking this seriously are not supporting Israel. It’s virtually everyone else to 2 countries at the UN. Unbelievable.

"Observer" state. "Virtually" 2 countries...

It's like you think that make believe is real or something.
Originally the entire area between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea, between Egypt and Lebanon, with the settler colonial state of Israel that was formed through terrorist activities in 1948, infringing on the agreed 1967 borders.

But you are listed as being in Israel, so it’s unsurprising that you would deny the existence of Palestine. Doesn’t fit in with your genocidal views.

Amazing how the racists feel emboldened when it’s Israel involved.

Umm, yeah.

Someone need to ditch the rampant antisemitism and pay attention to the calendar when making arguments about which nation controls what and when.
The mental gymnastics to claim Gaza is a territory within Israel and to also claim it’s a civil war, when literally all evidence the world over including everyone involved in the war is that Gaza is a part of Palestine which Israel has invaded, is so great that I have to question if your mental capacity is at fault.

Seriously, do yourself a favour and just stop posting on this topic until you get educated.

There is no Palestine. Israel granted the land in Gaza to the Gazans in 1994. Prior to that the land belonged to Israel according to the 1967 agreement.

Basically you're full of shit, lying your ass off, and spreading your specific brand of hate in the stupid desire to make yourself look more like an ignorant antisemitic asshole than you do already.

"Historian" my ass, you're a fraud.
Originally the entire area between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea, between Egypt and Lebanon, with the settler colonial state of Israel that was formed through terrorist activities in 1948, infringing on the agreed 1967 borders.

But you are listed as being in Israel, so it’s unsurprising that you would deny the existence of Palestine. Doesn’t fit in with your genocidal views.

Amazing how the racists feel emboldened when it’s Israel involved.
It's you who is genocidal. You who who has an extremely distorted view of Israel. You are protecting terrorism. You are a fool if you think it won't be you next. After Israel does al l your dirty work. You who will be sorry! I'm laughing at you all the time for being such a fool. Swearing at me won't help...
The last few posts have misrepresented me, and history, to such an incredible extent that to be frank, I’m not going to engage with them anymore.

To be clear though, for anyone looking in and reading this:

I’m not antisemitic. I am going to call out Zionist anti-semitism and racism (see above posters).

I am anti-genocide, whoever is doing it. Whether it’s Israel, Russia, Serbia, Germany, Britain or whoever, the killing of civilians on a mass scale is wrong.

If you’re capable of intellectual debate and discussion, go and read up on the history of Palestine and Israel.

Show some compassion to both, and show some humanity to the former.

Remember that since 7 October 2023, 1200 Israelis have died, 32,000 Palestinians have died, more ordnance has been dropped on Gaza than on Germany between 1942 and 1943, and that water, aid, medical supplies and food are being withheld from a population of 2.3 million by a country that everyone in the international community recognises as occupying another state’s land.

That’s it, I’m out, peace y’all.
The last few posts have misrepresented me, and history, to such an incredible extent that to be frank, I’m not going to engage with them anymore.

To be clear though, for anyone looking in and reading this:

I’m not antisemitic. I am going to call out Zionist anti-semitism and racism (see above posters).

I am anti-genocide, whoever is doing it. Whether it’s Israel, Russia, Serbia, Germany, Britain or whoever, the killing of civilians on a mass scale is wrong.

If you’re capable of intellectual debate and discussion, go and read up on the history of Palestine and Israel.

Show some compassion to both, and show some humanity to the former.

Remember that since 7 October 2023, 1200 Israelis have died, 32,000 Palestinians have died, more ordnance has been dropped on Gaza than on Germany between 1942 and 1943, and that water, aid, medical supplies and food are being withheld from a population of 2.3 million by a country that everyone in the international community recognises as occupying another state’s land.

That’s it, I’m out, peace y’all.

You're a racist antisemitic buffoon.

All it would take to end the conflict is for Gaza to toss Hamas out on its terrorist ear and surrender to the lawful government.

Which is Israel.

So why don't they?

Because Gaza is Hamas, supports Hamas, and exists to kill innocent Israeli civilians while hiding behind supposedly noncombatant women children, secreting their operations network inside or underneath schools and hospitals, and indoctrinating young children in their brand of hate thy neighbor.

And you're all in on Israel letting them continue doing this.

Do this entire website a favor and go the fuck away you ignorant poser.
Only if they "may" be Hamas supporters....he's a shootem all and let God sort them out type nutbar...

You're a racist antisemitic buffoon.

All it would take to end the conflict is for Gaza to toss Hamas out on its terrorist ear and surrender to the lawful government.

Which is Israel.

So why don't they?

Because Gaza is Hamas, supports Hamas, and exists to kill innocent Israeli civilians while hiding behind supposedly noncombatant women children, secreting their operations network inside or underneath schools and hospitals, and indoctrinating young children in their brand of hate thy neighbor.

And you're all in on Israel letting them continue doing this.

Do this entire website a favor and go the fuck away you ignorant poser.
Yes, because all Palestinians have the Intel and ability to "toss Hamas out" and "surrender to the " lawful government ".

What drugs are you taking? And why does everyone oversimplify an incredibly complex situation?
I have not followed this, or the other Israel-Hamas thread very closely, and do not profess to be an expert on the situation. But I ran across this and it seems to be a fairly good and unbiased Cliff's Notes version of the history of Israel and its conflicts with its neighbors, including the Palestinians.


There’s so much evidence for Israel’s IDF targeting civilians it’s unreal, not to mention the obvious indiscriminate bombing of civilians resulting in 32,000 dead.

Do better.

Follow your own advice.
In 2006 they voted for Hamas.

Stop citing that horseshit as if it's representative of today. Prior to October 7, a majority wanted different leadership. After October 7, that support shifted as retaliatory strikes began.
BS. This from The Hill:

Mellman: Do Palestinians support Hamas? Polls paint a murky picture​


Every poll inaccurately predicted a Fatah victory. Of course, that was long ago, and neither Hamas, which controls Gaza, nor Fatah, which controls the West Bank (the Palestinian Authority), have permitted elections since, so we don’t have that tool to assess support, but we do have a number of polls.

Until the summer of 2021, Palestinian pollsters found Fatah receiving less than a majority in potential legislative elections but enjoying a consistent, if sometimes narrow, lead over Hamas.

Since then, the picture has grown murkier, with mostly narrow leads shifting back and forth. On average, polls in 2022 and 2023 give Fatah 35 percent support and 34 percent for Hamas. Considering just this year’s polls generates a half point lead for Hamas.

Polls in potential presidential elections paint a different picture. If new presidential elections were held with two candidates, Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas would receive 37 percent of the vote, and Haniyeh would win in a landslide with 58 percent.

More here:
The loss of innocent life is an abomination, but if it happens in Gaza the blame rests on Hamas.
BS. This from The Hill:

Mellman: Do Palestinians support Hamas? Polls paint a murky picture​


Every poll inaccurately predicted a Fatah victory. Of course, that was long ago, and neither Hamas, which controls Gaza, nor Fatah, which controls the West Bank (the Palestinian Authority), have permitted elections since, so we don’t have that tool to assess support, but we do have a number of polls.

Until the summer of 2021, Palestinian pollsters found Fatah receiving less than a majority in potential legislative elections but enjoying a consistent, if sometimes narrow, lead over Hamas.

Since then, the picture has grown murkier, with mostly narrow leads shifting back and forth. On average, polls in 2022 and 2023 give Fatah 35 percent support and 34 percent for Hamas. Considering just this year’s polls generates a half point lead for Hamas.

Polls in potential presidential elections paint a different picture. If new presidential elections were held with two candidates, Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas would receive 37 percent of the vote, and Haniyeh would win in a landslide with 58 percent.

More here:
Yes, after Israel bombed the shit out of them, they have altered their support. I already mentioned that.

Prior to October 7, they did not support Hamas. I've posted that polling multiple times.

You missed my point - Palestinians voting Hamas into office in 2006 has no bearing on today.
The loss of innocent life is an abomination, but if it happens in Gaza the blame rests on Hamas.
Just admit you dont believe there is such a thing as an innocent Palestinian. Your obfuscation is transparent
Just admit you dont believe there is such a thing as an innocent Palestinian. Your obfuscation is transparent
That is a lie. All wars take innocent lives. World wars have taken millions. All I'm saying is Hamas is the blame and don't give me the invented bullshit about proportionality. In war, it is only the application of overwhelming force that brings enemies and their supporting constituencies to their senses enough to seek a seat at the peace table.
That is a lie. All wars take innocent lives. World wars have taken millions. All I'm saying is Hamas is the blame and don't give me the invented bullshit about proportionality. In war, it is only the application of overwhelming force that brings enemies and their supporting constituencies to their senses enough to seek a seat at the peace table.
Of course.... And as long as you can call them "Hamas sympathizers" (tm - icanthelp), it's all good.
You're a racist antisemitic buffoon.

All it would take to end the conflict is for Gaza to toss Hamas out on its terrorist ear and surrender to the lawful government.

Which is Israel.

So why don't they?

Because Gaza is Hamas, supports Hamas, and exists to kill innocent Israeli civilians while hiding behind supposedly noncombatant women children, secreting their operations network inside or underneath schools and hospitals, and indoctrinating young children in their brand of hate thy neighbor.

And you're all in on Israel letting them continue doing this.

Do this entire website a favor and go the fuck away you ignorant poser.
Well said!
That is a lie. All wars take innocent lives. World wars have taken millions. All I'm saying is Hamas is the blame and don't give me the invented bullshit about proportionality. In war, it is only the application of overwhelming force that brings enemies and their supporting constituencies to their senses enough to seek a seat at the peace table.
Hamas-ISIS don't want peace and neither do any of these morons here. They blame Israel for everything. I have never yet heard any of them say anything about how if HI were to give Israel back the hostages, and surrender to Israel who has done EVERYTHING to encourage self-government the war would be over. I pray for the war to be over. For my grandson to not have to say to me, "I heard a noise is that a rocket coming our way?" For Gazans to live in peace with Israel. For Gazan children to learn at normal schools and not at hate-the Jews schools, with a baby of 10 months old holding a rifle in his hands (obviously a terrorist was holding it there), but that is how UNRWA conducted their schools.
I never said it was all good. It's an abomination, but it is reality.

30-40% of those killed in the air strikes on 12 October 2023 were children.

Yep, according to you, all of these are Hamas. Therefore bombing them is fine.

Since then, 13,000 children have been killed in total in Gaza.

But that’s fine, since according to you, they’re all Hamas. There’s no innocent Palestinians, according to you. All of this is because of Hamas.

Israel has no blame in this, despite owning and using the weaponry, and providing and sending in the weaponry and soldiers to carry out all of this.

They blame Israel for everything.
I blame Bebe, not Israel, nor it's citizens. He is practicing Genocide, and there is fuck all you can do or say to cover up that fact, and further, you even support that genocide.

I hope all those deaths of those innocent children weigh heavily on your conscious.