Schumer and the 2 state solution ELI5

How about a yes on that.

You support a ceasefire where the bad guys will not stop killing. Which means YOU SUPPORT the ongoing murder of innocents. You do this under false pretenses, like EVERYTHING ELSE you go all in on, and then label those who point out your fecklessness as racist, phobic, or whatever new word of the day you make up o try and make it seem like you're victim when the reality is, you're the aggressor.

Basically you're a fuckwit who supports and condones violence in the most passive aggressive manner possible and then denies everything while claiming it's all Trump/conservatives/MAGA's fault that you were born an asshole and things went downhill from there.
And you seem to be supporting a Genocide, hmmm who is right? Oh wait, didn't you say "murder of innocents?" I guess you think only Israelis are innocent eh?
And you seem to be supporting a Genocide, hmmm who is right? Oh wait, didn't you say "murder of innocents?" I guess you think only Israelis are innocent eh?

Israel has the sovereign right to defend it's land and people from attack. That's not "murder" or genocide, it's called war. Casualties are accepted in war as long as Israel doesn't intentionally target civilians or civilian infrastructure. So whatever it is that you want to say about what's going on in Gaza it's all bullshit promoted by those with an agenda to keep the killing and terrorism going.

See THE PROBLEM is that you refuse to accept truth and instead resort to redefining events and words to suit a false gaslighting narrative.

The fun for me part is that the world is finally seeing through your crap and your house of cards is starting to fall down around your ears. May it rain rubble on your parade heavily and with pinpoint precision.
Israel has the sovereign right to defend it's land and people from attack.
That's not "murder" or genocide, it's called war. Casualties are accepted in war as long as Israel doesn't intentionally target civilians or civilian infrastructure. So whatever it is that you want to say about what's going on in Gaza it's all bullshit promoted by those with an agenda to keep the killing and terrorism going.

See THE PROBLEM is that you refuse to accept truth and instead resort to redefining events and words to suit a false gaslighting narrative.

The fun for me part is that the world is finally seeing through your crap and your house of cards is starting to fall down around your ears. May it rain rubble on your parade heavily and with pinpoint precision.
Fuck off, it's genocide now. Maybe back in the beginning of November it was something else, now it's flat out Genocide. Israel is fast become Germany under Bebe.

And you support it.....30,000 people dead, countless more homeless....just fuck right off you ignorant piece of shit.
Jared Kushner has a solution to the two state issue!

Simply relocate ALL Palestinians from Gaza to the Negev Desert in southern Israel
Then confiscate and develop the valuable waterfront property in Gaza!

Gazans get to live!
Israelis get to profit!
Eh? Force them out into the dessert!?? That sounds familiar. Certainly a Christian couldn’t do that ! Somehow some Jewish people learned the wrong lessons from the Holocaust or the precursors to the Final Solution. Maybe they missed the beginning of “Schindler’s List”?

Kushner?? What a waste of resources keeping him alive! Ohhhh, but he has Saudi backing !! As does Munchkin.. I mean Mnuchin
Gazans voted for Hamas, Hamas is populated with Gazans, and 70 percent of Gazans supported the actions of Hamas on October 7th. So by and large is it a terror base.
In 2006 they voted for Hamas.

Stop citing that horseshit as if it's representative of today. Prior to October 7, a majority wanted different leadership. After October 7, that support shifted as retaliatory strikes began.
The “you support a ceasefire therefore you support Hamas carrying” line of thinking from pro-Israelis is intellectually bankrupt and stupid.

No one asking for a ceasefire wants Hamas to continue killing, but they do want Israel to maybe try - I don’t know - adhering to international law, sticking to the agreements and treaties and accords it signed up (and keeps breaking) so that there is actually a genuine chance of peace.

Instead, Israel went full on genocide. That much is obvious. The fact the ICJ took on South Africa’s case showed that genocide was plausibly happening. Now it’s a dead cert since things have got worse in the month since.

Pro Israelis don’t give a crap about anyone else, I have come to realise. It’s why 1200 dead Israelis have greater meaning than 31,000 dead Palestinians (or “Human shields” as they keep saying).

Seeing genocide emerge from the after effects of a previous genocide is one of those things about the human race I think we all truly hoped would never happen, but somehow is unsurprising when you consider that it was about the replacement of an indigenous population with a fascist and racist one.

The Jared Kushner thing, on a side note, is just about the worse take possible but again, we shouldn't be surprised when shitty people turn out to be shits.
Israel has the sovereign right to defend it's land and people from attack.

Does Palestine have the right to defend its land and people from attack?

If the answer is “yes”, then why are you surprised that some Palestinians formed a terror group to fight back?

The oppressor claiming they are the victim sounds awfully familiar. Might have heard that somewhere between 1934 and 1945 in a European country. Might have been Germany.

That's not "murder" or genocide, it's called war. Casualties are accepted in war as long as Israel doesn't intentionally target civilians or civilian infrastructure. So whatever it is that you want to say about what's going on in Gaza it's all bullshit promoted by those with an agenda to keep the killing and terrorism going.

See THE PROBLEM is that you refuse to accept truth and instead resort to redefining events and words to suit a false gaslighting narrative.

The fun for me part is that the world is finally seeing through your crap and your house of cards is starting to fall down around your ears. May it rain rubble on your parade heavily and with pinpoint precision.

You’re a racist and a hypocrite.

You don’t know a goddamn thing except that you are literally wanting Israel to wipe out a population. No contrition from you, you just want to kill all the Arabs in the area.
You keep on banging that drum while the rest of the world realizes you're 100% tone deaf.
Ummm it's not just me

Okay, so maybe you’re starting to get the hang of it. A carbon comment reference, a mental illness thread reference. Maybe there’s insult hope for you after all. 👏 👍

Carbon Boi would be proud.

Derpy’s drowning in carbon based derp.

Poor Derpy…


👉 Derpy 🤣

And that is just a sampling ...CWB
Does Palestine have the right to defend its land and people from attack?

If the answer is “yes”, then why are you surprised that some Palestinians formed a terror group to fight back?

The oppressor claiming they are the victim sounds awfully familiar. Might have heard that somewhere between 1934 and 1945 in a European country. Might have been Germany.

You’re a racist and a hypocrite.

You don’t know a goddamn thing except that you are literally wanting Israel to wipe out a population. No contrition from you, you just want to kill all the Arabs in the area.

You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. EVERYTHING you posted here is a lie.

"Palestine" doesn't exist as a sovereign nation. Therefore it has no sovereign right to defend anything.

And, as usual with raving bigots who are also stupid assholes, the first thing you do is trot out the racism card because you think that merely saying the word somehow conveys a sense of righteousness to you. It doesn't. It only proves to the entire world that you're a fucking asshole with an agenda that just fell apart around you when faced with truth instead of lies and leftist propaganda.

And what is the truth?

It's a realization that the killing will continue until Hamas, Hezbollah, IRAN and the rest of the Arab world capitulates and accepts that Israel is a sovereign nation and stops attacking. Until then, terrorists will continue to attack civilians and hide behind lying cowards like you who do their bidding and dirty work from the cover of your mom's basement.
"Palestine" doesn't exist as a sovereign nation. Therefore it has no sovereign right to defend anything.
Hmmm but you just said this was a war....If Palestine isn't a nation, how can Israel go to war against it?

Israel has the sovereign right to defend it's land and people from attack. That's not "murder" or genocide, it's called war.
Hmmm but you just said this was a war....If Palestine isn't a nation, how can Israel go to war against it?

Israel can declare war against any entity. Since Gaza is a territory within Israel, what we're witnessing is a civil war fomented by outside actors using the citizens of Gaza as the weapon.

That you won't recognize that is disingenuous on your part. But that follows since your whole point of existence is to publicly fuck yourself in the eyes of the world through thinking you're intelligent when you're not and clued up when you're really ignorant of every possible thing in the universe with the possible exception that you believe you're omnipotent.

Even when that's a lie too.
This is what Hamas-ISIS supporters do they believe in the genocide of Jews. This is their propaganda, nothing less, nothing more! It's a good way to hate Jews too. As usual Jews are to blame for everything. Shame you don't all educate yourselves especially those who claim to be educated.

Shame on you all here who support the murdering scum that Hamas-ISIS is.
This is what Hamas-ISIS supporters do they believe in the genocide of Jews. This is their propaganda, nothing less, nothing more! It's a good way to hate Jews too. As usual Jews are to blame for everything. Shame you don't all educate yourselves especially those who claim to be educated.

Shame on you all here who support the murdering scum that Hamas-ISIS is.
There’s Jews all over the world saying “not in our name”. I’ve gone and talked to them in London. Lovely people. They are good people.

They recognise that criticising Israel’s actions is not anti-Semitic. They are against genocide, too.

Funny that they are also called the “self loathing Jews” and “the wrong kind of Jews” by pro-Israelis. I’ve heard and seen more anti-Semitic claptrap aimed at Jews by Israelis than I’ve seen on this forum from anyone who pipes up and points out that Israel is the oppressive force, and the one holding the gun currently.

And obviously, I don’t support Hamas and I don’t condone them. You make that accusation because you have nothing else to throw back at us. You basically lie about what we say, because you have nothing.

You can’t defend genocide, so you attack other people’s characters with ad hominem claims and outright lies.

You though, are part of the bigger problem.

You’re a genocidal racist, and you, like others like you, have been found out by the actions of the country, Israel, and its govt and armed forces.

All you have to “defend” yourself with is crass, outrageous, untrue accusations of anti-semitism: because you cannot accept that your world view is wrong.

Do us all a favour. Maybe go and have a look at some of the news channels and websites and newspapers outside of your usual fare, like I did. A range between BBC up to France 24, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, even CNN right now, perhaps SA News.

You will find that everyone is showing the scenes of utter devastation. Everyone on planet earth is criticising Israel for its actions. Virtually every country on the planet is reconsidering their ties with Israel. It’s not because they’re Jewish - it’s because they are carrying out a genocide.

Stop the genocide, come back to the table, treat your neighbours better, stop blowing people up for fun with F16s and 2000lb bombs, and you might see peoples views change.

Until that hardens, every single day you will see the Palestinian cause get stronger, and Israels legitimacy wane. Because at the end of the day, the human race is actually pretty good at recognising the bad stuff.

That’s why the UN has never been more united on an issue than on Gaza.

It’s just three countries making it impossible to move this situation into better territory: UK through inaction, USA through vetos, and Israel by continuing its bloody campaign of bombing, starvation, and sniping.
Israel can declare war against any entity. Since Gaza is a territory within Israel, what we're witnessing is a civil war fomented by outside actors using the citizens of Gaza as the weapon.

That you won't recognize that is disingenuous on your part. But that follows since your whole point of existence is to publicly fuck yourself in the eyes of the world through thinking you're intelligent when you're not and clued up when you're really ignorant of every possible thing in the universe with the possible exception that you believe you're omnipotent.

Even when that's a lie too.
The mental gymnastics to claim Gaza is a territory within Israel and to also claim it’s a civil war, when literally all evidence the world over including everyone involved in the war is that Gaza is a part of Palestine which Israel has invaded, is so great that I have to question if your mental capacity is at fault.

Seriously, do yourself a favour and just stop posting on this topic until you get educated.
You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. EVERYTHING you posted here is a lie.

"Palestine" doesn't exist as a sovereign nation. Therefore it has no sovereign right to defend anything.

Palestine is an observer state at the United States, is recognised by the vast majority of the planet as a sovereign nation, and has been a recognisable sovereign entity under occupation for nearly double the length of time Israel has existed. So your claim is just - fucking nuts.

Like you couldn’t come across as more of a racist illiterate.

And, as usual with raving bigots who are also stupid assholes, the first thing you do is trot out the racism card because you think that merely saying the word somehow conveys a sense of righteousness to you. It doesn't. It only proves to the entire world that you're a fucking asshole with an agenda that just fell apart around you when faced with truth instead of lies and leftist propaganda.

And what is the truth?

It's a realization that the killing will continue until Hamas, Hezbollah, IRAN and the rest of the Arab world capitulates and accepts that Israel is a sovereign nation and stops attacking. Until then, terrorists will continue to attack civilians and hide behind lying cowards like you who do their bidding and dirty work from the cover of your mom's basement.

Don’t know where to begin, so I won’t bother. Funny how the countries taking this seriously are not supporting Israel. It’s virtually everyone else to 2 countries at the UN. Unbelievable.
The mental gymnastics to claim Gaza is a territory within Israel and to also claim it’s a civil war, when literally all evidence the world over including everyone involved in the war is that Gaza is a part of Palestine which Israel has invaded, is so great that I have to question if your mental capacity is at fault.

Seriously, do yourself a favour and just stop posting on this topic until you get educated.
And where pray do tell is Palestine???
Fuck off, it's genocide now. Maybe back in the beginning of November it was something else, now it's flat out Genocide. Israel is fast become Germany under Bebe.

And you support it.....30,000 people dead, countless more homeless....just fuck right off you ignorant piece of shit.

How many out of that 30,000 are Hamas terrorists or sympathizers. The existential threat is against Israel. Since 1948 the State of Israel has been under constant attack from a multitude of Arab states with genocide as the preferred outcome. Iran stated repeatedly that their #1 mission is the extermination of Israel and Hamas is an extension of Iran's criminal endeavor.
How many out of that 30,000 are Hamas terrorists or sympathizers.
I don't know, do you? That's the fucking point.
The existential threat is against Israel.
Well right now the threat is by Israel and it's against the innocent humans. You know, those things those precious babies you hold so dear grow up to be.
Since 1948 the State of Israel has been under constant attack from a multitude of Arab states with genocide as the preferred outcome.
So what? This is not about who hit who first, you fucking moron. Right now Israel is practising Genocide, and you're in favour of it.
Iran stated repeatedly that their #1 mission is the extermination of Israel and Hamas is an extension of Iran's criminal endeavor.
Yah Iran's said that about the US, Canada Britain, fuck off with Iran. You're a two side fucking idiot. You're defending Israel, yet look the other way when it is Americans being killed by native born Terrorists using the fucking 2A.
How many out of that 30,000 are Hamas terrorists or sympathizers. The existential threat is against Israel. Since 1948 the State of Israel has been under constant attack from a multitude of Arab states with genocide as the preferred outcome. Iran stated repeatedly that their #1 mission is the extermination of Israel and Hamas is an extension of Iran's criminal endeavor.
So it's cool to target citizens.

Got it.