Ron DeSantis LOL


Feb 26, 2021
This guy. Some on the right think this goober is going to be next Conservative Savior Anti-Woke MAGA 2.0 Jesus Action Hero. But he just doesn't have it; preening, whiny, and completely lacking a sense of humor. Not a likeable candidate. Republicans are going to have to try harder.
Back in 2015 people on the left joked about that about Donald Trump's chances in 2016 too.
He has handled himself well through the hurricane
which belies the tenor of the opening remarks.

There is truth to post number two.
Don't get me wrong I believe if pressed on a debate stage desantis would not provide a very good showing of himself. However I don't think it will matter much to those voters who much like trump in 2016 agrees with him 100%. In their eyes he'll do no wrong.
Elections are not decided by who is the most popular, or who has the best ideas, or any of that crap the corporate media sells.. They are decided by who is least hated by what's left of the people who bother to show up to vote.
Florida is closely divided between blue and red, and has a racially diverse population. A decisive win next month against a popular former Governor who has won in FL as a Republican and as a Democrat would significantly bolster his appeal as a national candidate.
If he were a good Governor he would not let Floridians build back the same or anywhere that will be underwater In (?) 20 years ? Move them NOW if Federal or State funds are used
Sooner or later they will ask to move on our dime!!
Dark Brandon summoning deadly weather to force socialism amongst red states.
Hmmm??? Like telling people to rake more!??

Move someplace safe!!!

In CA? The Orangeman was talking to The Jefferson State folks.., or silly retirees

Bottom line there? Corporation was found guilty of MURDER and gave stock holders and CEO their profits to avoid being able to fix their shitty system! That’s the American Capitalist System for you
Don't get me wrong I believe if pressed on a debate stage desantis would not provide a very good showing of himself. However I don't think it will matter much to those voters who much like trump in 2016 agrees with him 100%. In their eyes he'll do no wrong.
There will not be any debates. Republicans have sworn not to participate.
There will not be any debates. Republicans have sworn not to participate.
Not true. They quit the Commission on Presidential Debates. Doesn’t mean no debates. Just means no more CPD. The CPD didn’t even exist before 1987.
He looks like a mid-level goon who might come knocking if you owed some money. OTOH Florida seems to me to be a really fucking tough state to govern and he's mostly kept it together so...
I think the funniest shit is people thinking they're gonna move Tampa, Miami and a dozen other cities farther inland. Good luck with that.
2012: DeSantis votes down aid to Hurricane Sandy victims; none of that socialism for New Jersey.
2022: Accepts aid for Hurricane Ian, lovely, lovely money from New Jersey for the pensioners of Florida.
Fixed it for you
2012: DeSantis votes down pork laden aid package intended for Hurricane Sandy victims but included pork for things that had nothing to do with NJ, including money for Kennedy Space center in Florida; none of that socialism for Florida, DC, New Jersey, etc.
2022: Accepts aid for Hurricane Ian
This guy. Some on the right think this goober is going to be next Conservative Savior Anti-Woke MAGA 2.0 Jesus Action Hero. But he just doesn't have it; preening, whiny, and completely lacking a sense of humor. Not a likeable candidate. Republicans are going to have to try harder.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter.
This. Those who will vote for DeSantis won't let his hypocrisy affect that vote in the least. He could, in fact, be doing everything he can to disadvantage their lives and all he needs do is reveal racism, and they'll vote for him.
Florida is closely divided between blue and red, and has a racially diverse population. A decisive win next month against a popular former Governor who has won in FL as a Republican and as a Democrat would significantly bolster his appeal as a national candidate.

1. It doesn't look like he's going to get such a decisive win. I do expect him to win, but it's looking like it'll be with under 55%. Nothing special given how much the SCLM loves him and how popular he's supposed to be.
2. The "popular former Governor" lost his last two statewide elections (for Senate in 2010 and Governor in 2014). While he has "won in FL as a Democrat", that was not a statewide race. In other words, beating him will not make DeSantis the giantkiller you obviously want to believe he is.

My take on DeSantis: Only Trump can be Trump. DeSantis is obviously really, really trying to follow Trump's example, but absolutely no one - including DeSantis - has the same blend of egotism and utter shamelessness that gave Trump his appeal to deplorables. I've been saying for quite some time I don't expect Trump to run again, but if I'm wrong and he does, I predict he'll clobber DeSantis in the primaries. If he doesn't? The Republicans always have a media-anointed front-runner before the voting even starts, and except for Dubya in 2000 s/he always crashes and burns when the actual voters have their say.
Florida is much like the country- deeply divided and very diverse. Anything bigger than a few percentage points will be very decisive. Consider the last 12 years gubernatorial election results.

2018: 49.6 - 49.2

2014: 48.1 - 47.1

2010: 48.9 - 47.7

DeSantis is not trying to be Trump. He’s running as a young, former congressman and successful governor from a large state. A state that handled Covid right, a state that is outperforming blue states economically, a state that people are moving to, and a state where “woke” goes to die.
Be honest. If Charlie Christ were governor, the praise for him doing exactly the same thing, taking the same measures, making the same speeches, would be effusive and fulsome.
DeSantis' management of the post Ian debacle has been masterful so far.
I think that he has done well and noted it in other threads.

He seems more Presidential than either Biden or Trump (Or her majesty, the Clinton).
One of the things he's done that is pure genius is he's set up a state organization that the citizens can turn to when FEMA fucks them over and make no mistake, FEMA will fuck up.
You know, I wouldn't really know who he is or pay any attention to him (i.e., Florida politics) except that I've seen elements of the Left focus their hate on him like a laser (take the OP, for example) and that alerts me to the fact that they fear him politically, not because he's some sort of real-life Hitler, closeted Racist or drooling idiot (because they've proven they will vote for that) but because they think that he can continue to beat them with those who cast votes.