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- May 5, 2024
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Many of you don't know this, I don't like talking about myself. I do not think of myself as anything special, despite many early school teachers using that term though I have a vague feeling they were not handing out compliments. I happen to have considerable expertise in Human Cognition specifically in the area of Judgment and Decision-Making (JDM) which literally studies why we believe what we believe (judgment) and why we do the things we do (decisions) to over-simplify. I've been bothered by the following: How can intelligent people (I want to be honest, not stupid, yes, many democrats are intelligent as are many conservatives) who one must assume have very similar goals in life - be safe, age slowly/gracefully, have freedom sure within constraints, opportunities for a productive and satisfying life, however you define that. Pick a dem and repub at random and sit them down. Assume both meet the above requirements - intelligent, same goals, reasonable goals. So why are these two going to agree on, sadly, almost nothing and, in fact, the very exercise has a non-zero probability of escalating into violence! Note I've attributed nothing necessarily to either side, I'm trying to be fair, or I lose credibility. Why is that where I see this country and why do I know many of you agree?
Credibility demands we announce our biases. My bias is right-leaning (but don't label me, I deny many conservative beliefs, namely the one about the Invisible Sky Fairy an ideology that I triple-dog dares you, not to mock). I will speak to the Dem arguments as a whole. I am biased towards quantitative analysis and so I measured both the reliability and construct validity of the democrat Zeitgeist. I used Principal Components Analysis based off yes, a polychoric correlation matrix NOT the lazy Pearson r correlation matrix, WHAT you think I'm going to open myself up to you using THAT against me? I implemented an oblimin rotation, obviously the dimensions are correlated so assuming orthogonal components is seriously, you guys, you have me laughing so hard I'm in tears and I gots things to do! YES. Yes, I used a Kaiser normalization, why would you think otherwise? I'm that stupid?
The results, frankly, shocked me. The core dimensions ("components" for you PCA purists ok, I confess, I am one!), revealed something that, look as a researcher I am a member of the American Pseudopsychological Association (APA) and it would be unethical, ok to not talk about this, it violates the principal of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence! I know you guys, intimately, don't even suggest that you wake up NOT thinking about Beneficence and Nonmaleficence and I mean daily, top-of-mind. I don't even care that you are boldface lying to me. That's ok, we all sin, I like my sins to be a bit more "fun" in an erotic sense, than lying, but he who lives in glass houses should not buy a glass toilet - unless you're into that, what, we're going to kink-shame. On Literotica. Are you feeling OK? What the dimensions reveal is an intense - shockingly intense - level of self-directed hate and disgust. I say that with love. Clinicians will tell you NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) is one of the hardest to treat because almost by definition, the afflicted cannot see a problem. This affliction I have discovered today, witnessed by you all, using the giant, Big-Brian God gave me just said to NPD, "Hold. My. Beer you pony shoulder Batter..Buil well, never mind" (god, we're gonna, we're gonna miss Joe, someday, you all know that, right?).
I am fairly certain you are collectively doubting either a) my sincerity, h) my actual versus stated level of expertise, 6) my sanity or all on the side? Ok, would you like a crisp, Mountain Dew with that? Where the hell .anyway, I get it! I do! But I'm being sincere and I will go one step further and say to the democrats and liberals and sure, ok, even the progressives what the hell we're all gonna die. Very soon. How about we let LOVE rule the day! Why not? Fuck it. Leftists, your toxic self-hatred is NOT deserved! You are fundamentally good! Yes! You're good! It helps exactly zero of us for you to walk around hating yourself, hating life humanity. You're miserable and we're all miserable around you, ok? Sorry that humans have the capacity for empathy! My point and I know I'm opening myself up for mockery and, praytogod, some email addresses, because vulnerability in the right company is fucking hot. I mean, this is science, people. And I refuse to keep the products, the knowledge knuggets-the-k-is-silent of my Big Brian under a bushel basket. It's ungodly. Sorry, I don't worship Satan. OK, I think he's kind of cool, yeah, a shit-ton more fun versus Ol' Man I-am-that-I-am oh shut up! And I'm sorry, I'm sayin' it, that spirit thing creeps me "da fuck" out! It gives me serious, legit "Ghost #3" vibes, you know, the ick.
But I can’t condone the "I'm human garbage" attitude shared by all leftists, but I empathize! You thought I was gonna trick you there, right? Claim I "sympathize" followed by some "gotcha" insult? No, this is an honest exercise, I would describe the level of honesty as nearly "Bidenesque" and that is not a flex. I truly empathize at a personal level! Look, I LIVED with intense self-hatred, disgust when looking in the mirror, despite my performance which, I mean, prodigy? Ok? Was that word bandied about in conversations about you? No. No it wasn't. What do you mean, "what about conversations about me?" Fine, I can address that
Moving onto relevant topics, don't worry, I can feel the thoughts you are all directing my way like some cognitive ejaculate at a metacognitive blobang - and I want to tell you, I will CATCH every one of those warm, sticky thoughts as they splash against my face showing great velocity (hold on, sorry, give me a minute) what, I am settled down. In fact, I have a sudden clarity. Caused by recent events? OK, I spooged, crucify me! That does not mean I'm being disingeni…disengenu…I am crappin' you negatory, ok? I can prove it! While I cannot know each and every leftist or the disgusting origins of their complete lack of self-respect, disregard for logic and empirical evidence to the point of abandoning reality itself, I would put a sizeable penis, DAMMIT, amount of money is what I meant to say and bet we have a common source, a common shared-experience which doesn't excuse the pathetic state we wallow in (not me, I'm past that) but it does explain it. Because do you think, for one minute, Mr. I-Can't-Be-A-Man liberal (and if you think I'm casting judgment, just look at my avatar! Look at it! Look long and hard! Does it make you…long and hard? C'mon, I'm at least a little cute, aren't I?) that YOU were the only kid who was raised in The Baptist Church? You were the only one, right? Each and every Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday, holiday after stinkin’ holiday, you never looked around and saw things? Friend, I saw them too! Dang, I wish I could hug you all! Do you think YOU are the only person who found yourself having to listen to a lecture about how it is a sin to see a movie at the movie theatre? Delivered in person by your Pastor who you happened to run into at Blockbuster Video? I know that pain! And to not respond in outrage at the malevolent hypocrisy being demonstrated (you can't have "demonstrate" without "demon") by this virtue signaling morality-clown? To have that self-control? Yes, the term "hero" is over-used. Not this time. Not this time, my brother. Yes. Brother.
Do you think for one nanosecond I never felt the pain of drinking Saturday night until I blacked out, only to purge and start over isn't it FUN to be 18-56? Only to have to wake up that Sunday morning, and sweat out the poison while listening to that SAME fucktard Pastor talk about how it's a sin to drink even one drop of booze, unless your name is Jesus "then it's a miracle!" Please. How can you say you have love for me and show me that level of disrespect? You are a sinner for drinking because your body is a temple. Said the man whose morbid obesity was diagnosed with morbid obesity? Friends, that is trauma and trauma is violence.
The part that makes me weep for our nation is, if you were to ask any leftist "what is hurting you?" the resilience these people show. They do not protest, oh they'll protest for other people, never themselves. They never cry THEY NEVER CRY. So it's up to us to come to them in love but don't force it, well, I kind of like a little force, TBH, I tell my seeders yes, I'm going to gag, choke - it's a compliment. Most find it highly erotic. What can I say, I'm irresistible! Don’t scowl, buddy, I know better! I see the friggin' tents in your trousers, teasing me! Stop it! We need to extract their pain with the passion I show when I extract, how should I put this as to not offend anyone in polite conversation, the emotional equivalent of every precious drop of hot, sticky-creamy-smooth, sadness-semen, I'msosorry, trauma-jizz? Nothatsnobetter…anyway. And not to, "blow-n-tell" but oh, ok I will, what I do is after they've 'orgasmed' (I'm such a science guy!) is I just keep their cock in my warm, wet mouth, applying the slightest suction, gently caressing and squeezing the balls while my newestbestestfriend is gently returning from vacation in Cock Heaven, OK, and I'm sad, too! If I were the creator I'd have done a lot better job, c'mon, infinite knowledge, power, resources and this? I mean it's pretty in some areas but infinity? That's a lot to work with. Mindfully, I nurse that cock, applying just the right balance of sensation and security, just being held, like a little cock-baby, loved and protected by none other than my mouth. And that, friends IS the entire point. Thank you.
Credibility demands we announce our biases. My bias is right-leaning (but don't label me, I deny many conservative beliefs, namely the one about the Invisible Sky Fairy an ideology that I triple-dog dares you, not to mock). I will speak to the Dem arguments as a whole. I am biased towards quantitative analysis and so I measured both the reliability and construct validity of the democrat Zeitgeist. I used Principal Components Analysis based off yes, a polychoric correlation matrix NOT the lazy Pearson r correlation matrix, WHAT you think I'm going to open myself up to you using THAT against me? I implemented an oblimin rotation, obviously the dimensions are correlated so assuming orthogonal components is seriously, you guys, you have me laughing so hard I'm in tears and I gots things to do! YES. Yes, I used a Kaiser normalization, why would you think otherwise? I'm that stupid?
The results, frankly, shocked me. The core dimensions ("components" for you PCA purists ok, I confess, I am one!), revealed something that, look as a researcher I am a member of the American Pseudopsychological Association (APA) and it would be unethical, ok to not talk about this, it violates the principal of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence! I know you guys, intimately, don't even suggest that you wake up NOT thinking about Beneficence and Nonmaleficence and I mean daily, top-of-mind. I don't even care that you are boldface lying to me. That's ok, we all sin, I like my sins to be a bit more "fun" in an erotic sense, than lying, but he who lives in glass houses should not buy a glass toilet - unless you're into that, what, we're going to kink-shame. On Literotica. Are you feeling OK? What the dimensions reveal is an intense - shockingly intense - level of self-directed hate and disgust. I say that with love. Clinicians will tell you NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) is one of the hardest to treat because almost by definition, the afflicted cannot see a problem. This affliction I have discovered today, witnessed by you all, using the giant, Big-Brian God gave me just said to NPD, "Hold. My. Beer you pony shoulder Batter..Buil well, never mind" (god, we're gonna, we're gonna miss Joe, someday, you all know that, right?).
I am fairly certain you are collectively doubting either a) my sincerity, h) my actual versus stated level of expertise, 6) my sanity or all on the side? Ok, would you like a crisp, Mountain Dew with that? Where the hell .anyway, I get it! I do! But I'm being sincere and I will go one step further and say to the democrats and liberals and sure, ok, even the progressives what the hell we're all gonna die. Very soon. How about we let LOVE rule the day! Why not? Fuck it. Leftists, your toxic self-hatred is NOT deserved! You are fundamentally good! Yes! You're good! It helps exactly zero of us for you to walk around hating yourself, hating life humanity. You're miserable and we're all miserable around you, ok? Sorry that humans have the capacity for empathy! My point and I know I'm opening myself up for mockery and, praytogod, some email addresses, because vulnerability in the right company is fucking hot. I mean, this is science, people. And I refuse to keep the products, the knowledge knuggets-the-k-is-silent of my Big Brian under a bushel basket. It's ungodly. Sorry, I don't worship Satan. OK, I think he's kind of cool, yeah, a shit-ton more fun versus Ol' Man I-am-that-I-am oh shut up! And I'm sorry, I'm sayin' it, that spirit thing creeps me "da fuck" out! It gives me serious, legit "Ghost #3" vibes, you know, the ick.
But I can’t condone the "I'm human garbage" attitude shared by all leftists, but I empathize! You thought I was gonna trick you there, right? Claim I "sympathize" followed by some "gotcha" insult? No, this is an honest exercise, I would describe the level of honesty as nearly "Bidenesque" and that is not a flex. I truly empathize at a personal level! Look, I LIVED with intense self-hatred, disgust when looking in the mirror, despite my performance which, I mean, prodigy? Ok? Was that word bandied about in conversations about you? No. No it wasn't. What do you mean, "what about conversations about me?" Fine, I can address that
Moving onto relevant topics, don't worry, I can feel the thoughts you are all directing my way like some cognitive ejaculate at a metacognitive blobang - and I want to tell you, I will CATCH every one of those warm, sticky thoughts as they splash against my face showing great velocity (hold on, sorry, give me a minute) what, I am settled down. In fact, I have a sudden clarity. Caused by recent events? OK, I spooged, crucify me! That does not mean I'm being disingeni…disengenu…I am crappin' you negatory, ok? I can prove it! While I cannot know each and every leftist or the disgusting origins of their complete lack of self-respect, disregard for logic and empirical evidence to the point of abandoning reality itself, I would put a sizeable penis, DAMMIT, amount of money is what I meant to say and bet we have a common source, a common shared-experience which doesn't excuse the pathetic state we wallow in (not me, I'm past that) but it does explain it. Because do you think, for one minute, Mr. I-Can't-Be-A-Man liberal (and if you think I'm casting judgment, just look at my avatar! Look at it! Look long and hard! Does it make you…long and hard? C'mon, I'm at least a little cute, aren't I?) that YOU were the only kid who was raised in The Baptist Church? You were the only one, right? Each and every Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday, holiday after stinkin’ holiday, you never looked around and saw things? Friend, I saw them too! Dang, I wish I could hug you all! Do you think YOU are the only person who found yourself having to listen to a lecture about how it is a sin to see a movie at the movie theatre? Delivered in person by your Pastor who you happened to run into at Blockbuster Video? I know that pain! And to not respond in outrage at the malevolent hypocrisy being demonstrated (you can't have "demonstrate" without "demon") by this virtue signaling morality-clown? To have that self-control? Yes, the term "hero" is over-used. Not this time. Not this time, my brother. Yes. Brother.
Do you think for one nanosecond I never felt the pain of drinking Saturday night until I blacked out, only to purge and start over isn't it FUN to be 18-56? Only to have to wake up that Sunday morning, and sweat out the poison while listening to that SAME fucktard Pastor talk about how it's a sin to drink even one drop of booze, unless your name is Jesus "then it's a miracle!" Please. How can you say you have love for me and show me that level of disrespect? You are a sinner for drinking because your body is a temple. Said the man whose morbid obesity was diagnosed with morbid obesity? Friends, that is trauma and trauma is violence.
The part that makes me weep for our nation is, if you were to ask any leftist "what is hurting you?" the resilience these people show. They do not protest, oh they'll protest for other people, never themselves. They never cry THEY NEVER CRY. So it's up to us to come to them in love but don't force it, well, I kind of like a little force, TBH, I tell my seeders yes, I'm going to gag, choke - it's a compliment. Most find it highly erotic. What can I say, I'm irresistible! Don’t scowl, buddy, I know better! I see the friggin' tents in your trousers, teasing me! Stop it! We need to extract their pain with the passion I show when I extract, how should I put this as to not offend anyone in polite conversation, the emotional equivalent of every precious drop of hot, sticky-creamy-smooth, sadness-semen, I'msosorry, trauma-jizz? Nothatsnobetter…anyway. And not to, "blow-n-tell" but oh, ok I will, what I do is after they've 'orgasmed' (I'm such a science guy!) is I just keep their cock in my warm, wet mouth, applying the slightest suction, gently caressing and squeezing the balls while my newestbestestfriend is gently returning from vacation in Cock Heaven, OK, and I'm sad, too! If I were the creator I'd have done a lot better job, c'mon, infinite knowledge, power, resources and this? I mean it's pretty in some areas but infinity? That's a lot to work with. Mindfully, I nurse that cock, applying just the right balance of sensation and security, just being held, like a little cock-baby, loved and protected by none other than my mouth. And that, friends IS the entire point. Thank you.