CNN Cryfest And General Meltdown Over Trump Decision


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Anderson Cooper says CNN viewers ‘have every right to never watch this network again’ after Trump town hall​

Shannon Thaler
May 12, 2023

CNN vet Anderson Cooper called the network’s May 10 presidential town hall event with Donald Trump “disturbing,” and told viewers that they “have every right to be angry and never watch this network again.”

“Many of you think CNN shouldn’t have given him any platform to speak and I understand the anger about that — giving him the audience, the time, I get that,” Cooper said during the opening monologue of his CNN show “Anderson Cooper 360°.”

However, “the man you were so disturbed to see and hear from last night — that man is the front-runner for the Republican nomination for president,” Cooper said, defending the network’s decision to give Trump a platform.

“According to polling, no other Republican is even close,” Cooper said. According to the Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll, Trump’s the preferred candidate for 62% of right-wing voters — a wide margin above No. 2, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who had 20% support.

More here:

CNN, attempting to claw its way back from its status as a media halfway house for the nation's ignorant left and other bed-wetters who drove their ratings into the toilet, is trying to move towards the right in order to stay in business.

So Trump shows up for their offered "Townhall," trashes the CNN "moderator," (ie prosecutor) much to the delight of the appreciative audience, all the while bringing in the largest viewing audience CNN has had in a decade. Their in-house live audience obviously liked what Trump had to say, applauding his stated accomplishments, and his political positions, all of which CNN has lied about for the last five years. They didn't appreciate the moderator's attempted J6 prosecution of Donald Trump, her unmannered interruptions, and her attempts to talk over the President's answers. After all, this was supposed to be a Townhall involving Trump's answers to questions of the audience, but she wanted to make it all about her moment to get Trump, which failed miserably. Something like 3 million people tuned in, a stark business realization that I'm sure wasn't lost on the new management of CNN.
Only fox viewers still watch network tv news. They're the ones who have the channel on all day long.

The rest of normal society doesn't even have cable tv.
Only fox viewers still watch network tv news. They're the ones who have the channel on all day long.

The rest of normal society doesn't even have cable tv.
Said with firm authority and zero evidence. Kudos.
How to say RWCJ “members” are lemmings without saying RWCJ “members” are lemmings.

CNN knew they could get a ratings bump from the slavish sicko-fans of the rapey corrupt orange traitor.

Decent intelligent viewers tuned out.

👉 RWCJ “members” 🤣

Laz, you need to work on your English skills and then take a stab at forming logical conclusions that are not guided by your burning hatred of your fellow man (/woman).
Said with firm authority and zero evidence. Kudos.
Lol...plenty of evidence already presented in this forum, dipshit. Fox ratings are easily the highest, polls showing that liberals watch less network news, polling showing that millennials watch less tv

But you can continue to brag about shit that doesn't matter. Maybe make a flag and put it on your truck

Your selective use of the reply button still is peculiar.
But you cannot be bothered with it. I'm supposed to search the forums for it.

That pretty lazy in an intellectual sense.
But you cannot be bothered with it. I'm supposed to search the forums for it.

That pretty lazy in an intellectual sense. horrible that AJ thinks I'm lazy.

Yah, still don't give a shit. . Search the forums or don't.... I'm not here for you, cupcake.
I have no idea how goes your work ethic, but you are displaying a laziness of intellect.

Just the stuff of mantras and "everybody knows."

"I know it's there! Just don't ask me to prove it."

Okay. I looked. I didn't see any examples. So, it didn't happen and you are lying. ;) ;)
I have no idea how goes your work ethic, but you are displaying a laziness of intellect.

Just the stuff of mantras and "everybody knows."

"I know it's there! Just don't ask me to prove it."

Okay. I looked. I didn't see any examples. So, it didn't happen and you are lying. ;) ;)
Awesome for you. 👍
The point to the Town Hall interview was to get Trump back into the CNN narrative. Without Trump they have no viewership. With Trump they have viewers.

Ergo; put Trump on. The rabid gnashing of teeth and flying spittle is exactly what they wanted and their viewers and panelists are more than ready to help CNN's bottom line profitability.
I don't think they are. I think they thought they are going to embarrass Trump and his voters.
Here's a little tidbit:

Changes spark chatter of CNN shifting to the right​


Major changes at CNN in recent weeks have sparked chatter in media and political circles that the network’s new corporate ownership is pulling it to the political right.

CNN strongly denies such a change is taking place, saying it is entirely focused on objective journalism.

But recent high profile on-air departures, coupled with what’s seen by some as a shift in tone in the network’s political coverage, are drawing intense scrutiny.

Criticisms of President Biden by on-air personalities in particular have triggered questions from the political left about whether things are changing at CNN, which has a new corporate owner in Discovery.

More here:

Note that even a call to "more objective journalism" is a move to the right as for decades they have been decidedly leftist and unobjective in their hiring and reporting. We know as well that they have terminated several of their more left-leaning personalities in recent months. The majority shareholders are the Advance Newhouse Programming Partnership which has reportedly been suggesting a return to the 1990 CNN model when they were much more moderate in their presentation and when they were at the top of their popularity.
How to say RWCJ “members” are lemmings without saying RWCJ “members” are lemmings.

CNN knew they could get a ratings bump from the slavish sicko-fans of the rapey corrupt orange traitor.

Decent intelligent viewers tuned out.

👉 RWCJ “members” 🤣

So you watched the whole thing right?
Not just cable TV. Megacorporate news is losing credibility. Newsmax and NBC could merge to stay in business a little while longer.
Cable TV news is dying slowly as younger viewers eschew watching them for getting their news from the internet. This can make them both more and less well informed.
The ratings tell the tale. Not many people watch CNN.

Same with MSNBC and network news in general.

The people who get their information from the networks skew entirely right....which is why Fox dominates the ratings.
The people who get their information from the networks skew entirely right....which is why Fox dominates the ratings.
when the generation that can't navigate the streaming world finally rid the world of itself, fox will be dead.
The strange thing is that the much lauded Tucker Carlson and his ilk had such miserably low viewing figures when compared to news/current events shows in other countries.
Carlson’s show averaged 3.67 million viewers, followed by The Five with 3.51 million, Hannity with 3.23 million, Special Report with Bret Baier at 2.77 million and The Ingraham Angle with 2.66 million.
This from 2021.!#

Whereas in the UK with a population comparable to Texas + California only; the BBC still reigns supreme with its flagship News at Six and News at Ten bulletins regularly pulling in an audience of more than three million a day.
This from 2023.

If Carlson had proportionate figures whilst working for the BBC he'd have been fired a long time ago.