Rise of the Drones.


May 29, 2006
I think drone technology will soon change our lives throughout the world. Everyone will be effected by it in one form or another. Skynet has began.

What are your thoughts?

Feel free to post pics or links to articles and vids about UAVs/drones.
That for many of our posters it will not be a very big issue until they are Republican drones.

They are very comforted now by the fact that they can keep an eye on those angry old white people in the Tea Party.
There certainly is enough droning about it.

I wonder what's been circling the house?

Perhaps buzzards would be an improvement . . . .
I hope they have cameras with the speed and resolution to track the bullet in for its last few fractional seconds of existence.

Anything else just wouldn't be fair.
Hey, Chuck Yeager shot down an ME-262 with his P-51, so it could happen.

Jumpin' Geronimo!
I hope so.

Those two poor engines are under the tarp, shivering in the cold. :(
Kick the tires and light some fires...

It's drone season somewhere; a quarter 'till Miller Time. I'm in my hammered pants!