Repairing mine and Siren's computer.


Really Experienced
Sep 30, 2000
Ok I read the posts from last night and I have had a chance to look at our computer today. I have noticed a few problems with it already that weren't there before yesterday. Our files are all backlit now when we boot up the computer and some are missing.
I will have to do a thorough check this weekend when I have time.

We have backups of all our files but there are a ton of them spanning many years and they are all on 3.5 floppies. We havn't gotten a zip drive although I will If I have to restore my computer again as it isn't worth spending all that time.

To get all the files restored and organized again for both of us will take me a full weekend. I have had to do it once before because we got a virus from somewhere that was crashing our Internet Explorer. It's not fun and very frustrating.

To say that Siren is at fault for clicking on the link is ridiculous. Is a child at fault for eating a candybar that has a razor blade in it? She thought she was going to see a pretty picture and instead got her computer thrashed. IndigoRose may not have meant for this to happen but it doesn't obsolve her of the responsibility.

This may seem like a joke to some of you but it's not funny to me. I don't post on here and I'm happy my wife enjoys posting here, but this is affecting me and probably others as well who haven't spoken up. I'm not sure the extent of the virus, or how long it'll take to fix my computer but I am sure that I'm going to have to spend at least a few hours checking over our computer to make sure it's ok, and I don't appreciate it.

As for blaming Siren or being gleefull about causing her a bad time, I just hope there is a karmic system in this universe and you get what you deserve. She hasn't harmed any of you unless she has hurt your feelings and thats no reason to revell in her missfortune.

I have good feelings about this board as it was the cause of me and my wife meeting, but the negative aspects of this board make it really unappealing to me. That is why I don't post here anymore. My wife has more tenacity than me and seems to be willing to put up with alot of abuse because she's so fond of this place.

I applaud her loyalty but I'm beginning to think it's missplaced here.

Hi Wolfy. Nice to meetcha. *waves* I've heard a ton about you. Btw, I adore your wife. Will you give her a big smoochie and a hug from me?
I'm sorry for the trouble you and Siren have been through, and the trouble you still have in front of you.

Just for the record, many including me, don't feel Siren's anger (or yours) is unjustified.

I'm not a very dedicated poster at Lit, and this incident along with the reactions of several people to what happened have left a very nasty taste in my mouth right now. At some point, it may be time for me to "leave purgatory to the damned."

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I too am sorry for the the troubles you have experienced. I did not find it amusing at all.
Hello Wolfy, I am sorry that you guys are having so much trouble with the computer. Siren is one of my favorite people here & I think her anger is justified. I am another one who doesn't post as much as I used to, too much negativity. I hope you get the computer up & running correctly, I would be lost without mine. Hugs to you both, tell Siren I still think she rocks & if you guys ever get to Texas, I will take you out for some good BBQ.
Hey wolfy. Hope you get the computer problems sorted out.
:rose: for Siren. :)
Hiya Wolf

Siren is a big pain in my ass. Make her stop.

Now go eat your pizza.
The link crashed my computer but did not seem to cause any permeanent damage.

Nice to see you around Wolfy even if it is in this unfortunate circumstances.
Sorry to hear your computer's ill. Had it happened to me, while I'd have surely been well and thoroughly pissed, and no matter what I posted to the alleged prankster, I'd have known it was my fault too.

It wasn't a razor blade in a candy bar; it was more like buying a lift ticket at a ski hill. A pron board link or attachment carries an asumption of risk qualitatively and quantitatively different than buying a packaged food product.

In addition, Siren has nearly 20,000 posts here.

Aside from what 20,000 posts says about anyone on the face of it vis a vis their committment to Lit or their possible need for committment, I think it fair to assume a level of risk assumption equivalent to an expert Internet user.

Serious Netizens don't click on shit blindly. And when they do, they ought to know better.

As to Karma....Siren posted more evil words on this Board yesterday than most would or could in a lifetime online.

Therefore, she has hoisted herself on her own petard.

If she can't take the heat when she acts like a knob, she should stop dishing it out so regularly and with such gusto herself.

Again, sorry your machine(s) are ill; hopefully your Diablo game and chat and webcam interfaces will quickly be back to normal so Siren can be back threatening us with lawsuits and calling us names again soon. :)



wolfy said:
Ok I read the posts from last night and I have had a chance to look at our computer today. I have noticed a few problems with it already that weren't there before yesterday. Our files are all backlit now when we boot up the computer and some are missing.
I will have to do a thorough check this weekend when I have time.

We have backups of all our files but there are a ton of them spanning many years and they are all on 3.5 floppies. We havn't gotten a zip drive although I will If I have to restore my computer again as it isn't worth spending all that time.

To get all the files restored and organized again for both of us will take me a full weekend. I have had to do it once before because we got a virus from somewhere that was crashing our Internet Explorer. It's not fun and very frustrating.

To say that Siren is at fault for clicking on the link is ridiculous. Is a child at fault for eating a candybar that has a razor blade in it? She thought she was going to see a pretty picture and instead got her computer thrashed. IndigoRose may not have meant for this to happen but it doesn't obsolve her of the responsibility.

This may seem like a joke to some of you but it's not funny to me. I don't post on here and I'm happy my wife enjoys posting here, but this is affecting me and probably others as well who haven't spoken up. I'm not sure the extent of the virus, or how long it'll take to fix my computer but I am sure that I'm going to have to spend at least a few hours checking over our computer to make sure it's ok, and I don't appreciate it.

As for blaming Siren or being gleefull about causing her a bad time, I just hope there is a karmic system in this universe and you get what you deserve. She hasn't harmed any of you unless she has hurt your feelings and thats no reason to revell in her missfortune.

I have good feelings about this board as it was the cause of me and my wife meeting, but the negative aspects of this board make it really unappealing to me. That is why I don't post here anymore. My wife has more tenacity than me and seems to be willing to put up with alot of abuse because she's so fond of this place.

I applaud her loyalty but I'm beginning to think it's missplaced here.

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Sorry Wolfy - it was a fucked up thing she did... I think most of us here agree on that.

Good luck getting things fixed.
Lance is like Herpes. He pops up when and where he's least welcome. You want to ignore him, but he's a nagging pain. And, he never seems to go away.

Lance, I've been trying to ignore you, but you have the social skills of Ozzy Osborne, the intellect of Jethro Bodine and the persistence of a melanoma.

Don't become another Hanns or Indigo Rose.
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Texan said:
Lance is like Herpes. He pops up when and where he's least welcome. You want to ignore him, but he's a nagging pain. And, he never seems to go away.

Lance, I've been trying to ignore you, but you have the social skills of Ozzy Osborne, the intellect of Jethro Bodine and the persistency of a melanoma.

Don't become another Hanns or Indigo Rose.

I think you insulted the Prince of Darkness here.
Re: Re: Repairing mine and Siren's computer.

Lancecastor said:
A pron board link or attachment carries an asumption of risk qualitatively and quantitatively different than buying a packaged food product.

To a point. But when the link is from someone you see around here, you do develop a certain amount of trust. Granted I haven't been here that long, but I haven't seen that done here yet. Most of us know of each other here, and that trust was violated. Guess it was blind trust. Now we all know better.
lavender said:
For once, Lance is being chastized by a fellow male poster, rather than only spatting with the females.

I'd chastize him but I don't pay any attention to what he says...
Texan said:

Lance, I've been trying to ignore you, but you have the social skills of Ozzy Osborne, the intellect of Jethro Bodine and the persistency of a melanoma.

Please leave the prince of darkness out of this.

Thank you.
Problem Child said:
Please leave the prince of darkness out of this.

Thank you.

Ozzy is sooooo much more intelligent then Lance even with half of his brain fried by drugs.

I am having a total brain fart! Who is that in your Av? I just can't get it!
Problem Child said:
Please leave the prince of darkness out of this.

Thank you.

These comments about the "prince of darkness?" Since I doubt the refers to Jethro, I'm assuming that's a name for Ozzy. I confess to ignorance of Ozzy other than the tidbits I've seen of the program that shows his home life. I do have to admit, that maybe Azwed's right. Maybe I accidentally insulted Ozzy. If so, my appologies to Ozzy.