Relationship Quicksand


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2001
You are in a relationship that is going nowhere. You see all the signs that it's going down. What do you do?

Try to repair it?

Jump ship?

Or just wait around until the other person ends it?

I've been there.

I always find it so hard end something like this. What is did was just waiting till the other one said it was over. Lasted a year, that's too long.
juicylips said:
You are in a relationship that is going nowhere. You see all the signs that it's going down. What do you do?

Try to repair it?

Jump ship?

Or just wait around until the other person ends it?


I've done all the above JL:cool:
Different relationships over the years.
Have mind blowing sex and then say, "Um, well, that was a good way to end this."
What SHOULD I do, or what DO I do?

I think I should jump ship, but I always end up waiting for him to end it. I'm not going to do that this time though.
TWB said:
Have mind blowing sex and then say, "Um, well, that was a good way to end this."


But if I was having mind blowing sex...would I really want it to end?
Well, sex is not everything in a relationship, but it is important enough to make sure that if the relationship is ending, it ends on a high note. :D
I'm one for sticking it out and trying to repair it.

but look where that got me...i'm a stuborn mother-fucker though.

Either would jump ship. I'm tired of working.
S.Daedalus said:
I'm one for sticking it out and trying to repair it.

but look where that got me...i'm a stuborn mother-fucker though.

Either would jump ship. I'm tired of working.

So it just depends on what day I ask this question?:D
mokum13 said:
I've been there.

I always find it so hard end something like this. What is did was just waiting till the other one said it was over. Lasted a year, that's too long.

So if you had to do it over again, you would have ended it yourself instead of waiting?
I knew it was going nowhere for ten years, but I hung on for love. In the end, it wasn't enough for me.
BgMma99 said:
I knew it was going nowhere for ten years, but I hung on for love. In the end, it wasn't enough for me.

I'm sorry to hear that. Ten years is a very long time to hold on to a dying relationship.:(