Red Ridng (Closed)

“I didn't want you quietly,” he told her softly, “I needed to see the fear in you as I took you, maybe now things can become more quiet.” Slowly Rafe slipped off of her. For a moment he left her there bound and naked while he rummaged through his bag. He returned to her with two things. The first was a key obviously for her shackles and the second was a thick brown leather collar. The leather of the collar was rough and the front of it had a large metal ring attached to it with a long thin chain attached to it. He slipped the collar around her neck without saying a thing to her. He made it snug, but not so tight that she'd have trouble breathing. “Tell me. Should I undo the chains?”
Natalie was going to reply with a snide remark, about to say that she expected that sort of thing to come from someone such as himself. But before she could, she watched as Rafe wrapped and fastened a collar around her neck. Which didn't seem too bad at first, as Natalie could easily pass it off as some sort of bizarre adornment. That is, until she saw the large metal ring around the center with a thin chain attached.

This sort of gesture, at least for her, couldn't have felt more humiliating than it already was when he had taken away her virginity. With the chain running down from the ring, she knew that Rafe was perhaps trying to teach her a lesson from what happened those many years ago, and to now take his revenge out on her by making her the animal herself.

Her eyes looked up at the key he held for the shackles, and eyed him when asked if she wanted to be free from her bondage. Still in shock about the collar and chain, all Natalie did was nod as her reply. Her wrists squirmed, sore from the firm grip the shackles had on her.
“You didn't know it, but you enslaved me for years,” he told her as he began undoing her bonds. “I tried to forget. I didn't want revenge, I just wanted to be rid of that frightening day, but every time I thought the memories were gone my scar would burn, someone would recognize it, or dreams of you would torture me.” Click. The first shackle came off. “Soon I realized I could never rest until I killed the source of those memories, ripped them from reality so they could torture me no more. When I came back though something had changed.” Click. Both legs were free now. Rafe crawled over her body straddling her as he began to work the last two. “I didn't want you dead. I just wanted you for myself. Just like the hunter had, using me as an excuse to keep you. He had stolen my life from me and now I just want back what I deserve.” Click. Just one more iron binding held her to the bed. “Now my pet, when I let you, you'll lead me around my new home, our new home. Both you and this place will be mine now. And if you are good then I will open new worlds to you. Teach you. Pleasure you.” Grasping her chain tightly he let the last shackle fall away from her and climbed off the bed holding her chain taught waiting for her to show him his new home. ... Or rebel and earn her first punishment.
When Rafe had finally unlocked the last iron binding from her wrist, Natalie massaged her wrist with her hand. Although the cuffs had not cut in to her circulation, the grip it had on both of her ankles and wrists were rather uncomfortable. She didn't say anything as he went on to tell his story (or so she assumed) of how the thought of her had tortured him for many years. Well, it did serve him right after he killed her ailing grandmother and attempted to eat her alive. Still, she kept silent, letting Rafe go on.

What surprised Natalie was the fact that Rafe chose to not kill her, which is what she had expected when she found out who he truly was. Even if he had spared her life, being allowed to live did came at a price.

Lost in the thought, the tug and yank of the chain attached to her collar brought her back to reality. Show him around his new home? "Our new home?" She thought out loud, though her voice was quiet, confused, like a child unable to comprehend what an adult was saying.
His voice turned into an angry growl as if he was still a wolf and he yanked the chain throwing her off balance and causing her to fall off the bed with a solid thud on the wooden floor. “You and this place are MINE! Now show your master his home!” He stared down at naked form on the floor with burning eyes. She looked up with a desperate look of fear and confusion on her face. “Crawl on your hands and knees like the pathetic bitch you are and show me what my new home can offer me. A moment more of hesitation and our time together is going to be so painful for you.”
Just as she was trying to get herself together, Rafe had yanked Natalie by the chain so hard that she fell to the floor, hitting her head on the wooden surface. Dazed and dizzy from the impact, she held her forehead for a moment as she could have sworn the room was spinning. Still in her daze, Natalie slowly sat up on her knees when she heard Rafe ordered her to crawl on her hands and knees.

Without a second thought, Natalie snarled at what she thought was the most stupidest demand she had been told. Not to mention that she had already felt humiliated as it is with having to lower herself to the damned creature that had tried to kill her during her childhood years and that now, she had enjoyed what had happened earlier.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" She glared at him for a brief second. Noticing that cold look on Rafe's face and knowing what he was capable of doing to her, she quickly cowered, lowering her eyes to the floor as if he was going to strike her down.

At that, Natalie stayed up on her knees, bending over enough to hold her hands down for support, and proceeded to crawl out of the room with him in tow.

"Is there any specific place you want me to take you to?" The question was more soft, submissive in fact as opposed to earlier.
Rafe was ready to beat her when she suddenly realized her place. “Show me the hunter's bedroom. I think it will belong to me now.” Rafe smiled down at her as he led her out of the room watching her crawl. “I bet her stroked himself to you there every night. He must have been waiting for when he could marry you. You're nothing, but a slave. You were his and now you're mine. The difference is now you know what you are.”
"He was never like that." Natalie had to fight every ounce of strength to keep from sounding cynical and to keep herself from attacking Rafe. Even if she may have submitted to him, there are some things that she, herself couldn't help. One of them is speaking ill will of the hunter who had taken her in and cared for her for all those years. She crawled further down the hall until she stopped at the last door to the right. Pushing the door open, the hunter's bedroom was bigger in space than her own.

Natalie had taken the time to clean his room yesterday, a few days after his death. Crawling in the unlit room, she stopped at the door frame close to the entrance. Her fist clenched when Rafe taunted her with stories of how the hunter had masturbated to the thought of her.

"Even if he did what he did, chances are that it was never about me. What separates you two is that he wasn't sick as you. As depraving."
“Even if ...” he echoed her words, “as sick as ... as depraved ... chances are. You don't believe what you're telling me.” Rafe looked around the room running his hand over the bed, dresser, and other features of the room ignoring her indignant behavior. “This will be your master's room. You won't be allowed to sleep in here, but you can keep your old room.” Rafe pulled her up to standing using the chain and lending her his hand when she began to stand. He leaned in and gave her a patronizing kiss on the cheek and handed her the chain. “Keep the collar and put on something you'd think I'd like,” he told her holding her chin in his hand, “I'm going to settle in here, but your new life is pleasing me, so hurry up and come back and entertain me.” He led her back to her room, but only stayed long enough to get his bag and then slammed the door behind him leaving her to figure out on her own what he wanted.
Natalie waited until Rafe left her room, watching as he slammed her door shut. The thought of attempting to escape through the window was tempting enough. But knowing the wolf, she knew damned well that he was going to hunt her down, drag her back to the cabin by force, and...well...she didn't want to imagine the rest. The possibility of running was definitely up in the air.

Natalie had thought of gaining Rafe's trust enough first before she could attempt such a thing.

Making her way to the closet, she went through the clothes that she had. Although Natalie had always considered her dress clothes tame, to others with Rafe's sound of mind, the dresses would be considered too conservative. After sorting through her clothes, she didn't have anything that would satisfy Rafe. Trying to remember the whores she and the hunter had encountered once a long time ago while traveling through town, those women who sold themselves to men had a tendency to wear clothing that were short and revealing.

None of the clothes she owned had any of that sort. Although a piece of a black dress and a dress skirt could work wonders. Taking the two items down, she went around her room in search of scissors, measuring tape, and a few needles and threads. Occasionally out of boredom, Natalie would sew something while the hunter went out to hunt down some fair game. But it wasn't something she would do often.

And even if she did, she only had a short amount of time before Rafe would get impatient. Creeping up to the door, she slowly locked it by putting up the latch just in case. Natalie sat on the floor cutting here and altering there with both the skirt and dress, measuring on how high or low should she make the attire. Cutting both straps on one end, Natalie had to force herself to remember the sort of attire that the whores wore, concerning that she and the hunter did not go to town so often and that the only time she had seen or encountered them were when she was twelve years old.

After half an hour, she managed to put together a decent ensemble. A short laced black top and a matching black skirt, both attires having been cut in half. Grabbing a pair of strapped high heels from the back of the closet and putting them on, she looked herself over the mirror.

Exactly how she remembered those women back then. Not something she would be comfortable in, to be honest. What exactly did Rafe want was beyond her.

Making her way out of her room, Natalie slowly made her way down the hall when she noticed that the hunter's door was closed. With her fist in the air, she was about to knock but found herself hesitant to do so. Should she even dare attempt to see what was going on behind the closed door?
The bed was flipped up against the back wall and Rafe had taken the bear rug from the living room and laid it out in his new room. He hadn't slept in a bed for well over a decade and now he was finding he hated the feel of it. He had quite a few things he wanted to get rid of. The easiest thing would be a fire, but that would have to wait. Rafe swept a cloth cover and a few other things off the dresser and replaced them with some trophies he'd collected over the years. A simple necklace from a girl he'd taken whose scent had reminded him of Natalie. It was a simple thin leather strap that had knuckle sized crystal quartz on the end. He was probably the only one to notice the blood stain along the strap. An unstrung ebony bow from a man who'd hunted him for nearly a year leaned against the wall. His death had been particularly satisfying. A shred of tattered green cloth, the clasp from a cloak, a simple mirror. They all had their stories, their triumphs. Natalie was his new trophy. The others were simply reminders of his triumphs, his power, but now he would have proof of it.

Rafe now wore some of the hunters old clothes. They fit surprisingly well and he knew it would enrage Natalie. She would be his and there was nothing she could do. The world's best hunters had died to him. The only one that had ever given him pause was dead and what he'd guarded was forever his. She would hate and loath him until the fire of rage burnt out and she was absolutely his.

She was outside the door. He could hear the sound of her at the door hesitating to come in. Her scent filled him. “I will always know your scent Natalie. I've never forgotten it since that day. Come in and show me what you've done.”
“I will always know your scent Natalie. I've never forgotten it since that day. Come in and show me what you've done.”

The thought alone had scared Natalie enough to debate whether or not she should attempt her escape plan. It didn't take her a second to shake the idea off of her least for now. It was too early. And too soon.

Opening the door slowly, peeking in through the slit, Natalie was instantly angered when she saw Rafe wearing the hunter's old clothes.

"Speaking ill of the dead, those clothes don't belong to you!" Wasn't it already bad enough that Rafe had gotten what he wanted by wishing for the death of the only other man she had come to befriend and trust that he had to get in to his clothes as well. This scene reminded Natalie of a book the Hunter had read to her when she was ten. Animal Farm if she remembered clearly. The pig characters were slowly growing more human by taking on the tendencies and habits of one.

Of course, this did not mean that Rafe was taking on the habits of a human.
He had meant to keep these clothes, meant to do this slowly. The dead man's clothes mostly shredded away from his body as he swept the girl off her feet, grabbing her by the hair and slinging her across the room against the overturned bed. The fur came in quick and the pain that came from changing so quickly was intense, but Rafe wasn't in a place where he could feel it just then. Her defiance had instantly turned to fear and Natalie looked around franticly only to realize there was no where to even try to run. Rafe leapt across the room and his arm pistoned down, his grip finding her neck. Her body was like a straw doll in his grip and it was easy for him to slam her back down against the frame of the overturned bed. The wooden frame jammed into her back and his body pinned her there.

“What was it in this house I don't own?” he demanded of her hot spit flying onto her face. “YOU belong to me, THIS HOUSE belongs to me, EVERYTHING HERE belongs to me!” His eyes burned into her waiting for her to dare to speak to him. He laxed his grip just enough to make certain she could speak, but his claws began to sink into her flesh very slowly.
Before Natalie could even apologize, or run when Rafe's anger was eminent, the wolf immediately grabbed her by the hair. Without warning, he threw her across the room, causing her to land hard on the bed frame. Groaning upon the impact, Natalie could have sworn that her back had been splintered.

She attempted to get up but her back was in slight pain enough for her to stay on her back. She attempted to roll away but Rafe immediately pinned her down, gripping on to her neck. Choking for a moment, Natalie's mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to say. Still although Rafe had a point as far as ownership goes, but she couldn't help feeling offended that he helped himself to a dead man's clothes.

Natalie cringed as Rafe's claws slowly sank in to her flesh. She could only stare up at him, fearful of his next move.
“YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH!” Rafe continued to roar as he tossed his prey back down onto the bear rug. She started to get back up and steady herself, but Rafe pushed her back down with a leg to her back. “You've made me very angry, little bitch,” he growled at her staring down at the little bloody scratch marks in her neck, “You make me so very tempted to make you suffer and die. Beg me, show me, make me believe you are worth more than the pleasure I'd get from spending the next week torturing and killing you.” He spat on her and the glob of saliva ran down her cheek. “You have fifteen minutes bitch before I give up on you as worthless.”
As Rafe stepped on Natalie's back, she let out a cry. Her back was still in pain after landing hard on the bed frame. Heavy silence lingered in the room and around the two as she had trouble forming her own words. The smell of her own blood made her feel slightly nauseous, as if the room were spinning. She could feel his spittle running down her cheek. As much as she wanted to embrace her anger and take it out towards him, she knew she had to at least attempt to gain his trust, despite the extreme difficulty.

If she was going to attempt to run in the future, she had to plan it very carefully.

One minute...two minutes...three minutes had passed and the silence still hung about like a rain cloud. Natalie was still groaning in pain as Rafe pressed his weight on top of her. Her arms were free to move but to Natalie, both arms felt as if they weight a ton. She could feel the tip of his cock flicking about on her back, shuddering at the thought at first.

She didn't want to beg. That was the last thing she would want to do with a life long enemy. But what choice did she have at the moment?

"Permission to suck your cock...sir?" The words seemed foreign to Natalie, although speaking them to him had left a slight bile taste in her mouth. Still, she tried to remain calm without sounding spiteful.
"You have a little more than ten minutes left. Do whatever you want. Run if you think it was be worth it, but in ten minutes I decide if you're worth while or not." Rafe laid himself out on the bearskin rug stretching and growling. A grin spread over his face, even if she failed to impress him at least he would enjoy tonight.
Oh, Natalie would have run. Though she had aimed to do so when he would least expect it. But with him giving her that option, she knew damned well that even if Rafe "allowed" her to run off, that he was going to chase her down anyway. Not to mention that her back was still in a good amount of pain after being thrown around not once, but twice. Both landings were hit quite hard, leaving a throbbing pain that still followed her.

Noticing that Rafe laid out on his back not too far away from where she herself laid out on her stomach, with a bit of irritation, Natalie slowly got up on her hands and knees. She could have easily gotten to her feet had Rafe not made her land on her back multiple times. She crawled beside him staring up and down his wolf form, occasionally taking a glance at his cock, which slowly grew erect as the time passed on.

Had Rafe not change himself in to his wolf form once again, Natalie wouldn't have much trouble attempting to please him. In his wolf form, there were limits..particularly kissing the wolf of a mouth would no doubt cut her tongue, especially if it involved French kissing.

Climbing atop the creature with her back faced towards him, Natalie relied on her knees for support. Bending over slightly enough, her tongue licked and sucked the tip of his cock before slowly moving in, sucking the way he advised her earlier.

As she sucked on his cock, underneath the skirt of hers were a few trails of his cum and her own juices trailing down her inner thigh.
Rafe grunted as she went to work on his cock, but something else caught his attention. Her scent, she was very aroused. He pushed up her little skirt to find her pussy bare. At least she was learning her place quickly in some ways. More important than her bare sex was her juices leaking down her leg. “You horny little slut,” he growled with pleasure, “you are so fucking wet for me.” He pulled her back some so he could reach her wet little cunt making sure not to pull her off his cock. His long hot tongue ran up her leg catching every drop of the sweet fluid and then just touching her hot slit.

“Just pull away long enough for a simple yes or no,” he instructed her before asking, “Do you want me to lick your pretty little pussy again.” Her body was screaming for it. Whether or not she realized it she was his, chained or not. She would never long for any man's bed, but his.
As Rafe pulled Natalie back, Natalie cringed in pain as her back was still in slight pain from being thrown around. Having remembered what he said about not using teeth when sucking on his cock, Natalie had tried to not clamp her teeth down on his cock as her back sent a small wave of pain throughout her body.

When Rafe called her out on being wet and horny, she was ready to deny it. She pulled his cock out of her mouth, her hand stroking it, ready to retaliate, when he interrupted her thoughts with another question if she wanted her pussy to be licked. Just as she was about to say no, she felt his tongue licking away the juices that ran down from her pussy and on to her thighs. After a few seconds of contemplating for an answer, Natalie finally answered, albeit meekly.


Sticking her tongue out, she licked the head of his cock like a lollipop before slowly moving her head back down enough to get some of his cock inside her.
Rafe chuckled to himself when her heard her meek little answer. It had taken her time to answer and she hadn't been sure herself, but the way he answered, she wasn't trying to appease him, she wanted it.

“Good,” he told her simply.

He gripped her ass hard, without digging in his claws, and and began to lap at her delicious slit. First they were long gentle licks, but he soon sped up wanting to feel the affects it had on her and therefore his cock.
The rest of the night for Natalie had felt almost like a blur. The savage intimacy between her and the very creature that had tried to kill her when she was a child, for example. All throughout the night, Natalie had almost believed that she was having the longest nightmare possible, a dream of sorts that she could not get out of. The hunter, one who had taken her in and cared for like a daughter since she was a child...he couldn't be dead, right? And then having come face to face with the creature who had come back for revenge after all these years shortly after her friend had died.

Just as Natalie had slipped in to slumber, exhausted and worn out from the ordeal that went on all night, she could have sworn Rafe had said something about training tomorrow. What he had meant by that was something that was still vague to her. What exactly did he mean by that?

Hours had passed before Natalie finally stirred from her sleep. Instead of laying down on her bed as she had been a while ago, she had been lying down on her red carpet. Did I fell out of the bed while sleeping? she couldn't help but wonder. Still lazy to open her eyes, she began to move her arms to stretch, only to find out that they had been bound together by handcuffs. The same went for her ankles. Although they were not bound together, each ankle had been placed with a cuff and, from what she could tell by the freedom to stretch and move her legs and feet, a long chain that perhaps connected to the wall.

As the realizations slowly drew Natalie awake, she noticed that a blindfold had been wrapped around her eyes while what felt to be a ball gag covered her mouth to prevent a lot of noise coming from her.

Suddenly, the sound of a door creaking, followed by footsteps caused Natalie's stomach to turn in fear.
Rafe slowly walked over to her. Kneeling down next to her he grabbed Natalie's hair and pulled her ear to his mouth and whispered to her. “I've shown you how much I can give you and what your role is now. However, I need more from you. Today we'll be working on your restraint. Until you have my permission, do not cum.” Rafe slipped a single finger into her pussy. Letting her go he brought his tongue to her nipple and licked it once before speaking again. “Nod if you understand me. You buck, try to scream, beat yourself against me or the floor. I don't care, but you do not cum before I give you permission.” She would be his perfect slave in every way when he was done.
Natalie had barely nodded to Rafe's command of holding herself when she felt a single finger inside of her pussy. Her startled yelp was only muffled by the gag that had been worked in her mouth. She did make an attempt to scoot slightly back until she could feel her back pressed up against the wall, as if to stall the potential orgasm. Natalie had realized a little too late that this only worked to the advantage of Rafe. Soon enough, she could feel herself being pinned up to the wall with his finger still deep inside of her.

Natalie drew in a deep breath as Rafe continued to finger her. Her fingers scratched up against the wall, hoping that it would distract her, but to no avail.
“This is nothing Natalie,” he whispered harshly to her. It was clear she was on the edge already and the sight made him hard. He worked her pussy vigorously trying to push her over, make her cum. “Resist it or you'll be counting the lashes I bring them down on you,” he told her, licking his lips as he said it.
His blood rushed in anticipation of her failure. He didn't expect her to be able to do it yet, but she had to understand what failing him meant. Rafe began to nibble her ear gently while he fingered her.