Red Ridng (Closed)

Natalie was startled, particularly at the sight of Dimitri being so angry with her. Forced back up against the desk, everything happened so fast that she found herself lying on it with her legs dangling over the edge. For a moment as she looked up at him, she was reminded of Rafe's own fury and being in a similar position many times.

For a moment, she thought Dimitri was going to kill her, or at least inflict upon her a brural act.

"Because I've seen Rafe," Natalie tried to remain calm, choosing her words carefully. "He prefers the loss of control and he seems to enjoy turning in to a wolf for his amusement. Or to use me as a rag doll to see how much damage can he do without killing me. too desire for control but the way you go on about it, as you said, you calculate and plan things. Kind of like you trying to be careful and hold things together..."

She shut herself up after that, afraid that yet again, she may have said the wrong thing.
Miranda dug at his nerves and struck them when she found them, but Natalie just seemed to know where they were and gently touch at them. Hold things together … The more Dimitri thought about it the more pain and confusion swirled in him until he came to a decision. Purposefully or not she had taken too much control of the situation. Her words kept snaking into deep parts of his mind Dimitri liked to keep locked away. He made a decision. Actions over words. One thing the beast was best at.

“I might hurt you more, but I will give you what you need, tonight.”

Two heavy sets of claws swept up the fabric of Natalie’s dress at the center. The sudden lunge was followed by rending her dress in half down the front slowly revealing more and more of her body. As the beautiful bare flesh was revealed part of him couldn’t help, but wonder how such a delicate flower could have survived under the harsh weight of a beast like Rafe, or would under himself. The wolf snarled and shared a toothy grin with the girl pinned beneath him. He would find out.

Natalie soon lay in the shreds of her former dress wearing nothing but a pair of thin panties. The beast playfully danced dangerous claws across. He lingered at vulnerable spots across her body until finally he stopped, idly flicking the tip of his claw back and forth across her nipple standing out against the cool air of his study in the night. His tongue slid out and the beast licked his lips.
Hurt her more? Was Dimitri going to do more than accidentally slip his claws inside her body once again? As soon as her near nudity was exposed, she was almost determined to cover herself up. Other than Rafe, no other strange man had ever seen her naked. While the air may be cool on this night, Natalie felt her body burn in her own embarrassment.

She nervously watched Dimitri drag his claws around. She was concerned that he would stab her, particlarly between her legs. She was a little nervous when he dragged his claw to her nipple. Suppose if he did more than just a scratch. Watching the claw, then at him licking his lips, he was triggering a chain reaction that spread down to her pussy.

She couldn't help but blush at the feeling of her own juices slowly secreting on to her panties. And considering that wolves have a sharper sense of smell...maybe he'll ignore it.

"What...what do you think I need, Dimitri?" She as,ed in an innocent tone.
“One thing you need is safety,” Dimitri told the girl lying across his desk with velvet words spoken through a gruff growling voice. A claw slipped under the edge of the only fabric left on Natalie’s body. He slowly pulled it from her as he continued.

“You need to know that jealousy or anger will not goad the beast into harming you and you need to know that you will never be left vulnerable and alone. You need that safety of a protector that would never betray you.”

When her panties were pushed down to her knees Dimitri’s foot rose and another single claw finished pulling the thin bit of cloth off of her.

“You need something else too though. Rafe may have been unstable and you never would have been safe with him, but I think he showed you a glimpse of it. As frightening as the beast can be I think you crave it just as much of the sense of safety, maybe more.”

The wolf planted his hands on Natalie’s thighs, spreading her legs and keeping her pinned to his desk. His grip was steel like and showed no signs of letting up. Then the wolf moved to his knees and breathed the scent of her deep. He knew how aroused she was getting, there was no question in it. His tongue slipped out and licked her inner thigh.

“Maybe I’m wrong though. Maybe you don’t need this at all. Tell me Natalie, tell me what you want.”

The wolf’s long tongue began to gently lap at her pussy. Natalie was already dripping and she tasted incredible. She was a delicious treat stolen away just for him. The beast knew he’d never let this little one out of his grasp. He’d kill Rafe before giving her back. She belonged to him now.
With those words, Natalie wondered what was it that would provoke the wolf within Dimitri to come out. For Rafe, he controlled his wolf counterpart whenever he pleased that she didn't have to provoke him or the creature. Her body tensed a little when she felt his tongue licking her inner thigh.

"I need you to protect me from Rafe," She wanted to move her legs close but found out too late that Dimitri had seen to that. Natalie then added a bit meekly, "But I also need your help with something else tonight."

Nervous arms slowly reached out and massaged the back of the wolf's head.As he took another lick at her pussy, her hands slowly but gently pushed his head forward. A subtle hint that encouraged him to continue.
Dimitri let out a low pleased growl as Natalie’s fingers pushed into the fur behind his head and massaged. It was a strange sensation, but he liked it. She urged him closer and the beast responded. Slow lapping at her slit quickened and became more focused. Then the long tongue that slithered past sharp teeth began hunting something else. The wolf found Natalie’s clit and became intent on it. The young little thing had tried to push away at first, but she wanted this. Time to make sure her want was justified.
Dimitri's tongue found its way to her clit. At first, she tried to squirm away, feeling flustered at what he was doing. But Natalie knew it was no one's fault but her own. Dimitri kept his hold on her when she tried to weasel her way out of his hold. She watched his head between her legs. Whenever he would look up at her, her gaze averted to a different direction. It was more out of intimidation rather than fear. Even so, she could feel his eyes on her.

Throughout the whole time, she kept her hands on the back of his head. On occasion, she would grip his head firmly.

"Did you want this when you first saw me?"

So lost she was with Dimitri licking at her clit that she was unsure if she only asked this question in her mind or out loud?
Any other time Dimitri would have used that moment to lull her deeper into some romantic dream that would keep her here as long as he wanted, but not now. The wolf didn't care about that tonight. He just wanted her.

"The moment I saw you again I knew I needed you for myself. I needed to take you away from that monster and make you mine," he snarled between long licks.

"You want it too, don't you my little girl?" As soon as he finished his question, Dimitri's tongue dove deep inside of her, seeking just the right spot to make Natalie's head swim. His claws pushed against her thighs, threatening to break skin as he clamped down. He was going to make this girl beg for more.
Natalie continued to twitch and squirm a little under Dimitri's hold as he licked her. It was only when she felt his claws threatening to push inside of her if she continued to resist. Her fingers slowly released their hold on his head as she found herself lost.

"No...I don't know if I want it. But I think tonight, I need it as much as you do."
"Tonight is a good start," he told her with a deep hungry voice. Then the wolf leaped up from where he was. His claws slammed into the desk digging deep into the wood on either side of Natalie's head. The weight of his hulking body beared down on the girl, he was an overwhelming force keeping her in her place. The wolf snarled and growled, lost in a bestial need to have the girl.

Dimitiri's thick cock slowly slid into her slick waiting body. He could feel her quiver beneath him and he loved it.
The feeling of Dimitri's cock inside of Natalie was expected, the feeling this time was a little different. Unlike Rafe, who was more used to being forceful and thrusted upon entry, Dimitri took his time. Although she quivered, she let out a soft moan when he entered her. Her hands rested on his hips; the only movement other than her legs that she could make with his body pressed down on her. For a moment, she was afraid his claws would hurt her again when he slammed them near her head. But as his thrusting slowly increased, the fear melted away, replaced by a lust that only Rafe witnessed.
As Natalie's baser instincts overcame her, Dimitri slowly let himself become lost in the lust that filled him. His long tongue ran along her neck as he slid into her again and again, getting a little faster with every stroke. His claws dug deep gouges into the wood as he fucked his perfect little prize. The desk shook as animal grunts and growls filled the air.

Suddenly, the wolf scooped up his sexual prey and with Natalie still impaled on his thick length, pressed her against one of the bookcases lining the walls. Supported by thick his well muscled fur covered arms Natalie drove a deep primal lust within him. Dimitri withdrew slowly before slamming into her again and continuing the raw animal dance.

Books shook from their shelves and a howl ripped through the deep quiet of the night.
She was lost. Natalie wrapped her arms around the creature, not aware of the extent of how deep she was in to it. She did nor hear herself begging Dimitri that she needed it and wanted him to give it to her. Her fingers squeezed his fur covered flesh. She didn't realize that he carried her and pinned her to a nearby bookcase until some of the books fell nearby them.

Nataslie craned her head to the side, albeit with slight caution in case Dimitri slips up and injure her neck.
Dimitri was rough and thoughtless with the girl he had pinned against the bookcase. His thick cock forced into her tight wet slit again and again. Claws not quite tearing into her flesh nearly a dozen times. She was trapped, pressed against the hard wood as he continued to fill her. All of it was done to satisfy that primal need to mate.

The beast's actions drowned the man in ecstasy and it wasn't long before a primal roar filled the room as he was driven on that wonderful edge. He was completely buried in Natalie up to the root as he filled her with his cum. After he had emptied into her completely Dimitri lifted Natalie off of him and set her down on the floor beneath him. Already he could see of little trickle of white dripping out of her.

Natalie had given herself up freely to him and it felt wonderful to see her see thoroughly used at his feet.
Natalie couldn't stop Dimitri's uncontrollable lust and drive. She made a weak attempt to try to get him to calm down a little as it was becoming too much for her. Just when she could no longer take it anymore, the world seemed to have stopped for a moment. She then felt his cum shoot inside her quivering pussy.

As she laid there on the floor, Natale resembled a broken doll. It was a feeling almost similar to the night Rafe had taken her with brute forc as a means of punishment.

Her fingers slowly caressed at his ankle and in a soft, childish tone of voice, she asked him. "Can I sleep with you tonight, please?"
Dimitri heard her question and he grunted. It was not a regular yes but the tone showed that it was a yes all the same. He gently removed himself form her and cleared his throat looking up and down her body his eye intently fucking her again. The beast inside of him had been sated at least but when you were man then monster that was really relative.

He wordlessly turned his muscular back rippling with scars as he moved towards the bedroom. He stepped into the darkness and flicked on the light casting the room in a pale glow as he regarded the bed. He was glad she had taken to his fucking and not given in to her fear. She was a true prize now a trophy he could hardly wait to have again and again.

And he would never let Rafe touch her again

He gestured for her to get in bed before he sat down on it wordlessly climbing under the sheets. He would let her work through her inner turmoil tonight. When they awoke they would begin their new relationship. He would keep her safe and posses her and never take her life.
Natalie heard a grunt. Through the orgasmic haze, she worried for a moment whether it was an affirmative or negative reply. She frowned when she watched Dimitri walk away from her. Maybe she shouldn't have asked such silly questions.

All of a sudden, she heard the click and squeak of the door opening. At first, she thought Dimitri was going back upstairs. Sitting back up on the floor, Natalie noticed that it wasn't the main door that Dimitri exited out of. Beside the bookcase was another door camouflaged by the shadows and the wall texture. From what she was able to see was a bed.

Natalie followed him inside this hidden room, watching as he climbed underneath the sheets. She didn't climb in bed beside him, assuming that he only summoned her to follow him so he could tell her something. Instead, he gestured for her to climb in bed next to him. She couldn't help but shyly smile a little at the request. She got underneath the covers beside him. Her head nestled on his chest.

Slowly falling in to slumber, Natalie began to mumble things in her sleep. Some of them were of trivial things, nothing out of the ordinary. But as the night went on, they turned in to fearful groans, begging someone to stop. Who it was she may be referring to, she did not say.
Dimitri was awoken from his sleep by her mumbling and begging some one to stop. He checked his watch and scowled realizing it had only been a few hours since they climbed into bed! He enjoyed his sleep and didn’t much care to be woken up from it. For a minute he thought about leaving her in bed to deal with her fears but he finally decided against it. If he wanted to keep cementing his position with her then he needed to act like he cared.

Which meant playing the part

He gently leaned in skimming his nose gently up and down her neck and kissing it softly “Hush my sweet little girl you are safe whoever you are begging to stop cannot dare touch you with me protecting you I am here little girl to protect you and give you the courage you need so sleep peacefully”

He gently wrapped his arms around him drawing her closer to the protection and warmth of his chest. Inside he was scowling but he ignored it and instead continued to focus on kissing and her neck and rubbing her back.
The begging didn't die out immediately. Instead, they gradually died down by the soothing sound of Dimitri's voice. Natalie tilted her head back for a brief moment, allowing his head to nestle along side her neck. She nuzzled her head on his chest as she was pulled closer, a little more reassured that she wasn't going to be taken in the middle of the night.

One hand rested on the back of Dimitri's neck, softly, though lazily, scratching his skin.


Miranda couldn't get a good night's sleep. Her resentment towards being the assigned "nanny" towards the petulant child kept her blood boiling. Natalie may very well be just a few years younger than she. She wandered about in the hallway to check on the girl who Dimitri seemed to have taken a liking to.

"What's so special about her?" Miranda made her way towards Natalie's assigned room. The door was still ajar from when she last saw it. With a flick of the lamp switch, she illuminated the room, only to find that Natalie wasn't in bed at all.

What if? No! She couldn't have been spending that much time with Dimitri. That whelp!

Miranda looked around Natalie's room. If she was going to learn more about this girl, she may as well. It would make for an interesting conversation somewhere along the road. Inside the closet, she noticed a slightly tattered red book, locked from prying eyes. Nearby was a set of keys, all in the same tiny form. Unlocking the book, Miranda kept a look out in case someone was going to drop by.

As she flipped through the pages, the handwriting and words were strange. If she didn't know any better, she thought the passages were written by a man.

But she's getting older. Soon enough, she will reach her adult years. Won't be long now. I can't protect her forever. I've known this ever since I took her in. Sometimes there are those days where I know he's been watching. Stalking her. Even if I'm nearby. The last time that wolf showed up was two weeks ago. Nice to know that nifty little face scar I've given him is still there.

Another wolf? It couldn't be Dimitri could it? She reread the passage and caught on to the part that mentioned about the face scar that the wolf had as a result of trying to kill a young Natalie. She skipped a couple of pages until a passage about Dimitri caught her eye.

Dimitri swung by tonight asking for signatures for the lease. Young fellow he is who just hit thirty. Going back ten years doesn't sound too bad these days, if you ask me. It's easy when you know someone you've passed on hunting skills to for the past ten years, it's easy to trust him. Gentleman, probably would have been good for her. They're both still in their youth after all.

Nothing could be more gag inducing than reading something about how Natalie and Dimitri were good for one another. The idiot who wrote this had no idea about the Dimitri she knew. Natalie would never have survived as Dimitri's lover. Not like how Miranda had. No, Miranda knew Dimitri long enough that she felt she could withstand any obstacle they had to go through.

Still, the thought of another wolf lover who was out for Natalie's blood, the one that Dimitri knew of. Well this was going to be quite interesting if she could do this right.
Dimitri woke up early the next morning. He had fallen asleep at one point to her scratching. She was still curled up against him in such away that would have made any normal person swell up a little inside. Yet Dimitri was not normal and even though he did smile a little at her sleeping form he didn’t feel any thing he would call love.


There was some thing about her. Some thing that made him want to posses her more than he did with any one else. He could chalk it up to Rafe but he would be lying if he said it wasn’t a little bit of her as well. She was a wonderful prize and trophy but could there be some thing more?

He gently got up and paused going to his desk and scribbling down a quick note for her telling her to meet her outside. He needed to go hunt before he showed her what he wanted to show her today. He had cooked up the plan last night why he was sleeping and he was eager to see how she would handle it.

He left his office pulling on shorts and a t-shirt as he went. He wasn’t going to be wearing his clothes for very long so he didn’t bother putting on much. He paused to talk to every one of his girls most of them were busy doing their chores so he only spoke to them for a few minutes before he finally made his way outside.

He shrugged out of his clothes and turned feeling his wolfish side push out of him. A low rumble tore through his body before he set out racing across the woods and hunting down some prey.