Red faced rant


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
The human race is doomed to extinction!,
I swear to God, Allah, Satan, and any other deity some half-wit can dream up to worship by shoving jello pudding pops up their plethera of bodily orrifices; Not only are we doomed to extinction, but slow nasty extinction by stupidity. It seems every inbred corn fed member of society MUST hit their breaks for no apparent reason, just because. they must change over 4 lanes 50 feet from their turn, they must try and force their way into traffic, they must talk on their cell phones and not notice the green light. and thats just the driving aspect of it, and a short representation of it too. Never mind that on a weekly basis I observe some moron who just bought a shiny new pistol down on the range playing at "Poping caps"... You know pistoning their hand back and forth as they fire and holding the pistol sideways... God how I hope one day they shoot themselves. Lets move on to boats. ever been boating? stay away from the big shiney new yachts, as its some dipshit who just bought the thing and doesnt know what side of the channel they need to be on. much less what the hell the little switch that says "Blower" right above the ignition means. These new nuggets like to take their nice flashy boats out as far as they can take them, without thinking about bunkerage.... like theirs a fucking gas station out on the middle of the ocean or something. Compass? whats that, youd be hard pressed to find one on their little toy, oh and god forbid they have charts that are less than 5 years old.. much less 1 year old. no... they have to have their little electronic wonders, they'll never break... no.... Oh and of course they have to have a shotgun on the boat to shoot the fuckign shark they catch... on the deck of their boat... (not an un-common occurence... fucking inbreeds).

I could go on.. but that like the top .0005% of my reason for wishing for a special mandate that says I won't get put in jail or electrocuted for culling the herd.
Hey Aquila! I been saving this for you fer days now.

Just a shitty day is all..

at least im home tonight.

and I got to fire two people today which makes me happy. Deadweight work 4 out of 8 hours shitbags.
Aquila said:

and I got to fire two people today which makes me happy. Deadweight work 4 out of 8 hours shitbags.

Yeah, good riddance. If they were really talented they coulda gotten away with only working 2 of the 8 hours.
SilvaTungDevil said:
Yeah, good riddance. If they were really talented they coulda gotten away with only working 2 of the 8 hours.

exactly.. but neither was that bright

1 took 2 lunches claiming she was tired. so I felt I wuold be nice and tell her to go home and get some sleep... oh and by the way.. go look for another job while your at it... Ill just go tell your boss to escort you out the building.
and the other seem to think that a smoke break every 30 minutes was a good idea (even though I can see the door they have to go out from my office)

More stupid people.
Aquila said:
much less what the hell the little switch that says "Blower" right above the ignition means.

real boats don't have ignition switches.... just halyards and sheets ;)
Aquila said:
exactly.. but neither was that bright

1 took 2 lunches claiming she was tired. so I felt I wuold be nice and tell her to go home and get some sleep... oh and by the way.. go look for another job while your at it... Ill just go tell your boss to escort you out the building.
and the other seem to think that a smoke break every 30 minutes was a good idea (even though I can see the door they have to go out from my office)

More stupid people.

Life is hard at the broom factory.