Real Gays


Literotica Guru
Jun 25, 2012
Are there are REAL genuine gay men on this Forum who proudly accept and openly celebrate their sexuality...?
or are you all bi-curious married men of a certain age, trapped in sexless marriages, who want to try cock but get scared, who recall that one incident during your schooldays when you almost did but lost your nerve at the last moment, who want to try sex with other guys but get too nervous and duck out, so you hide behind your assumed names and make your coy admissions and sad suggestions here...?
I'm just wondering...
I think it’s the latter. For many men discovering their desires later in life, they just can’t go with it and upset the apple cart. It seems to me that women who discover their bi or lesbian desires are more willing to go for it. However I don’t really know if it’s true or just my impression.
Are there are REAL genuine gay men on this Forum who proudly accept and openly celebrate their sexuality...?
or are you all bi-curious married men of a certain age, trapped in sexless marriages, who want to try cock but get scared, who recall that one incident during your schooldays when you almost did but lost your nerve at the last moment, who want to try sex with other guys but get too nervous and duck out, so you hide behind your assumed names and make your coy admissions and sad suggestions here...?
I'm just wondering...
Married and still fuck her twice a week. Recently found a FWB that I bottom for. We have our fourth play date scheduled for next week. I guess this makes me real ‘Bi’ but not real ‘Gay’.
Married and still fuck her twice a week. Recently found a FWB that I bottom for. We have our fourth play date scheduled for next week. I guess this makes me real ‘Bi’ but not real ‘Gay’.
This thread is intended to be more than a little tongue-in-cheek, I was getting increasingly amused by how many posts on the Forum come from wannabe cocksuckers who dream their furtive little dreams but are too repressed and scared to ever put them to the test. It's sad and more-than-a-little tragic that there are so many unfulfilled lives out there yearning for something that they will never be able to pluck up courage to actually do.
And mutual consensual sex with a close friend is such a simple and wonderfully satisfying thing...
This thread is intended to be more than a little tongue-in-cheek, I was getting increasingly amused by how many posts on the Forum come from wannabe cocksuckers who dream their furtive little dreams but are too repressed and scared to ever put them to the test. It's sad and more-than-a-little tragic that there are so many unfulfilled lives out there yearning for something that they will never be able to pluck up courage to actually do.
And mutual consensual sex with a close friend is such a simple and wonderfully satisfying thing...
I’m working on it :)
This thread is intended to be more than a little tongue-in-cheek, I was getting increasingly amused by how many posts on the Forum come from wannabe cocksuckers who dream their furtive little dreams but are too repressed and scared to ever put them to the test. It's sad and more-than-a-little tragic that there are so many unfulfilled lives out there yearning for something that they will never be able to pluck up courage to actually do.
And mutual consensual sex with a close friend is such a simple and wonderfully satisfying thing...

Exactly right. I have always noticed how many guys are obsessed with transgender women and transgender porn. Yet they never take the next step of making it happen! I have been with my transgender girlfriend for four years and she is the best!
This thread is intended to be more than a little tongue-in-cheek, I was getting increasingly amused by how many posts on the Forum come from wannabe cocksuckers who dream their furtive little dreams but are too repressed and scared to ever put them to the test. It's sad and more-than-a-little tragic that there are so many unfulfilled lives out there yearning for something that they will never be able to pluck up courage to actually do.
And mutual consensual sex with a close friend is such a simple and wonderfully satisfying thing...
I understand. I am sure that to many here on Lit, I was just as you described. I took my time and found as safe a situation as I could before making the jump. I feel lucky to be where I am.
Does seem to be mostly the latter here coupled with guys jumping in the lesbian threads and effectively running many of them off that used to be frequent posters.

"Real" bi here out to wife(also bi) and selectively to others. Visit gay bars to take in burlesque/drag shows. Member of the LGBT resource group at work. We enjoy the very occasional bit of swinging or threesome in various configurations.
Does seem to be mostly the latter here coupled with guys jumping in the lesbian threads and effectively running many of them off that used to be frequent posters.

"Real" bi here out to wife(also bi) and selectively to others. Visit gay bars to take in burlesque/drag shows. Member of the LGBT resource group at work. We enjoy the very occasional bit of swinging or threesome in various configurations.
Seems like you have all bases covered.
I salute you, TallOne...
Are there are REAL genuine gay men on this Forum who proudly accept and openly celebrate their sexuality...?
or are you all bi-curious married men of a certain age, trapped in sexless marriages, who want to try cock but get scared, who recall that one incident during your schooldays when you almost did but lost your nerve at the last moment, who want to try sex with other guys but get too nervous and duck out, so you hide behind your assumed names and make your coy admissions and sad suggestions here...?
I'm just wondering...
Gay and proud and married to a wonderful man 🥰
Are there are REAL genuine gay men on this Forum who proudly accept and openly celebrate their sexuality...?
or are you all bi-curious married men of a certain age, trapped in sexless marriages, who want to try cock but get scared, who recall that one incident during your schooldays when you almost did but lost your nerve at the last moment, who want to try sex with other guys but get too nervous and duck out, so you hide behind your assumed names and make your coy admissions and sad suggestions here...?
I'm just wondering...
Yes? I'm genuinely gay and loving it when I have a hard cock to suck on! And yes again, I'm in a sexless marriage and stepped out to suck cock. It's the best thing I've ever done! I truly love my wife and I truly love my gay lover. What can I say?
Are there are REAL genuine gay men on this Forum who proudly accept and openly celebrate their sexuality...?
or are you all bi-curious married men of a certain age, trapped in sexless marriages, who want to try cock but get scared, who recall that one incident during your schooldays when you almost did but lost your nerve at the last moment, who want to try sex with other guys but get too nervous and duck out, so you hide behind your assumed names and make your coy admissions and sad suggestions here...?
I'm just wondering...
I did have a gay pal in college and we did have fun. I wish he was around today, he is passed away. RIP Shane
Interesting thread.........I too had wondered just how many visitors to this part of the forum are curious rather than active.

I must admit I'm not actively bi any more and use Lit as an outlet for my gay side. I still find gay sex very erotic.

I'm comfortably bisexual, married to a woman and I no longer have sex with men (or other women) out of respect for my wife's wishes to remain monogamous.

She knows I'm bi and is very understanding, but she prefers us to be exclusive, emotionally and sexually. I would happily swing and enjoy mm, mf, mmf etc, if she was up for it, but sadly that's not to be. I love her and am prepared to repress that side of my sexuality in return for the many other positives my marriage brings. Experience and integrity prevents me from being unfaithful........I've been there, done that and paid the price many times before.

It's still nice to have a read, hang out here now and feel a bit gay once in a while ;)
I admitted to myself and accepted that I was a homosexual last fall. I don’t consider myself any less gay simply because I’m not hooking up with anyone. Homosexuality is pretty well defined at this point. Since I’m attractive to and sexually aroused by other men in real life, I think that’s all that is required. As far as hooking up with other men goes, that probably will happen eventually. I hope so.
I admitted to myself and accepted that I was a homosexual last fall. I don’t consider myself any less gay simply because I’m not hooking up with anyone. Homosexuality is pretty well defined at this point. Since I’m attractive to and sexually aroused by other men in real life, I think that’s all that is required. As far as hooking up with other men goes, that probably will happen eventually. I hope so.
Never lose faith, never lose hope, feel proud about what we are.
That special big-cocked man is out there looking for you now.
Adding to the richness of life’s experience can only enhance and open up your horizons.
Find a nice guy. Get naked with him.
If it feels right, let him fuck you.
I'm pan, but have been married for 25 years to the same woman. It's not about being in or out, it's about being faithful to a woman i love, and who would be devastated should i cheat on her, no matter the gender identity of the person i cheated with. If anything were to happen to her, then I my next partner, could be of any gender or persuasion, but for now, im with her,