Pro Dommes - and ... Pro Doms??

LOL OK I will anyway!


On phone she says 100, when I get there she says 150 and calls it 'Domination'.

Tells me I would make a good pleasure slave, 24/7, asks me if she can 'trust' me, tells me she 'thinks' about me etc etc.


I travel far and invest lots to see her, then when Im there she says 'Sorry I dont feel like seeing you'. Im understandably a bit upset and I mean a BIT upset. Then next time I see her she does something so nasty my cock bleeds just cos she didnt like that Im not a complete doormat that doesnt mind being told to go away after all the arrangements.


Oh and by the way 'I AM BEAUTUFULL!!!' (then hangs up).


They sometimes ask me back again after the 1st time, not even say 'are you interested in coming again?' but 'I would like you to come again please', This is followed by all flattery and shit form her to me cos they usually fancy me and think a young client that looks like Van Dam would be a nice addition to her stupid ass 'stable'.

Just a few off the top of my head mind u, I dont have the time to write a dissertation.

Take your whips and shove them up your greedy ass!

Oh and that reminds me


Thinking I should be loyal to her as if I dont even have a GF, even tho she sees 1000's of others.

I really could write a dissertation if I put my mind to it.

Anyway I dont hate them I just feel sorry for them cos they are going to hell anyway poor people.

Nice shell / skanky mind.
Was that not good enough for anyone? if so please tell me and I will beat you down with the truth even more.
Jelly123 said:
In other words:

Proffessional male submissive looking for Domme clients for my stable, Tribute is expected as my time is VERY valuable. I do not tolerate time wasters. I advertize on personals sites to find business, I also go to fetish clubs that have people looking for a relationship in them, but its ok cos its only a 'busmans holiday' for me.

like it?

Hey, I have a parallel fantasy: getting paid to beat girls on their butt. They keep telling me that masters are in demand, maybe it'll all come together for me someday and I can quit my day job....
rosco rathbone said:
Hey, I have a parallel fantasy: getting paid to beat girls on their butt. They keep telling me that masters are in demand, maybe it'll all come together for me someday and I can quit my day job....

So, uh, howzabout we go back to my place, sugar? *flashes the bling*
Okay, jelly, you're ofically cut from the 'anti pro-domme' team. Despite the fact that I got screamed at last time I entered this debate, I am considering entering it again, with a few notes different from last time, seeing as how I did it very foolishly and rudely then. First, someone actually asks me to enter this debate, I'm not going to enter if nobody wants me. Second, nobody screams at me, I intend to be civil and intelligent about this, I would expect the same. third, no nonsense please, if you can't back up any points of yours, don't bother making them.
Yeah I'm being a bit overcareful, or whatever, but I really don't want to offend anyone or get screamed at.
I imagine that people on the side that thinks pro-dommes are beneficial (pretty much everybody else here, actually lol) are used to arguing with people from mine, who are usually either idiots or fanatics, I am neither, please don't underestimate me.
umm... if somehow I've offended anyone with even just this post, then I'm very sorry, that absolutely was not my intention :(.
ah... well.... I guess I'll leave it at that for now.
rosco rathbone said:
Hey, I have a parallel fantasy: getting paid to beat girls on their butt. They keep telling me that masters are in demand, maybe it'll all come together for me someday and I can quit my day job....

What's your rates, rosco? I've got ten bucks. ;)
Jelly123 said:
LOL OK I will anyway!


On phone she says 100, when I get there she says 150 and calls it 'Domination'.

Tells me I would make a good pleasure slave, 24/7, asks me if she can 'trust' me, tells me she 'thinks' about me etc etc.


I travel far and invest lots to see her, then when Im there she says 'Sorry I dont feel like seeing you'. Im understandably a bit upset and I mean a BIT upset. Then next time I see her she does something so nasty my cock bleeds just cos she didnt like that Im not a complete doormat that doesnt mind being told to go away after all the arrangements.


Oh and by the way 'I AM BEAUTUFULL!!!' (then hangs up).


They sometimes ask me back again after the 1st time, not even say 'are you interested in coming again?' but 'I would like you to come again please', This is followed by all flattery and shit form her to me cos they usually fancy me and think a young client that looks like Van Dam would be a nice addition to her stupid ass 'stable'.

Just a few off the top of my head mind u, I dont have the time to write a dissertation.

Take your whips and shove them up your greedy ass!

Oh and that reminds me


Thinking I should be loyal to her as if I dont even have a GF, even tho she sees 1000's of others.

I really could write a dissertation if I put my mind to it.

Anyway I dont hate them I just feel sorry for them cos they are going to hell anyway poor people.

Nice shell / skanky mind.

So you had a bad experience with one pro Domme and have come to the conclusion that they are all evil. Maybe *you* should have been more careful. As far as I can tell, you had quite a few chances to back out, and quite a few warning signals that she was perhaps not a good person to sub to.
Jelly123 said:
if so please tell me and I will beat you down with the truth even more.
You've made your point concerning a bad experience you've had.

Thank you.

Medieval monks practiced self-flagellation. How about exploring that avenue? You might STFU long enough to give someone else a turn to speak, or did they not teach you that in kindergarten?
Who said it was my experience with only 1 Pro? those facts where about a number of them lol.

Want some more? lol ok then.

I saw this bitch showing off her expensive ring bought for her by mark the fat accountant that she dont really give a fuk about anyway. I just wanted to slap her, not cos Im jelous but cos I just wish hoookers would fuk off and do their own thing while leaving the rest of us alone. lol. Mind you perhaps if the hookers didnt go to fetish places there wouldnt be any 'Dominant' women at all!

STFU eh? dont u like when customers give feed back ?

Cmon people all u have to do is realise that there are tons of women out there who say 'Hey Ive just realized something!!, theres loads of men out there that like to submit!, Im gonna make some nice ol hard cash ooh yeh!'

Im pissing myself in laughter. I dont need any of you whores even if there are no real Dommes out there lol.
Jelly123 said:
STFU eh? dont u like when customers give feed back ?
i don't have customers, and i certainly don't need feedback from anyone that can't remember from one moment to the next under which guise to speak as an alt.
Jelly123 said:
Cmon people all u have to do is realise that there are tons of women out there who say 'Hey Ive just realized something!!, theres loads of men out there that like to submit!, Im gonna make some nice ol hard cash ooh yeh!'
Most of us realized your late breaking news after getting married. Anything else to contribute? Or, as most of us have come to realize, have you designated yourself as the winter ice breaker for the forum?
Jelly123 said:
Im pissing myself in laughter.
Try Depends. The rest of us won't have to smell your search for humor.
Jelly123 said:
I dont need any of you whores.
And we don't need you. In the words of one of your "dommes," consider yourself dismissed.
Right so your gonna desacrate marraige now by comparing it to whoring? OK your words not mine.

Sorry but using the concept of marraige to defend whoring is a pretty low blow to some really respectable honest people. (I think my respectable freinds who are married and in love would find this u fuking twat).

Lol dont say Im dismissed like I actually wanted to be freinds with ANY of you.

The customer feedback comment was a reply to the general upsetness of whores and all the people on this thread when I tell the truth.
Jelly123 said:
Right so your gonna desacrate marraige now by comparing it to whoring? OK your words not mine.

Sorry but using the concept of marraige to defend whoring is a pretty low blow to some really respectable honest people. (I think my respectable freinds who are married and in love would find this u fuking twat).

Lol dont say Im dismissed like I actually wanted to be freinds with ANY of you.

The customer feedback comment was a reply to the general upsetness of whores and all the people on this thread when I tell the truth.

It is definitely frustrating and humiliating to have to pay for it. It'll give you rage!
No Domme has ever dismissed me lol. Ive had a few that are interested then when they forget to mention they are Pro and I find out and tell them off I dont bother with them.
Jelly123 said:
No Domme has ever dismissed me lol. Ive had a few that are interested then when they forget to mention they are Pro and I find out and tell them off I dont bother with them.

I call bullshit! :D
Absolutely rocso I coulndt agree more.

I dont have a 'real life' Domme at all at the moment but that will NEVER define me as needing a whore.

Depends what you mean by 'Having to pay for it' really, I know I dont have to, as I have a fuking job and some self respect, whether or not whores run riot in the femdom scene.

good point tho
No not at all, not BS at all lol, I message Dommes that think its clever to make the fact they are Pro like the small print in a contract that gonna fuk u over. Then they talk back with interest, eventually I fish the fuking truth from them with my rod of lie detection and find out they are a whore.

In a kind twisted way Pro Dommes make my life a lot better cos they make me realize I need to concerntrate my life on other things that make me better such as having a life.
Funny how Pro Dommes are offended when people say they dont need them really. Its a bit like me being offended at other musicians that are as good as me when they dont want to pay me for a jam session lol.

I once saw this Pro Domme get REALLY upset at another Pro stealing her business lol fuking delusional if u ask me!!!. Its business thats how it fuking works whores.
LOL OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHYEEA! heres another thing people dont believe. I made lots of money once from being in a film as a sub. lol, Whores who use subs for their films as tools and dont pay them then make money from selling the films that the unpaid subs where on are usually the main ones that wont believe me lol.

Jelly123 said:
(I think my respectable freinds who are married and in love would find this u fuking twat).
Then let me make this perfectly clear for you dickless. If you had a lover, you wouldn't be looking for gratification from a professional. If you could find someone willing to put up with your sorry excuse for a personality, you wouldn't pay for a professional to do so. Before you start hammering on someone making a living doing something they enjoy, you might want to take a real close look at why you pay.

Then again, a blowhard like you frequently denigrates others to compensate for his own inadequacies. Before you pay for anything else, invest in a personality. While you're at it, get a tutor to work on your written conversational skills. If your erotic skills suck like your spelling and grammar, i understand why you have to pay.
hehe again you make an ass out of u and me by method of ASS/U/ME.

University, met this girl she was the prettiest, all the boys after her, I slept with her. next day her freinds came up to me to shake my hand at how I was 'Fuking fantastic in bed' I begged to differ as the forplay was for 1 hour which was a bit too long for me. She came back again and again.

Got a girl into bed whithin 10 mins of conversation once, she was German tho and they do tend to be a bit more liberated apparently.

Had zipper sex on the dance floor in a nightcub for 2 hours, had to check my watch behind her head as I had my fingers up her cunt cos my freinds where hinting it was time to go. didnt ask for her phone number tho, cos her freinds where scratching back of my neck 4 some reason.

I get women approach me sometimes which is pretty rare for anyman nowadays although these women are usually a bit pissed.

I have only ever bought a girl a drink erm...about 3 times in my life maybe and thats just assuming it has to be 3 times cos I can only really remember one or two. Sometimes they buy me a drink cos they like something about me.

Nick names in past include 'stud' and 'sexual predator' but I dont like the sexual predator one or stud either really.

Umm no I dont pay lol. and like I said even if I coundt get it 4 free I still wouldnt!

You said:

Then let me make this perfectly clear for you dickless. If you had a lover, you wouldn't be looking for gratification from a professional. If you could find someone willing to put up with your sorry excuse for a personality, you wouldn't pay for a professional to do so. Before you start hammering on someone making a living doing something they enjoy, you might want to take a real close look at why you pay.

is that some kind of offence directed at Pro Dommes clients? I dont hate their clients really I empathise with them tho.

and oh yeh, the other day I got contacted by a non pro domme without me even contacting her in the first place. Im not too sure about it all tho cos she seems like she wants a doormat. I can take it or leave it.

My dick is 7 inches. I have no inadequacies and even if I never found a real Domme in my life I would never bother with a Pro, mainly cos I am fuking solid.

Angelic Assasin you are just a wanky loser who needs your face punched into the back of your head for comparing whoring to marriage and I really mean that from the bottom of my heart.

By the way you are only judging my personality to be pathetic cos I dislike Pro Dommes, not so much on the grounds I have a pathetic personality.
I find it slightly bizzare how people accuse me of not having a personality cos I dislike Pro Dommes. Aslo the stuf u say bout gramma is a bit of a soft hit.

Maybe you should be a Pro Domme and humiliate people by getting them to write a story, reading it then putting them to shame correcting them.
I like your pic that says 'welcome to the deep end expect not mercy' it kind of reads to me as 'Im a twat who loves to go on threads and make myself look all Dominant and like a judge to feel better cos Im a wussy panty boy'