Pro Dommes - and ... Pro Doms??

LLLLLOOOOOOOLLLLLL u fuking loser no I dont really wish I had a talent for making money from whipping old men for 250 bucks an hour, Ill leave talent to the guys who have the kind of talent to make that much money to afford it.

So shes talented etc? then why does she need to jump on the 'lets make a mint out of the male sub pot of gold' Bandwagon?

I thought trolls where supposed to be people that rudely request stuff or something. Where have I done that?

Lack of experience in life? Whatever! Ive had enough experience in life to know that Pro Dommes shouldnt be part of it.

Have fun living on your own sense of self satisfaction u bunch of sheep.

Why do u think that having a whip and demeanor to turn mens fantasies into a fake reality is a talent? Dont u know that thats what whores do as well?

I can assure u dickheads that I am talented and work with an aquired skill. Pro Dommes arent so cos they arent any more talented that any sub who pays them. The money they make is entirely based on a situation they take advantage of NOT TALENT.

Try walking an inch in someones elses shoes twats, cos if you want me to walk an inch in her shoes I might think '......Uhmmmm yeh I can make lots of money whipping people' and to be frank thats basically ALL I'd think.
In other words:

Proffessional male submissive looking for Domme clients for my stable, Tribute is expected as my time is VERY valuable. I do not tolerate time wasters. I advertize on personals sites to find business, I also go to fetish clubs that have people looking for a relationship in them, but its ok cos its only a 'busmans holiday' for me.

like it?
Mind you Catalina, I do see that you probably look at certain things on monetery terms so long as it suits you and your daughter and the nice freindly pimp.

Hence why did I bother? I have NOTHING in common with any of you.

Heres what I-Robot had in Common the the Isaac Asimov book: The title

Heres what I have in common with Pro Dommes: A whip.
Jelly, you have obviously missed the point - her daughter is quite capable of making money in other ways, but if she enjoys it, then why can't she do whatever she wants? No one is making you go to her or any other Pro, no one is even saying you should - so basically BACK THE FUCK OFF AND GO THE HELL AWAY. You have made your point quite clear and then moved on to personal attacks, which is inappropriate and unbecoming in the extreme.
Whats the point in complaining on the other thread then about some guy who wants to use u to get his rocks off when some people want to use him in a market place to make money?

What goes around comes around bitch. Just become a Pro Domme or something yourself and feel better about yourself for it loser.
You may not believe this but that picture on your profile SweetDommes is actually me. lol

In other words he looks like a guy that has worked friking hard to look the way he does for kudos not money.
You may not believe this, but I'm not a Pro-Domme, a money Domme or anything of the sort and neither is my girlfriend ... however, we both have friends who are, and you know what, they work just as hard for their money as I work for mine ... and they are providing a service. If no one needed it, it wouldn't exist - since obviously they aren't hurting for business, I don't know what your problem with it is - they don't need or want your business, and no one here has suggested that you become a client to one, so I am still not sure as to why you are so nasty towards them.
You didnt have to tell me u have freinds who are, I already guessed that.

Respect to u for not being a Pro Domme tho.

You are right personally I dont need them but it does piss me of how the whole concept is rammed down my throaght 24/7.

Im nasty to them basically because no matter how hard I try not to, I always seem to bump into them at munches and fetish clubs etc and all over the net.

OK so people 'need' to see them but I can assure you that the vast majority of male subs wouldnt need them if they could get what they REALLY needed.

I dont think many genuine Dommes would like to go to a club or whatever and see loads of Pro subs.

Some people think that real Domme really means a woman that does it as a proffesion. This kind of annoys me when the term 'Real Vanilla woman' means something else.

The only people that support Pro Dommes are usually people who have a vested interested in the situation (financial interest or freinds with one).

I have approached the situation completely devoid of financial or freindship bias.

I hope it works out for u and your man. I like to see a D/s between a Domme and her sub.
The only people that support Pro Dommes are usually people who have a vested interested in the situation (financial interest or freinds with one).

Actually, I know a lot of people who see it as, at the least, a necissary evil, to a perfectly acceptable and needed service - and those views are from people who have only had bad experiences with them (and again, I'll be honest, most of my 'run ins' with Pros have left a horrid taste in my mouth).
As for having it rammed down your throat - that is no excuse for the kind of behavior that you have exhibited thus far, and if it's that bad, then go elsewhere, because I know that not every group is like that. None of the ones around here are, although I know that there are some up around Chicago and down in Indy that are - so we don't go to those ...
Yeh I know the feeling. Most of my experiences with pros have involved lies, Bloodletting, anger, self-centerdness, granduer and trying to extort me, and that was before I had a chance to form an opinion of them.
People moan about credit card applications that are stuffed down their throat.
LOL, me thinks our Mr Jelly protests too much....could it be that he is in denial about what he wants so bad and just can't get? :rolleyes:

Catalina :rose:
No not really. Again you assume to much and make an ass out of u and me.

I recommend valium, or maybe just a cup of decaf. Have a great day.
A Desert Rose said:
Just another starved-for-attention-nitwit.

They come and they go.

Hopefully this one will go pretty soon. I'm tired of seeing "This user is on your Ignore List." over and over again. ;)
Funny how if people dont like what someone says they have to class it as starving for attention.
Why dont u all become Pro Dommes? (if u arent already which I know theres a chance you are anyway)
Hey guess what? Ive been going to the gym for years and now I want to buy some new tight shirts, maybe I should become a Pro Domme so I can afford them!, nah its OK I can afford them myself.
sunfox said:
Hopefully this one will go pretty soon. I'm tired of seeing "This user is on your Ignore List." over and over again. ;)

I've started doing the same thing lately. Kinda taken a page out of Mr.Blonde's book and used the ignore feature for a few.

He's right... it does cut down on the "noise" factor, alot.