Pro Dommes - and ... Pro Doms??

tsk, looks like nobody's interested in arguing this point legitimately, oh well, nevermind then.
Xelebes is right though, we musn't make the trolls stronger, lest they overwhelm us all! hehehe.
Sexual prowess was the nearly the end for me when I saw a Pro Domme who couldnt make her mind up if I was a client or not.
It CERTAINLY wasnt a case of 'hello-whippety whak - Goodbye'.

The reason I saw a Pro Domme was at first just for some fun but then it developed into something henious and ambiguos. I should have spotted this when she walked around with her tits out telling me how good I was and that I was the 1st client in the history of her career that she agreed not to do certain things to when she wanted to.

Nothing I have said here has been a lie.

As far as the women not wanting to be with me and stuff that doesnt really bother me anymore than a 15 yr old in the playground at skool going ner ner to other kids cos they are virgins lol.

In your post assasin I kind of read 'I really want to get married or am just to justify my existence'.

Oh and by the way I still think you need a good kicking for comparing whoring to marriage.
Anyway doesnt any one know that the reason most men see Pro Dommes is cos these whores seem to have a monopoly on that sexuality?

Ive never met a femsub who needed to see a whore but thats only cos there are so many genuine masters.

Actually dont think Ive even met a Male Dom that needed to see a whore even tho Im aware there are a few Profemsubs.
You may be keen to proclaim they arent whores but had I been a cop I could have get her done for almost all the laws on being a hooker written.

Particularly bad considering I was getting 'special treatment' indicating to me I was a 'special cleint' making me feel a tad 'special'.

Its totally wrong to do this to someone and confuse them.

Anyway even if she only whipped me thats still whoring, why? because being whipped is one of the most sexually titilating experiences for some.

A bit rude to imply that people into BDSM are unsexual.

Funny thing is that when I told her about my fantasies she replied with 'All of them have little or no sexual contact!' in a surprised manner. That was nearly the end of me to cos she knew she had found someone really into all that shit and not someone who just says 'I want to be dominated'.

Oh and the 'sexual contanct' was all initiated by her, I didnt ask or want it.
Jelly's thread is an outstanding success, in my opinion.

Ignoring the superficialities of his style and content that so many people are picking nits about (given the fact that he's such an easy target, I imagine), what I know to be true from years personal experience is confirmed a hundredfold in this thread: there are a great many very bad eggs in the professional dominant business; I'd say they outnumber the good eggs by at least 20 to 1. And the exercable practices and dishonest business ethics of this majority are quite capable of driving a sincere or naieve person to distraction...or obession.

And yeah, cause I'm around the scene, some of my best friends have been.... etc. But a profession is comprised of everyone within it, not just your "good egg" buddies or relatives. One good egg doesn't make the already rotton ones any better just by virtue of being in the same carton with them. (shrug)
They think Im an easy target but Im not!.

An old experienced non pro once said to me - 'Dont trust any of them, they all want to take u for as much as they can!'
Oh yeh I still think Assasin needs a good kicking for comparing marraige to Pro Domming.
I also think that if I was the last man on earth among loads of Domme women, that wouldnt make me talented at all. lol.

Give people an inch they will take a mile.
Dating advice for Assasin:

When u go up to women whatever you do dont say 'I only want you to marry me so I can put myself on a pedestal and look down on others' cos she wont be interested.
another reason to not like the new format ... it took me forever to find the "ignore" option :p
Oh yeh the thing Assasin said about my parents. They where both nice people who had nice children, my sister who has a great job and is far more attractive than ALL attractive Pro Dommes and she gets depressed at asshole catalogue model boys treating her like she doesnt deserve.
We where brought up in a huge house with swimming pool that was all bought with the talent from my parents who both made something of their lives. My father has an extremely good reputation in what he does (among top 40 in country).
As for me I am known to have a twisted sense of humour at times, people are appeciative when I listen to their problems and Im not bad to look at either, while I am so talented some people in the past have disliked me.

Hows things in the yoghurt mixing factory Assasin? Or are u a spell checker?
I dont really care too much about u ignoring me tho do I !!! this thread is seen by many not JUST you.
SweetDommes said:
another reason to not like the new format ... it took me forever to find the "ignore" option :p

Yeah I just found it too....Jelly has the honour of being the first person I've ever put on ignore :rolleyes:
I realise this is an old thread ive dug up from the library. Pro-Dommes.

Catalina mentioned in her post, that her daughter had been offerred the opportunity to train as a prodomme. Unfortunately, the thread was contaminated with jelly, and got nowhere.

Lets see if we can actually have a adult discussion now. Id particularly like to hear from the pro-domme brigade themselves. How did they get started?
From the paying submissives, what is it that differentiates between value for money, and being ripped off?

I imagine that the cost of our toys, would bump the price up no end! That equipment must be purchased some how?

Becoming Pro, is a fantasy of mine. Not a reality. But im not looking for fantasy fulfillment in the thread. In my uneducated state as i post, i imagine that pro-domme is not always going to be glamourous. That it is prostitution.

Also in my ingnorance. Pardon me. But ive been a sub. have been a top. but far more experience as a bottom. Im amazed at some top/domme perspectives where they are not fully understanding what it is that the sub is experiencing. Read up on humiliation play to see the ignorance of why that works and how that works for the humiliated? Surely, therefor, if you've lived the lifestyle, you would be better as a Pro, than say someone just in it for the money?
Of course, your not entering a profession that means that you are going to get any rocks off at all! But what if, you could?

I assume, that you could perhaps be more disconcerning re your clients, than say a vanilla prostitute.

curious, and would of liked to read more on the library threads, but somehow, they got spoilt, perhaps this will too?
pandoravampire said:
I realise this is an old thread ive dug up from the library. Pro-Dommes.

Catalina mentioned in her post, that her daughter had been offerred the opportunity to train as a prodomme. Unfortunately, the thread was contaminated with jelly, and got nowhere.

Lets see if we can actually have a adult discussion now. Id particularly like to hear from the pro-domme brigade themselves. How did they get started?
From the paying submissives, what is it that differentiates between value for money, and being ripped off?

I imagine that the cost of our toys, would bump the price up no end! That equipment must be purchased some how?

Becoming Pro, is a fantasy of mine. Not a reality. But im not looking for fantasy fulfillment in the thread. In my uneducated state as i post, i imagine that pro-domme is not always going to be glamourous. That it is prostitution.

Also in my ingnorance. Pardon me. But ive been a sub. have been a top. but far more experience as a bottom. Im amazed at some top/domme perspectives where they are not fully understanding what it is that the sub is experiencing. Read up on humiliation play to see the ignorance of why that works and how that works for the humiliated? Surely, therefor, if you've lived the lifestyle, you would be better as a Pro, than say someone just in it for the money?
Of course, your not entering a profession that means that you are going to get any rocks off at all! But what if, you could?

I assume, that you could perhaps be more disconcerning re your clients, than say a vanilla prostitute.

curious, and would of liked to read more on the library threads, but somehow, they got spoilt, perhaps this will too?

There are so many different kinds of professionals entering it for so many kinds of reasons that you can ask this all day.

I did it for a while, because I love SM. I loved it for seven years non-professionally, about 3 as a professional, and I love it again now as a non-pro. Assholes who assume that I'd only play if paid are a dime a dozen. Still playing. Quit because you don't make really solid business decisions if you are doing something you like that much sometimes. Not everyone who went to law school makes a good lawyer - some should just keep reading and maybe teach or something.

If I take a pro session again or when I do take a phone client, it's because there's a level of play and a level of intensity I don't get with my intimates. There's a purity to the exchange, and it's clean - I'm DONE with it and he's DONE with it. I also like getting paid for my expertise. The fact that I'm not a ford model type means that there's a lot more to it than parading my ass around in spandex.

I never felt prostituted, well, I take that back, when I did feel exploited or wasn't enjoying myself I didn't see that person again. I always had other means to make a living at the same time. I *did* periodically get really turned on in session, just like a shrink or dentist might be attracted to a patient and I handled it as though I were that. It was, I guess, a nice perk, but nothing to act on.

One of the professionals I think is the most talented I've ever met is strictly a pro. I think she loves playing, I think she completely *gets* it as if it were her own life - and honestly I think she needs it mentally. I think it's her outlet, but it's not her lifestyle. For this reason I think she's probably a better player with a wide variety of people and less judgemental about a lot of kinks. Some excellent pros are lifestyle submissives, indeed. Some are lifestyle switches and some are Dommes.

When my personal slave became personal I made it clear that "charging" was not what friends do to one another. Everyone operates differently, but my boundaries were pretty clear to me.
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TaintedB said:
Jelly's thread is an outstanding success, in my opinion.

Ignoring the superficialities of his style and content that so many people are picking nits about (given the fact that he's such an easy target, I imagine), what I know to be true from years personal experience is confirmed a hundredfold in this thread: there are a great many very bad eggs in the professional dominant business; I'd say they outnumber the good eggs by at least 20 to 1. And the exercable practices and dishonest business ethics of this majority are quite capable of driving a sincere or naieve person to distraction...or obession.

And yeah, cause I'm around the scene, some of my best friends have been.... etc. But a profession is comprised of everyone within it, not just your "good egg" buddies or relatives. One good egg doesn't make the already rotton ones any better just by virtue of being in the same carton with them. (shrug)

While this is an old post, I find it interesting. I would have probably gone on to "defend my honor" a couple years ago, but I'm in a different spot now.

Well, guess what, news flash city. It's the sex industry. I would say there's a lot of "unhealth" in the sex industry, Annie Sprinkle notwithstanding. There are a lot of girls putting a lot of money up their cute little Dominant noses.

Believe me, I think I began to first dislike my profession when I went to NYC and actually rubbed shoulders. But I know who I am and what my motivations are and were and what I brought to the table and how my clients felt about me. I learned a lot and I enjoyed the majority of my clients - decent people with some really dark and fascinating subtexts. Just like me.

Finding a good professional is not rocket science. They tend to charge more, be harder to actually pass the screening process, and play seriously. Almost all the horror stories I have heard HAVE been from people trying to bargain hunt, no offense, but there it is. You do not bargain shop for a shrink, you do not get dental extractions done at a massage parlor. Caveat emptor.
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What if I punched someone in the face real hard for some money becauase there was a demand from someone that wanted me to? is that a living?


Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Manny Pachaeo, and many others have made a great living doing just that.
One of the professionals I think is the most talented I've ever met is strictly a pro. I think she loves playing, I think she completely *gets* it as if it were her own life - and honestly I think she needs it mentally. I think it's her outlet, but it's not her lifestyle. For this reason I think she's probably a better player with a wide variety of people and less judgemental about a lot of kinks.

This description of a pro-domme above fits my experience perfectly. I don't doubt that it is possible to get a bad experience but I think most pro dommes are highly skilled women who take a great pride in their dungeons and what they do and can provide a service that meets the needs of their clients. If you are lucky you will come across a pro-domme who you connect with and who has the skill to develop you. I have sessioned with one pro-domme for over five years now. She is brilliant, beautiful, intelligent, creative, powerful and charismatic. She also works from a dungeon and play space that is superbly equipped and beautifully atmospheric. When we meet I have the most amazing time and, as with the woman described above, dominating is something she needs mentally and provides an outlet for her creativity just as subbing is something I need mentally. In a way the money is not an issue. As a sub you acknowledge that although this is something you both get a lot from it is this person's livelihood and for her to be there for you to serve it is only fair that you help contribute to that livelihood. I hardly ever think about it and I've never taken the position of acting like a 'customer' who is paying for a service - it is possible to get to a point where it is just not like that. Sure, money changes hands but it is largely irrelevant as to how the session develops. I know I'm probably very lucky but I routinely session for long periods and have an experience that is incredibly intense. But, generally from dipping into posts that pro-dommes make on various boards, my imporession is that the vast majority are professional and skilled about what they do.
I basically feel like there's a whole lot of dysfunction and some brilliance in that industry - I'm an "about seventy percent of things suck" person and I don't feel professional Domination isn't part of the trend. But I think there's a lot of unexamined and unquestioned celebrity worship in the non-pro SM world. You don't have to be a pro or an asshole client to be an asshole.

How is someone who makes a living selling books and lecturing somehow purer than someone who sessions? How many people in that part of the community hold up to scrutiny? I feel like a small few actually do.

People encouraged me to be more active in teaching, much as they encouraged me to be active as a pro. I *rarely* felt OK putting myself into any kind of expertise position - I feel like the things I know how to do are things *anyone* paying attention and firing any part of their brain can also do. I wish people in the community had more self confidence - I try to make my confidence contagious instead of appointing myself an expert.

I never really classed myself as wholly dysfunctional or wholly brilliant, because I don't think I was typical of people in the industry in a lot of ways and my experience with it was probably not on the bell curve.
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Pro Dommes are like auto mechanics...some good some bad, some steal some cheat some dont have any idea what they are doing and on occasion you find a good one. Many of them come and go in the market place. Try their hand, give it a shot. Like auto repair if I find a good one I stay with her. I will expect dommes to work for free the same day I expect an auto mechaniic to work for free.
My auto mechanic has a garage, he has the tools and he knows what he is doing. I call him and he tells me to come over..he has the time in his schedule to work for me. Same with my Domme, she has a home a special place, the tools the know how, when I arrive she puts on her special face and I step into a special world. If either of them dont do their job, I dont go back to them. Isnt capitalism great.