President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...


Literotica Guru
Aug 3, 2001
I recently read an EXCELLENT column by Conrad Black on the National Review web-site about something that we all already know is going to happen - and that's this president's re-election in November of next year.

No serious person can dispute President Trump's economic successes - most notably the virtual elimination of unemployment and energy imports - along with his revival of a viable policy of nuclear nonproliferation, his taking serious measures to stop mass illegal immigration, his moving decisively to address dangerous disadvantages in some of our nation's trading relationships, and his shaping-up the Western alliance from an association of freeloading beneficiaries of American military protection.

Trump is our nation's first-ever businessman president, and he's engaged in a policy form of zero-based budgeting. And because the underlying premise for climate policy is largely false, he's scrapped it. The notion that the U.S. performed a service for international development by allowing the Mexicans, Chinese, and others to pick America’s pockets and export unemployment to the United States was false, and so he scrapped that, as well! The people of this country are increasingly tired of spending billions every year on education designed to destroy freedom of expression at liberal universities all the while producing fewer-well-educated students in the unionized state public-school systems, and so Trump is attacking that, too.

Tens of millions of people in both parties seemingly supported the Clinton-Bush-Obama management of America's decline, and Trump's 2016 victory and his ongoing successes in office have profoundly shaken those who assumed that restoring Amercian greatness was the impossible dream. The result of Trump's achievements has been a steadily creeping rise in his poll-numbers. The confidence liberals once held that he would be evicted from office is rapidly evaporating, while the fear & hostility shown by his enemies is only growing increasingly hysterical.

What is astonishing and unprecedented is that instead of fudging their differences with the president where he has clearly succeeded, almost all of the Democrats have retreated into an even more extreme dissent from the administration in every area and have amplified their personal attacks on him to a level unheard since Watergate. The Democratic party has now pretty well locked itself into an inescapable confinement of commitments to open borders, free health care for everyone (including those who enter illegally in their millions), a green terror that will disemploy millions and achieve nothing useful, open-ended reparations for about 80 million African-&-Native-Americans, a doubling of upper-level personal income taxes, and a definition of “reproductive rights” that now extends to the killing of live, born, and separated children. There is no chance that the voters will ever support any of this!

President Trump, meanwhile, continues to win! His deliberately offensive comments, such as inviting four socialist/racially controversial young congresswomen (three of whom were born in the U.S.) to go back to the countries they came from, as it was tweeted, may be assumed to have been premeditated and designed to excite the were-wolfish lunacy of the Democrats. It has worked. Modern Dems are claiming that border control is an effort to retrieve an all-white America. It has somewhat empowered the four (very tedious and limited) women to challenge House speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is finally forced to slap them down while a sinking Bernie Sanders foolishly embraces them.

Meanwhile, Barack & Michelle Obama are now seemingly trying to deliver their party's presidential nomination to Kamala Harris, forcing poor, aged Joe Biden to drop his “Barack and I...” mantra, while the rest of the Democratic Party moves further & further to the far-left! Even the July 4th "Salute to America," a patriotic military parade comparable with Bastille Day in Paris, caused at least one liberal Trump-hating Democrat to compare it with Hitler's Nuremberg rallies. The president's enemies just don't get it. But that really doesn't matter - the Trump steamroller is accelerating.
Thank you Dumpington that is an impressive piece of writing but I am afraid we must be in different versions of reality because most of its premises seemed skewed.
TRUMP 2020 going to be a landslide, the
left lost me with open borders and health care for alll
TRUMP 2020 going to be a landslide, the
left lost me with open borders and health care for alll
Trump hasn’t closed the borders yet, and he’s been giving all the detainees free health care.
Madelyne13 writes: "Thank you Dumpington that is an impressive piece of writing but I am afraid we must be in different versions of reality because most of its premises seemed skewed."

Thank you, Madelyne, for your courtesy. I guess we can agree to disagree on what I see as inevitable.

phrodeau writes: "Trump hasn’t closed the borders yet, and he’s been giving all the detainees free health care."

No, phrodeau - I don't believe that President Trump WANTS to close the border, just as he didn't particularly want a trade war with Mexico. But he's made it VERY CLEAR that he takes border security (and U.S. Immigration Law) very seriously! It's the Democratic Party that's condemning I.C.E. and setting-up so-called "Sanctuary Cities" in the hopes of nullifying our nation's legally-passed laws! For an elected official to IGNORE their oath of office and refuse to enforce our nation's laws is treasonous!

As for detainees receiving free health care, what of it? Every inmate in America's prison system gets free health care, right? Again, it's hysterical DEMOCRATS equating our border detention facilities with Nazi concentration camps, am I right? I mean, how STUPID can a person possibly be to think Auschwitz is in any ways comparable with a U.S. border facility near El Paso? How can ANY knowledgeable American listen to these loonies and agree with them?
I recently read an EXCELLENT column by Conrad Black on the National Review web-site and I'm going to reproduce it here without a link or proper attribution. I will also change a word or two every so often because I have no intellectual honesty and have no problem with being a plagiarist if it makes people think I'm actually smart enough to have written this.

There...fixed it for you, dump.

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Can't wait to see him take on the violent crime issue in his next term. In fact I am DYING to see the news footage of the Tough Guy Gangsta's when Trump sends the National Guard in to clean up Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, D.C., and Kommifornia.

Make America Greater!
JKendallDane writes: "There...fixed it for you, dump."

Thanks for your help, buddy!

dan_c00000 writes: "Looks like dump/bot/dawn started a bunch of new alts."

Nope - no new alts!

"So why isn't Black pissed that Trump want to make major cuts to the program?"

I can answer that, Dan - you see, liberal Democrats are ALWAYS coming-up with new ways to SPEND taxpayer money, but they have a problem with basic everyday economics, like not understanding that somebody's got to PAY for their socialist spending programs! Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher put it best when she said: "Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money!"

My I writes: "Can't wait to see him take on the violent crime issue in his next term. In fact I am DYING to see the news footage of the Tough Guy Gangsta's when Trump sends the National Guard in to clean up Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, D.C., and Kommifornia."

The Democratic Party's not going to like any of that one bit! High-crime, drug-&-poverty-infested urban neighborhoods have been that party's lasting legacy for minorities, and if Trump cleans up the mess they've created it can ONLY result in more black voters abandoning their Democratic Party roots and voting Republican! And we all know how much liberals HATE conservative Republicans!

"Make America Greater!"

Modern white liberal Democrats think that it's somehow RACIST to want that!
Trump will be re-elected in the largest landslide in American history in 2020. Why? Because the majority supports him. Because the majority of Americans are fucking stupid.
Trump will be re-elected in the largest landslide in American history in 2020. Why? Because the majority supports him. Because the majority of Americans are fucking stupid.

^ more evidence the left hates America. :D
Trump will be re-elected in the largest landslide in American history in 2020. Why? Because the majority supports him. Because the majority of Americans are fucking stupid.
Disagree .he could not manage to win the popular vote last time .
MrRandyWatson writes: "Trump will be re-elected in the largest landslide in American history in 2020. Why? Because the majority supports him."

Very possibly true! Trump has kept his promises to make America great again. Also, the Democratic Party has moved sharply left, so much so that they've lost the support of the vast majority of the American people.

MrRandyWatson continues: "Because the majority of Americans are fucking stupid."

BotanyBoy responds: "more evidence the left hates America."

BotanyBoy gets it! The modern politically-progressive left DESPISES this country! THIS is why the American people will defeat them in 2020!

domroger writes: "he could not manage to win the popular vote last time "

Richard Nixon won a squeaker in 1968, but four years later he won one of the biggest landslides in U.S. electoral history because of a sharp-left-turn by the 1972 Democratic Party (history repeats itself today!) Ronald Reagan easily won the White House in 1980, but four years later he won a MUCH BIGGER landslide as the Democrats were foolish enough to run a weak former V.P. as their candidate (history repeats itself today!) George W. Bush lost the popular vote in 2000, but was STILL elected president (history repeats itself today), and then four years later Bush won BOTH the electoral vote AND the popular vote, adding 11,577,160 votes to his popular vote total from four-years earlier! History always has a way of repeating itself!

When Barack Obama ran for re-election in 2012 he somehow finished with 3,580,921 FEWER popular votes than he'd won in 2008! And no, there was no prominent third-party candidate siphoning votes from him, either! A LOT of Obama voters simply abandoned his candidacy after voting for him four-years earlier!
Richard Nixon won a squeaker in 1968, but four years later he won one of the biggest landslides in U.S. electoral history because of a sharp-left-turn by the 1972 Democratic Party

That sharp left turning being the anti-war movement. As always racist dump is more than happy to send others to die.
RubenR - I find it amusing to see you implying that President Trump is gay. Do you now LIKE the president, or is this how you try to INSULT him?

Most modern liberal Democrats believe that the gay lifestyle is something to be celebrated & applauded, so I find it interesting to see you openly praising President Trump in this way (if that's what you're doing!) I mean, it's painfully clear to all of us that he's had an excellent first-term, which even YOU now seemingly accept. I mean, look at how well our economy is doing! Even Barack Obama is trying to claim some of the credit!

Of course, it's ALSO entirely possible that you still hate this president, and that you were only trying to ridicule him by implying that he's gay. Of course, calling somebody "gay" to insult that person does NOT exactly honor the homosexual lifestyle, does it? Perhaps it's too late for us to ever seriously want to be labelled as such without feeling insulted. You're only making an honest (if politically incorrect) observation, Ruben!

dan_c00000 adds: "That sharp left turning being the anti-war movement. As always racist dump is more than happy to send others to die."

The most destructive war in American history was the U.S. Civil War, with an estimated 620,000 men dying in that bloody conflict that ultimately ended slavery! I know that YOU didn't agree with that war, Dan, and would have rather slavery continued on for a few more decades before the issue could have been resolved peacefully - but I, for one, am happy that it ended when it did, with the Republican-Party-dominated U.S. House & Senate then passing the 13th Amendment to our U.S. Constitution (ending slavery FOREVER in this country!)

World War II is another war that ended a lot of American lives, but it also ended Nazi Germany. You have mentioned how unhappy you were about FDR sending others off to die in that brutal conflict, but I believe that Roosevelt did the RIGHT THING, Dan! Our U.S. military deserves our admiration & respect! I understand that modern liberals don't believe that, and even applaud those who kneel down during our national anthem. But I continue to believe that that kind of behavior is just wrong!
RubenR - I find it amusing to see you implying that President Trump is gay. Do you now LIKE the president, or is this how you try to INSULT him?

Come on, even you're not that dumb. You know that wasn't the point at all...right?
YDB95 writes: "Come on, even you're not that dumb. You know that wasn't the point at all...right?"

What's "dumb" about it, YDB95?

Is calling somebody "gay" an insult, or not?

I'm fairly certain that Ruben is NOT a fan of President Trump, but here he is posting a picture that implies that our president IS, in fact, a homosexual. I'm just wondering if this is meant to be a COMPLIMENT or maybe an INSULT?

In our current popular culture, nobody wants to be called "gay," and a lot of gay activists are trying to change that! That's one of the reasons why, I'm guessing, we now have a "PRIDE" month, complete with parades celebrating the homosexual lifestyle, with even Liz Warren marching down the street wearing a feather boa (and looking even MORE gay than the marchers!) - (U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren marching in Boston's gay pride parade!)

Do YOU think our president is gay? And if he WAS, would that make you suddenly support him? I fully understand the stupidity of that question, but I also believe that being gay makes a LOT of liberals suddenly like people more than they would otherwise!
That's not the point of that picture at all. But it figures you can't tell that.
YDB95 writes: "That's not the point of that picture at all. But it figures you can't tell that."

phrodeau writes: "Oh, I think he can tell; he just likes to jump around topics like an Infowarrior whackjob."

OK, guys - I think I get it now!

As liberal Democrats, you both have the UTMOST RESPECT for gay people and the homosexual lifestyle - but it's STILL fun to insult President Trump by insinuating that he might be gay because... well, because NO GUY wants to be called gay!

I still don't think it's very complimentary to gay people to call straight men "gay" in order to belittle them - but what can we do about it now? It's just a part of our modern culture, and no amount of protesting is ever going to change that.

Plus, the modern Democratic Party now reveres the gay rainbow flag even MORE than it does the U.S. flag! And some liberal legislators are even likening patriotic Fourth of July parades with the Nazi Nuremberg rallies on the late 1930's!
dan_c00000 writes: "Yes, we know dump. You hate Jews. Got it."

No, Dan - you're once against confusing me with Democratic Party congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

If you're looking for someone to discuss your hatred of Jews with, I'm afraid that you're going to have to keep looking. Perhaps you can attend one of those Antifa gatherings in your area? THEY hate Israel & the Jewish people!

Seriously, Dan - what did you think when President Trump moved our U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? Did you even know that happened? Were you OUTRAGED about it, or do you agree with me that Trump did the right thing? Or what about when President Trump recognized the Golan Heights as belonging to Israel? Did you agree with that?

I don't expect a serious reply from you, as I honestly don't believe that you even know what I'm talking about, getting most of your info from far-left web-sites that never mention the truth unless they can somehow twist it into an attack on America or our president.
dan_c00000 writes: "Yes, a bunch of Palestinians were murdered. Something I'm sure you were very much in favor of."

What are you even talking about, Dan? WHAT Palestinians were murdered?

When Palestinian terrorists attack Israel, and the Israeli military fires back, that's NOT murder - no, Dan, that's the nation of Israel defending itself! But I think I know what you're trying to say. You're arguing that innocent civilians became casualties, because the Palestinian terrorists were very likely using those innocent civilians as "human shields" from which to hide behind.

Am I happy when the Israeli military kills Palestinian terrorists from terror-groups like Hamas and/or Hezbollah? ABSOLUTELY! Iran backs those terrorists, using the funds they received from the Obama administration with that deeply-flawed nuclear deal that John Kerry signed with the America-hating mullahs of that brutal theocracy! I am VERY PLEASED that President Trump scrapped that deal!

Here's a serious QUESTION for you, Dan (if you're not afraid to get serious for once): Did you like it when President Trump moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? And, while we're on that same subject, were you happy with President Trump recognizing the Golan Heights as being part of Israel? I would answer both questions "YES," as they were both clearly the right thing to do! What say you?