Zumi Must Be In Panic Mode


Bronx residents excited for Trump's visit, frustrated with Dems who 'used us and abused us'​

Rachel Campos-Duffy talks to residents near AOC's district​

By Elizabeth Heckman Fox News
Published May 23, 2024 10:10am EDT

Bronx residents sound off ahead of Trump visit: 'Better than Joe Biden'

"Fox & Friends Weekend" co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy spoke with South Bronx residents ahead of former President Trump's visit to the area, as New Yorkers expressed frustration with the state of the nation under President Biden's leadership.

As Campos-Duffy toured the neighborhood, residents described Trump on "Fox & Friends" as being for the "little man" and that the former president has shown a lot of respect to the Bronx by visiting.

"Senior citizens cannot walk down the street. Our children are being killed. When you go to a grocery store, you can't even buy anything anymore," said Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., president of New York's Hispanic Clergy Association.

"I’m a Democrat. All my life I've been a Democrat, but Democrats have used us and abused us, they think that they own us. Donald Trump is giving us an opportunity."

More here on Democrat woes: https://www.foxnews.com/media/bronx-residents-excited-trump-visit-frustrated-dems-used-us-abused

What percentage of people in the Bronx will vote for Trump? Zumi, are you there?


Media Seethes as Black and Hispanic Voters Chant ‘Build the Wall, Send Them Back!’ at Bronx Trump Rally.

The corporate media has expressed alarm at the level of support for Donald Trump at a rally in the Democratic stronghold of the Bronx, New York City. They were particularly worried about the “more diverse crowd” that turned out to see him.

“[M]any Black and Hispanic voters [were] sporting bright red ‘Make America Great Again’ hats and other Trump-themed apparel ordinarily scarce in deep-blue New York City,” notes The New York Times.

The NYT expressed irritation that rally attendees “did not appear to object to [Trump’s] broad assertion, which has no evidence, that those coming across the border were mentally ill criminals mounting an invasion of the United States.”

The newspaper observed that the “approving reception for such anti-immigrant messaging was particularly striking in New York, a sanctuary city.” The crowd chanted, “Build the Wall” and “Send them back!”

More here: https://thenationalpulse.com/2024/0...the-wall-send-them-back-at-bronx-trump-rally/

Lots of distress going on in the nation's bowels where the American left struggles to maintain its grip on reality.:D
ohhh, my poor little caterpillar.

I will post as I please, where I please.

Most especially to a schmuck who uses my handle in a title in order to sell his weak, flavored-water bullshit fail.

Additionally, if you have a problem with that, well...

now go hang on a branch somewhere, cocoon your ass and become that beautiful sparkling butterfly you were born to be! ;)

Nobody used your handle. I used my abbreviated version only because it's alleged that you live in the national asshole we know as NYC. My use of it was motivated by a real concern for your mental health and well-being in view of the onrushing Maga wave that seems to have overwhelmed your Borough. Hopefully you can make to a safe space.:D
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Media Seethes as Black and Hispanic Voters Chant ‘Build the Wall, Send Them Back!’ at Bronx Trump Rally.

Lots of distress going on in the nation's bowels where the American left struggles to maintain its grip on reality.:D
There will always sadly be a cross section of all demographics that trump's false machismo will appeal to.
But who are really the ones struggling to maintain its grip on reality when you're chanting for a promise that is 8 years old that never happened, never will happen, and undermines the interests of many of your friends and family you still associate with in the country many still address as home? You have a 7 million voter count to overcome by November. Get yer fascists assess to goose-stepping suppressin'.
Most people disagree with your worldview which is primarily driven by
Here's the real world for the left:

CNN also seemed shocked at Trump’s appeal in the Bronx. It noted there was “certainly a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country!”
Here's the real world for the left:

CNN also seemed shocked at Trump’s appeal in the Bronx. It noted there was “certainly a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country!”
We have video proof that the crowd size is a lie.
While I can believe that black voters may be getting a little tired of dems pandering to them come every election and then forgotting about them on Jan 21st. I can't believe that many are actively going over to Trump as a result. Most likely the couch is winning them over this election.
While I can believe that black voters may be getting a little tired of dems pandering to them come every election and then forgotting about them on Jan 21st. I can't believe that many are actively going over to Trump as a result. Most likely the couch is winning them over this election.
It doesn't take many to cripple the Democrat Party's chances for victory.
It doesn't take many to cripple the Democrat Party's chances for victory.

You got me there. Last election was razor thin so if either case of blacks turning to Trump or just staying turns out to be true....that's bad news for Biden. Couple that with losing support from Hispanics and younger voters...well, we might have Trump for 4 more years...that is unless you idiots don't annoint him the emperor of the United States or something in clear violation of everything the American experiment stands for.

Correspondent Tells MSNBC Black And Latino Voters ‘Shut’ Her ‘Down’ When She Suggests Trump’s Racist​

Daily Caller News Foundation logo

May 24, 202411:42 AM ET

NBC News’ Dasha Burns told MSNBC on Friday that black and Hispanic voters reject her suggestive statements that former President Donald Trump is racist.

Trump held a rally on Thursday in the Bronx, which is a largely Democratic and Hispanic area, with thousands of Americans reportedly attending. Burns said on “Ana Cabrera Reports” that black and Hispanic voters typically are unmoved when she brings up examples of Trump’s alleged racism because they feel “life was better” under his administration than President Joe Biden’s. (RELATED: Bronx Voters Tell Fox News Host Trump’s Rally Will ‘Bring Light To The Hood’)

“I talk to these voters about the Central Park five,” Burns said. “I talk to them about some of the comments that he’s made, and the policies beyond rhetoric, right? They are just so focused on what their lives are like right now, what they can feel tangibly that when I push back with those comments, they shut that down.”

Radio host Charlamagne Tha God pointed to three “tangible things” that black Americans may appreciate from Trump’s administration in a recent interview with The New York Times. He said two of Trump’s policies to boost the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and one policy on criminal justice reform may be part of his appeal with black voters.


There are too many of these brainless women on TV reporting their emotions as "news."
You got me there. Last election was razor thin so if either case of blacks turning to Trump or just staying turns out to be true....that's bad news for Biden. Couple that with losing support from Hispanics and younger voters...well, we might have Trump for 4 more years...that is unless you idiots don't annoint him the emperor of the United States or something in clear violation of everything the American experiment stands for.
It is Joe Biden who is ruling as "emperor of the United States." Donald Trump signed a total of 220 executive orders from January 2017 to January 2021. As of April 2024, 71 of them (32%) have been revoked, many by his successor, Joe Biden. Meanwhile, so far as of May 14, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 138 executive orders, 176 presidential memoranda, 613 proclamations, and 125 notices.
More panic for the left:

Big Silicon Valley Investors Abandon Biden in Droves – And Many Are Embracing Trump​

By Paul Serran May. 24, 2024 5:20 pm

One does not need to be a visionary investor or a savvy venture capitalist to understand that Joe Biden is a disastrous President – in fact, many of these supposedly most well-informed business leaders kept voting for their own demise, supporting the Democrat party and its failed policies.

But this seems to be rapidly changing, as some relevant Silicon Valley venture capitalists turn against President Joe Biden, and – shocker – openly support former President Donald Trump.

That’s a tidal change for this industry.

Prominent Wall Street leaders such as David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Marc Andreessen, and Shaun Maguire have expressed their dissent against Biden policies.
Go here for news that CNN and MSNBC are afraid to report:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/big-silicon-valley-investors-abandon-biden-droves-many/
Nobody used your handle.
You used it right there in the title, Magoo.


I used my abbreviated version only
There is no "your" abbreviated version.
Hardly anyone has used my handle here in its full version in the decades I've been a member. You are not some special unique butterfly here creating original drops nobody's heard of before. :ROFLMAO:
Do you even know how online communities work when people have been in them for a significant amount of time?


because it's alleged that you live in the national asshole we know as NYC.
I don't "allegedly" live here, I do live here. I've never hidden that fact. :ROFLMAO:

All this you also know because this isn't your first thread concerning NYC using my handle. Don't let me embarrass you by pulling receipts again.

My use of it was motivated by a real concern for your mental health and well-being in view of the onrushing Maga wave that seems to have overwhelmed your Borough. Hopefully you can make to a safe space.:D
Your concern is cow cakes. You use of it was because you needed to sell your shitty threadfail on NYC. Same as all the other times you've made threads concerning NYC and needed to sell those, too.

I don't live in The Bronx. There is no MAGA domination or wave threatening any of the boroughs here. You (meaning also those like you) watch a few online yahoos who make a few videos for the outrage content clicks telling you what you want to hear and you think it's a wrap. That's why you'll always be easy marks for their grift.

The reddest communities you will find here live in Staten Island. And even they didn't give enough of a fuck to hike it up to The Bronx just to watch Cheeto flap his gums. You don't live here, so you wouldn't know how much time it takes to drive there in daily traffic, much less take mass transit. Ain't nobody actually living here who got better shit to do would waste that clock & fuel burn on him. That's why his regular rally fanbase all comes from out-of-state.

My safe space is firmly embedded in your cranium where I continue watching its self-generating prime comedy shows for free, along with the open bar and unlimited snacks.

So instead of the bullshit back and forth - the police said around 3,500 tickets were booked. Many on the scene said more showed up.

The crowd size was impressive for New York, but in the end,.rally sizes don't translate to votes (i.e. I haven't attended a Biden rally, yet voted for Biden in 2020- same with every other election candidate)

But anyway...continue with your excitement over stupid shit. Maybe go buy a new MAGA flag for your truck in celebration.
Just as I kept asking who showed up for the university encampments, I'd have to know who showed up for the Trump Bronx rally to decide whether numbers were telling me anything useful. The whole reason he had a rally there was because he had to stay near where he was on criminal trial. That really should tell any voter with a brain how they should vote.
Is the Bronx not part of NY? Does the Bronx give Electoral votes for 20% voting now? Is 80% not still a majority?
What does that have to do with the friggin' Bronx and how it votes? The overarching subject here is the Black and Latino vote, whites are only 13% of the population in the Bronx. That is what makes the Bronx and possible indicator of interest.
What does that have to do with the friggin' Bronx and how it votes? The overarching subject here is the Black and Latino vote, whites are only 13% of the population in the Bronx. That is what makes the Bronx and possible indicator of interest.
Most of the shit you've been spewing isn't about the Bronx....you're all over the map

I doubt even 1% of the 7000 attendees were from the Bronx.

Big Silicon Valley Investors Abandon Biden in Droves – And Many Are Embracing Trump​

You seem to think that's a surprise. It isn't. You're talking about some of the most selfish and chauvinistic folks you're going to find anywhere. Of course they like Trump.
What does that have to do with the friggin' Bronx and how it votes? The overarching subject here is the Black and Latino vote, whites are only 13% of the population in the Bronx. That is what makes the Bronx and possible indicator of interest.
Odds are most of the people who went to that rally didn't live in the Bronx. I was about to add, "God only knows why they chose to have it there of all places," but then I realized the answer: to fool people like you.
This rally is the epitome of what's wrong with both the media and people refusing to be anything but biased.

Depending on who you listen to, this rally was either a huge success or a big flop, and people are completely convinced on both depending on what side of the political fence their on
This rally is the epitome of what's wrong with both the media and people refusing to be anything but biased.

Depending on who you listen to, this rally was either a huge success or a big flop, and people are completely convinced on both depending on what side of the political fence their on
There's literal video and photo proof that the trumpers are lying about the crowd size. It's not a "both sides" thing, you fucking cowardly little bitch.
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This rally is the epitome of what's wrong with both the media and people refusing to be anything but biased.

Depending on who you listen to, this rally was either a huge success or a big flop, and people are completely convinced on both depending on what side of the political fence their on
It wasn't a flop. It also wasn't 25-30k people. It also includes.large numbers from outside the Bronx.