Preparing for the unthinkable... are you?

Uber Sparky

Literotica Guru
Jul 9, 2002
My family lives 10 miles into Virginnie - Falls Church - just accross the river - west actually.

The wind usually blows west to east here - doesn't really mean anything I guess. If you're around here - anywhere around the beltway - I guess you could be in pretty serious trouble.

I guess I'll go on over to Home Depote today and pick up some crap - anti-fog of war - crap. Man, I just love turning my basement into a micobe proof bunker.

Guns are loaded although that seems stupid. Hell though - if I actually come to realize, somehow - that I've taken a leathel wiff of some man-made death spray, I just might...

stagger into the street - my Marine Corps flag drapped over my shoulder - and blast my .40 - the full 10 round mag - into the air...

then colapse - dead.

Just for patriotic effect - just for the show - the drama.

I love the image.
Hiding out with a year's supply of Chef Boyardee is beyond this guy's imagination.

Spark, you think too much...
Easy for you to say Purp...

livin' up there in no-mans land as you do.

Down here every other home is occupied by some sort of tie-in to the Gov - military, NSA, CIA, Pentagon, Quantico, FBI - you name it. Hundreds of thousands of people - all 'the enemy.'

There's so many of them that, for office space - they ooze out here to the burbs. Not to mention the farm land.

In New York they would get a lot of bang for their shekles but down here in DC they screw the core of the system.
Uber Sparky said:
My family lives 10 miles into Virginnie - Falls Church - just accross the river - west actually.

The wind usually blows west to east here - doesn't really mean anything I guess. If you're around here - anywhere around the beltway - I guess you could be in pretty serious trouble.

I guess I'll go on over to Home Depote today and pick up some crap - anti-fog of war - crap. Man, I just love turning my basement into a micobe proof bunker.

Guns are loaded although that seems stupid. Hell though - if I actually come to realize, somehow - that I've taken a leathel wiff of some man-made death spray, I just might...

stagger into the street - my Marine Corps flag drapped over my shoulder - and blast my .40 - the full 10 round mag - into the air...

then colapse - dead.

Just for patriotic effect - just for the show - the drama.

I love the image.

I'm going out for duct tape and water.
Sad way to have to live isn't it? All in the name of oil.
I don't think I could live in that area anyway, Sparky. Just too crowded. ;) that I think about it, I am not real thrilled about living next to Oak Ridge, TN., either. Dirty, dirty bombs!

Uber Sparky said:
My family lives 10 miles into Virginnie - Falls Church - just accross the river - west actually.

The wind usually blows west to east here - doesn't really mean anything I guess. If you're around here - anywhere around the beltway - I guess you could be in pretty serious trouble.

I guess I'll go on over to Home Depote today and pick up some crap - anti-fog of war - crap. Man, I just love turning my basement into a micobe proof bunker.

Guns are loaded although that seems stupid. Hell though - if I actually come to realize, somehow - that I've taken a leathel wiff of some man-made death spray, I just might...

stagger into the street - my Marine Corps flag drapped over my shoulder - and blast my .40 - the full 10 round mag - into the air...

then colapse - dead.

Just for patriotic effect - just for the show - the drama.

I love the image.
Isn't this an extreme reaction to the approaching end of Friends?
I remember about twenty some years ago, (When you say shit like this it means you're old) there was a bunch of dingleberries running around in their camoflauge, doing their "Chicken-Little" routine, stocking up the bunker with canned goods and weapons, gettin' ready for WW3. A lot of fallout shelters are probably still in existence for the goofballs in the sticks of Montana that plan to survive a nuclear holocaust.

Fuck that.

You can have your urban jungles, your freeways of lemmings in shiny metal boxes. I'll be right here in Smalltown, USA, worrying if the snowplow plugs my driveway.

If the idiot cocksuckers that point destruction at other people (these people have various styles of dress and location) decide to lob something my way, or instigate such a thing, there isn't really a damn thing I can do about it, right?

I'll be sitting on the porch with my guitar and hound dog this summer, and there isn't much that can stop me either...
Northern Maryland. I don't have a basement. Got about 4 days worth of food in the apartment.

But my apocalypse insurance premiums from Lloyd's of London are all up to date.
Fuck! Now its almost lunch time.. So can I change my order to a big mac meal?
Sparky check the Who would you eat with a twist thread.... and relax
Not if...

You like um.

I just remember that Far Side...

The Devil leading the Maestro, violin in hand - to his personal Hell....

Inside an open door - in this cave down in Hell - you can see a orchestra of banjos.
Purple Haze said:
Is thar sumpthin' rawng with banjos?
I believe the six string banjo is on the list of torture instruments mentioned in the Geneva Convention.
Well it outta be...

A minstrel show for every prisoner!!!

That's fix'em.

Nothin' infuses US patriotism like a good minstrel show.
Well I happen to like banjos, but don't get me started on that.


I'm pretty sure it's the players that make it hell, look at 'em...