Peace rite (closed for ash13)

"Stop now I am Princess Kimberly here for peace this is highly inappropriate" I hiss as my tall frame is now naked in.front of the guards, "See I hide nothing I demand you let me go on my way to the peace talks."
Both the argshart guards look over at her as the two tentacles hold her wrists tightly.

"If your the princess then I'm the queen of shanix."

The first guard replies. Then the second guard steps forward as his tentacles are ready.

"There are still places you could hide things."

His tentacles fly forward toward the princess. The first two moving up and wrapping round her breasts as the tips flicked her nipples. Just then two of his other tentacles slid round her thighs moving up toward her pussy.

The first tentacle flicked up and down against her clit while the second tentacle pushed itself inside her pussy an begun pumping back and forth.

Steve had been waiting at the truck for a few minutes. Thinking the hell with this he walked over to the door the guards had led Leelia to and carefully tried it.

The door slid open and Steve eyes took in the scene. Leelia was completely naked on all fours. Steve could see two tentacles inside of her ass pumping into her. While two more where deep inside her pussy.

She had two more tentacles playing with her breasts. Her hands were pumping a tentacle in each paw. An lastily she had two tentacles thrusting inside of her mouth.

Steve slowly reached back as the guards had not seen him and reached for his blaster when leelia's eyes spotted him. She shook her head and moaned out.

She really seemed to be enjoying it. Her tail came up and flicked back and forth. That was the sign she was happy and wanted to be left alone.

Steve nodded his head and slowly closed the door thinking of checking on the princess. While Leelia gave the guards the fucking of their life.
I struggle to no avail. as the guards laugh "mmm nothing seems hidden in here but better be sure" as a tentacle pumps my tight pussy. "let me go i plead but its just greeted with a tentacle stuffed into my mouth.
The guards have the princess right where they want her. She is completely naked with a tentacle wrapped round each ankle to stop her closing her legs and a tentacle wrapped round each wrist.

The guard who had his tentacle deep inside her pussy laughed out loud as he continued to fuck her royal pussy. His tentacle thrusting deep inside of her.

While the other guard used the chance of her open mouth to ram his tentacle into her mouth stopping her screams and cries. He hated it when their prey cried. An was now deep inside her mouth forcing the princess to suck him.

The two tentacles wrapped round her large breasts were teasing her nipples to new heights of pleasure.

Steve slid in through the door and couldn't help but get aroused by the scene. He wished it was him fucking the princess as he reached for his blaster. Feeling his cock bulging in his pants he was tempted to stroke it but didn't.

Hidding behind a counter he moved closer to both of the guards. When he felt he was close enough he jumped out to shoot them both dead.
Botht the guards fall dead and I cover my breasts and pussy area with my hands as I bark" Steve hand me my clothes please or are you enjoying the view" i hiss" i am a princess you should not see me like this" I say as we move on to where we need to head. "Where is Leelia?" I ask as we walk.
Steve does enjoy the view for a few moments before handing the princess her clothes.

"Well there is nothing wrong with the view. Ohh and your welcome. Leelia is making sure the other guards won't be following us. Then she will catch up. Trust me she is fine."

Steve checks the guards for an access key all the while watching the princess dress. He is sure she would of seen the bulge in his pants from seeing her naked.

His hands produces a key.

"This should get us inside. Ohh and you may have to do that again to get the argsharti king on your side for this peace rite."

Steve smiles waiting for her to finish getting dressed before they head into the castle.
I roll my eyes at the comment and we head to the king. "hello King Arg I am Princess Kimberly of Endor, I am here to convince you to sign the peace rite and will ensure a peaceful existence to all planets and make the galaxy better."
The king stands up easily twice the size of the guards at 14 feet tall. The king has many more tentacles that are hidden under his large blue robe. He carries a staff in his hand that he can also use for fighting.

As soon as the king stands up Steve can tell he is angry.

"You the princess of Endor dare barge into my home and demand a peace rite between our planets. Do not forget who you are talking too. I am a king the leader of this planet you are only a princess. I control the largest fleet in the galaxy, what would I get to benefit from the this?"

The kings eyes had never left the princesses large breasts the whole time.

Steve could tell the king was mad and slowly reached for his blaster. He knew if he had to kill the king it would become war but he didn't see another choice here.

He stayed stood next to the princess ready to protect her.
"please king of Arghshart i mean no harm just peace Endor is the planet where all harvest energy crystals for their ships. if we work together for peace all could benefit please accept the offer" as I say this I stand straight up jutting my chest out slightly to get the king;s attention.
The king smirks. His men have been exploring other planets and have found a planet rich with energy crystals. He will not tell the princess that as he moves closer seeing the princess shove her breasts out.

"Argsharti does not need Endor any more. Your going to need to offer much more than just energy crystals sweet princess. I could have you locked away for barging into my castle in invited. You need to give me something more.

Steve could tell where this was heading and he didn't like it. His hand gripping the handle of his blaster.

There was lust in the kings eyes as his eyes trailed over the princesses body.
"The ones we ave are more powerful and are not as frail king. if you sign the peace treaty I will..I summon one of the kings messengers over. and whisper to his ear. the messenger then tells the king i will allow him to see my breasts and touch them for a few moments as a show of good faith.
When the king hears what the messanger has to say he laughs. Then he shouts out.

"Allow me to see your breasts. You don't realise the position your in. You broke into my home. By laws on my planet I can have you locked away forever. Maybe a few nights with you in my bed chamber will get me to change my mind. Intact."

The king laughs as he knows he rushes forward and knocks Steve to the side knocking him out as his tentacles tear through the princesses top and then her skirt. He pushes her onto the floor and a large thick cock comes of under his robe.

He thrusts it forward and into the princesses pussy as his tentacles slide over her body looking for her ass hole, mouth and breasts.
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OOC edit last thread to have king approach and strip me and take me right there in front of all then i will edit this post.
my eyes grow wide at the size as he pumps me commenting on my long 40" long legs. his court gasps in shock as he is fucking me right there. he is about to enter my ass when you awake and grab your blaster. and fire to the air. the act shows him we mean business and at first he is reluctant to pull out as he pumps my pussy a few more times then pulls out and says he will sign.
The king had had his fun with the princess. So he agreed to sign the document. He also knew he had pictures of this whole encounter he could use to black mail the princess to fuck her more.

Steve walked over aiming his blaster squarely at the chest of the king he didn't want to fire as it would start a galaxtic war.

He came over to the princess and grabbed her lifting her off the floor with his hand under her breasts.

"Are you ok?"

He asked her concerned still holding her under her breasts against his body to keep her upright.

Just then the door came open and Leelia entered bounding forward till she was at the groups side.

"Did I miss anything?"

She asked. Steve looked at her.

"No we are just leaving."

As they backed their way out the room and headed back to the truck.
I say no, but you see the flush look means yes and i am just not saying. I simply say you are a good bodyguard and we must move on as I try to remain professional as i out back on my original clothes, the long lavender dress with the slit and the heels.
Once back on the ship Steve turns to the princess.

"Now I'm taking you home to Endor. We nearly started a war with the argsharti. We will take you home and then you and your royal troops can sort out the rest of this peace rite."

Steve walked away heading for the cockpit.

Leelia stayed stood next to the the princess. As she spoke softly.

"You like him don't you? I know it's clear that he likes you. It will be a shame to lose the only other girl on the ship. But you know you can change his mind. The captain just needs a good enough incentive to make it worth while. Take me for example when he landed on my planet I wanted to escape and at first he didn't want me on board but by the end I had him screaming yes for me to stay."

Leelia gives a big saucy smile and a wink to the princess before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

As she turns to walk away her tail swings back and forth showing off her ass.
"please Steve we have more planets to sign the peace right we must me it will be worth your while as the next planet is...
Steve is already nearly out of view.

"I don't care. I'm taking you home. Nothing is worth this hassle."

He heads into the cockpit and out of site.

Leelia turns round looking at the galaxy map.

"The next nearest planet is xerox. Home to the uggl. The most relaxed aliens in the galaxy. They are so slow and boring. I'd be surprised you would even need a royal escort on that planet. Well it was nice meeting you."

Leelia says as she feels the thrusters kick in to send the ship back towards Endor.
"Please steve I need a good security escort if any other issues arise during this peace mission. Look you are cute please give me another chance i am sorry i acted spoiled and demanded things of you." I kiss you softly and quickly on the lips hoping you change your mind.
Steve is sat in the pilots chair when he feels her kiss him.

He tries to work out what he is most surprised about the kiss or the princess saying she is sorry for the way she acted.

Steve knows what the next planet is to the ship. He knew he would not encounter any problems. An maybe the princess was growing on him a little.

His eyes glanced down and saw her large breasts in her dress. Well she certainly knew how to make him grow in other areas. He shifted in his seat to hide his bulge in his pants.

"Right xerox is close by. I'll be your escort for that planet. But then we must return you to Endor."

Steve turned the ship around and headed for xerox.

The planet was home to the uggl. They were 10 feet tall and bent over forward as their massive arms and upper bodies can barely be contained on their small stump like legs. They also have only just recently been learning earth's tongue and speak slowly. With grey skin and black eyes they look creepy but are harmless.
We arrive on the planet and are greeted by some of them. I introduce myself and say i am here for a peace mission and this is Steve(last name) the royal guard as I ask where is the leader at
Steve decides not to take back up leaving everyone else on the ship when they dock. They are greeted by three greeters of aliens to the planet.

Once the princess asks to see the leader the greeted mutter.

"Follow us humans."

An with that both of them followed the greeters. To the central chamber where the council was kept. Five elders of the uggl stood there under the lights. As they entered the room.

The largest elder spoke up.

"What do you wish of us humans?"
I am Princess Kimberly of Endor on a peace rite mission getting other planets to sign a peace treaty and work together with each other."
The elders looked at each other as they heard the words.

"Do we believe this human?"

Another elder spoke out.

"A peace between the planets would be beneficial to us all."

Steve relaxed by her side. They were going to talk this one out.

"I do believe she speaks the truth."

"I agree."

The largest elder looked back at the human.

"You have our support for your peace rite."