Peace rite (closed for ash13)


The Sexual Writer
Mar 10, 2009
The distress call had been sent out loud and clear. A nearby space cruiser was in trouble an when a cruise was in trouble most ships would not head in to investigate.

The Luxor however was no just any ship. It was captained by Steve deckley and he was one of the best pilots in the business. At only 29 with short brown hair and blie eyes, he stood at 6 feet tall an was a former arrava fighter. He had a crew of only five members but that was all he needed.

Now the Luxor was already on approach to the damaged cruiser. From the blast patterns on the ship could only be due to gun fire or a fire storm which rains down flaming rocks onto ships.

The Luxor however was only one quarter the size of the cruiser but was much faster and easy to fly.

Moving closer to the ship Steve spotted the royal seal of ashengard on the side right as an escape pod was launched.

Steve turned the Luxor and took off after the escape pod.

His ship picked it up less than a mile away as he left the ship on autopilot and headed down to cargo bay to see who was inside it.
OOC Princess Kimberly Cumstorm of Endor, a friendly peace filled planet 5'10 120 short red hair 32C chest 40"long legs

I snet the distress signal and hoped the ship that picked up my pod what friendly. Wearing an ankle length lavender dress with thigh high slit and semi low cut. 2" white heels and sheer white thigh high nylons as I always dressed to impress. Then i hear a voice coming in hello? who is there?"
Steve walks over to the pod wearing his trade mark brown jacket and black tight space pants with a white t shirt under it.

His black boots clack on the metal flooring as he walks up to the pod. The occer pod from the planet Endor. He had seen a few of these pods in his time.

Leaning forward he tapped the buttons at the side in the correct order to open the pod up.

That was when his eyes landed on her long legs as the pod door opened from the ground up. Each second would give him more of this beautiful woman's body to look at.

She was beautiful from her head to her toe that was when Steve spotted the royal symbol on her outfit.

"Welcome to the Luxor. Your lucky we were passing by. I'm Steve deckerly captain of this ship. And you are?"

Steve held his hand out for her to take. The other crew member was an argshart. A alien race that was 8 feet tall semi humanoid bit with green scales for skin and three large tentacles from the back of their heads.

The tentacles would normally find a way to harass females of any race as the tentacles respond to the argshart thoughts which most of the time were dirty.
"Thank you for rescuing me sir you will be richly rewarded if we make it back to my planet" you then tell me you need my help on a peace mission you are on.
Steve likes the idea of being richly rewarded. He quickly slips his arm round the princess and leads her to his chambers she may use as her living space.

Making sure that one of the tentacles just kisses slipping under her skirt.

"We first have an important delivery to make then we will take you back to your home planet."

Steve's chambers are alot more messy than any room she has stayed in before with clothes on the floor including his underwear.

"Now make yourself at home."
I need to head to a few planets for a "peace"mission. My father the king as I need to do show as a sign we are a peaceful planet. what is the next one closet to our location?"
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Steve almost laughed as he thought this princess figured he would drop his own job to help her with hers.

"I'm sorry princess but I need to deliver this package then we will return you to your home planet of Endor."

Steve would need convincing to help her with her peace mission.
"you fool if I dont sign this peace banner amongst the planets you wont have deliveries to make as war would break out now please help me." ( you suggest the nearest planet to begin with but warn me of..)
Steve laughs at the idea. None of his deliveries were ever to safe planets that's why people hire his ship to get to where other routine ships can't or won't.

"The nearest planet is argsharti. The home planet of the argshart. if you like we could drop you off there princess."

She had a fire to her that pushed steve's buttons it also turned him on. He knew if he left her on that planet the argshart would have their way with her.

The outcome would look like tentacle hentai from the 21st century times. He would of just do it because she was a princess. It would take alot of money or a whole lot of convincing from the princess.
"I may need an escort of security may i "hire you"? what is your name again?" I ask kind of snobbishly yet also in a friendly tone as well. I will add the rate to the reward my father will owe you and gladly pay for my rescue."
Steve looks back over at her as they stand in the doorway to his messy chambers.

"So let me get this straight you want to hire me and my crew to escort you safely on the planet argsharti? After I just saw your heavy cruiser destroyed cause clearly some one doesn't want you doing this peace rite. An your offering me money?"

Stephen laughed. She would alot of money to get him to take her to the argsharti home world. His eyes trailed down to her breasts inside of her dress.

Maybe it would be ok to keep her round a while longer after all.
:Look Steve is it? my father believes this peace mission is very important and so do i I guess for the most part will you do it or not?. I could really use your help and you would also be helping with peace through the galaxy as well.
"Look I'll help you on argsharti but after that we are taking you home."

Steve didn't know it right then but he would not be taking her home. They would end up on a long adventure together.

Stephen pressed the com button on the wall.

"Leelia set a course for argsharti. We need to make a quickly stop off."

Stephen turned back to the princess.

"Now your welcome to use my chambers and shower should you need to. My clothes won fit you but I could ask Leelia for some of hers. She's about your size but with a smaller bust. So you will be popping out her top."
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Needing a change for now I go to the boots skirt which with my legs being 40"long it comes to mid thigh and top. I am popping out a bit but i ignore it and just think it will "help"with any peace negotiations as we head to the first planet of argsharti. Not really princess attire but i put on a sash with the royal logo and think this will do for now.
Steve headed to the cockpit so he could watch over the landing. He would only be taking two of crew members as well as the princess.

They would be Leelia who had dropped of the clothes for the princess and deacon.

Steve had not yet seen the outfit the princess was now wearing as he docked the ship in the city of ashi. The largest city on argsharti.
I come out wearing the top that is a bit small for me with the boots and short skirt with the sash with my royal seal as we head out to see who greets us on the dock. I wait back a minute and make sure you go first to "announce" my arrival since i am a princess and expect it to always happen.
Steve walks down the ramp of the Luxor first followed by Leelia and deacon. With the princess at the back.

There are 6 argshart all stood there armed with boasters waiting for him.

"Greco good to see you. How long has it been a year? You look good."

Steve walks forward and slaps Greco on the back. Greco tentacle slips round and goes to remove steve's blaster but steve's hand grabs it stopping it dead.

Leelia was carefully watching the others tentacles to make sure none of them tried to feel her up.deacon however never had at problems with the tentacles. He was a tanki which gave him black skin and he was over 7 feet tall and huge in size.

The two argshart near the back moved closer spotting new prey as one of their tentacles slid down the princesses top to her breasts the other moved up her skirt to her panties.

"What can I help you with?"

Greco asked. He was sure Steve would get him in trouble again.
"ahhh stop you pervert i am Princess Kim..Kimberly from Endor!" you hear me exclaim as they withdraw their tentacle from my skirt but the one down my top is a bit hesitant to do so ignoring my"royal"command.
Steve quickly turns hearing the princesses cry out. His first instinct os to reach for his blaster and blow the tentacle off near the base. However this would cause a fight that they didn't need.

Stepping through the group Steve grabbed the tentacle and pulled it out of her top. The same move released the princesses breast for anyone to see as the tentacle had wrapped around it.

Steve squeezed the tentacle forcing a cry from its owner before it withdrawn. Looking down Steve had a perfect view of her beautiful free breast and nipple as he smiled at the princess before whispering.

"You may want to put that away for now."

Steve turned away from her and headed over to Greco.

"Now I need you to get us to the castle. Don't worry we can take care of the rest. But no one touches my team understood?"

Steve's words were business but his mind couldn't help thinking of her large hot breast.
The argshart mumble to themselves as,blushing heavily, I tuck my breast back into the tight top. I go on to tell the leader why we are here and hope peace can be established between Argshart and Endor.
Greco mumbles something to one of his team and they leave.

Returning a few minutes later with a space truck. As Greco says.

"This will get you to the gates of the castle then your on your own. An we want a member of your group to stay with us till you bring the truck back. The princess will do nicely."

Steve shook his head saying.

"She doesn't leave my sight. An she is needed for the peace talks."

Greco grins saying.

"The cat girl then."

Steve shakes his head again.

" Leelia stays with me. You can take deacon. It shouldn't take us more than a day."

Steve grabs hold of the princesses hand and leads her into the space truck with Leelia behind them.

Deacon stays behind as the space truck heads for the castle.

"So how will you convince the argshart king to become peaceful?"

Wondering if the princess would use her own body to get peace. Steve ask.
"Not sure yet I am sure they are sensible and will be willing for peace when they see I am serious about these efforts" You can tell I was a bit shaken about having my breast exposed but I put on a tough face to tell you otherwise. We reach the gates and four armed guards stop us. Saying they need to "search" the vehicle for any weapons.
Leelia quickly retracts her claws so she only has paws. As the guards move round the truck Steve knows if they find his blaster they won't be able to get in.

Looking round trying to think where he can hide it.
Pulling his blaster from his belt he looks round for a place to put it.

He quickly tucks it into the back of his pants and puts his jacket over it.

Just then the guards finish searching outside of the truck and the back door to the truck opens as Steve slips back into his seat an Leelia look over at him. Hopeing the guards didn't spot it.
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The guards order us out and say they need to search our persons. they are looking over Leelia and myself with wide eyes. "I a, Princess Kimberly from Endor we are on a peace mission we have no weapons."
As soon as the guards eyes see Leelia and the princess they completely forget about Steve.

A guard moves either side of Leelia and leads her into a room next to the gate. They shut the door.

Steve turns back round to the princess just in time to see her lead into another room by the other two guards.


The guards order in both of the rooms to the princess and Leelia.

Straight away one tentacle comes over and undoes the zipper on the princesses short skirt. As two more tentacles move over grabbing the skirt either side and pulling it down to her ankles before removing it.

Four tentacles burst forward making short work of the buttons on her top and pulling it from her body exposing her breasts.

Then just as quickly two tentacles fly out wrapping her arms up making the princess unable to fight.

The two tentacles that removed her skirt have now finished removing her boots. Slip up her sides and wrap under the sides of her panties. Then they tug them down and off.

Steve meanwhile is stuck waiting at the truck.