Passive Aggressive Inquiries and Why They Suck

Rambling Rose

My Aim Is True
Jul 11, 2001
So many people on this board (and incidentally, I find it to be mostly women who are guilty of this) have the habit of starting a thread asking opinions on one form of behaviour or another - all with the eyelash batting innocence of mere information gathering - when, in fact, what they really want to do is shame someone for their actions without naming names or handling it directly, either behind the scenes or right out in the open.

It is always transparent. All the "I wasn't talking about anyone specific" or "I'd really rather not embarrass this person" is a huge load of horseshit.

These posters don't really want to know what we think. What they want is for others to back them up so that they can sit smugly back in their comfy little computer chair, and know that whoever they intended to feel shamed or embarrassed or upset is now doing just that. And for all intents and purposes their hands look clean.

Well, I can smell the dirt under your nails from here and it stinks.
I have been sitting back passively, batting my eyelashes and smiling shyly when you appear....Suddenly it is more obvious I should have been aggressively stalking that ass of yours....:p
in all honesty i don't think people do it on purpose

i think they just have a bee in their bonnet and want to get it off their chest but then hope to not cause a big stir by not saying any names

but the thing that i've learned since being here is its a very bad way to start a thread ... you're better off just saying who you are talking about as it will cause less trouble in long run

i actually wish people would call each other on more stuff on here i know i've done some things on here people should of maybe called me on :)
Well, Rose, I tend to agree but there is another side tot eh coin.

The other day I began a thread askinga question about soemthing that perplexed and bothered me. I was accused of having some agenda for which I couldnt defend because I didnt know what the assumed agenda was.

It basically got messy from there.
Who says my computer chair is comfortable?!? It is a hard, straight back. That is to keep my time here under control. Every little thing helps. I also type in the dark...just me and the glare of the monitor screen.
Rambling Rose said:
Well, I can smell the dirt under your nails from here and it stinks.

I cleaned, filed and cut them. They are fine.

Also, I'm either passive or aggressive.
sexy-girl said:
i actually wish people would call each other on more stuff on here i know i've done some things on here people should of maybe called me on :)

Yeah you, stop fucking lisa already
Girl, I can't believe you started an entire new thread here to say that. You really do like seeing your name in lights, don't you?
Minkey honey, that could be taken by me in so many ways.

You have a surprise around here somewhere but it doesn't look like you need it now. I'll go look in the back and see if I can dig it up.
Mia62 said:
Girl, I can't believe you started an entire new thread here to say that. You really do like seeing your name in lights, don't you?

I wondered when you'd respond to that. Nice bit of recycling.
Credit where credit is due. Ironically, you are one of the premeire people I had in mind when writing up this thread.
I say spill the beans or shut the fuck up. Yep, thats what I say.
I can't believe it's dishwashing liquid!

You're soaking in it now!

Mia62 said:
Hey, my sig line?

Well now, that would require me turning them on.

Be right back....

Heh! Yes, I love that sig line. I think I'll keep sigs on and follow you around just read those wonderful words. ;)
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Mia62 said:
Hey, my sig line?

Hey, MY sig line?



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: how jedi are you? :

"Slow but sure moves the might of his bowels."---- Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), The Bacchae, circa 407 B.C.

"He of whom many are afraid ought to fear my breakfast value meal."----Sir Francis Bacon

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I peed on Bondagebunni four times now. She's special. that's why she wears the helmet


"I hope you get raped. And while the male med student is clumsily sewing up the huge split in your lip and your arm is aching from holding the large ice pack to the side of her ugly abused face, the doctor returns to tell you that your blood results are back. You have H.I.V. Then, just before the lady policewoman starts to swab the inside of your used up, messy, bleeding cunt, the doctor leans back into the room and says Oh, forgot to mention, your pregnant too."----P.B.Walker

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" looks a might bit big"----willowshadows to STD

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