Partner's - The Affair (closed)

"I thought I wouldn't see anything like this once I was back in the world", the surgeon laments, "but I hope whoever designed this IED didn't coat the wire with the same stuff the Iraqis did. Somehow those bastards were able to synthesize Brown Recluse spider venom and inject it into a virus which reproduced the venom while inside the victim of the bomb and razor wire was a favorite was to get the virus into someone. One inside and the virus took hold your tissues would rot from the inside out.. Horrible way to die it would take months and there was nothing we could do to stop it.. "

As the surgeon closed he called the orderlies requesting they were both wheeled into the same room, unusual but that way he could check on them easier and which for little black spots surrounding the wound site.

Snapping off his gloves, "Make them comfortable they should awake within the hour call me when they do"
Once in a room Sarge made sure he was present ready for the call he knew he would get from her dad.

Yeah... She's okay... Yeah sleeping for now... I will keep you posted. I know she wants to come down here but you and I know the last thing Jessie needs is her mother having a temper tantrum.
“I know and I’ll do everything I can do to stop her form barging down there but I’m only human”

“I know Mitch do whatever, you can to keep your wife away from here at least for a couple days. The last thing Jessie needs right now is added stress.”

From the other side of a curtain separating the two beds comes a groin.

“Where am I?”, came a voice from beyond the certain.

“Mitch if anything changes I’ll let you know, gotta go I think Neil is coming around.”

“OK Sarge, I’ll do what I can on this end to keep Jessie Mom cool, calm and collected. Talk to you later.”, the voice on the telephone was dripping with sarcasm.

Stepping around the curtain, “You’re in the hospital Neil but the docs say you are going to be all right. You and Daniels gave us quite a scare.”

“Jessie is she OK Sarge? I don’t know what the hell happened I can’t remember a thing after going down toward the cave.”

“She’s here right behind this curtain and she’s doing fine Neil, I guess she just needs a little more beauty sleep than you.”

“Pull back the curtain Sarge I want to see her.”

Turning his head slowly encumbered by the tubes and wires attached to his body, Neil offers up a slim smile to his compatriot laying less than a foot away.
Very funny Sarge really didn't want to talk to Mom or Dad. Thanks for fielding that call for me.

She opened her eyes slowly.

Correct me if I am wrong but we have a cave to investigate right? So get me out of here so we can get to work... Now!
"You're welcome Daniels, or should I say sleeping beauty, it's almost ten PM and if I stay a minute longer some frumpy old will be here shouting visiting hours are over. So I'll check in on you two in the morning. You two behave yourselves."

waving a hand toward them as he slipped out of the room quietly closing the door behind but not before saying, "The only work you two need to be doing is getting plenty of rest so you can heal up, before your sick leave runs out.."
What the hell happened... I remember hearing someone yelling for med EVAC and noise.

She looked to Neil. It was going to be interesting being in the same room especially when Julie came to check on him.
Neil turning slowly looking toward Jessie hoping the sheets wouldn't brush against his wound, "To be honest I don't remember a thing but Sarge told me as we went toward the cave someone set off a IED and sealed it tight and sent shards of razor wire everywhere and you and I were caught in a hailstorm of the shit and that's why we're here, at lest for a day maybe two"

He took a moment to let Jessie soak in what he just told her, before the shock of might have happened to her hit him like a ton of bricks, "I guess we're lucky, I can't even stand the thought of you being dead", choking on the word, "I don't think you understand how much I love you Jess"

She blinked shaking her head then his words. She lifted her head to look at him.


She tried to smile...

Love... You...
"Awwww", is all he could say as he grabbed the rail of her bed and pulled both beds together luckily the orderlies forgot to lock the wheels in place. After that enough he took a short break before easing toward he till their lips touched.

"Mmmm your lips feel so good, so warm and soft I've wanted to kiss you all day long, but we never get enough alone time", stroking her soft thick dark curly hair.
She tried to curl closer. She was still a little looped. They always kept her a little sedate in a hospital xue to how much she hated hospitals.

"Yes Jess..", he said using every once of willpower to make sure he didn't slur his words.

"I wanted to get you in bed but this isn't exactly what I had in mind"
Why do I feel so tired... Wait... Don't you think the hospital will call her? We have to get back there... Find Vance...

She laid there against him but her we medicated mind was all over the place.
Her body felt soft and warm and comforting after what hey had been through just a few hours ago. He felt his heart rate slow to match the rhythm of her breathing. Even though if he had been just a few inches closer to the IED he would have been knocking on heaven's door, with Jessie laying close he was more at peace than he had been in a long long time. It felt so natural so right to have her close to him.

"I hope the Vance kid is OK too, that whole scene was something out of the Bates Motel. We'll get word soon enough on the status of any survivors or...", his voice fell to a whisper, "decedents."

He felt a draft and stopped speaking for a moment as he suddenly Neil realized he was dressed in only one of those embarrassing hospital gowns.

Jessie why don't you rest relax and rest the doctor told me we weren't going anywhere for at least 24 maybe 48 hours. I suppose Julie may come", pausing for a minute, "If she can fit it into her schedule.. I am not really very high on her priority list."
A nurse walked in and nodded.

Thank you we were awaiting her to wake still disoriented not only do we have to keep her highly sedated in the hospital... Poor dear hates hospitals... She also flatlined on the table. Nasty nasty stuff appatently that razor fiber stuff. How could anyone use stuff like that on anyone.
At the nurses purnouncement Neil's face turned as white as the hospital gown he was wearing, "Flatlined??", barely believing what he heard, "I thought the docs said she was going to be OK, oh FUCK!, she is going to to be alright isn't she", Neil make no effort to hide the worry in his voice..

"Nurse just before she passed out she was asking about a boy named Vance, do you know if anyone by that name checked in at the same time as myself and detective Daniels? It would do her a world of good if she knew he was OK"
Detective Daniels will be fine.

The old woman nodded.

And yes the young man will be fine in time. He will probably be here a week or so though.
"Thank God, and Ma'am do you know which room Vance is in? Seeing that's he's safe and sound would probably be the best medicine for her right now..", his voice almost want the sentence. There had been so many ups and downs today it was the wildess roller coaster ride Neil had ever been on. Answering the nurse while trying to stretch his hospital gown to cover as much as possible, but he had little to work with, much too little.
I will have them bring her that information in the morning. Let's let her rest for now.

The nurse turned to go.