This is often heralded as the Pro-Lifer's most sensational ploy against a woman's right to abortion.
I will admit it's a horrible procedure. As someone who takes care of premies the idea of destroying a healthy fetus beyond 22 weeks seems irresponsible but having worked in this field I also realize their are times when it is appropriate, when the mother is threatened or the fetus unviable. Thankfully, rarely although pro-lifers would have us think it happens all the time and use their graphic pictures to strike at the hearts of those who do not understand.
The only current statistics I can find say that the procedure is actually taking place in less than 0.05% of all abortions in the US. That's approximately 650/year. Only about 14 institutions perform the procedure.
If anyone else has some statistics to share I'd be interested in hearing.
I will admit it's a horrible procedure. As someone who takes care of premies the idea of destroying a healthy fetus beyond 22 weeks seems irresponsible but having worked in this field I also realize their are times when it is appropriate, when the mother is threatened or the fetus unviable. Thankfully, rarely although pro-lifers would have us think it happens all the time and use their graphic pictures to strike at the hearts of those who do not understand.
The only current statistics I can find say that the procedure is actually taking place in less than 0.05% of all abortions in the US. That's approximately 650/year. Only about 14 institutions perform the procedure.
If anyone else has some statistics to share I'd be interested in hearing.