Cruelty Is The Point: Arizona Abortion Edition


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
An Arizona State Senator tried to get pregnant for two years. Earlier this year, she finally conceived.
At eight weeks gestation, she received devastating news: her fetus was no longer viable. It was dead within her womb.
Under Arizona law, she could currently seek an abortion.
She had to undergo the following in order to do so:
  • A 24 hour state mandated wait.
  • A mandatory ultrasound where she was forced to view her dead fetus.
  • Two state-mandated "counseling sessions" on the availability of adoption service and foster parenting
  • She began miscarrying the night before her scheduled abortion. Arizona doctors are prohibited by law from administering care to speed up the procedure, she was in agony for 20 hours.

My point is that there is no "one size fits all" remedy for abortion.

This is the type of cruelty that people like HisArpy says is "no big deal".

I hope any and all pro-birthers never have to endure this sort of cruelty, whether to themselves (if female),their wives, mistresses or daughters. But should a pro-birther have to experience this sort of cruelty, I hope they learn something from the pain they would callously inflict on others.
Wait until a Jewish daughter has a life threatening pregnancy then we shall see who prevails !! Which religion will triumph ?
The religion supporters of the dead child or the living daughter’s father and while Jewish world?
Wait until a Jewish daughter has a life threatening pregnancy then we shall see who prevails !! Which religion will triumph ?
The religion supporters of the dead child or the living daughter’s father and while Jewish world?
Not sure what your point is here, but most Jews I know are pro-choice.
Not sure what your point is here, but most Jews I know are pro-choice.
Ahhh.. so when the court forces a father to have his daughter’s life at risk for a being that is NOT life by Jewish law? Then what??
Not sure what your point is here, but most Jews I know are pro-choice.
The point is that if that suffering Jewish woman lives in a Christian White Nationalist Fundamentalist state like Florida or Indiana, she will not be able to make her own choice. If she goes to court claiming her religious freedom is being impinged by Christian Fundamentalist law, who will prevail?